541,409 research outputs found

    Space station internal environmental and safety concerns

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    Space station environmental and safety concerns, especially those involving fires, are discussed. Several types of space station modules and the particular hazards associated with each are briefly surveyed. A brief history of fire detection and suppression aboard spacecraft is given. Microgravity fire behavior, spacecraft fire detector systems, space station fire suppression equipment and procedures, and fire safety in hyperbaric chambers are discussed

    Fire Station Kota Manado (Penerapan Karakteristik Api Dan Air Dalam Arsitektur)

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    Semakin padatnya penduduk dan bangunan di Kota Manado maka resiko terjadinya bencana kebakaran semakin meningkat. Bencana kebakaran pada bangunan maupun lingkungan dapat menimbulkan kerugian baik berupa kerugian material maupun korban manusia. Untuk itu Kota Manado membutuhkan Fire Station atau pemadam kebakaran yang senantiasa siap siaga dalam menanggulangi bencana kebakaran yang rentan terjadi pada masyarakat perkotaan. Selain itu juga banyaknya bangunan yang dibangun saling berdekatan, serta bahaya meluasnya kebakaran yang beresiko tinggi, yang tidak dapat diatasi oleh masyarakat awam. Disinilah diperlukan tenaga terlatih yang kompeten dengan peralatan memadai untuk membantu masyarakat terhadap bahaya kebakaran. Kemudian diambil tema yaitu “Penerapan karakteristik Api dan Air dalam Arsitektur” dengan maksud agar dapat mendukung objek Fire Station Kota Manado yang akan dirancang. Hadirnya objek ini kiranya dapat memberi rasa aman kepada masyarakat Kota Manado dari ancaman bahaya kebakaran, selain itu juga objek ini memberi ruang kepada masyarakat untuk dapat menambah edukasi tentang bahaya kebakaran

    Science and technology issues in spacecraft fire safety

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    The space station, a permanently-inhabited orbiting laboratory, places new demands on spacecraft fire safety. Long-duration missions may call for more-constrained fire controls, but the accessibility of the space station to a variety of users may call for less-restrictive measures. This paper discusses fire safety issues through a review of the state of the art and a presentation of key findings from a recent NASA Lewis Research Center Workshop. The subjects covered are the fundamental science of low-gravity combustion and the technology advances in fire detection, extinguishment, materials assessment, and atmosphere selection. Key concerns are for the adoption of a fire-safe atmosphere and the substitution for the effective but toxic extinguishant, halon 1301. The fire safety studies and reviews provide several recommendations for further action. One is the expanded research in combustion, sensors, and materials in the low-gravity environment of space. Another is the development of generalized fire-safety standards for spacecraft through cooperative endeavors with aerospace and outside Government and industry sources

    Fire suppression in human-crew spacecraft

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    Fire extinguishment agents range from water and foam in early-design spacecraft (Halon 1301 in the present Shuttle) to carbon dioxide proposed for the Space Station Freedom. The major challenge to spacecraft fire extinguishment design and operations is from the micro-gravity environment, which minimizes natural convection and profoundly influences combustion and extinguishing agent effectiveness, dispersal, and post-fire cleanup. Discussed here are extinguishment in microgravity, fire-suppression problems anticipated in future spacecraft, and research needs and opportunities

    Fire Station

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    Předmětem řešení diplomové práce je novostavba požární stanice typu P v městské části Brno - Líšeň. Objekt se skládá ze tří částí, hlavní budovy, garáže požárních vozidel a garáže užitkových vozidel. Hlavní vstup a výjezd vozidel je orientován na jihozápad. Části garáží jsou jednopodlažní, část hlavní budovy má pak podlaží dvě. Zastřešení objektu je řešeno střechami šikmými s plechovou krytinou. Základové konstrukce jsou betonové i železobetonové. Konstrukční systém je částečně zděný a částečně železobetonový skeletový.Processed topic of final thesis is fire station type P in Brno - Líšeň. Object is composed from three parts, main building, garage for fire vehicles and garage for other vehicles. Main entrance and exits from the garages are situated on southeast. Garages are single-storey, main building has two floors. Object has a pitched roofs with metal roofing. Foundations are from concrete and reinforced concrete. Structural system is partly masonry and partly reinforced concrete frame.

    Risks, designs, and research for fire safety in spacecraft

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    Current fire protection for spacecraft relies mainly on fire prevention through the use of nonflammable materials and strict storage controls of other materials. The Shuttle also has smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, using technology similar to aircraft practices. While experience has shown that the current fire protection is adequate, future improvements in fire safety technology to meet the challenges of long duration space missions, such as the Space Station Freedom, are essential. All spacecraft fire protection systems, however, must deal with the unusual combustion characteristics and operational problems in the low gravity environment. The features of low gravity combustion that affect spacecraft fire safety, and the issues in fire protection for Freedom that must be addressed eventually to provide effective and conservative fire protection systems are discussed

    Collaborative Learning

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    Professors and students learn together in the lab, at the fire station, behind a camera. A look at six projects that combine faculty and student learning in creative and challenging ways

    Fire safety practices in the Shuttle and the Space Station Freedom

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    The Shuttle reinforces its policy of fire-preventive measures with onboard smoke detectors and Halon 1301 fire extinguishers. The forthcoming Space Station Freedom will have expanded fire protection with photoelectric smoke detectors, radiation flame detectors, and both fixed and portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. Many design and operational issues remain to be resolved for Freedom. In particular, the fire-suppression designs must consider the problems of gas leakage in toxic concentrations, alternative systems for single-failure redundancy, and commonality with the corresponding systems of the Freedom international partners. While physical and engineering requirements remain the primary driving forces for spacecraft fire-safety technology, there are, nevertheless, needs and opportunities for the application of microgravity combustion knowledge to improve and optimize the fire-protective systems