2,283 research outputs found

    A hybrid biometric template protection algorithm in fingerprint biometric system

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    Biometric recognition has achieved a considerable popularity in recent years due its various properties and widespread application in various sectors. These include very top priority sectors like countries boundary security, military, space missions, banks etc. Due to these reasons the stealing of biometric information is a critical issue. To protect this user biometric template information there should be efficient biometric template transformation technique and thereby the privacy of user is preserved. Non-invertible transformation can keep the user template based transformed information maximum secure against the regeneration. But the performance of non-invertible template protection mechanism will be reduced by the increase in security. This limitation of non-invertible biometric transformation should be solved. This research aims to develop a hybrid biometric template protection algorithm to keep up a balance between security and performance in fingerprint biometric system. The hybrid biometric template protection algorithm is developed from the combination of non-invertible biometric transformation and biometric key generation techniques. To meet the research objective this proposed framework composed of three phases: First phase focus on the extraction of fingerprint minutiae and formation of vector table, while second phase focus on develop a hybrid biometric template protection algorithm and finally the third phase focus on evaluation of performance of the proposed algorithm

    Modelling framework to support decision-making in manufacturing enterprises

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    Systematic model-driven decision-making is crucial to design, engineer, and transform manufacturing enterprises (MEs). Choosing and applying the best philosophies and techniques is challenging as most MEs deploy complex and unique configurations of process-resource systems and seek economies of scope and scale in respect of changing and distinctive product flows. This paper presents a novel systematic enhanced integrated modelling framework to facilitate transformation of MEs, which is centred on CIMOSA. Application of the new framework in an automotive industrial case study is also presented. The following new contributions to knowledge are made: (1) an innovative structured framework that can support various decisions in design, optimisation, and control to reconfigure MEs; (2) an enriched and generic process modelling approach with capability to represent both static and dynamic aspects of MEs; and (3) an automotive industrial case application showing benefits in terms of reduced lead time and cost with improved responsiveness of process-resource system with a special focus on PPC. It is anticipated that the new framework is not limited to only automotive industry but has a wider scope of application. Therefore, it would be interesting to extend its testing with different configurations and decision-making levels

    Tuotemallien tarkistuksen metriikan kehitys ja automaatio

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    A lot of interest and research has been focused on product quality and it is recognized as a crucial aspect of engineering. The quality of product models can also be seen as essential in engineering workflow especially in systems based on downstream data. Model quality effects not only the models accuracy and modifiability but also the agility of the whole engineering systems. Careful and thorough verification plays an important part in effecting product model quality. Verifying product models and designs manually can be laborious and time-consuming process. By automating parts of the verification process, benefits can be seen in the time frame and end results of the verification. The goal of the thesis is to develop metrics and automation for product model verification. Development of metrics is executed by researching literature for model quality metrics and construct a set of metrics for the company. Furthermore, the possibilities of product model verification automation are studied and a working automated model verification tool shall be created based on the metrics. The tool is intended be used in the current modeling environment. The outcomes of this thesis are a list of product quality dimensions with their corresponding metrics and a customized PTC ModelCHECK check that can automatically identify issues in product models. Quality dimensions were identified based on company needs and literature research. ModelCHECK platform was chosen for verification tool development as the software is readily available for the company which means it is a cost-effective way of utilizing automated product model verification in current design environment.Tuotteiden laatuun on jo pidemmän aikaa kiinnitetty paljon huomiota insinööriprosesseissa ja tutkimuksessa. Myös tuotemallien laatu voidaan nähdä insinöörityön kannalta elintärkeässä asemassa, erityisesti systeemeissä jotka perustuvat alaspäin virtaavaan tietoon. Mallien laatu vaikuttaa muun muassa sen tarkkuuteen ja muokattavuuteen sekä koko mallinnus- ja suunnittelujärjestelmän ketteryyteen. Huolellinen ja läpikotainen tarkistus on tärkeä osa tuotemallien laadun kehittämistä. Mallien manuaalinen tarkastaminen voi olla työlästä ja aikaavievää. Käyttämällä automaatiota tarkistuksen apuna, voidaan saavuttaa etuja tarkistuksen nopeudessa ja lopputuloksessa. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kehittää tuotemallien tarkastuksen metriikkaa ja automaatiota. Metriikan kehitys perustuu kirjallisuustutkimukseen sekä muun muassa haastatteluissa kartoitettuihin yrityksen tarpeisiin. Tavoitteena on luoda tuotemalleille metriikkaa, joita vasten niiden ominaisuuksia voidaan arvioida. Myös tarkistuksen automaatiota tutkitaan ja tavoitteena on luoda automaattinen työkalu, jota voidaan käyttää yrityksen tämän hetkisessä suunnittelujärjestelmässä. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena syntyi lista tuotemallien laadun ulottuvuuksista niihin liitetyillä metriikoilla ja metriikan mukainen PTC ModelCHECK tarkistuspohja 3D-malleille, joka löytyy automaattisesti virheitä malleista. ModelCHECK valittiin työkaluksi, koska se on valmiiksi saatavilla yrityksen nykyisessä mallinnusjärjestelmässä, joilloin automatisointi on erittäin kustannustehokasta

    Advanced manufacturing development of a composite empennage component for L-1011 aircraft

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    This is the final report of technical work conducted during the fourth phase of a multiphase program having the objective of the design, development and flight evaluation of an advanced composite empennage component manufactured in a production environment at a cost competitive with those of its metal counterpart, and at a weight savings of at least 20 percent. The empennage component selected for this program is the vertical fin box of the L-1011 aircraft. The box structure extends from the fuselage production joint to the tip rib and includes front and rear spars. During Phase 4 of the program, production quality tooling was designed and manufactured to produce three sets of covers, ribs, spars, miscellaneous parts, and subassemblies to assemble three complete ACVF units. Recurring and nonrecurring cost data were compiled and documented in the updated producibility/design to cost plan. Nondestruct inspections, quality control tests, and quality acceptance tests were performed in accordance with the quality assurance plan and the structural integrity control plan. Records were maintained to provide traceability of material and parts throughout the manufacturing development phase. It was also determined that additional tooling would not be required to support the current and projected L-1011 production rate