317 research outputs found

    Repetition Probability Does Not Affect fMRI Repetition Suppression for Objects

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    Previously several functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies point toward the role of perceptual expectations in determining adaptation or repetition suppression (RS) in humans. These studies showed that the probability of repetitions of faces within a block influences the magnitude of adaptation in face-related areas of the human brain (Summerfield et al., 2008). However, a current macaque single-cell/local field potential (LFP) recording study using objects as stimuli found no evidence for the modulation of the neural response by the repetition probability in the inferior temporal cortex (Kaliukhovich and Vogels, 2010). Here we examined whether stimulus repetition probability affects fMRI repetition suppression for nonface object stimuli in the human brain. Subjects were exposed to either two identical [repetition trials (RTs)] or two different [alternation trials (ATs)] object stimuli. Both types of trials were presented blocks consisting of either 75% [repetition blocks (RBs)] or 25% [alternation blocks (ABs)] of RTs. We found strong RS, i.e., a lower signal for RTs compared to ATs, in the object sensitive lateral occipital cortex as well as in the face-sensitive occipital and fusiform face areas. More importantly, however, there was no significant difference in the magnitude of RS between RBs and ABs in each of the areas. This is in agreement with the previous monkey single-unit/LFP findings and suggests that RS in the case of nonface visual objects is not modulated by the repetition probability in humans. Our results imply that perceptual expectation effects vary for different visual stimulus categories

    Repetition Probability Does Not Affect fMRI Repetition Suppression for Objects

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    On the Representation of Speaker Information in Human Voices: An Adaptation Approach

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    Apart from being carriers of speech, human voices contain a wealth of social signals, for instance about a speaker’s gender, identity, or age, to name but a few. The present thesis is concerned with the way adaptation modifies the perception of gender and identity information from voices. Adaptation is a mechanism by which neural responses decrease after continuous or repetitive stimulation. It is revealed by transient perceptual aftereffects indicating contrastive coding of simple and complex stimulus properties. The three studies reported here investigate unimodal and crossmodal auditory voice aftereffects of adaptation to unfamiliar and personally familiar speakers. Specifically, study I (Exp. 1) shows that adaptation to unfamiliar voices of female or male speakers biases the perception of voice gender away from the adapting gender: test voices, as created by auditory morphing between male and female voices, are perceived as more male following adaptation to female voices and vice versa. The voice gender aftereffect (VGAE) survived at least a few minutes and suggests the existence of voice detectors tuned to female and male voice quality. The absence of voice aftereffects following adaptation to names (Exp. 2), faces (Exp. 3), or sinusoidal tones matched to F0 of adaptor voices (Exp. 4) further suggests that the VGAE is due to habituation of high-level auditory representations. Study II replicates behavioural findings of study I (Exp. 1) and further supports the notion of processing selectivity for female and male voices by providing electrophysiological evidence. Systematic adaptation-induced amplitude reductions in AEPs (N1, P2, and P3) were observed in response to otherwise identical test voices when test voices and adaptors had the same gender as opposed to different genders. This suggests that contrastive coding of voice gender is implemented by auditory cortex neurons and takes place within the first few hundred milliseconds from voice onset. Similar to the VGAE, auditory aftereffects of adaptation to voices or faces of personally familiar speakers caused contrastive aftereffects in listeners’ perception of voice identity (study III). Unimodal voice-to-voice aftereffects (Exp. 1) were more pronounced and more persistent than crossmodal face-to-voice aftereffects (Exp. 2) pointing to at least two perceptual mechanisms of voice identity adaptation: one related to auditory coding of voice characteristics and one related to multimodal coding of speaker identity. These results complement findings in face perception (z.B. Leopold et al., 2001; Webster et al., 2004) and suggest that adaptation is a ubiquitous mechanism that routinely influences the perception of non-linguistic social information from both faces and voices

    Predicting Affective information:An Evaluation of Repetition Suppression Effects

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    Both theoretical proposals and empirical studies suggest that the brain interprets sensory input based on prior expectations to mitigate computational burden. However, as social beings, much of sensory input is affectively loaded – e.g., the smile of a partner, the critical voice of a boss, or the welcoming gesture of a friend. Given that affective information is highly complex and often ambiguous, building up prior expectations of upcoming affective sensory input may greatly contribute to its rapid and efficient processing. This review points to the role of affective information in the context of the ‘predictive brain’. It particularly focuses on repetition suppression (RS) effects that have recently been linked to prediction processes. We interpret the findings as evidence for more pronounced prediction processes with affective material. Importantly, we argue that possible influences from bottom-up attention might inflate the neural RS effect, and thereby particularly overshadow the magnitude of RS for affective information. Finally, anxiety disorders, such as social phobia, are briefly discussed as manifestations of modulations in affective prediction

    Functional MRI Mapping of the Human Auditory Cortex

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    Mapping the human auditory cortex with standard functional imaging techniques is difficult because of its small size and angular position along the Sylvian fissure. As a result, the exact number and location of auditory cortex areas in the human remains unknown. In a first experiment, we measured the two largest tonotopic areas of primary auditory cortex (PAC, Al and R) using high-resolution functional MRI at 7 Tesla relative to the underlying anatomy of Heschl's gyrus (HG). The data reveals a clear anatomical- functional relationship that indicates the location of PAC across the range of common morphological variants of HG (single gyri, partial duplication and complete duplication). Human PAC tonotopic areas are oriented along an oblique posterior-to-anterior axis with mirror-symmetric frequency gradients perpendicular to HG, as in the macaque. In a second experiment, we tested whether these primary frequency-tuned units were modulated by selective attention to preferred vs. non-preferred sound frequencies in the dynamic manner needed to account for human listening abilities in noisy environments, such as cocktail parties or busy streets. We used a dual-stream selective attention experiment where subjects attended to one of two competing tonal streams presented simultaneously to different ears. Attention to low-frequency tones (250 Hz) enhanced neural responses within low-frequency-tuned voxels relative to high (4000 Hz), and vice versa when at-tention switched from high to low. Human PAC is able to tune into attended frequency channels and can switch frequencies on demand, like a radio. In a third experiment, we investigated repetition suppression effects to environmental sounds within primary and non-primary early-stage auditory areas, identified with the tonotopic mapping design. Repeated presentations of sounds from the same sources, as compared to different sources, gave repetition suppression effects within posterior and medial non-primary areas of the right hemisphere, reflecting their potential involvement in semantic representations. These three studies were conducted at 7 Tesla with high-resolution imaging. However, 7 Tesla scanners are, for the moment, not yet used for clinical diagnosis and mostly reside in institutions external to hospitals. Thus, hospital-based clinical functional and structural studies are mainly performed using lower field systems (1.5 or 3 Tesla). In a fourth experiment, we acquired tonotopic maps at 3 and 7 Tesla and evaluated the consistency of a tonotopic mapping paradigm between scanners. Mirror-symmetric gradients within PAC were highly similar at 7 and 3 Tesla across renderings at different spatial resolutions. We concluded that the tonotopic mapping paradigm is robust and suitable for definition of primary tonotopic areas, also at 3 Tesla. Finally, in a fifth study, we considered whether focal brain lesions alter tonotopic representations in the intact ipsi- and contralesional primary auditory cortex in three patients with hemispheric or cerebellar lesions, without and with auditory complaints. We found evidence for tonotopic reorganisation at the level of the primary auditory cortex in cases of brain lesions independently of auditory complaints. Overall, these results reflect a certain degree of plasticity within primary auditory cortex in different populations of subjects, assessed at different field strengths. - La cartographie du cortex auditif chez l'humain est difficile à réaliser avec des techniques d'imagerie fonctionnelle standard, étant donné sa petite taille et position angulaire le long de la fissure sylvienne. En conséquence, le nombre et l'emplacement exacts des différentes aires du cortex auditif restent inconnus chez l'homme. Lors d'une première expérience, nous avons mesuré, avec de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique à haute intensité (IRMf à 7 Tesla) chez des sujets humains sains, deux larges aires au sein du cortex auditif primaire (PAC; Al et R) avec une représentation spécifique des fréquences pures préférées - ou tonotopie. Nos résultats ont démontré une relation anatomico- fonctionnelle qui définit clairement la position du PAC à travers toutes les variantes du gyrus d'Heschl's (HG). Les aires tonotopiques du PAC humain sont orientées le long d'un axe postéro-antérieur oblique avec des gradients de fréquences spécifiques perpendiculaires à HG, d'une manière similaire à celles mesurées chez le singe. Dans une deuxième expérience, nous avons testé si ces aires primaires pouvaient être modulées, de façon dynamique, par une attention sélective pour des fréquences préférées par rapport à celles non-préférées. Cette modulation est primordiale lors d'interactions sociales chez l'humain en présence de bruits distracteurs tels que d'autres discussions ou un environnement sonore nuisible (comme par exemple, dans la circulation routière). Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé une expérience d'attention sélective où le sujet devait être attentif à une des deux voies sonores présentées simultanément à chaque oreille. Lorsque le sujet portait était attentif aux sons de basses fréquences (250 Hz), la réponse neuronale relative à ces fréquences augmentait par rapport à celle des hautes fréquences (4000 Hz), et vice versa lorsque l'attention passait des hautes aux basses fréquences. De ce fait, nous pouvons dire que PAC est capable de focaliser sur la fréquence attendue et de changer de canal selon la demande, comme une radio. Lors d'une troisième expérience, nous avons étudié les effets de suppression due à la répétition de sons environnementaux dans les aires auditives primaires et non-primaires, d'abord identifiées via le protocole de la première étude. La présentation répétée de sons provenant de la même source sonore, par rapport à de sons de différentes sources sonores, a induit un effet de suppression dans les aires postérieures et médiales auditives non-primaires de l'hémisphère droite, reflétant une implication de ces aires dans la représentation de la catégorie sémantique. Ces trois études ont été réalisées avec de l'imagerie à haute résolution à 7 Tesla. Cependant, les scanners 7 Tesla ne sont pour le moment utilisés que pour de la recherche fondamentale, principalement dans des institutions externes, parfois proches du patient mais pas directement à son chevet. L'imagerie fonctionnelle et structurelle clinique se fait actuellement principalement avec des infrastructures cliniques à 1.5 ou 3 Tesla. Dans le cadre dune quatrième expérience, nous avons avons évalués la cohérence du paradigme de cartographie tonotopique à travers différents scanners (3 et 7 Tesla) chez les mêmes sujets. Nos résultats démontrent des gradients de fréquences définissant PAC très similaires à 3 et 7 Tesla. De ce fait, notre paradigme de définition des aires primaires auditives est robuste et applicable cliniquement. Finalement, nous avons évalués l'impact de lésions focales sur les représentations tonotopiques des aires auditives primaires des hémisphères intactes contralésionales et ipsilésionales chez trois patients avec des lésions hémisphériques ou cérébélleuses avec ou sans plaintes auditives. Nous avons trouvé l'évidence d'une certaine réorganisation des représentations topographiques au niveau de PAC dans le cas de lésions cérébrales indépendamment des plaintes auditives. En conclusion, nos résultats démontrent une certaine plasticité du cortex auditif primaire avec différentes populations de sujets et différents champs magnétiques

    Backwards is the way forward: feedback in the cortical hierarchy predicts the expected future

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    Clark offers a powerful description of the brain as a prediction machine, which offers progress on two distinct levels. First, on an abstract conceptual level, it provides a unifying framework for perception, action, and cognition (including subdivisions such as attention, expectation, and imagination). Second, hierarchical prediction offers progress on a concrete descriptive level for testing and constraining conceptual elements and mechanisms of predictive coding models (estimation of predictions, prediction errors, and internal models)