638 research outputs found

    A Real Time Employee Attendance Monitoring System using ANN

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    Face recognition refers to the technology that examines and contrasts a person's face characteristics to recognise or verify their identity. Recently, this technology has drawn a lot of attention due to the potential uses it may have in security, marketing, and law enforcement. Face recognition involves studying a picture or video of a person's face to identify features like the space between their eyes, the contour of their nose, and the curve of their mouth. The person's identity is then established or verified by comparing these characteristics to a database of previously saved pictures. A series of techniques called facial recognition algorithms are used to identify and authenticate persons based on the features of their faces. These algorithms compare a person's facial attributes to those in a database of recognised faces by looking at things like the shape of their face, the distance between their eyes, and other distinctive facial features. There are many different types of face recognition algorithms, including geometric-based algorithms, appearance-based algorithms, and hybrid algorithms that combine both approaches. Geometric-based algorithms employ the geometry of face traits to identify and validate people, while appearance-based algorithms use image processing techniques to compare the patterns and textures of facial features. Recent advances in deep learning have significantly improved the accuracy of facial recognition algorithms. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has shown to be highly effective and have been used in a range of applications, including mobile devices, security, and surveillance. Face recognition algorithms provide advantages, but there are also moral dilemmas with regard to its application, such as potential biases and privacy difficulties. As technology advances, it is imperative to address these problems and ensure that face recognition algorithms are used ethically and responsibly

    Project of implementing an intelligent system into a Raspberry Pi based on deep learning for face detection and recognition in real-time

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is among most important fields of knowledge and applications in a large variety of domains. Recently however, it has become a trending research topic propelled by Cloud computing, social networks and alike. Terms like machine learning, "Big Data" and artificial neural networks very frequently appear not only in scientific media but even in the mass media. In this project, we aim to design, implement and evaluate an AI technique, namely, deep learning, which has become very popular for face recognition. The problem is formulated from an engineering perspective: to design a small size system based on Raspberry Pi and an attached camera to it to detect and recognise human faces in real time. It should be mentioned that while for humans face recognition is a trivial task, we do it every day and with a full accuracy, for a computer, this is complex task. Recent applications from many industries show a large potential of intelligent systems that need to recognise faces with high accuracy. The thesis is essentially structured into two main parts. In the first part we formulate the problem, analyse potential solutions and propose a solution for its resolution. In the second part of the project we develop the proposed solution into an implementation of an intelligent system for a computationally limited and physical portable device (Raspberry Pi). The solution is empirically evaluated in terms of accuracy and performance using real data sets. The relevance of using such a small size intelligent system relies in the fact that this application can be installed in other devices, such as drones, easily, at low cost and without compromising the performance and speed of the said intelligent system

    Deep Perceptual Mapping for Thermal to Visible Face Recognition

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    Cross modal face matching between the thermal and visible spectrum is a much de- sired capability for night-time surveillance and security applications. Due to a very large modality gap, thermal-to-visible face recognition is one of the most challenging face matching problem. In this paper, we present an approach to bridge this modality gap by a significant margin. Our approach captures the highly non-linear relationship be- tween the two modalities by using a deep neural network. Our model attempts to learn a non-linear mapping from visible to thermal spectrum while preserving the identity in- formation. We show substantive performance improvement on a difficult thermal-visible face dataset. The presented approach improves the state-of-the-art by more than 10% in terms of Rank-1 identification and bridge the drop in performance due to the modality gap by more than 40%.Comment: BMVC 2015 (oral

    Wavelet based approach for facial expression recognition

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    Facial expression recognition is one of the most active fields of research. Many facial expression recognition methods have been developed and implemented. Neural networks (NNs) have capability to undertake such pattern recognition tasks. The key factor of the use of NN is based on its characteristics. It is capable in conducting learning and generalizing, non-linear mapping, and parallel computation. Backpropagation neural networks (BPNNs) are the approach methods that mostly used. In this study, BPNNs were used as classifier to categorize facial expression images into seven-class of expressions which are anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, neutral and surprise. For the purpose of feature extraction tasks, three discrete wavelet transforms were used to decompose images, namely Haar wavelet, Daubechies (4) wavelet and Coiflet (1) wavelet. To analyze the proposed method, a facial expression recognition system was built. The proposed method was tested on static images from JAFFE database


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    Berbohong adalah sifat yang tidak terpuji, semua manusia didunia ini pasti pernah berbohong. Berbohong boleh dilakukan untuk kebaikan, namun banyak sekali orang-orang yang menggunakan kebohongan dengan cara yang salah seperti contohnya memfitnah atau untuk menguntungkan dirinya. Sangat dibutuhkan sekali alat deteksi kebohongan saat ini, namun harganya yang mahal serta komponen yang banyak membuat masyarakat sulit memilikinya dan alat deteksi kebohongan-pun hanya dimiliki organisasi keamanan negara. Maka itu, diperlukan alat deteksi kebohongan yang ekonomis dan tidak memiliki komponen yang rumit agar masyarakat dapat paham dan menggunakannya dengan bijak. Teori psikologi menyimpulkan, seseorang yang berbohong akan memiliki ciri-ciri tertentu terutama pada bagian mata, membesarnya diameter pupil mata, dimana kelopak mata tidak berkedip saat mengatakan kebohongan dan gerak bola mata yang selalu bergerak menandakan seseorang sedang memikirkan sesuatu. Untuk menyelesaikan tugas akhir ini penulis membuat sistem untuk mendeteksi kebohongan seseorang berbasis video kamera dengan menganalisa parameter yang diberikan yaitu pergerakkan bola mata (eye tracking) dan perubahan diameter pupil. Parameter tersebutlah yang akan diuji dan diambil dengan video kamera yang sudah terintegrasi dengan perangkat lunak untuk dianalisis apakah seseorang tersebut berbohong atau jujur. Dengan metode Haar Cascade Classifier dan Neural Network (Multilayer Perceptron) yang digunakan maka penulis mendapatkan hasil akurasi dari penelitian sistem sebesar 87%

    Time-Efficient Hybrid Approach for Facial Expression Recognition

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    Facial expression recognition is an emerging research area for improving human and computer interaction. This research plays a significant role in the field of social communication, commercial enterprise, law enforcement, and other computer interactions. In this paper, we propose a time-efficient hybrid design for facial expression recognition, combining image pre-processing steps and different Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) structures providing better accuracy and greatly improved training time. We are predicting seven basic emotions of human faces: sadness, happiness, disgust, anger, fear, surprise and neutral. The model performs well regarding challenging facial expression recognition where the emotion expressed could be one of several due to their quite similar facial characteristics such as anger, disgust, and sadness. The experiment to test the model was conducted across multiple databases and different facial orientations, and to the best of our knowledge, the model provided an accuracy of about 89.58% for KDEF dataset, 100% accuracy for JAFFE dataset and 71.975% accuracy for combined (KDEF + JAFFE + SFEW) dataset across these different scenarios. Performance evaluation was done by cross-validation techniques to avoid bias towards a specific set of images from a database

    Power quality disturbance detection and classification using signal processing and soft computing techniques

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    The quality of electric power and disturbances occurred in power signal has become a major issue among the electric power suppliers and customers. For improving the power quality continuous monitoring of power is needed which is being delivered at customer’s sites. Therefore, detection of PQ disturbances, and proper classification of PQD is highly desirable. The detection and classification of the PQD in distribution systems are important tasks for protection of power distributed network. Most of the disturbances are non-stationary and transitory in nature hence it requires advanced tools and techniques for the analysis of PQ disturbances. In this work a hybrid technique is used for characterizing PQ disturbances using wavelet transform and fuzzy logic. A no of PQ events are generated and decomposed using wavelet decomposition algorithm of wavelet transform for accurate detection of disturbances. It is also observed that when the PQ disturbances are contaminated with noise the detection becomes difficult and the feature vectors to be extracted will contain a high percentage of noise which may degrade the classification accuracy. Hence a Wavelet based de-noising technique is proposed in this work before feature extraction process. Two very distinct features common to all PQ disturbances like Energy and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) are extracted using discrete wavelet transform and are fed as inputs to the fuzzy expert system for accurate detection and classification of various PQ disturbances. The fuzzy expert system not only classifies the PQ disturbances but also indicates whether the disturbance is pure or contains harmonics. A neural network based Power Quality Disturbance (PQD) detection system is also modeled implementing Multilayer Feed forward Neural Network (MFNN)