150 research outputs found


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    The understanding of complex wave phenomenon, such as multiple scattering in heterogeneous media, is often hindered by lack of equations modelling the exact physics. Use of approximate numerical methods, such as Finite Element Method (FEM) and Boundary Element Method (BEM), is therefore needed to understand these complex wave problems. FEM is known for its ability to accurately model the physics of the problem but requires truncating the computational domain. On the other hand, BEM can accurately model waves in unbounded region but is suitable for homogeneous media only. Coupling FEM and BEM therefore is a natural way to solve problems involving a relatively small heterogeneity (to be modelled with FEM) surrounded by an unbounded homogeneous medium (to be modelled with BEM). The use of a classical FEM-BEM coupling can become computationally demanding due to high mesh density requirement at high frequencies. Secondly, BEM is an integral equation based technique and suffers from the problem of non-uniqueness. To overcome the requirement of high mesh density for high frequencies, a technique known as the ‘Partition of Unity’ (PU) method has been developed by previous researchers. The work presented in this thesis extends the concept of PU to BEM (PUBEM) while effectively treating the problem of non-uniqueness. Two of the well-known methods, namely CHIEF and Burton-Miller approaches, to overcome the non-uniqueness problem, are compared for PUBEM. It is shown that the CHIEF method is relatively easy to implement and results in at least one order of magnitude of improvement in the accuracy. A modified ‘PU’ concept is presented to solve the heterogeneous problems with the PU based FEM (PUFEM). It is shown that use of PUFEM results in close to two orders of magnitude improvement over FEM despite using a much coarser mesh. The two methods, namely PUBEM and PUFEM, are then coupled to solve the heterogeneous wave problems in unbounded media. Compared to PUFEM, the coupled PUFEM-PUBEM apporach is shown to result between 30-40% savings in the total degress of freedom required to achieve similar accuracy

    A discontinuous Galerkin method for a new class of Green-Naghdi equations on simplicial unstructured meshes

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    In this paper, we introduce a discontinuous Finite Element formulation on simplicial unstructured meshes for the study of free surface flows based on the fully nonlinear and weakly dispersive Green-Naghdi equations. Working with a new class of asymptotically equivalent equations, which have a simplified analytical structure, we consider a decoupling strategy: we approximate the solutions of the classical shallow water equations supplemented with a source term globally accounting for the non-hydrostatic effects and we show that this source term can be computed through the resolution of scalar elliptic second-order sub-problems. The assets of the proposed discrete formulation are: (i) the handling of arbitrary unstructured simplicial meshes, (ii) an arbitrary order of approximation in space, (iii) the exact preservation of the motionless steady states, (iv) the preservation of the water height positivity, (v) a simple way to enhance any numerical code based on the nonlinear shallow water equations. The resulting numerical model is validated through several benchmarks involving nonlinear wave transformations and run-up over complex topographies

    CVEM-BEM Coupling with Decoupled Orders for 2D Exterior Poisson Problems

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    For the solution of 2D exterior Dirichlet Poisson problems, we propose the coupling of a Curved Virtual Element Method (CVEM) with a Boundary Element Method (BEM), by using decoupled approximation orders. We provide optimal convergence error estimates, in the energy and in the weaker L-2-norm, in which the CVEM and BEM contributions to the error are separated. This allows for taking advantage of the high order flexibility of the CVEM to retrieve an accurate discrete solution by using a low order BEM. The numerical results confirm the a priori estimates and show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Symmetric Galerkin boundary element method.

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    This review concerns a methodology for solving numerically, to engineering purposes, boundary and initial-boundary value roblems by a peculiar approach characterized by the following features: the continuous formulation is centered on integral equations based on the combined use of single-layer and double-layer sources, so that the integral operator turns out to be symmetric with respect to a suitable bilinear form; the discretization is performed either on a variational basis or by a Galerkin weighted residual procedure, the interpolation and weight functions being chosen so that the variables in the approximate formulation are generalized variables in Prager's sense. As main consequences of the above provisions, symmetry is exhibited by matrices with a key role in the algebraized versions, some quadratic forms have a clear energy meaning, variational properties characterize the solutions and other results, invalid in traditional boundary element methods, enrich the theory underlying the computational applications. The present survey outlines recent theoretical and computational developments of the title methodology with particular reference to linear elasticity, elastoplasticity, fracture mechanics, time-dependent problems, variational approaches, singular integrals, approximation issues, sensitivity analysis, coupling of boundary and finite elements, computer implementations. Areas and aspects which at present require further research are dentified and comparative assessments are attempted with respect to traditional boundary integral-element methods

    Nuevas formulaciones numéricas para el estudio de propagación de ondas en fluidos

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    En esta tesis se estudian diferentes problemas de propagación de ondas lineales en fluidos desde el punto de vista numérico. La tesis está compuesta por tres artículos donde se abordan dos temas fundamentalmente: la propagación de oleaje sobre batimetrías variables aplicando el Método de los Elementos de Contorno (MEC), el Método de los Elementos Finitos (MEF) y el Método de los Elementos Espectrales (MEE). También se tratan problemas de interacción fluido-estructura en acústica mediante formulaciones particionadas no-simétricas MEC-MEF. Para el tratamiento del problema de propagación de oleaje mediante el MEC, se presenta en esta tesis una solución fundamental que permite resolver el problema para profundidad variable en una dirección. Esta morfología de batimetría es especialmente relevante, pues está presente en un gran número de problemas reales en ingeniería. Además, se propone un acoplamiento MEC-MEF, incorporando una discretización en ambos métodos basada en elementos espectrales. Mediante dicha discretización, problemas con batimetrías complejas y con condiciones de contorno de dominio abierto pueden ser resueltos de forma precisa y eficiente, evitando reflexiones indeseadas en el contorno exterior y reduciendo extremadamente el error de polución en la solución. Debido a diversos motivos, en el problema de interacción fluido-estructura, las mallas no tienen por qué coincidir en la interfase. Además, en ocasiones resulta de interés resolver ambos dominios mediante métodos diferentes y por computación en paralelo. El problema acústico de interacción fluido-estructura es tratado en esta tesis mediante un acoplamiento MEC-MEF; donde el MEC es utilizado para modelar el fluido y el MEF para la estructura. Para el acoplamiento se estudian y comparan dos estrategias diferentes que permiten una resolución particionada del problema: una basada en el método Mortar y otra en los Multiplicadores de Lagrange Localizados. Esta última es por primera vez utilizada este tipo de problemas

    High-Order Numerical Methods in Lake Modelling

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    The physical processes in lakes remain only partially understood despite successful data collection from a variety of sources spanning several decades. Although numerical models are already frequently employed to simulate the physics of lakes, especially in the context of water quality management, improved methods are necessary to better capture the wide array of dynamically important physical processes, spanning length scales from ~ 10 km (basin-scale oscillations) - 1 m (short internal waves). In this thesis, high-order numerical methods are explored for specialized model equations of lakes, so that their use can be taken into consideration in the next generation of more sophisticated models that will better capture important small scale features than their present day counterparts. The full three-dimensional incompressible density-stratified Navier-Stokes equations remain too computationally expensive to be solved for situations that involve both complicated geometries and require resolution of features at length-scales spanning four orders of magnitude. The main source of computational expense lay with the requirement of having to solve a three-dimensional Poisson equation for pressure at every time-step. Simplified model equations are thus the only way that numerical lake modelling can be carried out at present time, and progress can be made by seeking intelligent parameterizations as a means of capturing more physics within the framework of such simplified equation sets. In this thesis, we employ the long-accepted practice of sub-dividing the lake into vertical layers of different constant densities as an approximation to continuous vertical stratification. We build on this approach by including weakly non-hydrostatic dispersive correction terms in the model equations in order to parameterize the effects of small vertical accelerations that are often disregarded by operational models. Favouring the inclusion of weakly non-hydrostatic effects over the more popular hydrostatic approximation allows these models to capture the emergence of small-scale internal wave phenomena, such as internal solitary waves and undular bores, that are missed by purely hydrostatic models. The Fourier and Chebyshev pseudospectral methods are employed for these weakly non-hydrostatic layered models in simple idealized lake geometries, e.g., doubly periodic domains, periodic channels, and annular domains, for a set of test problems relevant to lake dynamics since they offer excellent resolution characteristics at minimal memory costs. This feature makes them an excellent benchmark to compare other methods against. The Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method (DG-FEM) is then explored as a mid- to high-order method that can be used in arbitrary lake geometries. The DG-FEM can be interpreted as a domain-decomposition extension of a polynomial pseudospectral method and shares many of the same attractive features, such as fast convergence rates and the ability to resolve small-scale features with a relatively low number of grid points when compared to a low-order method. The DG-FEM is further complemented by certain desirable attributes it shares with the finite volume method, such as the freedom to specify upwind-biased numerical flux functions for advection-dominated flows, the flexibility to deal with complicated geometries, and the notion that each element (or cell) can be regarded as a control volume for conserved fluid quantities. Practical implementation details of the numerical methods used in this thesis are discussed, and the various modelling and methodology choices that have been made in the course of this work are justified as the difficulties that these choices address are revealed to the reader. Theoretical calculations are intermittently carried out throughout the thesis to help improve intuition in situations where numerical methods alone fall short of giving complete explanations of the physical processes under consideration. The utility of the DG-FEM method beyond purely hyperbolic systems is also a recurring theme in this thesis. The DG-FEM method is applied to dispersive shallow water type systems as well as incompressible flow situations. Furthermore, it is employed for eigenvalue problems where orthogonal bases must be constructed from the eigenspaces of elliptic operators. The technique is applied to the problem calculating the free modes of oscillation in rotating basins with irregular geometries where the corresponding linear operator is not self-adjoint

    Efficient finite element methods for solving high-frequency time-harmonic acoustic wave problems in heterogeneous media

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    This thesis focuses on the efficient numerical solution of frequency-domain wave propagation problems using finite element methods. In the first part of the manuscript, the development of domain decomposition methods is addressed, with the aim of overcoming the limitations of state-of-the art direct and iterative solvers. To this end, a non-overlapping substructured domain decomposition method with high-order absorbing conditions used as transmission conditions (HABC DDM) is first extended to deal with cross-points, where more than two subdomains meet. The handling of cross-points is a well-known issue for non-overlapping HABC DDMs. Our methodology proposes an efficient solution for lattice-type domain partitions, where the domains meet at right angles. The method is based on the introduction of suitable relations and additional transmission variables at the cross-points, and its effectiveness is demonstrated on several test cases. A similar non-overlapping substructured DDM is then proposed with Perfectly Matched Layers instead of HABCs used as transmission conditions (PML DDM). The proposed approach naturally considers cross-points for two-dimensional checkerboard domain partitions through Lagrange multipliers used for the weak coupling between subproblems defined on rectangular subdomains and the surrounding PMLs. Two discretizations for the Lagrange multipliers and several stabilization strategies are proposed and compared. The performance of the HABC and PML DDM is then compared on test cases of increasing complexity, from two-dimensional wave scattering in homogeneous media to three-dimensional wave propagation in highly heterogeneous media. While the theoretical developments are carried out for the scalar Helmholtz equation for acoustic wave propagation, the extension to elastic wave problems is also considered, highlighting the potential for further generalizations to other physical contexts. The second part of the manuscript is devoted to the presentation of the computational tools developed during the thesis and which were used to produce all the numerical results: GmshFEM, a new C++ finite element library based on the application programming interface of the open-source finite element mesh generator Gmsh; and GmshDDM, a distributed domain decomposition library based on GmshFEM.Cette thèse porte sur la résolution numérique efficace de problèmes de propagation d'ondes dans le domaine fréquentiel avec la méthode des éléments finis. Dans la première partie du manuscrit, le développement de méthodes de décomposition de domaine est abordé, dans le but de surmonter les limitations des solveurs directs et itératifs de l'état de l'art. À cette fin, une méthode de décomposition de domaine sous-structurée sans recouvrement avec des conditions absorbante d'ordre élevé utilisées comme conditions de transmission (HABC DDM) est d'abord étendue pour traiter les points de jonction, où plus de deux sous-domaines se rencontrent. Le traitement des points de jonction est un problème bien connu pour les HABC DDM sans recouvrement. La méthodologie proposée mène à une solution efficace pour les partitions en damier, où les domaines se rencontrent à angle droit. La méthode est basée sur l'introduction de variables de transmission supplémentaires aux points de jonction, et son efficacité est démontrée sur plusieurs cas-tests. Une DDM sans recouvrement similaire est ensuite proposée avec des couches parfaitement adaptées au lieu des HABC (DDM PML). L'approche proposée prend naturellement en compte les points de jonction des partitions de domaine en damier par le biais de multiplicateurs de Lagrange couplant les sous-domaines et les couches PML adjacentes. Deux discrétisations pour les multiplicateurs de Lagrange et plusieurs stratégies de stabilisation sont proposées et comparées. Les performances des DDM HABC et PML sont ensuite comparées sur des cas-tests de complexité croissante, allant de la diffraction d'ondes dans des milieux homogènes bidimensionnelles à la propagation d'ondes tridimensionnelles dans des milieux hautement hétérogènes. Alors que les développements théoriques sont effectués pour l'équation scalaire de Helmholtz pour la simulation d'ondes acoustiques, l'extension aux problèmes d'ondes élastiques est également considérée, mettant en évidence le potentiel de généralisation des méthodes développées à d'autres contextes physiques. La deuxième partie du manuscrit est consacrée à la présentation des outils de calcul développés au cours de la thèse et qui ont été utilisés pour produire tous les résultats numériques : GmshFEM, une nouvelle bibliothèque d'éléments finis C++ basée sur le générateur de maillage open-source Gmsh ; et GmshDDM, une bibliothèque de décomposition de domaine distribuée basée sur GmshFEM

    Space-Angle Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for Radiative Transfer Equation

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    Radiative transfer theory describes the interaction of radiation with scattering and absorbing media. It has applications in neutron transport, atmospheric physics, heat transfer, molecular imaging, and others. In steady state, the radiative transfer equation is an integro-differential equation of five independent variables, which are 3 dimensions in space and 2 dimensions in the angular direction. This high dimensionality and the presence of the integral term present serious challenges when solving the equation numerically. Over the past 50 years, several techniques for solving the radiative transfer equation (RTE) have been introduced. These include, but are certainly not limited to, Monte Carlo methods, discrete-ordinate methods, spherical harmonics methods, spectral methods, finite difference methods, and finite element methods. Methods involving discrete ordinates and spherical harmonics have received particular attention in the literature. This work introduces a parallel space-angle discontinuous Galerkin (saDG) method to solve the steady-state RTEs. The objective-oriented design of the software allowed us to apply the saDG approach to a variety of RTEs with considerable ease, including 1x1s, 1x2s, and 2x2s. The direct solver can achieve high-order accuracy solutions for low-dimensional problems. However, for high-dimensional problems, the direct solver is time-consuming and requires significant memory usage that may exceed the computer\u27s RAM capacity. To address this issue, we employed the Angular Decomposition (AD) method in the iterative solver, which improves runtime efficiency and reduces memory usage. To handle large-scale problems, we developed a parallel solver based on AD and Domain Decomposition (DD) methods. Finally, we applied Reflective Boundary Conditions to 2-D Cartesian radiative transfer problems

    Non-polynomial approximation methods in acoustics and elasticity

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