54,058 research outputs found

    Special Session on Industry 4.0

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    An Exploration of Experiences of Transdisciplinary Research in Aging and Technology

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    Transdisciplinary research (TDR) involves academics/scientists collaborating with stakeholders from diverse disciplinary and sectoral backgrounds. While TDR has been recognized as beneficial in generating innovative solutions to complex social problems, knowledge is limited about researchers' perceptions and experiences of TDR in the aging and technology field. We conducted a qualitative study to address this knowledge gap by exploring how members of a pan-Canadian research network on aging and technology perceived and experienced TDR. Thirty members participated in semi-structured interviews. Interview data were analyzed thematically. Participants identified benefits that can be gained from implementing TDR, including mutual learning, improved capacity to understand and solve problems, and community engagement and empowerment. Participants also identified challenges to implementing TDR: communication issues and conflicting priorities among team members; tensions between traditional and TDR approaches; and difficulties identifying partners and developing partnerships. In addition, contradictions between TDR principles and participants' understanding of them became apparent. Nevertheless, some participants described successful strategies for implementing transdisciplinary principles in their projects: stakeholder engagement; language and goal sharing; and open, respectful communication. We offer recommendations to support TDR in aging and technology that focus on education and reform of the culture and values that can constrain efforts to practice TDR.Im Rahmen transdisziplinärer Forschung (TDF) arbeiten Wissenschaftler*innen mit Stakeholdern unterschiedlicher disziplinärer und sektoraler Herkunft zusammen. Während es mittlerweile akzeptiert scheint, dass TDF hilfreich ist, um innovative Lösungen für komplexe soziale Probleme zu generieren, ist das Wissen um Wahrnehmungen und Erfahrungen transdisziplinärer Forscher*innen im Bereich Alter(n) und Technologie vergleichsweise gering. Mittels einer qualitativen Studie mit Mitgliedern eines Pan-Kanadischen Forschungsnetzwerks haben wir versucht, diese Wissenslücke zu schließen. Mit 33 Mitgliedern des Netzwerkes wurden teilstrukturierte Interviews geführt, die thematisch analysiert wurden. Zu den berichteten Benefits von TDF gehörten u.a. wechselseitiges Lernen, verbesserte Möglichkeiten zum Verstehen und Lösen von Problemen  sowie Zugehörigkeit zu und Einbettung in die jeweilige Community. Erlebte Herausforderungen betrafen insbesondere kommunikative Schwierigkeiten und Prioritätskonflikte im Team, Spannungen zwischen Vertreter*innen von traditionellen vs. TDF-Ansätzen sowie Hindernisse beim Identifizieren von potenziellen Partner*innen. Zusätzliche waren Widersprüche zwischen TDF-Prinzipien und deren Verständnis durch die Interviewten offensichtlich. Einige der Gesprächspartner*innen haben gleichwohl Strategien beschrieben, die auf eine erfolgreiche Implementierung transdisziplinärer Prinzipien verweisen, nämlich das Engagement von Stakeholdern, das Teilen von Zielen und Sprachen sowie eine offene, respektvolle Kommunikation. Hiervon ausgehend bieten wir Empfehlungen für TDF zu Alter(n) und Technologie mit einem Fokus auf Bildung und auf eine Reform von Kulturen und Werten, die in der Praxis Bemühungen um TDF entgegenstehen

    Building institutional capacity for industrial symbiosis development : a case study of an industrial symbiosis coordination network in China

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    Recent research has examined how the concept of institutional capacity relates to the ability of organisations to deliver industrial symbiosis, and in particular how that ability itself can develop over time. One approach to developing industrial symbiosis has been to build a network of local bodies to work together to this end. Terming such a body an industrial symbiosis coordination network, this study innovatively applies institutional capacity building theory in the context of a Chinese eco-industrial park. It examines how the coordination network developed the expertise to encourage local companies to engage in industrial symbiosis. This research consisted of a qualitative study, including participant observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis to analyse the development of an industrial symbiosis coordination network in Tianjin Binhai New Area. It is found that the network increased institutional capacity for local IS development by promoting relational links across organisational divisions and governance levels, and by increasing various types of knowledge for coordinating IS. The concept of institutional capacity building is shown to have cross-cultural applicability. Reflections on this study indicate that local government can play a vital role in building and maintaining an IS coordination network in the Chinese context, but that other bodies are also needed to mobilise institutional capacity for IS development

    The use and evaluation of a simulation game to teach professional practice skills to undergraduate Architecture students

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    Architects are currently grappling to exploit new forms of communication made possible with developments in internet communication. At the same time, the construction industry is in a state of flux as novel project management systems are being introduced. Students need to understand the first principles of project management within the context of our changing environment. One of the best ways for students to learn about the legalities of the construction process is through role play and simulation, but there is a Catch 22. Unless students have a basic understanding of project management, the contractual process can be confusing and intimidating. Even fifth and sixth year architecture student are reluctant to ask practitioners questions, for fear of appearing ignorant. This paper describes the use of a web-based simulation game to deliver the Management, Practice and Law syllabus to Architecture Students. The web-based game allows students to critically observe the transformation of designs into buildings through the exploration of the contract management process. A questionnaire survey was used to assess the efficacy of the simulation game as a learning tool, and in particular the effectiveness of the web-based simulation in facilitating the development of professional practice skills in undergraduate Architecture students. The initial results of the assessment indicate that the simulation game is both a useful and complementary adjunct to traditional teaching and learning methods, as observed through the evaluation of outcomes, and helpful in developing generic professional practice skills of undergraduate students. Further game development will require more formal evaluation over a series of uses

    Introduction to a Resources Special Issue on Criticality of the Rare Earth Elements: Current and Future Sources and Recycling

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    The rare earth elements (REE) are vital to modern technologies and society and are amongst the most important of the critical elements. This special issue of Resources examines a number of facets of these critical elements, current and future sources of the REE, the mineralogy of the REE, and the economics of the REE sector. These papers not only provide insights into a wide variety of aspects of the REE, but also highlight the number of different areas of research that need to be undertaken to ensure sustainable and secure supplies of these critical metals into the future

    Ewé: a web-based ethnobotanical database for storing and analysing data

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    Ethnobotanical databases serve as repositories of traditional knowledge (TK), either at international or local scales. By documenting plant species with traditional use, and most importantly, the applications and modes of use of such species, ethnobotanical databases play a role in the conservation of TK and also provide access to information that could improve hypothesis generation and testing in ethnobotanical studies. Brazil has a rich medicinal flora and a rich cultural landscape. Nevertheless, cultural change and ecological degradation can lead to loss of TK. Here, we present an online database developed with open-source tools with a capacity to include all medicinal flora of Brazil. We present test data for the Leguminosae comprising a total of 2078 records, referred to here as use reports, including data compiled from literature and herbarium sources. Unlike existing databases, Ewé provides tools for the visualization of large datasets, facilitating hypothesis generation and meta-analyses. The Ewé database is currently available at www.ewedb.com

    Determination of the suitable drilling operating parameters in different geological formations El-Sharara Oil Field (South-Western Libya)

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    Purpose. The objective of this study is to determine the best operating conditions for the most notable drilling parameters (i.e. weight on bit (WOB), rotary drilling speed (RPM), and characteristics of drilling fluid) using field data obtained from El-Sharara Oil Field. Methods. The used data has been extracted from daily drilling reports of well named (NC-186/K04h) field. Such data contains information about the geological formations, casing strings, drill-bits, fuel consumption, flow rate of drilling fluid and other drilling parameters. Findings. The results reveal that, the lower geological formations of El-Sharara Oil Field, the harder are the upper formations. Therefore, it is recommended to apply heavy loads (i.e. WOB of 45000 lb) with low drilling speed (i.e. 100 rpm) in the lower formations; and to apply small loads (i.e. WOB of 19000 lb) with high drilling speed (i.e. 160 rpm) in the upper formations. Originality. This study evaluates the performance of drilling operation based on the interaction between rock formations and machine drilling parameters. Practical implications. Understanding such interaction between rock formations and machine drilling parameters will remarkably improve the rate of penetration (ROP) in the related geological formations. Consequently, the overall drilling costs will be reduced in terms of drilling time, life of drill-bit and fuel consumption.Мета. Визначення оптимальних експлуатаційних умов для технологічних параметрів буріння – осьового навантаження на долото (ОНД), швидкості обертального буріння (ШOБ), характеристик бурового розчину на основі емпіричних даних, отриманих на нафтовому родовищі Ель-Шарара. Методика. У роботі вивчені та систематизовані дані експлуатації нафтової свердловини NC-186/K04h, що містять інформацію про геологічні формації родовища, обсадних колонах, бурових коронках, витрат палива і бурової рідини та інших параметрах буріння. Результати. Дослідження показало, що, чим нижче розташовані нафтоносні геологічні формації Ель-Шарара, тим міцніше породи верхніх формацій. Рекомендовано застосовувати велике навантаження (ОНД – близько 104 кг), при низькій ШOБ (100 об/хв) у нижніх формаціях; і мале навантаження (ОНД – 86 кг) при високій ШOБ (160 об/хв) – у верхніх формаціях. Встановлено кореляційний взаємозв’язок комплексу технологічних параметрів буріння з умовами геологічних формацій родовища. Наукова новизна. Для умов нафтового родовища Ель-Шарара дана наукова оцінка ефективності буріння на основі встановлення взаємозв’язку параметрів формацій і бурових установок. Практична значимість. Врахування взаємозв’язку геологічних формацій і параметрів механічного буріння дозволить суттєво підвищити швидкість проходки свердловин, при цьому загальні витрати на буріння будуть скорочені за рахунок зменшення часу буріння, споживання палива та збільшення терміну служби бурових коронок.Цель. Определение оптимальных эксплуатационных условий для технологических параметров бурения – осевой нагрузки на долото (ОНД), скорости вращательного бурения (СВБ), характеристик бурового раствора на основе эмпирических данных, полученных на нефтяном месторождении Эль-Шарара. Методика. В работе изучены и систематизированы данные о эксплуатации нефтяной скважины NC-186/K04h, которые содержат информацию о геологических формациях месторождения, обсадных колоннах, буровых коронках, расходе топлива и буровой жидкости, а также других параметрах бурения. Результаты. Исследование показало, что, чем ниже расположены нефтеносные геологические формации Эль-Шарара, тем тверже породы верхних формаций. Рекомендуется применять большую нагрузку (ОНД – около 104 кг), при низкой СВБ (100 вр/мин) в нижних формациях; и малую нагрузку (ОНД – 86 кг) при высокой СВБ (160 вр/мин) – в верхних формациях. Установлена корреляционная взаимосвязь комплекса технологических параметров бурения с условиями геологических формаций месторождения. Научная новизна. Для условий нефтяного месторождения Эль-Шарара дана научная оценка эффективности бурения на основе установления взаимосвязи параметров формаций и буровых установок. Практическая значимость. Учет взаимосвязи геологических формаций и параметров механического бурения позволит существенно увеличить скорость проходки скважин, при этом общие затраты на бурение будут сокращены за счет уменьшения времени бурения, потребления топлива и увеличения срока службы буровых коронок.The authors declare that the paper has not been originated under any project and no funding has been raised for this research

    Eco‐Holonic 4.0 Circular Business Model to  Conceptualize Sustainable Value Chain Towards  Digital Transition 

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    The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize a circular business model based on an Eco-Holonic Architecture, through the integration of circular economy and holonic principles. A conceptual model is developed to manage the complexity of integrating circular economy principles, digital transformation, and tools and frameworks for sustainability into business models. The proposed architecture is multilevel and multiscale in order to achieve the instantiation of the sustainable value chain in any territory. The architecture promotes the incorporation of circular economy and holonic principles into new circular business models. This integrated perspective of business model can support the design and upgrade of the manufacturing companies in their respective industrial sectors. The conceptual model proposed is based on activity theory that considers the interactions between technical and social systems and allows the mitigation of the metabolic rift that exists between natural and social metabolism. This study contributes to the existing literature on circular economy, circular business models and activity theory by considering holonic paradigm concerns, which have not been explored yet. This research also offers a unique holonic architecture of circular business model by considering different levels, relationships, dynamism and contextualization (territory) aspects

    Establishing the values for patient engagement (PE) in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) research: an international, multiple-stakeholder perspective

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    PurposeActive patient engagement is increasingly viewed as essential to ensuring that patient-driven perspectives are considered throughout the research process. However, guidance for patient engagement (PE) in HRQoL research does not exist, the evidence-base for practice is limited, and we know relatively little about underpinning values that can impact on PE practice. This is the first study to explore the values that should underpin PE in contemporary HRQoL research to help inform future good practice guidance. MethodsA modified ‘World Café’ was hosted as a collaborative activity between patient partners, clinicians and researchers: self-nominated conference delegates participated in group discussions to explore values associated with the conduct and consequences of PE. Values were captured via post-it notes and by nominated note-takers. Data were thematically analysed: emergent themes were coded and agreement checked. Association between emergent themes, values and the Public Involvement Impact Assessment Framework were explored. ResultsEighty participants, including 12 patient partners, participated in the 90-min event. Three core values were defined: (1) building relationships; (2) improving research quality and impact; and (3) developing best practice. Participants valued the importance of building genuine, collaborative and deliberative relationships—underpinned by honesty, respect, co-learning and equity—and the impact of effective PE on research quality and relevance. Conclusions An explicit statement of values seeks to align all stakeholders on the purpose, practice and credibility of PE activities. An innovative, flexible and transparent research environment was valued as essential to developing a trustworthy evidence-base with which to underpin future guidance for good PE practice.Peer reviewe

    Value-driven partner search for <i>Energy from Waste</i> projects

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    Energy from Waste (EfW) projects require complex value chains to operate effectively. To identify business partners, plant operators need to network with organisations whose strategic objectives are aligned with their own. Supplier organisations need to work out where they fit in the value chain. Our aim is to support people in identifying potential business partners, based on their organisation’s interpretation of value. Value for an organisation should reflect its strategy and may be interpreted using key priorities and KPIs (key performance indicators). KPIs may comprise any or all of knowledge, operational, economic, social and convenience indicators. This paper presents an ontology for modelling and prioritising connections within the business environment, and in the process provides means for defining value and mapping these to corresponding KPIs. The ontology is used to guide the design of a visual representation of the environment to aid partner search