15,296 research outputs found

    Lengths of extremal square-free ternary words

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    A square-free word ww over a fixed alphabet Σ\Sigma is extremal if every word obtained from ww by inserting a single letter from Σ\Sigma (at any position) contains a square. Grytczuk et al. recently introduced the concept of extremal square-free word and demonstrated that there are arbitrarily long extremal square-free ternary words. We find all lengths which admit an extremal square-free ternary word. In particular, we show that there is an extremal square-free ternary word of every sufficiently large length. We also solve the analogous problem for circular words

    Generating square-free words efficiently

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    We study a simple algorithm generating square-free words from a random source. The source produces uniformly distributed random letters from a k-ary alphabet, and the algorithm outputs a (k+1)-ary square-free word. We are interested in the "conversion ratio" between the lengths of the input random word and the output square-free word. For any k≥3 we prove the expected value of this ratio to be a constant and calculate it up to an O(1/k5) term. For the extremal case of ternary square-free words, we suggest this ratio to have a constant expectation as well and conjecture its actual value from computer experiments. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.

    Hypergraph Tur\'an Problems in 2\ell_2-Norm

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    There are various different notions measuring extremality of hypergraphs. In this survey we compare the recently introduced notion of the codegree squared extremal function with the Tur\'an function, the minimum codegree threshold and the uniform Tur\'an density. The codegree squared sum co2(G)\textrm{co}_2(G) of a 33-uniform hypergraph GG is defined to be the sum of codegrees squared d(x,y)2d(x,y)^2 over all pairs of vertices x,yx,y. In other words, this is the square of the 2\ell_2-norm of the codegree vector. We are interested in how large co2(G)\textrm{co}_2(G) can be if we require GG to be HH-free for some 33-uniform hypergraph HH. This maximum value of co2(G)\textrm{co}_2(G) over all HH-free nn-vertex 33-uniform hypergraphs GG is called the codegree squared extremal function, which we denote by exco2(n,H)\textrm{exco}_2(n,H). We systemically study the extremal codegree squared sum of various 33-uniform hypergraphs using various proof techniques. Some of our proofs rely on the flag algebra method while others use more classical tools such as the stability method. In particular, we (asymptotically) determine the codegree squared extremal numbers of matchings, stars, paths, cycles, and F5F_5, the 55-vertex hypergraph with edge set {123,124,345}\{123,124,345\}. Additionally, our paper has a survey format, as we state several conjectures and give an overview of Tur\'an densities, minimum codegree thresholds and codegree squared extremal numbers of popular hypergraphs. We intend to update the arXiv version of this paper regularly.Comment: Invited survey for BCC 2022, comments are welcom

    The Scarf complex and betti numbers of powers of extremal ideals

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    This paper is concerned with finding bounds on betti numbers and describing combinatorially and topologically (minimal) free resolutions of powers of ideals generated by a fixed number qq of square-free monomials. Among such ideals, we focus on a specific ideal Eq\mathcal{E}_q, which we call {\it extremal}, and which has the property that for each r1r\ge 1 the betti numbers of Eqr{\mathcal{E}_q}^r are an upper bound for the betti numbers of IrI^r for any ideal II generated by qq square-free monomials (in any number of variables). We study the Scarf complex of the ideals Eqr{\mathcal{E}_q}^r and use this simplicial complex to extract information on minimal free resolutions. In particular, we show that Eqr{\mathcal{E}_q}^r has a minimal free resolution supported on its Scarf complex when q4q\leq 4 or when r2r\leq 2, and we describe explicitly this complex. For any qq and rr, we also show that β1(Eqr)\beta_1({\mathcal{E}_q}^r) is the smallest possible, or in other words equal to the number of edges in the Scarf complex. These results lead to effective bounds on the betti numbers of IrI^r, with II as above. For example, we obtain that pd(Ir)5(I^r)\leq 5 for all ideals II generated by 44 square-free monomials and any r1r\geq 1

    Extremal Betti Numbers and Applications to Monomial Ideals

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    In this short note we introduce a notion of extremality for Betti numbers of a minimal free resolution, which can be seen as a refinement of the notion of Mumford-Castelnuovo regularity. We show that extremal Betti numbers of an arbitrary submodule of a free S-module are preserved when taking the generic initial module. We relate extremal multigraded Betti numbers in the minimal resolution of a square free monomial ideal with those of the monomial ideal corresponding to the Alexander dual simplicial complex and generalize theorems of Eagon-Reiner and Terai. As an application we give easy (alternative) proofs of classical criteria due to Hochster, Reisner, and Stanley.Comment: Minor revision. 15 pages, Plain TeX with epsf.tex, 8 PostScript figures, PostScript file available also at http://www.math.columbia.edu/~psorin/eprints/monbetti.p

    From Monomials to Words to graphs

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    Given a finite alphabet X and an ordering on the letters, the map \sigma sends each monomial on X to the word that is the ordered product of the letter powers in the monomial. Motivated by a question on Groebner bases, we characterize ideals I in the free commutative monoid (in terms of a generating set) such that the ideal generated by \sigma(I) in the free monoid is finitely generated. Whether there exists an ordering such that is finitely generated turns out to be NP-complete. The latter problem is closely related to the recognition problem for comparability graphs.Comment: 27 pages, 2 postscript figures, uses gastex.st