312,661 research outputs found

    Model Transformation Technologies in the Context of Modelling Software Systems

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    Programming technologies have improved continuously during the last decades, but from an Information Systems perspective, some well-known problems associated to the design and implementation of an Information Systems persists. Object-Oriented Methods, Formal Specification Languages, Component-Based Software Production... This is just a very short list of technologies proposed to solve a very old and, at the same time, very well-known problem: how to produce software of quality. Programming has been the key task during the last 40 years, and the results have not been successful yet. This work will explore the need of facing a sound software production process from a different perspective: the non-programming perspective, where by non-programming we mainly mean modeling. Instead of talking about Extreme Programming, we will introduce a Extreme Non-Programming (Extreme Modeling-Oriented) approach. We will base our ideas on the intensive work done during the last years, oriented to the objective of generating code from a higher-level system specification, normally represented as a Conceptual Schema. Nowadays, though, the hip around MDA has given a new push to these strategies. New methods propose sound model transformations which cover all the different steps of a sound software production process from an Information Systems Engineering point of view. This must include Organizational Modeling, Requirements Engineering, Conceptual Modeling and Model-Based Code Generation techniques. In this context, it seems that the time of Model Transformation Technologies is finally here..

    Extreme Programming: Maestro Style

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    "Extreme Programming: Maestro Style" is the name of a computer programming methodology that has evolved as a custom version of a methodology, called extreme programming that has been practiced in the software industry since the late 1990s. The name of this version reflects its origin in the work of the Maestro team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory that develops software for Mars exploration missions. Extreme programming is oriented toward agile development of software resting on values of simplicity, communication, testing, and aggressiveness. Extreme programming involves use of methods of rapidly building and disseminating institutional knowledge among members of a computer-programming team to give all the members a shared view that matches the view of the customers for whom the software system is to be developed. Extreme programming includes frequent planning by programmers in collaboration with customers, continually examining and rewriting code in striving for the simplest workable software designs, a system metaphor (basically, an abstraction of the system that provides easy-to-remember software-naming conventions and insight into the architecture of the system), programmers working in pairs, adherence to a set of coding standards, collaboration of customers and programmers, frequent verbal communication, frequent releases of software in small increments of development, repeated testing of the developmental software by both programmers and customers, and continuous interaction between the team and the customers. The environment in which the Maestro team works requires the team to quickly adapt to changing needs of its customers. In addition, the team cannot afford to accept unnecessary development risk. Extreme programming enables the Maestro team to remain agile and provide high-quality software and service to its customers. However, several factors in the Maestro environment have made it necessary to modify some of the conventional extreme-programming practices. The single most influential of these factors is that continuous interaction between customers and programmers is not feasible


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    Abstract : With the existence of highly advanced information technology as it is today, it is certainly very helpful for human work in creating, changing and seeking information. The process of searching for information at Telkomsigma Jakarta still uses a system that is not well computed. In designing this talent grouping application, the author uses the C # language as a language to compile logic and uses visual studio as an application to display C # language logic lines and acts as an IDE so that the logic lines that have been compiled can be processed into an application, and use devexpress as an additional application for visual studio which contains controls that can help to create an application.The method used in developing this system uses the Extreme Programming method, while the methods for collecting the funds use observation, interviews and literature study.By utilizing this work ability grouping application, it makes it easier for users to map the information needed about the ability of each employee to work. Keyword : Ability, C#, DevExpress, Extreme Programming, ID

    Sistem Informasi Persediaan Alat Praktek Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Extreme Programming

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    Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi yang terjadi saat ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan tambahan ilmu pengetahuan dan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas untuk membuat sistem yang membantu pekerjaan staff, dan karyawan setiap jurusan di sekolah terutama dalam persediaan alat praktek. Sistem Persediaan Alat Praktek di SMK Taruna Bangsa masih menggunakan sistem manual. Hal ini yang menyebabkan sulit dalam mencari data ketersediaan alat praktek dan mencatat data alat praktek yang masuk, keluar, atau rusak apabila diperlukan dan kepala sekolah tidak mengetahui alat praktek apa yang masuk, keluar atau rusak serta kurang akuratnya dalam pembuatan laporan. Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini agar terbangunnya sistem informasi dalam sistem persediaan alat praktek. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Extreme Programming karena untuk meningkatkan kualitas sistem ketika terjadi perubahan kebutuhan user. Diharapkan dengan adanya sistem ini akan mempermudah pekerjaan staff dan karyawan setiap jurusan dalam melakukan pengecekan ketersediaan alat praktek, dan mencatat alat praktek masuk, keluar atau rusak serta dapat membuat laporan yang akurat.   Kata kunci: extreme programming, persediaan alat praktek, sistem informasi   Abstract: Technological developments that occur at this time can be utilized with additional knowledge and quality human resources to create a system that helps the work of staff, and employees of each department in schools, especially in the supply of practical tools. The Practice Equipment Inventory System at SMK Taruna Bangsa still uses the manual system. This makes it difficult to find data on the availability of practical tools and record data of practical tools that are in, out, or damaged if necessary and the principal does not know what practical tools are in, out or damaged and is less accurate in making reports. The main objective in this research is to build an information system in a practical tool inventory system. The development method used is Extreme Programming because it is to improve the quality of the system when changes in user needs occur. It is expected that with this system will facilitate the work of staff and employees of each department in checking the availability of practical tools, and record practice tools in, out or damaged and can make an accurate report.   Keywords: extreme programming, information system, inventory of practice tools &nbsp


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    The digital attendance system enables more efficient data processing, real-time time monitoring, and reduces human errors in the recording process. One of the schools that has developed this technology is SMK Negeri 4 Kota Sorong. This is related to the last two years, where almost everyone has been required to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for prevention and monitoring of student attendance at school. To support the monitoring of student attendance at school, a web-based COVID-19 Vaccine QR-Code utilization system is needed at SMK Negeri 4 Sorong, Southwest Papua. This student attendance system has three access levels, which are divided into admin, teachers, and parents. This research uses PHP programming language and MySQL database. The development of this system is carried out using the Extreme Programming method, which includes steps such as problem identification, data collection, applying the Extreme Programming method, and implementation. The school attendance system, which has been built with its features, has been proven to work perfectly through feature testing using black-box testing with a 100% success rate. From the results of this testing, the utilization of the COVID-19 Vaccine QR-Code can be used for attendance and departure monitoring.Sistem absensi digital memungkinkan pengolahan data yang lebih efisien, pemantauan waktu secara real-time, dan mengurangi kesalahan manusia dalam proses pencatatan. Salah satu sekolah yang di kembangkan teknologi tersebuat adalah SMK Negeri 4 Kota Sorong. Hal ini berkaitan dengan 2 tahun terakhir hampir semua orang diwajibkan menerima vaksin covid-19 dan untuk pencegahan,serta pemantauan kehadiran siswa disekolah. Untuk mendukung proses pemantuan kehadiran siswa disekolah maka diperlukan sistem pemanfaatan QR-Code Vaksin Covid-19 berbasis web di SMK Negeri 4 Sorong Papua Barat Daya. Sistem absensi siswa ini memiliki tiga akses yang terbagi menjadi admin, guru, dan orang tua. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL. Pembuatan sistem ini, menggunakan metode Extreme Programming di dalamnya dilakukan dengan langkah penelitian diantaranya mengidentifikasi masalah, mengumpulkan data, menerapkan metode Extreme Programming, dan melakukan implementasi. Sistem absensi sekolah yang telah di bangun dengan fitur-fitur berhasil sempurna di buktikan dengan pengujian fitur sistem menggunakan black box testing dengan tingkat keberhasilan 100%. Dari hasil pengujian tersebut pemanfaatan QR-Code Vaksin Covid-19 dapat digunakan untuk absensi kehadiran dan kepulangan

    The media and advertising : a table of two-sided markets

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    Media industries are important drivers of popular culture. A large fraction of leisure time is devoted to radio, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and television (the illustrative example henceforth). Most advertising expenditures are incurred for these media. They are also mainly supported by advertising revenue. Early work stressed possible market failures in program dupplication and catering to the Lowest Common Denominator, indicating lack of cultual diversisty and quality. The business model for most media industries is underscored by advertisers’ demand to reach prospectie customers. This business model has important impllications for performance in the market since viewer sovereignty is indirect. Viewers are attracted by programming, though they dislike the ads it carries, and advertisers want viewers as potential consumers. The two sides are coordinated by broadcasters (or “platforms”) that choose ad levels and program types, and advertising finances the programming. Competition for viewers of the demographics most desired by advertisers implies that programming choices will be biased towards the tastes of those with such demographics. The ability to use subscription pricing may help improve performance by catering to the tastes of those otherwise under-represented, though higher full prices tend to favor broadcasters at the expense of viewers and advertisers. If advertising demand is weak, program equilibrium porgram selection may be too extreme as broadcasters strive to avoid ruinous subscription price competition, but strong advertising demand may lead to strong competition for viewers and hence minimum differentiation (“la pensée unique”). Markets (such as newspapers) with a high proportion of ad-lovers may be served only by monopoly due to a circulation spiral : advertisers want to place ads in the paper with most readers, but readers want to buy the paper with more ads.Advertising finance; two-sided markets; platform competition
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