147 research outputs found

    Inter-Brain Synchronization during Social Interaction

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    During social interaction, both participants are continuously active, each modifying their own actions in response to the continuously changing actions of the partner. This continuous mutual adaptation results in interactional synchrony to which both members contribute. Freely exchanging the role of imitator and model is a well-framed example of interactional synchrony resulting from a mutual behavioral negotiation. How the participants' brain activity underlies this process is currently a question that hyperscanning recordings allow us to explore. In particular, it remains largely unknown to what extent oscillatory synchronization could emerge between two brains during social interaction. To explore this issue, 18 participants paired as 9 dyads were recorded with dual-video and dual-EEG setups while they were engaged in spontaneous imitation of hand movements. We measured interactional synchrony and the turn-taking between model and imitator. We discovered by the use of nonlinear techniques that states of interactional synchrony correlate with the emergence of an interbrain synchronizing network in the alpha-mu band between the right centroparietal regions. These regions have been suggested to play a pivotal role in social interaction. Here, they acted symmetrically as key functional hubs in the interindividual brainweb. Additionally, neural synchronization became asymmetrical in the higher frequency bands possibly reflecting a top-down modulation of the roles of model and imitator in the ongoing interaction

    A Theory of Cortical Neural Processing.

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    This dissertation puts forth an original theory of cortical neural processing that is unique in its view of the interplay of chaotic and stable oscillatory neurodynamics and is meant to stimulate new ideas in artificial neural network modeling. Our theory is the first to suggest two new purposes for chaotic neurodynamics: (i) as a natural means of representing the uncertainty in the outcome of performed tasks, such as memory retrieval or classification, and (ii) as an automatic way of producing an economic representation of distributed information. We developed new models, to better understand how the cerebral cortex processes information, which led to our theory. Common to these models is a neuron interaction function that alternates between excitatory and inhibitory neighborhoods. Our theory allows characteristics of the input environment to influence the structural development of the cortex. We view low intensity chaotic activity as the a priori uncertain base condition of the cortex, resulting from the interaction of a multitude of stronger potential responses. Data, distinguishing one response from many others, drives bifurcations back toward the direction of less complex (stable) behavior. Stability appears as temporary bubble-like clusters within the boundaries of cortical columns and begins to propagate through frequency sensitive and non-specific neurons. But this is limited by destabilizing long-path connections. An original model of the post-natal development of ocular dominance columns in the striate cortex is presented and compared to autoradiographic images from the literature with good matching results. Finally, experiments are shown to favor computed update order over traditional approaches for better performance of the pattern completion process

    Mental imagery of whole-body motion along the sagittal-anteroposterior axis

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    Whole-body motor imagery is conceptualised as a mental symbolisation directly and indirectly associated with neural oscillations similar to whole-body motor execution. Motor and somatosensory activity, including vestibular activity, is a typical corticocortical substrate of body motion. Yet, it is not clear how this neural substrate is organised when participants are instructed to imagine moving their body forward or backward along the sagittal-anteroposterior axis. It is the aim of the current study to identify the fingerprint of the neural substrate by recording the cortical activity of 39 participants via a 32 electroencephalography (EEG) device. The participants were instructed to imagine moving their body forward or backward from a first-person perspective. Principal Component Analysis (i.e. PCA) applied to the neural activity of whole-body motor imagery revealed neural interconnections mirroring between forward and backward conditions: beta pre-motor and motor oscillations in the left and right hemisphere overshadowed beta parietal oscillations in forward condition, and beta parietal oscillations in the left and right hemisphere overshadowed beta pre-motor and motor oscillations in backward condition. Although functional significance needs to be discerned, beta pre-motor, motor and somatosensory oscillations might represent specific settings within the corticocortical network and provide meaningful information regarding the neural dynamics of continuous whole-body motion. It was concluded that the evoked multimodal fronto-parietal neural activity would correspond to the neural activity that could be expected if the participants were physically enacting movement of the whole-body in sagittal-anteroposterior plane as they would in their everyday environment

    Interaction dynamics and autonomy in cognitive systems

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    The concept of autonomy is of crucial importance for understanding life and cognition. Whereas cellular and organismic autonomy is based in the self-production of the material infrastructure sustaining the existence of living beings as such, we are interested in how biological autonomy can be expanded into forms of autonomous agency, where autonomy as a form of organization is extended into the behaviour of an agent in interaction with its environment (and not its material self-production). In this thesis, we focus on the development of operational models of sensorimotor agency, exploring the construction of a domain of interactions creating a dynamical interface between agent and environment. We present two main contributions to the study of autonomous agency: First, we contribute to the development of a modelling route for testing, comparing and validating hypotheses about neurocognitive autonomy. Through the design and analysis of specific neurodynamical models embedded in robotic agents, we explore how an agent is constituted in a sensorimotor space as an autonomous entity able to adaptively sustain its own organization. Using two simulation models and different dynamical analysis and measurement of complex patterns in their behaviour, we are able to tackle some theoretical obstacles preventing the understanding of sensorimotor autonomy, and to generate new predictions about the nature of autonomous agency in the neurocognitive domain. Second, we explore the extension of sensorimotor forms of autonomy into the social realm. We analyse two cases from an experimental perspective: the constitution of a collective subject in a sensorimotor social interactive task, and the emergence of an autonomous social identity in a large-scale technologically-mediated social system. Through the analysis of coordination mechanisms and emergent complex patterns, we are able to gather experimental evidence indicating that in some cases social autonomy might emerge based on mechanisms of coordinated sensorimotor activity and interaction, constituting forms of collective autonomous agency

    A neural blackboard architecture of sentence structure

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    We present a neural architecture for sentence representation. Sentences are represented in terms of word representations as constituents. A word representation consists of a neural assembly distributed over the brain. Sentence representation does not result from associations between neural word assemblies. Instead, word assemblies are embedded in a neural architecture, in which the structural (thematic) relations between words can be represented. Arbitrary thematic relations between arguments and verbs can be represented. Arguments can consist of nouns and phrases, as in sentences with relative clauses. A number of sentences can be stored simultaneously in this architecture. We simulate how probe questions about thematic relations can be answered. We discuss how differences in sentence complexity, such as the difference between subject-extracted versus object-extracted relative clauses and the difference between right-branching versus center-embedded structures, can be related to the underlying neural dynamics of the model. Finally, we illustrate how memory capacity for sentence representation can be related to the nature of reverberating neural activity, which is used to store information temporarily in this architecture

    Interpersonal synchrony and network dynamics in social interaction [Special issue]

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    The Psychobiology of Conscience: Signatures in Brain Regions of Interest

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    OBJECTIVES: 1) to highlight studies in the last eight years in which functional magnetic resonance imaging or other neuroimaging techniques have been employed in identifying brain activities as putative correlates of various TASKS proposed to represent essential MORAL PSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS and 2) to consider how NEUROIMAGING STUDIES of CONSCIENCE FUNCTIONAL TASKS might be conducted which provide more depth and meaning in future moral psychobiological investigation. METHOD: Brief descriptions of the principles and caveats of interpreting findings from NEUROIMAGING are provided. A GLOSSARY OF TERMS derived from cognitive sciences including neuropsychology and developmental psychology is presented. These terms, it is suggested, are necessary but not sufficient in understanding the DOMAINS OF CONSCIENCE. Existing NEUROIMAGING STUDIES of putative MORAL PSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTIONAL TASKS that (at least nominally) address aspects of each CONSCIENCE DOMAIN are reviewed. These STUDIES are organized according to the following subtitles (with the CONSCIENCE DOMAIN of concern identified parenthetically): MORAL COGNITION: MORAL JUDGMENT AND VALENCE (CONSCIENCE DOMAIN: VALUATION), EMPATHY (CONSCIENCE DOMAIN: MORALIZED ATTACHMENT), MORAL EMOTIONS (CONSCIENCE DOMAIN: MORAL EMOTIONAL RESPONSIVENESS), and SELF CONTROL (CONSCIENCE DOMAIN: MORAL VOLITION). No existing NEUROIMAGING STUDIES clearly correspond to the anchor domain, CONCEPTUALIZATION OF CONSCIENCE. The CONSCIENCE DOMAINS are briefly characterized with reference to the empirical research supporting each. CONCLUSIONS: In the last several years, a number of intriguing findings have emerged from NEURO-IMAGING STUDIES relevant to putative MORAL PSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTIONAL TASKS. However, in addition to caveats attaching to any attribution of activity to neurological structures and their connections based upon signals captured via NEURO-IMAGING, serious concerns also arise regarding the validity of the TASKS currently employed in these studies as truly representative of CONSCIENCE FUNCTIONS. Instruments designed to inquire into relevant CONSCIENCE DOMAINS are put forward. Complementary TASKS more sensitive to each CONSCIENCE DOMAIN are imagined and offered for consideration as ways to provide more depth and meaning to future NEUROIMAGING STUDIES OF CONSCIENCE

    a methodological approach

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    In natural environments, visual and auditory stimulation elicit responses across a large set of brain regions in a fraction of a second, yielding representations of the multimodal scene and its properties. The rapid and complex neural dynamics underlying visual and auditory information processing pose major challenges to human cognitive neuroscience. Brain signals measured non-invasively are inherently noisy, the format of neural representations is unknown, and transformations between representations are complex and often nonlinear. Further, no single non-invasive brain measurement technique provides a spatio-temporally integrated view. In this opinion piece, we argue that progress can be made by a concerted effort based on three pillars of recent methodological development: (i) sensitive analysis techniques such as decoding and cross-classification, (ii) complex computational modelling using models such as deep neural networks, and (iii) integration across imaging methods (magnetoencephalography/electroencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging) and models, e.g. using representational similarity analysis. We showcase two recent efforts that have been undertaken in this spirit and provide novel results about visual and auditory scene analysis. Finally, we discuss the limits of this perspective and sketch a concrete roadmap for future research
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