45 research outputs found

    Telepresence as Educational Practice in the Third Teaching-Room:A Study in Higher Music Education

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    Workshops as a Research Methodology

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    Teaching with the case method: opportunities and problems since the COVID-19 pivot to online

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    Luis Demetrio Gómez García es licenciado en Contabilidad y Finanzas, posee un máster en Dirección y Administración de Empresas, y es doctor en Economía, todos por la Universidad de La Habana. Es profesor titular en UNAPEC y enseña las materias de Metodología de la Investigación, Gerencia Estratégica, Gestión del Cambio y Estrategias de Negociación en el Decanato de Posgrado. Sus intereses de investigación se orientan hacia las disciplinas gerenciales que imparte y hacia el emprendimiento y la enseñanza del Management

    Publications, University of Missouri Extension, 2006-11

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    A Descriptive Framework for Electronic Meeting Systems Based on the UML Language

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    A descriptive framework has the purpose to identify the major components of a system and their relationships. This paper proposes a descriptive framework for electronic meeting systems. Our intention is to clarify and organize the conceptually and functionally distinctive components that we find in this technology. The proposed framework simplifies the evaluation of EMS functionality by organizations. The adoption of the UML language increases the potential of communicating EMS requirements to IS developers. The paper presents the evaluation grids of a collection of 10 EMS highlighting what framework components are supported and what components have been ignore

    Understanding the Effectiveness of Cross-Cultural Video-Mediated Communication

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    People are increasingly using advanced communication technologies such as videoconferencing to collaborate across geographical boundaries and time zones. This presents problems because cultural values, attitudes, and behaviours influence how a given group of people perceives, understands, communicates and interprets information and knowledge. This study explores how various factors including technology and cultural differences of participants affect their perceptions of the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication in videoconferences. The study identifies factors that most influence the effectiveness of cross-cultural video-mediated communication. It will help practitioners to: 1) make efficient use of resources while designing and facilitating videoconferences; and 2) incorporate cultural factors in assessing the effectiveness of cross-cultural distance learning events. The study is situated in the Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) which spans the world with more than 120 distance learning centres and facilitates communication for development through videoconferencing technology. A multiple-case cross-cultural study has been carried out in GDLN affiliates located in four countries: Australia, Mongolia, New Zealand and Russia. Evidence for this case study comes from observations during videoconferences, semi-structured interviews with participants, documents and video recordings. This exploratory study contributes to the body of knowledge in three research domains: development communication through the videoconferencing channel; cross-cultural factors in video-mediated communication; and perceived effectiveness of videoconferencing

    Publications, University of Missouri Extension, 2015-12

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    Live videotransmitteret undervisning

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    undertitel: - Erfaringer og metodiske principper fra Bioanalytikeruddannelsen, VIA University CollegeAbstraktPå Bioanalytikeruddannelsen i Aarhus, VIAs sundhedsfaglige højskole, har man i en længere periode haft et kombi-hold, hvor man kombinerer traditionel og live transmitteret undervisning (via et innovativt valg af videokonferencesystem). På de såkaldte netdage er der mulighed for enten at møde op til undervisningen, som man plejer, eller at deltage i undervisningen hjemmefra.Artiklen præsenterer et deltagende aktionsforskningsprojekt mellem projektteamet på udannelsen og forskere fra Aalborg Universitet. Målet var at: afdække potentialer og barrierer ud fra et it-støttet læringsperspektiv; udvikle robuste didaktiske undervisningsscenarier; samt kvalificere underviserne og hermed forankringen af projektet. Forskningsdata blev indsamlet gennem videooptagelser, ”dagens spørgsmål” til de studerende, fokusgruppeinterview med lærerne, og Pædagogisk Dag-workshop. Analysen sætter fokus på erfaringerne under anvendelse af professionshøjskolernes Rektorkollegiums Studieaktivitetsmodel. Slutteligt samles der i artiklen op på de teknologsike, sociale og didaktiske-pædagogiske relationer set i lyset af projektets mål og resultater.Abstract in EnglishAt the education for Biomedical Laboratory Scientist at Aarhus, VIA's healthcare college, they have a combi-class, combining traditional and live broadcast teaching (via an innovative choice of video conferencing system). In the so-called net-days, there is the option to either attend the classes as usual, or to attend classes from home.This paper presents a participatory action research project between the project team at VIA and researchers from Aalborg University. The objectives were to: identify potentials and barriers from an IT-supported learning perspective; develop robust didactic teaching scenarios; qualify teachers, and secure the anchoring of the project. Research data were collected through video recordings, "questions of the day" to the students, focus group interviews with teachers and Educational Day workshop. The analysis focuses on the experiences applying the university college’s presidium Student Activity Model. Finally, the paper sums-up on the technological, social and didactic-pedagogic relationships in light of the project's objectives and results