130 research outputs found

    Project-out cascaded regression with an application to face alignment

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    Cascaded regression approaches have been recently shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance for many computer vision tasks. Beyond its connection to boosting, cascaded regression has been interpreted as a learning-based approach to iterative optimization methods like the Newton’s method. However, in prior work, the connection to optimization theory is limited only in learning a mapping from image features to problem parameters. In this paper, we consider the problem of facial deformable model fitting using cascaded regression and make the following contributions: (a) We propose regression to learn a sequence of averaged Jacobian and Hessian matrices from data, and from them descent directions in a fashion inspired by Gauss-Newton optimization. (b) We show that the optimization problem in hand has structure and devise a learning strategy for a cascaded regression approach that takes the problem structure into account. By doing so, the proposed method learns and employs a sequence of averaged Jacobians and descent directions in a subspace orthogonal to the facial appearance variation; hence, we call it Project-Out Cascaded Regression (PO-CR). (c) Based on the principles of PO-CR, we built a face alignment system that produces remarkably accurate results on the challenging iBUG data set outperforming previously proposed systems by a large margin. Code for our system is available from http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/yzt/

    Hourglass Face Detector for Hard Face

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    Face detection is an upstream task of facial image analysis. In many real-world scenarios, we need to detect small, occluded or dense faces that are hard to detect, but hard face detection is a challenging task in particular considering the balance between accuracy and inference speed for real-world applications. This paper proposes an Hourglass Face Detector (HFD) for hard face by developing a deep one-stage fully-convolutional hourglass network, which achieves an excellent balance between accuracy and inference speed. To this end, the HFD firstly shrinks a feature map by a series of stridden convolutional layers rather than pooling layers, so that useful subtle information is preserved better. Secondly, it exploits context information by merging fine-grained shallow feature maps with deep ones full of semantic information, making a better fusion of detailed information and semantic information to achieve a better detection of small faces. Moreover, the HFD exploits prior and multiscale information from the training data to enhance its scale-invariance and adaptability of anchor scales. Compared with the SSH and S3FD methods, the HFD can achieve a better performance in average precision on detecting hard faces as well as a quicker inference. Experiments on the WIDER FACE and FDDB datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method

    Face Alignment in the Wild.

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    PhDFace alignment on a face image is a crucial step in many computer vision applications such as face recognition, verification and facial expression recognition. In this thesis we present a collection of methods for face alignment in real-world scenarios where the acquisition of the face images cannot be controlled. We first investigate local based random regression forest methods that work in a voting fashion. We focus on building better quality random trees, first, by using privileged information and second, in contrast to using explicit shape models, by incorporating spatial shape constraints within the forests. We also propose a fine-tuning scheme that sieves and/or aggregates regression forest votes before accumulating them into the Hough space. We then investigate holistic methods and propose two schemes, namely the cascaded regression forests and the random subspace supervised descent method (RSSDM). The former uses a regression forest as the primitive regressor instead of random ferns and an intelligent initialization scheme. The RSSDM improves the accuracy and generalization capacity of the popular SDM by using several linear regressions in random subspaces. We also propose a Cascaded Pose Regression framework for face alignment in different modalities, that is RGB and sketch images, based on a sketch synthesis scheme. Finally, we introduce the concept of mirrorability which describes how an object alignment method behaves on mirror images in comparison to how it behaves on the original ones. We define a measure called mirror error to quantitatively analyse the mirrorability and show two applications, namely difficult samples selection and cascaded face alignment feedback that aids a re-initialisation scheme. The methods proposed in this thesis perform better or comparable to state of the art methods. We also demonstrate the generality by applying them on similar problems such as car alignment.China Scholarship Counci

    3D facial performance capture from monocular RGB video.

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    3D facial performance capture is an essential technique for animation production in featured films, video gaming, human computer interaction, VR/AR asset creation and digital heritage, which all have huge impact on our daily life. Traditionally, dedicated hardware such as depth sensors, laser scanners and camera arrays have been developed to acquire depth information for such purpose. However, such sophisticated instruments can only be operated by trained professionals. In recent years, the wide spread availability of mobile devices, and the increased interest of casual untrained users in applications such as image, video editing, virtual and facial model creation, have sparked interest in 3D facial reconstruction from 2D RGB input. Due to the depth ambiguity and facial appearance variation, 3D facial performance capture and modelling from 2D images are inherently ill-posed problems. However, with strong prior knowledge of the human face, it is possible to accurately infer the true 3D facial shape and performance from multiple observations captured with different viewing angles. Various 3D from 2D methods have been proposed and proven to work well in controlled environments. Nevertheless there are still many unexplored issues in uncontrolled in-the-wild environments. In order to achieve the same level of performance in controlled environments, interfering factors in uncontrolled environments such as varying illumination, partial occlusion and facial variation not captured by prior knowledge would require the development of new techniques. This thesis addresses existing challenges and proposes novel methods involving 2D landmark detection, 3D facial reconstruction and 3D performance tracking, which are validated through theoretical research and experimental studies. 3D facial performance tracking is a multidisciplinary problem involving many areas such as computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning. To deal with the large variations within a single image, we present new machine learning techniques for facial landmark detection based on our observation of the facial features in challenging scenarios to increase the robustness. To take advantage of the evidence aggregated from multiple observations, we present new robust and efficient optimisation techniques that impose consistency constrains that help filter out outliers. To exploit the person-specific model generation, temporal and spatial coherence in continuous video input, we present new methods to improve the performance via optimisation. In order to track the 3D facial performance, the fundamental prerequisite for good results is the accurate underlying 3D model of the actor. In this thesis, we present new methods that are targeted at 3D facial geometry reconstruction, which are more efficient than existing generic 3D geometry reconstruction methods. Evaluation and validation were obtained and analysed from substantial experiment, which shows the proposed methods in this thesis outperform the state-of-the-art methods and enable us to generate high quality results with less constraints
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