960 research outputs found

    Gaze-directed gameplay in first person computer games

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    The use of eye tracking systems in computer games is still at an early stage. Commercial eye trackers and researches have been focusing in gaze-oriented gameplay as an alternative to traditional input devices. This dissertation proposes to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the use of these systems in computer games. For it, instead of using eye tracking as a simple direct control input, it is proposed to use it in order to control the attention of the player’s avatar (e.g., if the player notices an obstacle in the way, the avatar will notice it too and avoid it) and the game’s procedural content generation (e.g., spawn obstacles in the opposite side of the screen to where the player’s attention is focused). To demonstrate the value of this proposal, it was developed and is herein presented the first-person shooter "Zombie Runner". Tests showed that the implementation meets the stipulated technical requirements and that, although it still needs improvements in terms of precision and robustness, eye tracking technology can be successfully used to to make the player experience more immersive and challenging.A utilização de sistemas de rastreamento ocular em jogos de computador ainda se encontra numa fase embrionĂĄria. Aparelhos de rastreamento ocular comerciais e pesquisas na ĂĄrea tĂȘm-se focado em jogabilidade Ă  base da atenção visual como uma alternativa a mĂ©todos de entrada tradicionais. Esta dissertação propĂ”e-se a investigar as vantages e desvantagens do uso destes sistemas em jogos de computador. Para isso, invĂ©s de se usar rastreamento ocular apenas como um mĂ©todo directo de entrada, Ă© proposto usĂĄ-lo para controlar a atenção do personagem do jogo (e.g., se o jogador reparar num obstĂĄculo, a personagem tambĂ©m repara e desvia-se do mesmo) assim como afectar a geração procedimental do jogo (e.g., gerar obstĂĄculos no lado oposto ao qual o jogador tem a sua atenção focada). Para demonstrar o valor desta proposta, foi desenvolvido e aqui apresentado o jogo de tiros em primeira pessoa "Zombie Runner". Os testes demonstraram que a implementação cumpre os requisitos tĂ©cnicos estipulados e que, apesar de ainda carecer de melhorias em termos de precisĂŁo e robustez, a tecnologia para rastreamento ocular pode ser utilizada com sucesso para tornar a experiĂȘncia do jogador mais imersiva e desafiante

    Preferences, emotions, and visual attention in the first-person shooter game experience

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    First-person shooter (FPS) games are one of the most popular yet notorious genres of digital games. They contain visceral emotional content and require intense visual attention from players, leading some people to appreciate and others to resent these types of games. This thesis investigated individual differences in the game experience of FPS games by exploring how preferences for violent game dynamics (e.g., preferences for shooting, killing, and exploding) affect players’ emotions and perceptions of curiosity, vitality, and self-efficacy. In addition, the thesis explored how visual attention skills affect the viewing of FPS games as indexed by viewers’ eye movements. In Study I, the role of visual attention skills in viewing FPS gameplay videos was explored. The results showed that viewers’ eye movements tended to progress from a diffuse scanning mode towards a more focal and central viewing mode as time passed. Visual qualities and saliency of events also guided eye movements. Individual differences in visual attention skills (namely, the ability to track multiple objects, perform a visual search for targets, and to see rapidly appearing serial targets) were related to what was attended to in the screen. The role of visual attention skills on eye movements was more prominent during visually distinct events. In sum, the results showed that specific visual attention skills predicted eye movement patterns during FPS gameplay video viewing. Study II explored whether game dynamics preferences and emotion-related responses to an FPS game are connected. Participants’ heart rate, electrodermal activity, and electric activity of facial muscles were recorded as indexes of emotion-related responses both during playing (active participation) and gameplay video viewing (passive watching). The participants also rated their level of experienced arousal and valence. The results showed that there were individual differences in physiological emotion-related responses as a function of dynamics preferences, especially in measures of physiological arousal. Those who liked violent dynamics showed a rather stable level of physiological arousal state both when playing and when viewing the game. In contrast, participants who disliked violent dynamics showed an overall higher level of physiological arousal during playing than when viewing, and the level of arousal increased across time in both conditions. The results on facial muscle activity likewise showed that activity differed between people who liked versus disliked violent dynamics. However, the results were somewhat conflicting: those who liked violent game dynamics showed a steep increase in the activity of the corrugator supercilii muscle, an index of negative valence. Instead, those who disliked the dynamics showed less increase in corrugator supercilii activity. The dynamics preferences did not affect self-reported emotional valence or arousal. Thus, the results highlight that game dynamics preferences were associated with physiological signals, although they may not be a straightforward index of emotions in a gaming context. In Study III, associations between game dynamics preferences and self-reported experiences of vitality, self-efficacy, and curiosity were explored both in association with life in general and with playing an FPS video game. The results showed that players who were neutral or mildly positive towards violent content experienced stable levels of vitality, curiosity, and emotional valence both in life in general and when playing. They also experienced a slight decline in self-efficacy in the playing context. Conversely, those who disliked violent dynamics experienced a clear decline in all of these measures in the playing context. Thus, game dynamics preferences were connected with wider experiential reflections related to playing. Overall, the results of all three studies showed why there is individual variation in the playing experience: players and viewers have differing skills and preferences. These skills and preferences affect how players and viewers pay attention to the game, and what kind of emotional reactions and experiences they have. This is valuable for understanding the psychological outcomes of FPS games, as well as why people hold differing opinions about these types of games. Likewise, the results have importance for game design, as they show that players respond in different ways to game contents. Thus, it may be fruitful to personalize and tailor game contents based on players’ preferences and visual attention skills.Mieltymykset, tunteet ja nÀönvarainen tarkkaavuus ensimmĂ€isen persoonan ammuntapelien pelikokemuksessa EnsimmĂ€isen persoonan ammuntapelit (FPS-pelit) ovat sekĂ€ yksi suosituimmista ettĂ€ pahamaineisimmista digitaalisten pelien genreistĂ€. Ne sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€t voimakasta tunnepitoista sisĂ€ltöÀ ja vaativat ÀÀrimmĂ€istĂ€ nÀönvaraista tarkkaavuutta. NĂ€iden seikkojen takia toiset arvostavat ja toiset paheksuvat kyseisiĂ€ pelejĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa tutkittiin yksilöllisiĂ€ eroja FPS-pelien pelikokemuksessa selvittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€, kuinka mieltymykset vĂ€kivaltaisiin pelidynamiikkoihin (esimerkiksi mieltymykset ampumiseen, tappamiseen ja rĂ€jĂ€yttĂ€miseen) vaikuttavat pelaajien tunnetiloihin ja kokemuksiin uteliaisuudesta, elinvoimaisuudesta ja minĂ€pystyvyydestĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi vĂ€itöskirjassa tutkittiin silmĂ€nliikkeitĂ€ tarkastelemalla kuinka nÀönvaraisen tarkkaavuuden taidot ovat yhteydessĂ€ FPS-pelivideoiden katseluun. Tutkimuksessa I tarkasteltiin, miten nÀönvaraisen tarkkaavuuden taidot vaikuttavat FPS-pelivideoiden katseluun. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettĂ€ silmĂ€nliikkeet etenivĂ€t laajemmasta ja hajaantuneemmasta silmĂ€ilystĂ€ kohti pinta-alaltaan pienempÀÀ ja lĂ€hempĂ€nĂ€ nĂ€ytön keskustaa olevaa aluetta. LisĂ€ksi erilaisten pelitapahtumien visuaaliset ominaisuudet ja huomiota herĂ€ttĂ€vyys suuntasivat silmĂ€nliikkeitĂ€. Yksilölliset erot nÀönvaraisen tarkkaavuuden taidoissa (tĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa taidot seurata useita liikkuvia kohteita, etsiĂ€ kohteita ja nĂ€hdĂ€ nopeasti perĂ€kkĂ€in ilmestyviĂ€ kohteita) olivat yhteydessĂ€ siihen, miten katselija tarkasteli pelinĂ€kymÀÀ. NÀönvaraisen tarkkaavuuden taitojen yhteys silmĂ€nliikkeisiin tuli esiin etenkin visuaalisesti toisistaan erottuvien pelitapahtumien aikana. Yhteenvetona tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ tietyt nÀönvaraisen tarkkaavuuden taidot ennustavat silmĂ€nliikkeitĂ€ FPS-pelivideon katselun aikana. Tutkimuksessa II selvitettiin, ovatko pelidynamiikkamieltymykset ja FPS-peliin liittyvĂ€t tunnereaktiot yhteydessĂ€ toisiinsa. Tutkimukseen osallistujien sykettĂ€, ihon sĂ€hkönjohtavuutta ja kasvolihasten sĂ€hköistĂ€ aktiivisuutta mitattiin indikaatioina tunnereaktioista sekĂ€ pelaamisen (aktiivinen osallistuminen) ettĂ€ pelivideon katselun (passiivinen tarkkailu) aikana. Osallistujat myös arvioivat oman tunnetilansa koettua virittĂ€vyyttĂ€ ja valenssia. Tulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ yksilöiden vĂ€lillĂ€ oli eroja fysiologisissa tunteisiin liittyvissĂ€ reaktioissa riippuen siitĂ€, millaiset pelidynamiikkamieltymykset heillĂ€ oli. TĂ€mĂ€ nĂ€kyi erityisesti fysiologisissa autonomisen hermoston tilaa kuvaavissa mittareissa. VĂ€kivaltaisista dynamiikoista pitĂ€villĂ€ osallistujilla oli suhteellisen tasainen fysiologisen aktivaation taso sekĂ€ pelatessa ettĂ€ pelivideota katsellessa. Sen sijaan niillĂ€ osallistujilla jotka eivĂ€t pitĂ€neet vĂ€kivaltaisista dynamiikoista oli kaiken kaikkiaan korkeampi fysiologisen aktivaation taso pelatessa kuin pelivideota katsellessa, ja aktivaation taso kasvoi ajan kuluessa molemmissa tilanteissa. Kasvojen lihasten sĂ€hköiseen toimintaan liittyvĂ€t tulokset niin ikÀÀn osoittivat, ettĂ€ vĂ€kivaltaisista dynamiikoista pitĂ€vien ja niitĂ€ vieroksuvien henkilöiden vĂ€lillĂ€ oli eroja. Tulokset olivat kuitenkin jossain mÀÀrin ristiriitaisia: vĂ€kivaltaisista dynamiikoista pitĂ€villĂ€ osallistujilla negatiivista valenssia indikoiva corrugator supercilii -lihaksen aktiivisuus lisÀÀntyi ajan kuluessa huomattavasti. Sen sijaan osallistujilla jotka eivĂ€t pitĂ€neet vĂ€kivaltaisista dynamiikoista corrugator supercilii -lihaksen aktiivisuuden lisÀÀntyminen oli lievempÀÀ. Pelidynamiikkamieltymykset eivĂ€t olleet yhteydessĂ€ osallistujien omiin arvioihin tunnekokemuksen virittĂ€vyydestĂ€ ja valenssista. TĂ€ten tulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ pelidynamiikkamieltymykset olivat yhteydessĂ€ fysiologisiin vasteisiin, mutta niitĂ€ ei voida kĂ€yttÀÀ tĂ€ysin mutkattomina mittareina tunteista pelikontekstissa. Tutkimuksessa III tarkasteltiin pelidynamiikkamieltymysten yhteyttĂ€ uteliaisuuden, elinvoimaisuuden ja minĂ€pystyvyyden kokemuksiin elĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ ylipÀÀtÀÀn ja FPS-pelin pelaamiseen liittyen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettĂ€ uteliaisuus, elinvoimaisuus ja tunteen valenssi olivat samankaltaiset sekĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ ylipÀÀtÀÀn ettĂ€ pelatessa mikĂ€li pelaaja suhtautui vĂ€kivaltaisiin dynamiikkoihin neutraalisti tai jonkin verran positiivisesti. TĂ€llaisilla pelaajilla minĂ€pystyvyys oli kuitenkin jonkin verran alhaisempi pelitilanteessa verrattuna elĂ€mÀÀn ylipÀÀtÀÀn. Sen sijaan pelaajat jotka eivĂ€t pitĂ€neet vĂ€kivaltaisista dynamiikoista arvioivat kaikkien nĂ€iden kokemusten olevan selvĂ€sti huonompia pelatessa. Pelidynamiikkamieltymykset olivat siis yhteydessĂ€ laajempiin reflektiivisiin kokemuksiin pelaamisesta. VĂ€itöstutkimuksen tulokset auttavat ymmĂ€rtĂ€mÀÀn, miksi pelikokemuksessa on yksilöllistĂ€ vaihtelua: pelaajat ja katsojat eroavat taidoiltaan ja mieltymyksiltÀÀn. NĂ€mĂ€ taidot ja mieltymykset ovat yhteydessĂ€ siihen, millĂ€ tavoin pelaajat ja katselijat kiinnittĂ€vĂ€t huomiota peliin ja minkĂ€laisia tunnereaktioita ja kokemuksia heillĂ€ on. NĂ€iden seikkojen huomioiminen on tĂ€rkeÀÀ FPS-pelien psykologisten vaikutusten ja peleihin liittyvien eriĂ€vien mielipiteiden ymmĂ€rtĂ€miseksi. Tuloksilla on lisĂ€ksi merkitystĂ€ pelisuunnittelulle, sillĂ€ ne osoittavat, ettĂ€ pelaajat reagoivat eri tavoin pelisisĂ€ltöihin. TĂ€mĂ€n vuoksi voisi olla hyödyllistĂ€ muovata pelisisĂ€ltöjĂ€ yksilöllisesti pelaajien mieltymysten ja nÀönvaraisen tarkkaavuuden taitojen mukaan

    Foveated Video Streaming for Cloud Gaming

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    Video gaming is generally a computationally intensive application and to provide a pleasant user experience specialized hardware like Graphic Processing Units may be required. Computational resources and power consumption are constraints which limit visually complex gaming on, for example, laptops, tablets and smart phones. Cloud gaming may be a possible approach towards providing a pleasant gaming experience on thin clients which have limited computational and energy resources. In a cloud gaming architecture, the game-play video is rendered and encoded in the cloud and streamed to a client where it is displayed. User inputs are captured at the client and streamed back to the server, where they are relayed to the game. High quality of experience requires the streamed video to be of high visual quality which translates to substantial downstream bandwidth requirements. The visual perception of the human eye is non-uniform, being maximum along the optical axis of the eye and dropping off rapidly away from it. This phenomenon, called foveation, makes the practice of encoding all areas of a video frame with the same resolution wasteful. In this thesis, foveated video streaming from a cloud gaming server to a cloud gaming client is investigated. A prototype cloud gaming system with foveated video streaming is implemented. The cloud gaming server of the prototype is configured to encode gameplay video in a foveated fashion based on gaze location data provided by the cloud gaming client. The effect of foveated encoding on the output bitrate of the streamed video is investigated. Measurements are performed using games from various genres and with different player points of view to explore changes in video bitrate with different parameters of foveation. Latencies involved in foveated video streaming for cloud gaming, including latency of the eye tracker used in the thesis, are also briefly discussed

    Games technology: console architectures, game engines and invisible interaction

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    This presentation will look at three core developments in games technology. First we will look at the architectural foundations on which the consoles are built to deliver games performance. Millions of consoles are sold and the console performance is improving in parallel. Next we look at the cutting edge features available in game engines. Middleware software, namely game engines, help developers build games with rich features and also simultaneously harness the power of the game consoles to satisfy gamers. The third part focuses on Invisible Game Interaction. The Nintendo Wii games console was an instant success because of the Wiimote. Old and young alike embraced it. The Microsoft Kinect pushed the boundary even further, where the interaction device is slowly becoming invisible and the human body becomes the interface. Finally, we look at novel research developments that go beyond current game interaction devices

    Eye Movements during dynamic scene viewing are affected by visual attention skills and events of the scene: Evidence from first-person shooter gameplay videos

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    The role of individual differences during dynamic scene viewing was explored. Participants (N=38) watched a gameplay video of a first-person shooter (FPS) videogame while their eye movements were recorded. In addition, the participants’ skills in three visual attention tasks (attentional blink, visual search, and multiple object tracking) were assessed.  The results showed that individual differences in visual attention tasks were associated with eye movement patterns observed during viewing of the gameplay video. The differences were noted in four eye movement measures: number of fixations, fixation durations, saccade amplitudes and fixation distances from the center of the screen. The individual differences showed during specific events of the video as well as during the video as a whole. The results highlight that an unedited, fast-paced and cluttered dynamic scene can bring about individual differences in dynamic scene viewing

    Visual Attention in Dynamic Environments and its Application to Playing Online Games

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    Abstract In this thesis we present a prototype of Cognitive Programs (CPs) - an executive controller built on top of Selective Tuning (ST) model of attention. CPs enable top-down control of visual system and interaction between the low-level vision and higher-level task demands. Abstract We implement a subset of CPs for playing online video games in real time using only visual input. Two commercial closed-source games - Canabalt and Robot Unicorn Attack - are used for evaluation. Their simple gameplay and minimal controls put the emphasis on reaction speed and attention over planning. Abstract Our implementation of Cognitive Programs plays both games at human expert level, which experimentally proves the validity of the concept. Additionally we resolved multiple theoretical and engineering issues, e.g. extending the CPs to dynamic environments, finding suitable data structures for describing the task and information flow within the network and determining the correct timing for each process

    Comparison of EEG biofeedback and visual search strategies during e-sports play according to skill level

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    About 83% of the perceptual information humans receive from the outside world comes through the visual domain, making the tracking of visual information important for the superior performance of e-sports players. In addition, it is known that e-sports players’ emotional state during performance affects their results. However, few studies have examined visual search strategies and electroencephalogram (EEG) findings of e-sports players while engaged in e-sports. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the characteristics of visual search activity and EEG feedback during first person shooter (FPS) game play, in which the tracking of visual information is important, and to examine the characteristics of different gaming skill levels. Four skilled and five semi-skilled e-sports participants (mean age ± 19.11, SD = 0.99) participated in this study. Gazepoint GP3 (Canada) was used to measure eye movements, and the Sports KANSEI (Littlesoftware Inc., Japan) was used to analyse the emotional state of the participants by using EEG data. The results showed that the skilled e-sports players checked the camera significantly more frequently than the semi-skilled participants. The results of the area of interest (AOI) analysis showed that skilled e-sports players glanced at the friendly team information displayed at the top of the game screen more often than semi-skilled players. Furthermore, it was found that skilled e-sports players had significantly higher average EEG relaxation values during gameplay than semi-skilled players. Thus, the visual search strategy and emotional state while playing e-sports differed according to gaming skill level

    Through Her Eyes: The Gendering of Female First-Person Shooters

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    While the video game industry has attempted to address their years of mistreatment towards women, within games and how they are produced, by hiring more women and including more female characters as playable options, these fixes have been superficial at best. Not only are there still few females as main characters in video games, but that there are so few female video games. By this I refer to the fact that video games told through the eyes of female characters often do not feature a gendered narrative, unlike multiple games with male POVs in which the storyline directly reflects their gender. This issue, however, is not just about inclusion of more female stories, but also execution. Female FPSs may lack a narrative reflecting their gender, but they often feature gameplay that represents a stereotype of females as weaker and less aggressive than men. The purpose of this analysis is to explore how first-person shooter video games gender (or not) their female texts, through both narrative and gameplay

    Immunitary Gaming: Mapping the First-Person Shooter

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    Videogames have been theorised as an action-based medium. The original contribution to knowledge this thesis makes is to reconfigure this claim by considering popular multiplayer FPS games as reaction-based – particularly, immune reactions. I take up Roberto Esposito’s claim that the individual in contemporary biopolitics is defined negatively against the other, controlled and ultimately negated via their reactions to power’s capacity to incessantly generate threats. By inciting insecurity and self-protective gestures, FPS games like Activision’s Call of Duty franchise and EA’s Battlefield series vividly dramatise Esposito’s thought, producing an immunitary gaming. Immunitary Gaming locates the FPS within key moments of change as well as evolution in Western image systems including the emergence of linear perspective, cartography and the early years of the cinema. The FPS appropriates these image systems, but also alters their politics. Giorgio Agamben has argued that the apparatuses of late modernity no longer subjectify like their forebears, but desubjectify the individual, producing an impotent neoliberal body politic. I trace a similar development here. My work also seeks to capture the player’s movements via autoethnographic writing that communicates the viscerally and intensity of the experience. The FPS is framed as capable of giving insight into both the present and the future of our technological and political milieu and ‘sensorium,’ in Walter Benjamin’s terms. In its valorisation of the individual and production of insecurity to incite action, this project argues that the FPS is a symbolic form of immunitary neoliberal governmentality
