466 research outputs found

    Dynamic dependency analysis of ordinary programs

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    Enhanced clustering analysis pipeline for performance analysis of parallel applications

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    Clustering analysis is widely used to stratify data in the same cluster when they are similar according to the specific metrics. We can use the cluster analysis to group the CPU burst of a parallel application, and the regions on each process in-between communication calls or calls to the parallel runtime. The resulting clusters obtained are the different computational trends or phases that appear in the application. These clusters are useful to understand the behavior of the computation part of the application and focus the analyses on those that present performance issues. Although density-based clustering algorithms are a powerful and efficient tool to summarize this type of information, their traditional user-guided clustering methodology has many shortcomings and deficiencies in dealing with the complexity of data, the diversity of data structures, high-dimensionality of data, and the dramatic increase in the amount of data. Consequently, the majority of DBSCAN-like algorithms have weaknesses to handle high-dimensionality and/or Multi-density data, and they are sensitive to their hyper-parameter configuration. Furthermore, extracting insight from the obtained clusters is an intuitive and manual task. To mitigate these weaknesses, we have proposed a new unified approach to replace the user-guided clustering with an automated clustering analysis pipeline, called Enhanced Cluster Identification and Interpretation (ECII) pipeline. To build the pipeline, we propose novel techniques including Robust Independent Feature Selection, Feature Space Curvature Map, Organization Component Analysis, and hyper-parameters tuning to feature selection, density homogenization, cluster interpretation, and model selection which are the main components of our machine learning pipeline. This thesis contributes four new techniques to the Machine Learning field with a particular use case in Performance Analytics field. The first contribution is a novel unsupervised approach for feature selection on noisy data, called Robust Independent Feature Selection (RIFS). Specifically, we choose a feature subset that contains most of the underlying information, using the same criteria as the Independent component analysis. Simultaneously, the noise is separated as an independent component. The second contribution of the thesis is a parametric multilinear transformation method to homogenize cluster densities while preserving the topological structure of the dataset, called Feature Space Curvature Map (FSCM). We present a new Gravitational Self-organizing Map to model the feature space curvature by plugging the concepts of gravity and fabric of space into the Self-organizing Map algorithm to mathematically describe the density structure of the data. To homogenize the cluster density, we introduce a novel mapping mechanism to project the data from the non-Euclidean curved space to a new Euclidean flat space. The third contribution is a novel topological-based method to study potentially complex high-dimensional categorized data by quantifying their shapes and extracting fine-grain insights from them to interpret the clustering result. We introduce our Organization Component Analysis (OCA) method for the automatic arbitrary cluster-shape study without an assumption about the data distribution. Finally, to tune the DBSCAN hyper-parameters, we propose a new tuning mechanism by combining techniques from machine learning and optimization domains, and we embed it in the ECII pipeline. Using this cluster analysis pipeline with the CPU burst data of a parallel application, we provide the developer/analyst with a high-quality SPMD computation structure detection with the added value that reflects the fine grain of the computation regions.El análisis de conglomerados se usa ampliamente para estratificar datos en el mismo conglomerado cuando son similares según las métricas específicas. Nosotros puede usar el análisis de clúster para agrupar la ráfaga de CPU de una aplicación paralela y las regiones en cada proceso intermedio llamadas de comunicación o llamadas al tiempo de ejecución paralelo. Los clusters resultantes obtenidos son las diferentes tendencias computacionales o fases que aparecen en la solicitud. Estos clusters son útiles para entender el comportamiento de la parte de computación del aplicación y centrar los análisis en aquellos que presenten problemas de rendimiento. Aunque los algoritmos de agrupamiento basados en la densidad son una herramienta poderosa y eficiente para resumir este tipo de información, su La metodología tradicional de agrupación en clústeres guiada por el usuario tiene muchas deficiencias y deficiencias al tratar con la complejidad de los datos, la diversidad de estructuras de datos, la alta dimensionalidad de los datos y el aumento dramático en la cantidad de datos. En consecuencia, el La mayoría de los algoritmos similares a DBSCAN tienen debilidades para manejar datos de alta dimensionalidad y/o densidad múltiple, y son sensibles a su configuración de hiperparámetros. Además, extraer información de los clústeres obtenidos es una forma intuitiva y tarea manual Para mitigar estas debilidades, hemos propuesto un nuevo enfoque unificado para reemplazar el agrupamiento guiado por el usuario con un canalización de análisis de agrupamiento automatizado, llamada canalización de identificación e interpretación de clúster mejorada (ECII). para construir el tubería, proponemos técnicas novedosas que incluyen la selección robusta de características independientes, el mapa de curvatura del espacio de características, Análisis de componentes de la organización y ajuste de hiperparámetros para la selección de características, homogeneización de densidad, agrupación interpretación y selección de modelos, que son los componentes principales de nuestra canalización de aprendizaje automático. Esta tesis aporta cuatro nuevas técnicas al campo de Machine Learning con un caso de uso particular en el campo de Performance Analytics. La primera contribución es un enfoque novedoso no supervisado para la selección de características en datos ruidosos, llamado Robust Independent Feature. Selección (RIFS).Específicamente, elegimos un subconjunto de funciones que contiene la mayor parte de la información subyacente, utilizando el mismo criterios como el análisis de componentes independientes. Simultáneamente, el ruido se separa como un componente independiente. La segunda contribución de la tesis es un método de transformación multilineal paramétrica para homogeneizar densidades de clústeres mientras preservando la estructura topológica del conjunto de datos, llamado Mapa de Curvatura del Espacio de Características (FSCM). Presentamos un nuevo Gravitacional Mapa autoorganizado para modelar la curvatura del espacio característico conectando los conceptos de gravedad y estructura del espacio en el Algoritmo de mapa autoorganizado para describir matemáticamente la estructura de densidad de los datos. Para homogeneizar la densidad del racimo, introducimos un mecanismo de mapeo novedoso para proyectar los datos del espacio curvo no euclidiano a un nuevo plano euclidiano espacio. La tercera contribución es un nuevo método basado en topología para estudiar datos categorizados de alta dimensión potencialmente complejos mediante cuantificando sus formas y extrayendo información detallada de ellas para interpretar el resultado de la agrupación. presentamos nuestro Método de análisis de componentes de organización (OCA) para el estudio automático de forma arbitraria de conglomerados sin una suposición sobre el distribución de datos.Postprint (published version

    High-level characteristics of or-and independent and-parallelism in prolog

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    Although studies of a number of parallel implementations of logic programming languages are now available, their results are difficult to interpret due to the multiplicity of factors involved, the effect of each of which is difficult to sepárate. In this paper we present the results of a high-level simulation study of or- and independent and-parallelism with a wide selection of Prolog programs that aims to determine the intrinsic amount of parallelism, independently of implementation factors, thus facilitating this separation. We expect this study will be instrumental in better understanding and comparing results from actual implementations, as shown by some examples provided in the paper. In addition, the paper examines some of the issues and tradeoffs associated with the combination of and- and or-parallelism and proposes reasonable solutions based on the simulation data obtained

    The Multiple Facets of Software Diversity: Recent Developments in Year 2000 and Beyond

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    Early experiments with software diversity in the mid 1970's investigated N-version programming and recovery blocks to increase the reliability of embedded systems. Four decades later, the literature about software diversity has expanded in multiple directions: goals (fault-tolerance, security, software engineering); means (managed or automated diversity) and analytical studies (quantification of diversity and its impact). Our paper contributes to the field of software diversity as the first paper that adopts an inclusive vision of the area, with an emphasis on the most recent advances in the field. This survey includes classical work about design and data diversity for fault tolerance, as well as the cybersecurity literature that investigates randomization at different system levels. It broadens this standard scope of diversity, to include the study and exploitation of natural diversity and the management of diverse software products. Our survey includes the most recent works, with an emphasis from 2000 to present. The targeted audience is researchers and practitioners in one of the surveyed fields, who miss the big picture of software diversity. Assembling the multiple facets of this fascinating topic sheds a new light on the field

    Evaluating techniques for parallelization tuning in MPI, OmpSs and MPI/OmpSs

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    Parallel programming is used to partition a computational problem among multiple processing units and to define how they interact (communicate and synchronize) in order to guarantee the correct result. The performance that is achieved when executing the parallel program on a parallel architecture is usually far from the optimal: computation unbalance and excessive interaction among processing units often cause lost cycles, reducing the efficiency of parallel computation. In this thesis we propose techniques oriented to better exploit parallelism in parallel applications, with emphasis in techniques that increase asynchronism. Theoretically, this type of parallelization tuning promises multiple benefits. First, it should mitigate communication and synchronization delays, thus increasing the overall performance. Furthermore, parallelization tuning should expose additional parallelism and therefore increase the scalability of execution. Finally, increased asynchronism would provide higher tolerance to slower networks and external noise. In the first part of this thesis, we study the potential for tuning MPI parallelism. More specifically, we explore automatic techniques to overlap communication and computation. We propose a speculative messaging technique that increases the overlap and requires no changes of the original MPI application. Our technique automatically identifies the application’s MPI activity and reinterprets that activity using optimally placed non-blocking MPI requests. We demonstrate that this overlapping technique increases the asynchronism of MPI messages, maximizing the overlap, and consequently leading to execution speedup and higher tolerance to bandwidth reduction. However, in the case of realistic scientific workloads, we show that the overlapping potential is significantly limited by the pattern by which each MPI process locally operates on MPI messages. In the second part of this thesis, we study the potential for tuning hybrid MPI/OmpSs parallelism. We try to gain a better understanding of the parallelism of hybrid MPI/OmpSs applications in order to evaluate how these applications would execute on future machines and to predict the execution bottlenecks that are likely to emerge. We explore how MPI/OmpSs applications could scale on the parallel machine with hundreds of cores per node. Furthermore, we investigate how this high parallelism within each node would reflect on the network constraints. We especially focus on identifying critical code sections in MPI/OmpSs. We devised a technique that quickly evaluates, for a given MPI/OmpSs application and the selected target machine, which code section should be optimized in order to gain the highest performance benefits. Also, this thesis studies techniques to quickly explore the potential OmpSs parallelism inherent in applications. We provide mechanisms to easily evaluate potential parallelism of any task decomposition. Furthermore, we describe an iterative trialand-error approach to search for a task decomposition that will expose sufficient parallelism for a given target machine. Finally, we explore potential of automating the iterative approach by capturing the programmers’ experience into an expert system that can autonomously lead the search process. Also, throughout the work on this thesis, we designed development tools that can be useful to other researchers in the field. The most advanced of these tools is Tareador – a tool to help porting MPI applications to MPI/OmpSs programming model. Tareador provides a simple interface to propose some decomposition of a code into OmpSs tasks. Tareador dynamically calculates data dependencies among the annotated tasks, and automatically estimates the potential OmpSs parallelization. Furthermore, Tareador gives additional hints on how to complete the process of porting the application to OmpSs. Tareador already proved itself useful, by being included in the academic classes on parallel programming at UPC.La programación paralela consiste en dividir un problema de computación entre múltiples unidades de procesamiento y definir como interactúan (comunicación y sincronización) para garantizar un resultado correcto. El rendimiento de un programa paralelo normalmente está muy lejos de ser óptimo: el desequilibrio de la carga computacional y la excesiva interacción entre las unidades de procesamiento a menudo causa ciclos perdidos, reduciendo la eficiencia de la computación paralela. En esta tesis proponemos técnicas orientadas a explotar mejor el paralelismo en aplicaciones paralelas, poniendo énfasis en técnicas que incrementan el asincronismo. En teoría, estas técnicas prometen múltiples beneficios. Primero, tendrían que mitigar el retraso de la comunicación y la sincronización, y por lo tanto incrementar el rendimiento global. Además, la calibración de la paralelización tendría que exponer un paralelismo adicional, incrementando la escalabilidad de la ejecución. Finalmente, un incremente en el asincronismo proveería una tolerancia mayor a redes de comunicación lentas y ruido externo. En la primera parte de la tesis, estudiamos el potencial para la calibración del paralelismo a través de MPI. En concreto, exploramos técnicas automáticas para solapar la comunicación con la computación. Proponemos una técnica de mensajería especulativa que incrementa el solapamiento y no requiere cambios en la aplicación MPI original. Nuestra técnica identifica automáticamente la actividad MPI de la aplicación y la reinterpreta usando solicitudes MPI no bloqueantes situadas óptimamente. Demostramos que esta técnica maximiza el solapamiento y, en consecuencia, acelera la ejecución y permite una mayor tolerancia a las reducciones de ancho de banda. Aún así, en el caso de cargas de trabajo científico realistas, mostramos que el potencial de solapamiento está significativamente limitado por el patrón según el cual cada proceso MPI opera localmente en el paso de mensajes. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, exploramos el potencial para calibrar el paralelismo híbrido MPI/OmpSs. Intentamos obtener una comprensión mejor del paralelismo de aplicaciones híbridas MPI/OmpSs para evaluar de qué manera se ejecutarían en futuras máquinas. Exploramos como las aplicaciones MPI/OmpSs pueden escalar en una máquina paralela con centenares de núcleos por nodo. Además, investigamos cómo este paralelismo de cada nodo se reflejaría en las restricciones de la red de comunicación. En especia, nos concentramos en identificar secciones críticas de código en MPI/OmpSs. Hemos concebido una técnica que rápidamente evalúa, para una aplicación MPI/OmpSs dada y la máquina objetivo seleccionada, qué sección de código tendría que ser optimizada para obtener la mayor ganancia de rendimiento. También estudiamos técnicas para explorar rápidamente el paralelismo potencial de OmpSs inherente en las aplicaciones. Proporcionamos mecanismos para evaluar fácilmente el paralelismo potencial de cualquier descomposición en tareas. Además, describimos una aproximación iterativa para buscar una descomposición en tareas que mostrará el suficiente paralelismo en la máquina objetivo dada. Para finalizar, exploramos el potencial para automatizar la aproximación iterativa. En el trabajo expuesto en esta tesis hemos diseñado herramientas que pueden ser útiles para otros investigadores de este campo. La más avanzada es Tareador, una herramienta para ayudar a migrar aplicaciones al modelo de programación MPI/OmpSs. Tareador proporciona una interfaz simple para proponer una descomposición del código en tareas OmpSs. Tareador también calcula dinámicamente las dependencias de datos entre las tareas anotadas, y automáticamente estima el potencial de paralelización OmpSs. Por último, Tareador da indicaciones adicionales sobre como completar el proceso de migración a OmpSs. Tareador ya se ha mostrado útil al ser incluido en las clases de programación de la UPC

    Performance analysis for parallel programs from multicore to petascale

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    Cutting-edge science and engineering applications require petascale computing. Petascale computing platforms are characterized by both extreme parallelism (systems of hundreds of thousands to millions of cores) and hybrid parallelism (nodes with multicore chips). Consequently, to effectively use petascale resources, applications must exploit concurrency at both the node and system level --- a difficult problem. The challenge of developing scalable petascale applications is only partially aided by existing languages and compilers. As a result, manual performance tuning is often necessary to identify and resolve poor parallel and serial efficiency. Our thesis is that it is possible to achieve unique, accurate, and actionable insight into the performance of fully optimized parallel programs by measuring them with asynchronous-sampling-based call path profiles; attributing the resulting binary-level measurements to source code structure; analyzing measurements on-the-fly and postmortem to highlight performance inefficiencies; and presenting the resulting context- sensitive metrics in three complementary views. To support this thesis, we have developed several techniques for identifying performance problems in fully optimized serial, multithreaded and petascale programs. First, we describe how to attribute very precise (instruction-level) measurements to source-level static and dynamic contexts in fully optimized applications --- all for an average run-time overhead of a few percent. We then generalize this work with the development of logical call path profiling and apply it to work-stealing-based applications. Second, we describe techniques for pinpointing and quantifying parallel inefficiencies such as parallel idleness, parallel overhead and lock contention in multithreaded executions. Third, we show how to diagnose scalability bottlenecks in petascale applications by scaling our our measurement, analysis and presentation tools to support large-scale executions. Finally, we provide a coherent framework for these techniques by sketching a unique and comprehensive performance analysis methodology. This work forms the basis of Rice University's HPCTOOLKIT performance tools

    On the automated compilation of UML notation to a VLIW chip multiprocessor

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    With the availability of more and more cores within architectures the process of extracting implicit and explicit parallelism in applications to fully utilise these cores is becoming complex. Implicit parallelism extraction is performed through the inclusion of intelligent software and hardware sections of tool chains although these reach their theoretical limit rather quickly. Due to this the concept of a method of allowing explicit parallelism to be performed as fast a possible has been investigated. This method enables application developers to perform creation and synchronisation of parallel sections of an application at a finer-grained level than previously possible, resulting in smaller sections of code being executed in parallel while still reducing overall execution time. Alongside explicit parallelism, a concept of high level design of applications destined for multicore systems was also investigated. As systems are getting larger it is becoming more difficult to design and track the full life-cycle of development. One method used to ease this process is to use a graphical design process to visualise the high level designs of such systems. One drawback in graphical design is the explicit nature in which systems are required to be generated, this was investigated, and using concepts already in use in text based programming languages, the generation of platform-independent models which are able to be specialised to multiple hardware architectures was developed. The explicit parallelism was performed using hardware elements to perform thread management, this resulted in speed ups of over 13 times when compared to threading libraries executed in software on commercially available processors. This allowed applications with large data dependent sections to be parallelised in small sections within the code resulting in a decrease of overall execution time. The modelling concepts resulted in the saving of between 40-50% of the time and effort required to generate platform-specific models while only incurring an overhead of up to 15% the execution cycles of these models designed for specific architectures

    Experiences on the characterization of parallel applications in embedded systems with Extrae/Paraver

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    Cutting-edge functionalities in embedded systems require the use of parallel architectures to meet their performance requirements. This imposes the introduction of a new layer in the software stacks of embedded systems: the parallel programming model. Unfortunately, the tools used to analyze embedded systems fall short to characterize the performance of parallel applications at a parallel programming model level, and correlate this with information about non-functional requirements such as real-time, energy, memory usage, etc. HPC tools, like Extrae, are designed with that level of abstraction in mind, but their main focus is on performance evaluation. Overall, providing insightful information about the performance of parallel embedded applications at the parallel programming model level, and relate it to the non-functional requirements, is of paramount importance to fully exploit the performance capabilities of parallel embedded architectures. This paper contributes to the state-of-the-art of analysis tools for embedded systems by: (1) analyzing the particular constraints of embedded systems compared to HPC systems (e.g., static setting, restricted memory, limited drivers) to support HPC analysis tools; (2) porting Extrae, a powerful tracing tool from the HPC domain, to the GR740 platform, a SoC used in the space domain; and (3) augmenting Extrae with new features needed to correlate the parallel execution with the following non-functional requirements: energy, temperature and memory usage. Finally, the paper presents the usefulness of Extrae to characterize OpenMP applications and its non-functional requirements, evaluating different aspects of the applications running in the GR740.This work has been partially funded from the HP4S (High Performance Parallel Payload Processing for Space) project under the ESA-ESTEC ITI contract № 4000124124/18/NL/CRS.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft