55 research outputs found

    Control Plane Hardware Design for Optical Packet Switched Data Centre Networks

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    Optical packet switching for intra-data centre networks is key to addressing traffic requirements. Photonic integration and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) can overcome bandwidth limits in switching systems. A promising technology to build a nanosecond-reconfigurable photonic-integrated switch, compatible with WDM, is the semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). SOAs are typically used as gating elements in a broadcast-and-select (B\&S) configuration, to build an optical crossbar switch. For larger-size switching, a three-stage Clos network, based on crossbar nodes, is a viable architecture. However, the design of the switch control plane, is one of the barriers to packet switching; it should run on packet timescales, which becomes increasingly challenging as line rates get higher. The scheduler, used for the allocation of switch paths, limits control clock speed. To this end, the research contribution was the design of highly parallel hardware schedulers for crossbar and Clos network switches. On a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), the minimum scheduler clock period achieved was 5.0~ns and 5.4~ns, for a 32-port crossbar and Clos switch, respectively. By using parallel path allocation modules, one per Clos node, a minimum clock period of 7.0~ns was achieved, for a 256-port switch. For scheduler application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) synthesis, this reduces to 2.0~ns; a record result enabling scalable packet switching. Furthermore, the control plane was demonstrated experimentally. Moreover, a cycle-accurate network emulator was developed to evaluate switch performance. Results showed a switch saturation throughput at a traffic load 60\% of capacity, with sub-microsecond packet latency, for a 256-port Clos switch, outperforming state-of-the-art optical packet switches

    Terabit Burst Switching Final Report

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    This is the final report For Washington University\u27s Terabit Burst Switching Project, supported by DARPA and Rome Air Force Laboratory. The primary objective of the project has been to demonstrate the feasibility of Burst Switching, a new data communication service, which seeks to more effectively exploit the large bandwidths becoming available in WDM transmission systems. Burst switching systems dynamically assign data bursts to channels in optical datalinks, using routing information carried in parallel control channels

    Field Trial of a Flexible Real-time Software-defined GPU-based Optical Receiver

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    We introduce a flexible, software-defined real-time multi-modulation format receiver implemented on an off-the-shelf general-purpose graphics processing unit (GPU). The flexible receiver is able to process 2 GBaud 2-, 4-, 8-, and 16-ary pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) signals as well as 1 GBaud 4-, 16- and 64-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals, with the latter detected using a Kramers-Kronig (KK) coherent receiver. Experimental performance evaluation is shown for back-to-back. In addition, by using the JGN high speed R&D network testbed, performance is evaluated after transmission over 91 km field-deployed optical fiber and reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs).Comment: Accepted for publication at Journal of Lightwave Technology, already available via JLT Early Access, see supplied DOI. This v2 version of the article is improved w.r.t. v1 after JLT peer-review. This article is a longer journal version of the conference paper: S.P. van der Heide, et al., Real-time, Software-Defined, GPU-Based Receiver Field Trial, ECOC 2020 paper We1E5, also via arXiv:2010.1433

    Leveraging disaggregated accelerators and non-volatile memories to improve the efficiency of modern datacenters

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    (English) Traditional data centers consist of computing nodes that possess all the resources physically attached. When there was the need to deal with more significant demands, the solution has been to either add more nodes (scaling out) or increase the capacity of existing ones (scaling-up). Workload requirements are traditionally fulfilled by selecting compute platforms from pools that better satisfy their average or maximum resource requirements depending on the price that the user is willing to pay. The amount of processor, memory, storage, and network bandwidth of a selected platform needs to meet or exceed the platform requirements of the workload. Beyond those explicitly required by the workload, additional resources are considered stranded resources (if not used) or bonus resources (if used). Meanwhile, workloads in all market segments have evolved significantly during the last decades. Today, workloads have a larger variety of requirements in terms of characteristics related to the computing platforms. Those workload new requirements include new technologies such as GPU, FPGA, NVMe, etc. These new technologies are more expensive and thus become more limited. It is no longer feasible to increase the number of resources according to potential peak demands, as this significantly raises the total cost of ownership. Software-Defined-Infrastructures (SDI), a new concept for the data center architecture, is being developed to address those issues. The main SDI proposition is to disaggregate all the resources over the fabric to enable the required flexibility. On SDI, instead of pools of computational nodes, the pools consist of individual units of resources (CPU, memory, FPGA, NVMe, GPU, etc.). When an application needs to be executed, SDI identifies the computational requirements and assembles all the resources required, creating a composite node. Resource disaggregation brings new challenges and opportunities that this thesis will explore. This thesis demonstrates that resource disaggregation brings opportunities to increase the efficiency of modern data centers. This thesis demonstrates that resource disaggregation may increase workloads' performance when sharing a single resource. Thus, needing fewer resources to achieve similar results. On the other hand, this thesis demonstrates how through disaggregation, aggregation of resources can be made, increasing a workload's performance. However, to take maximum advantage of those characteristics and flexibility, orchestrators must be aware of them. This thesis demonstrates how workload-aware techniques applied at the resource management level allow for improved quality of service leveraging resource disaggregation. Enabling resource disaggregation, this thesis demonstrates a reduction of up to 49% missed deadlines compared to a traditional schema. This reduction can rise up to 100% when enabling workload awareness. Moreover, this thesis demonstrates that GPU partitioning and disaggregation further enhances the data center flexibility. This increased flexibility can achieve the same results with half the resources. That is, with a single physical GPU partitioned and disaggregated, the same results can be achieved with 2 GPU disaggregated but not partitioned. Finally, this thesis demonstrates that resource fragmentation becomes key when having a limited set of heterogeneous resources, namely NVMe and GPU. For the case of an heterogeneous set of resources, and specifically when some of those resources are highly demanded but limited in quantity. That is, the situation where the demand for a resource is unexpectedly high, this thesis proposes a technique to minimize fragmentation that reduces deadlines missed compared to a disaggregation-aware policy of up to 86%.(Català) Els datacenters tradicionals consisteixen en un seguit de nodes computacionals que contenen al seu interior tots els recursos necessaris. Quan hi ha una necessitat de gestionar demandes superiors la solució era o afegir més nodes (scale-out) o incrementar la capacitat dels existents (scale-up). Els requisits de les aplicacions tradicionalment són satisfets seleccionant recursos de racks que satisfan millor el seu SLA basats o en la mitjana dels requisits o en el màxim possible, en funció del preu que l'usuari estigui disposat a pagar. La quantitat de processadors, memòria, disc, i banda d'ampla d'un rack necessita satisfer o excedir els requisits de l'aplicació. Els recursos addicionals als requerits per les aplicacions són considerats inactius (si no es fan servir) o addicionals (si es fan servir). Per altra banda, les aplicacions en tots els segments de mercat han evolucionat significativament en les últimes dècades. Avui en dia, les aplicacions tenen una gran varietat de requisits en termes de característiques que ha de tenir la infraestructura. Aquests nous requisits inclouen tecnologies com GPU, FPGA, NVMe, etc. Aquestes tecnologies són més cares i, per tant, més limitades. Ja no és factible incrementar el nombre de recursos segons el potencial pic de demanda, ja que això incrementa significativament el cost total de la infraestructura. Software-Defined Infrastructures és un nou concepte per a l'arquitectura de datacenters que s'està desenvolupant per pal·liar aquests problemes. La proposició principal de SDI és desagregar tots els recursos sobre la xarxa per garantir una major flexibilitat. Sota SDI, en comptes de racks de nodes computacionals, els racks consisteix en unitats individuals de recursos (CPU, memòria, FPGA, NVMe, GPU, etc). Quan una aplicació necessita executar, SDI identifica els requisits computacionals i munta una plataforma amb tots els recursos necessaris, creant un node composat. La desagregació de recursos porta nous reptes i oportunitats que s'exploren en aquesta tesi. Aquesta tesi demostra que la desagregació de recursos ens dona l'oportunitat d'incrementar l'eficiència dels datacenters moderns. Aquesta tesi demostra la desagregació pot incrementar el rendiment de les aplicacions. Però per treure el màxim partit a aquestes característiques i d'aquesta flexibilitat, els orquestradors n'han de ser conscient. Aquesta tesi demostra que aplicant tècniques conscients de l'aplicació aplicades a la gestió de recursos permeten millorar la qualitat del servei a través de la desagregació de recursos. Habilitar la desagregació de recursos porta a una reducció de fins al 49% els deadlines perduts comparat a una política tradicional. Aquesta reducció pot incrementar-se fins al 100% quan s'habilita la consciència de l'aplicació. A més a més, aquesta tesi demostra que el particionat de GPU combinat amb la desagregació millora encara més la flexibilitat. Aquesta millora permet aconseguir els mateixos resultats amb la meitat de recursos. És a dir, amb una sola GPU física particionada i desagregada, els mateixos resultats són obtinguts que utilitzant-ne dues desagregades però no particionades. Finalment, aquesta tesi demostra que la gestió de la fragmentació de recursos és una peça clau quan la quantitat de recursos és limitada en un conjunt heterogeni de recursos. Pel cas d'un conjunt heterogeni de recursos, i especialment quan aquests recursos tenen molta demanda però són limitats en quantitat. És a dir, quan la demanda pels recursos és inesperadament alta, aquesta tesi proposa una tècnica minimitzant la fragmentació que redueix els deadlines perduts comparats a una política de desagregació de fins al 86%.Arquitectura de computador