438 research outputs found

    A identidade dos fãs de esports com o evento e a marca patrocinadora : caso de estudo da LG no FPF Open Challenge

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    This study aims to explore the eSports fans’ identity on sponsor-sponsee relationship, as well as understand the effects on their behavioural intentions. Data were collected among Portuguese eSports fans (n = 356) who attended at the 2021 FPF Open Challenge, using an online questionnaire. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) analysed the psychometric properties of the constructs, and a subsequent structural equation model (SEM) examined the effects of fan identity on two behavioural intention and on sponsor-sponsee relationship. Results evidence that highly identified fans with eSports are more committed towards the event and tend to have a positive word-of-mouth intention, while those who have higher brand identification reported the highest connection to the event sponsor-brand and then tend to purchase its products. Moreover, our findings also provide evidence of the bidirectional interaction between fan’ identity with eSports event and its sponsor-brand, leading to greater reciprocity on their social identity formation. Managerial implications focus on strengthening the social identity of fans as a way to understand their future behaviours


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    The hospitality industry in Qatar is rapidly growing. The growth is supported by the preparation for the FIFA World Cup 2022 and by the efforts of Qatar towards tourism and hospitality development in the country. Consequently, hundreds of international and local hotels were opened in the country in the last few years. This enormous growth in the number of hotels is not supported by a parallel growth in the workforce to cover its needs. Therefore, Qatar entirely depends on foreigners to run hotels and other hospitality facilities. As a country seeking to be distinguished as a tourism destination, this is not an effective practice. This study sheds light on the barriers and obstacles facing Qatari individuals from all genders when trying to work in the hospitality industry. The study triangulates the topic in three major sections, the hospitality industry attractiveness to Qatari’s, social and religious barriers, and lack of hospitality experienced professionals in the Qatari market. The study covers various challenges that might face Qatari’s attempting to work in the hospitality industry, including financial challenges, work nature & stress, and career future. In addition, the study investigates the religious and social challenges which might face Qatari’s in such domain. Through qualitative and quantitative research methods, the research concluded that the current representation of Qatari’s in the hospitality industry is significantly low; less than a hundred Qatari’s who work in this industry. It was also found that most respondents do not consider working in the hospitality industry for various reasons. The community-related barriers are the most critical barriers facing Qatari’s from joining the hospitality industry. The community in Qatar does not perceive hotel jobs as stable and prestige jobs; for all genders. However, for women, it is much harder. The work in hotels requires day-to-day interaction with guests and employees in a place that can host bars, night clubs, and a lifestyle that will not fit a Qatari woman. Another barrier was the industry working conditions. The hospitality industry often means working in shifts, working during holidays, working in beginners’ jobs such as dishwashing, housekeeping, and receptionists. These circumstances do not seem fit to the majority of Qatari’s. The research presented a set of recommendations to affiliated authorities in Qatar to overcome these barriers and attract more Qatari’s to the industry. Qatar is in a great need to enhance the existence of Qatari’s in this segment before it hosts the FIFA World Cup 2022. This study shall support Qatari’s who are attempting to join the hospitality industry, as well as, the current employers in the field currently


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    With each passing minute, online data is growing exponentially. A bulk of such data is generated from short text social media platforms such as Twitter. Such platforms are fundamental in social media knowledge-based applications like recommender systems. Twitter, for example, provides rich real-time streaming information. Extracting knowledge from such short texts without automated support is not feasible due to Twitter\u27s platform streaming nature. Therefore, an automated method for comprehending patterns in such text is a need for many knowledge systems. This paper provides solutions to generate topics from Twitter data. We present several techniques related to topical modelling to identify topics of interest in short texts. Topic modelling is inherently problematic in shorter texts with very sparse vocabulary in addition to the informal language used in their dissemination. Such findings are informative in knowledge extraction for social media-based recommender systems as well as in understanding tweeters over time

    Using social media big data for tourist demand forecasting: A new machine learning analytical approach

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    This study explores the possibility of using a machine learning approach to analysing social media big data for tourism demand forecasting. We demonstrate how to extract the main topics discussed on Twitter and calculate the mean sentiment score for each topic as the proxy of the general attitudes towards those topics, which are then used for predicting tourist arrivals. We choose Sydney, Australia as the case for testing the performance and validity of our proposed forecasting framework. The study reveals key topics discussed in social media that can be used to predict tourist arrivals in Sydney. The study has both theoretical implications for tourist behavioural research and practical implications for destination marketing

    Psychological experiences in South African society before the 2010 FIFA World Cup from the systems psychodynamic and positive psychology perspectives

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    Orientation: The researchers conducted a literature review to analyse the assumptions of systems psychodynamics, the Tavistock model of group relations, object relations theory and the most relevant constructs in the systems psychodynamic perspective. They then described the assumptions and most relevant constructs in the positive psychology perspective in order to analyse theoretically the psychological effect of large-scale sports events on a community or country. The objective of the empirical study was to investigate some of the unconscious emotions, fears, anxieties and conflicts (dynamics) that prevailed in South Africa before the 2010 Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup and some of the positive emotional experiences associated with it. Research purpose: The objective of this study was to analyse and describe the psychological experiences of South Africans before the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Research design, approach and method: The researchers conducted the study from the systems psychodynamic and positive psychology perspectives. The study comprised a qualitative, explorative and social phenomenological study. The researchers conducted interviews with a wide range of their colleagues and clients. Main findings: The results seemed to indicate that South Africans had had a number of positive and negative experiences before the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Practical/managerial implications: The researchers presented the findings as a number of systems psychodynamic and positive psychology themes. Contribution/value-add: This study presents original research that contributes valuable new knowledge to the positive psychology and systems psychodynamic perspectives

    Erfassung der Effektivität von Sportsponsoring als Marketingkommunikationsinstrument auf der impliziten und expliziten Verarbeitungsebene von Konsumenten als Handlungsgrundlage für operative und strategische Managemententscheidungen

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    In den letzten drei Dekaden hat sich das Sponsoring im Allgemeinen und das Sportsponsoring im Besonderen als eine immer wichtigere und verstärkt verbindende Marketingkommunikationsplattform etablieren können. Im Kern versucht Sponsoring dabei, einen assoziativen Transfer zwischen der Sponsormarke und dem Sponsorobjekt (Event, Team, Athlet etc.) zu schaffen, welcher von dem Zuschauer bzw. Fan wertgeschätzt wird, um darüber die Markenwahrnehmung und das Markenverhalten zu beeinflussen. Aus moderner Kommunikationsperspektive, wie sie bei Sharp (2010) eingehend erörtert wird, sind weitere elementare Vorteile des Sponsoring, neben dem persönlichen Erreichen der Konsumenten, a) eine kontinuierliche und aufmerksamkeitsstarke Präsenz sowie b) das Auffrischen und Stärken von relevanten Assoziationen im menschlichen Gedächtnis zu ermöglichen. Cornwell et al. (2005) identifizieren in diesem Zusammenhang den folgenden Bedarf bei der Sponsoringforschung: „Implicit memory also plays a major role in the processing of sponsorship information. As such, greater consideration in future research must be given to investigating implicit memory for sponsorship information, rather than just using studies involving sponsor recall and recognition tasks tapping explicit memory.” (Cornwell et al. 2005, p. 29). Auf akademischer und praktischer Ebene ist festzustellen, dass lediglich in wenigen Sportsponsoring-Studien implizite Erhebungstechniken eingesetzt wurden, wie es auch generell im Marketing zu beobachten ist, obwohl dies Cornwell et al. (2005) in deren viel beachteten und zitierten Artikel als zukünftige Notwendigkeit klar identifiziert und gezielt hervorgehoben haben. Den Ausgangspunkt zum systematischen Verständnis der Sponsoringwirksamkeit bildet die assoziative Netzwerktheorie. Jeder Marketingkontakt wie das Wahrnehmen des Trikotsponsors oder der Post eines Athleten in den Sozialen Medien über den neuen Ausrüster, ob nun persönlich bzw. direkt oder nicht-persönlich bzw. indirekt erfahren, löst einen assoziativen Lernprozess aus, der neue Assoziationen im impliziten Gedächtnis speichert, bestehende Assoziationen verstärkt oder überschreibt und darüber am Ende den Marketingerfolg wie Markengefallen oder Markenkauf beeinflusst. Vor den skizzierten Hintergründen und den identifizierten Forschungslücken auf praktischer, theoretischer, methodischer und empirischer Ebene ergibt sich ableitend die folgende Motivation für die Durchführung einer systematischen Forschungsreihe: Schaffung eines erkenntnisleitenden Beitrages zur Wirksamkeit von horizontal und vertikal ausgerichteten Sportsponsoringaktivitäten auf impliziter und expliziter Ebene der Markeninformationsverarbeitung. Die einzelnen Studien der Forschungsreihe, welche insgesamt sechs aufeinander aufbauende Arbeiten umfasst, fallen in den Bereich einer verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Fundierung des Marketing im Allgemeinen und der Marketingforschung im Besonderen. Ziel der Forschungsreihe ist die Initiierung eines wissenschaftlich fundierten Erkenntnisfortschritts bei gleichzeitig hoher Praxisorientierung. Das Verständnis sowie der Nachweis, welche substanzielle Wirksamkeit eine Sportsponsoringaktivität hinterlässt, insbesondere bezüglich der markenwertspezifischen Assoziationen im Gedächtnis der Konsumenten, die in ihrer Gesamtheit das Bild einer Marke, präziser formuliert das Markenwissen determinieren und entsprechend die Wahrnehmung als auch das Verhalten gegenüber einer Marke beeinflussen, ist für das Marketingmanagement einer Sponsormarke von erfolgskritischer Relevanz. Die durchgeführten Forschungsstudien zielten darauf ab, eine inhaltliche und methodische Weiterentwicklung der Sportsponsoringforschung aus Perspektive der Wissenschaft und Praxis systematisch umzusetzen. Mittels einer kombinierten Erhebung und Analyse impliziter und expliziter Markenassoziationen sowie zusätzlicher markenwertrelevanter Engagementmaße wie Markenempfindung, -weiterempfehlung und -präferenz – wie im Rahmen der vorliegenden Forschungsreihe erfolgreich konzipiert, eingesetzt, überprüft und sukzessive weiterentwickelt wurde – lässt sich die Sponsoringwirksamkeit in einer kompakten und gleichzeitig ganzheitlichen Art und Weise sowohl wissenschaftlich fundiert als auch praxistauglich evaluieren. Insbesondere die zielorientierte und multidimensionale Erfassung von impliziten Markenassoziationen, wie von Cornwell et al. (2005) als kritisches Forschungsdefizit identifiziert, erwies sich als leistungsstark und wertvoll. Aus Perspektive des Marketingmanagement zeigt die vorliegende empirische Forschungsreihe ebenfalls die kritische Notwendigkeit des kombinierten Einsatzes aus impliziten und expliziten Erhebungsinstrumenten, um ein ganzheitliches Verständnis entwickeln zu können, wie Konsumenten die Marke und damit einhergehend die Markenkommunikation wahrnehmen und verarbeiten. Des Weiteren scheint es aus Perspektive des Marketingmanagement angebracht, die Wirksamkeit einer Sponsoringaktivität im Vorfeld anhand des Assoziationsfits zwischen Sponsorobjekt und Sponsormarke analytisch abzuschätzen. Nur wenn am Ende das Sponsorobjekt im Vergleich zur Sponsormarke bei den Assoziationen klar besser abschneidet, die für die Sponsormarke mit Blick auf eine positive Konsumentenreaktion essentiell sind, scheint ein Sponsoringinvestment zweckmäßig, da dann ein positiver Assoziationstransfer vom Sponsorobjekt auf die Sponsormarke wahrscheinlich ist, welcher einen nachhaltigen Ausbau und eine substanzielle Stärkung des Markenwissens ermöglicht

    Independent or Simultaneous Lowering of Core and Skin Temperature Has no Impact on Self‑paced Intermittent Running Performance in Hot Conditions

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    Purpose To investigate the effects of lowering core (Tgi) and mean skin temperature (Tsk) concomitantly and independently on self-paced intermittent running in the heat. Methods 10 males (30.5 ± 5.8 years, 73.2 ± 14.5 kg, 176.9 ± 8.0 cm, 56.2 ± 6.6 ml/kg/min) completed four randomised 46-min self-paced intermittent protocols on a non-motorised treadmill in 34.4 ± 1.4 °C, 36.3 ± 4.6% relative humidity. 30-min prior to exercise, participants were cooled via either ice slurry ingestion (INT); a cooling garment (EXT); mixed-cooling (ice slurry and cooling garment concurrently) (MIX); or no-cooling (CON). Results At the end of pre-cooling and the start of exercise Tgi were lower during MIX (36.11 ± 1.3 °C) compared to CON (37.6 ± 0.5 °C) and EXT (36.9 ± 0.5 °C, p 0.05). Peak sprint speeds were also similar between conditions (CON: 25.6 ± 4.48 km/h, INT: 25.4 ± 3.6 km/h, EXT: 26.0 ± 4.94 km/h, MIX: 25.6 ± 3.58 km/h) (p > 0.05). Blood lactate, heart rate and RPE were similar between conditions (p > 0.05). Conclusion Lowering Tgi and Tsk prior to self-paced intermittent exercise did not improve sprint, or submaximal running performance

    Analysing International Sports Fan Motivations and Constraints: The Case of Japanese International Sports Fan Tourists and Rugby World Cup Fan Tourists

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    The scale of professional sports leagues and mega sports events has expanded recently. Many sports fans travel to foreign countries to watch international events featuring the world’s top athletes or players. The number of international sports fan tourists has increased, and understanding their behaviour is very important for stakeholders and those involved in marketing, such as sports organisations, travel companies, and government tourist organisations. This study examines the motivations and constraints of Japanese international sports fan tourists and Japanese Rugby World Cup fan tourists. Sports fan tourists are tourists as well as sports fans. Many researchers have examined motivation either from a sports fan’s perspective or a tourist perspective. However, a motivation scale for international sports fan tourists (combining both sports fan and tourist motivations) has been not developed as there has been a lack of research into the behaviour of the international sports fan tourist. The main research aim of this study is to analyse the motivation and constraint factors of both Japanese international sports fan tourists and Japanese Rugby World Cup tourists. The methodology aims to: 1.profile Japanese international sports fan tourists and Japanese Rugby World Cup tourists; 2.develop a motivational scale for actual sports fan tourists and a constraints scale for potential sports fan tourists (those who considered going but did not go); 3.analyse these factors according to demographics; 4.examine factors related to motivations and constraints on fans’ satisfaction, or their intention to attend future events. A quantitative approach was employed. The main data collection methods were three email surveys: 1.Study 1 collected data about actual international sports fan tourists (N=338) and potential sports fan tourists (N=292). 2.Study 2 collected data about actual Rugby World Cup 1987-2007 tourists (N=101) and potential tourists (N=297). 3.Study 3 collected data about actual Rugby World Cup 2011 tourists (N=84) and potential tourists (N=115). In previous studies, the sample was collected either from actual fans or potential fans separately; however, in this study, samples were collected not only from actual sports fan tourists but also from potential sports fan tourists from the same database. The data analysis predominantly used explanatory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), independent t-test, ANOVA, regression analysis, and structure equation modelling (SEM) including interaction effects analysis. The results of this study were analysed using four steps: 1.Showing the demographic profiles and behavioural patterns of Japanese international sports fan tourists and Japanese Rugby World Cup fan tourists. 2.Developing motivation and constraints scales: • an International Sports Fan Motivation Scale • an International Sports Fan Tourist Motivation Scale • an International Sports Fan Constraints Scale • a Rugby World Cup Sports Fan Motivation Scale • a Rugby World Cup Fan Tourist Motivation Scale • a Rugby World Cup Fan Constraints Scale. 3.Comparing the mean scores of extracted factors by demographics such as gender, age, sports experiences etc. 4.Analysing the impact on satisfaction or future intention using interaction effect methods. The results showed some interesting academic and practical implications. This study has thus made a significant and unique contribution to the knowledge of international sports fan behaviour by researching the combined sports fan motivation factors and tourist motivation factors of actual sports fans, and the constraints of potential sports fan tourists. The study has also provided an academic contribution to the sports and tourism fields, and has provided a practical contribution to the areas of sports fan behaviour, tourism, leisure constraints, and sports events management

    Modeling the major influencing factor on match running performance during the in-season phase in a Portuguese professional football team

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    The aim of this study was two-fold: (1) to analyze the influence of season phase (i.e., the start of the in-season and mid-in-season) on match running performance in a Portuguese professional football team; (2) to determine and model the main factor influencing match running performance during the in-season in this specific football team. Eighteen matches were collected by an 18 Hz global positioning system (GPS) from a professional Portuguese football team during the start of the in-season and mid-in-season. The match running performance was analyzed according to season phases, presenting significant differences in total distance (TD) (tlower bound = 4.71, p < 0.001; tupper bound = −2.22, p = 0.002), average speed (AvS) (tlower bound = 359.45, p < 0.001; tupper bound = −359.87, p < 0.001), and relative high speed running (rHSR) (tlower bound = 13.10, p < 0.001; tupper bound = −10.21, p < 0.001). The logistic regression showed TD (β = −1.59, z = −2.84, p = 0.005) and AvS (β = 2.68, z = −2.84, p = 0.007) as the major factors influencing match running performance during seasonal variation. Sprints and accelerations showed no significance for predicting match running performance during the season phases (β = −0.05 to 1.07, z = −0.95 to 1.07, p = 0.29 to 0.72). Current research confirms that lower and upper bounds should be used to quantify seasonal differences on match running performance. TD and AvS were described as the main factors influencing match running performance during the in-season phase. Thus, it is important to highlight the pace and volume of the game to maximize match running performance.This project was supported by the National Funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UIDB/DTP/04045/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio