27 research outputs found


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    Business rules play a critical role in building and maintaining effective and flexible information systems. In light of that critical role, the publication of the Semantic Business Vocabulary and Business Rules standard (SBVR), has been regarded a highly significant advance. Following that release, a number of research efforts have been made to convert SBVR to design models, most of which are structural models represented in UML. However, so far the proposed methodologies tend to be of an exploratory nature in the sense that they are not built on a rigorous foundation. Our aim is to identify a core subset of the SBVR features and show how those core SBVR features can be translated into an equivalent UML structural model. To do that on a sound foundation, we first provide formal models of the core SBVR and the target UML class diagram. We then transform the core SBVR model to the UML class model, completed with proofs of correctness, and describe how the mapping rules can be applied in a transformation process. Finally, to show the usefulness of our formal approach, we discuss how it is used as a crucial component in a larger project, which embraces a number of practical objectives

    Automatic Transformation of Natural to Unified Modeling Language: A Systematic Review

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    Context: Processing Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) manually takes a much longer time for requirement analysts in software engineering. Researchers have been working on making an automatic approach to ease this task. Most of the existing approaches require some intervention from an analyst or are challenging to use. Some automatic and semi-automatic approaches were developed based on heuristic rules or machine learning algorithms. However, there are various constraints to the existing approaches of UML generation, such as restriction on ambiguity, length or structure, anaphora, incompleteness, atomicity of input text, requirements of domain ontology, etc. Objective: This study aims to better understand the effectiveness of existing systems and provide a conceptual framework with further improvement guidelines. Method: We performed a systematic literature review (SLR). We conducted our study selection into two phases and selected 70 papers. We conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses by manually extracting information, cross-checking, and validating our findings. Result: We described the existing approaches and revealed the issues observed in these works. We identified and clustered both the limitations and benefits of selected articles. Conclusion: This research upholds the necessity of a common dataset and evaluation framework to extend the research consistently. It also describes the significance of natural language processing obstacles researchers face. In addition, it creates a path forward for future research

    Legal compliance by design (LCbD) and through design (LCtD) : preliminary survey

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    1st Workshop on Technologies for Regulatory Compliance co-located with the 30th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2017). The purpose of this paper is twofold: (i) carrying out a preliminary survey of the literature and research projects on Compliance by Design (CbD); and (ii) clarifying the double process of (a) extending business managing techniques to other regulatory fields, and (b) converging trends in legal theory, legal technology and Artificial Intelligence. The paper highlights the connections and differences we found across different domains and proposals. We distinguish three different policydriven types of CbD: (i) business, (ii) regulatory, (iii) and legal. The recent deployment of ethical views, and the implementation of general principles of privacy and data protection lead to the conclusion that, in order to appropriately define legal compliance, Compliance through Design (CtD) should be differentiated from CbD

    Website-based final project management system design at Trisakti university industrial engineering

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    Preparing the final project is one of the requirements for graduation from a college student. The right Final Project management system will affect the quality of education. Industrial Engineering Trisakti University is one of the leading universities in Indonesia that continues to develop its education system. Managing the final project at Trisakti University Industrial Engineering is still manual and has not been integrated. As a result, the risk of errors in entering and saving Final Project data is still high. Therefore, this research was conducted to design a final project management system at Trisakti University Industrial Engineering. It begins with analyzing the existing management system. It is described with swim lane diagrams and PIECES to determine the process flow in the system and the actors who play a role in the system. After analyzing the system, proceed with designing information systems with Object-Oriented Modeling and evaluate it with black box testing and ERRC. This research results in website-based final project management at Trisakti University Industrial Engineering


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    Tuberkulosis (TB) adalah salah satu penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian tinggi pada manusia. Pencegahan penyakit ini telah dicari oleh para profesional medis dan peneliti. Sayangnya, penanganan TB masih dilakukan secara manual dan sangat tergantung pada ahli medis yang jumlahnya terbatas, sehingga dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan sistem informasi alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Sistem diagnosis gejala TB ini dikembangkan menggunakan metode sistem pakar fuzzy. Data masukan pada sistem ini adalah gejala yang diderita penderita, yang terdiri dari batuk, penurunan berat badan, sesak napas, kehilangan nafsu makan, demam, berkeringat di malam hari, dan malaise. Prosesnya dimulai dari memasukkan data gejala, kemudian diproses menggunakanfuzzy yang terdiri dari proses fuzifikasi, inferensi dan defuzifikasi.Aturan penyakit diberikan oleh para ahli yang ahli di bidangnya dan dari sumber jurnal. Keluaran dari sistem menampilkan antarmuka diagnosis penyakit di web. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi yang dapat memberikan hasil diagnosis penyakit kepada pengguna. Perhitungan nilai akurasi juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa akurat fuzzy dalam sistem ini, dan dari hasil perhitungan ditemukan bahwa nilai akurasi yang didapat adalah sebesar 82% yang menunjukkan bahwa logika fuzzy baik untuk proses diagnosis. Kata kunci — TB, pakar, sistem pakar fuzzy, logika fuzzy, diagnosis Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the diseases that causes high mortality in humans. The prevention of this disease has been sought by medical professionals and researchers. Unfortunately, the handling of TB is still manual and very dependent on medical experts who are very limited in number. In this study we propose an alternative information technology to overcome this problem. To overcome this problem a TB diagnostic system is developed using a fuzzy expert system. Input data on this system are the symptoms suffered by the sufferer, which consists of cough, weight loss, breathless, loss of appetite, fever, sweat at night, and malaise. The input data is then processed using fuzzy logic which consists of a process of fuzification, inference and defuzification. The output of the system displays the disease diagnosis interface on the web. Disease rules are given by experts who are experts in their fields and from journal sources. The results of the study are information systems that can provide the results of disease diagnosis to the user. The calculation of the accuracy value is also done to find out how accurate the fuzzy logic is in this system, and from the results of these calculations it is found that the accuracy value is 82% which shows that fuzzy logic is good for the diagnostic process. Keywords—tuberculosis, expert, fuzzy expert system, fuzzy logic, diagnosi

    An object-oriented approach to the translation between MOF Metaschemas

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    Since the 1960s, many formal languages have been developed in order to allow software engineers to specify conceptual models and to design software artifacts. A few of these languages, such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML), have become widely used standards. They employ notations and concepts that are not readily understood by "domain experts," who understand the actual problem domain and are responsible for finding solutions to problems.The Object Management Group (OMG) developed the Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Rules (SBVR) specification as a first step towards providing a language to support the specification of "business vocabularies and rules." The function of SBVR is to capture business concepts and business rules in languages that are close enough to ordinary language, so that business experts can read and write them, and formal enough to capture the intended semantics and present them in a form that is suitable for engineering the automation of the rules.The ultimate goal of business rules approaches is to build software systems directly from vocabularies and rules. One way of reaching this goal, within the context of model-driven architecture (MDA), is to transform SBVR models into UML models. OMG also notes the need for a reverse engineering transformation between UML schemas and SBVR vocabularies and rules in order to validate UML schemas. This thesis proposes an automatic approach to translation between UML schemas and SBVR vocabularies and rules, and vice versa. It consists of the application of a new generic schema translation approach to the particular case of UML and SBVR.The main contribution of the generic approach is the extensive use of object-oriented concepts in the definition of translation mappings, particularly the use of operations (and their refinements) and invariants, both formalized in the Object Constraint Language (OCL). Translation mappings can be used to check that two schemas are translations of each other, and to translate one into the other, in either direction. Translation mappings are declaratively defined by means of preconditions, postconditions and invariants, and they can be implemented in any suitable language. The approach leverages the object-oriented constructs embedded in Meta Object Facility (MOF) metaschemas to achieve the goals of object-oriented software development in the schema translation problem.The generic schema translation approach and its application to UML schemas and SBVR vocabularies and rules is fully implemented in the UML-based Specification Environment (USE) tool and validated by a case study based on the conceptual schema of the Digital Bibliography & Library Project (DBLP) system


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    Acara atau kegiatan akan selalu ada disekitar kita. Baik untuk kepentingan sosial ataupun yang kaitannya dengan bisnis. Keberhasilan sebuah acara dilihat dari banyaknya dan antusiasme dari pengunjung. Media penyebar informasi sangatlah penting untuk menyampaikan kepada masyarakat banyak akan adanya acara. Media yang banyak digunakan pada saat ini adalah smartphone. Aplikasi android pada smartphone yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan acara atau kegiatan adalah merupakan salah satu pemanfaatan teknolgi. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah menerapkan teknologi android pada permasalahan publikasi kegiatan dengan menggunakan pengujian kompabilitas sistem sehingga sistem diharapkan dapat dijalankan di semua merek. Pengujian yang dilakukan agar sistem dipastikan berjalan dengan baik adalah dengan menguji sistem pada beberapa handphone dengan ukuran layar yang berbeda-beda. Aplikasi acara atau kegiatan telah berhasil dibuat dan berjalan dengan baik pada beberapa merek handphone yaitu samsung galaxy j3, samsung galaxy j5 prime, Xiaomi redmi 3

    An OMG model-based approach for aligning information systems requirements and architectures with business

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    Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação)The challenges involved in developing information systems (which are able to adapt to rapidly changing business and technological conditions) are directly related to the importance of their alignment with the business counterpart. These challenges comprise issues that cross management and information systems domains, relating and aligning them in order to attain superior performance for the organization, while identifying its strategy and tailoring its business processes. As this relation is increasingly intertwined its concepts are conducted to pragmatic methods, incorporating both management and information systems components, for how, when and where this alignment really matters. The related topics of the alignment between business and information systems comprise diverse paths of research, though with little common ground established inside the community, where problems arouse due to the fast moving business and technological environments. According to these circumstances, the process of developing information systems to support the alignment benefits from incorporating the use of structured and model-based approaches. So, as the development of evermore complex information systems presents a challenge for the currently available methods, the use of models to support the alignment with business stands as an increasingly important issue. Following those challenges, we set out to question how to develop solutions aligning information systems with business in a model-based approach. Accordingly, we support our research on the need to understand what are the perspectives involved in aligning information systems with business, and, moreover, to comprehend in what sense model adoption drives information systems development. So, the proposed goals for this thesis are: (1) set the basis for the elicitation of business requirements in order to support a well-grounded development of information systems; (2) provide for the generation of business models based on the business requirements, while assuring their alignment and traceability; and (3) arrange for the derivation of information system architectures from the business requirements, while attaining alignment and traceability for their mutual transformation and adaptation. Several issues surrounding these goals have already been described and approached in diverse ways by other researchers, where existing approaches and associated methods achieved good results. Nevertheless, these approaches are not without their shortfalls, sometimes failing to present a complete solution, others being unable to adapt to new challenges, or even incapable of reacting to recent trends. In order to tackle these issues we propose to build upon those approaches by adapting, evolving and innovating on solutions in each of the three proposed goals, respectively intertwining with perspectives from related standards and reference models. Answering the first goal, in what regards the main contributions of this thesis, we propose to broaden the elicitation of requirements by relating functional and nonfunctional requirements from business processes. So, we present a unified metamodel representation for those requirements, accompanied by a customizable method for their joint elicitation, based-on business-driven use-cases, goals and rules. This approach adopts the Rational Unified Process (RUP) development methodology and the Business Motivation Model (BMM) standard model language representation for business requirements. Moreover, the metamodel representation and method operationalization are accompanied by a prototype support tool that completes this first contribution. For the second goal, a more business-oriented one correlated to the higher-level requirements, we propose to generate business models directly from the inferred functional and nonfunctional requirements. So, we present a three-dimensional approach built on the relation of the referred requirements with the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) reference model, where an additional mapping to the Business Model Canvas (BMC) is also made available. This proposal provides an associated metamodel representation for the relation between the elements involved and a customizable method for their operationalization, all accompanied by a prototype support tool. On the third goal, focused on system architectures and connected to the lower-level requirements, we propose to derive service-oriented participants from the functional requirements, while aligning the nonfunctional requirements with the quality characteristics of the solution to-be. First, we present an evolution of an existing method for the derivation of a logical architecture, in order to adapt it to a service-oriented approach (SOA). Then, following on the existing relation between the nonfunctional and functional side of the low-level requirements, our approach is able to associate these last with its related services on the derived architecture, in another three-dimensional approach. Additionally, a mapping of the nonfunctional requirements with the system quality characteristics (CISQ) is made available. Once more, an associated metamodel, a customizable method and a prototype support tool are also provided. The development of these three approaches is supported through the execution of tasks which originate artifacts and lead to publications associated to their respective research and development efforts, all according to the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology. These are applied in ongoing projects involving experimental scenarios in industrial settings and associated to established research reference patterns, balancing the interests of both researchers and practitioners while focused both on technology and management audiences. The results obtained from their evaluation reflect the quality and depth of our findings, helping to validate the scientific contribution of this work.Os desafios implicados no desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação (que sejam capazes de se adaptar a condições tecnológicas e de negócios em rápida mutação) estão diretamente relacionados à importância do seu alinhamento com a contraparte do negócio. Esses desafios envolvem questões que cruzam os domínios da gestão e dos sistemas de informação, relacionando-os e alinhando-os com o intuito de alcançar um desempenho superior para a organização, ao mesmo tempo que identificam a sua estratégia e adequam os seus processos de negócio. Como esta relação está cada vez mais interligada, os seus conceitos são canalizados para métodos pragmáticos, incorporando ambos os componentes de sistemas de informação e de gestão, para saber como, quando e onde este alinhamento realmente interessa. Os tópicos relacionados com o alinhamento entre negócio e sistemas de informação abrangem diversos caminhos de pesquisa, embora com poucos alicerces em comum estabelecidos dentro da comunidade, onde os problemas surgem devido às rápidas mudanças nos negócios e nos ambientes tecnológicos. De acordo com estas circunstâncias, o processo de desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação para apoiar o alinhamento beneficia de incorporar o uso de abordagens estruturadas e baseadas em modelos. Assim, dado que o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação cada vez mais complexos apresenta um desafio para os métodos atualmente disponíveis, o uso de modelos para apoiar o alinhamento com o negócio destaca-se como uma questão cada vez mais importante. Em linha com esses desafios, estabelecemos a questão de como desenvolver soluções para alinhar sistemas de informações com o negócio numa abordagem baseada em modelos. Neste sentido, apoiamos a nossa pesquisa na necessidade de compreender quais são as perspetivas envolvidas no alinhamento dos sistemas de informação com o negócio, e, além disso, de compreender em que sentido a adoção de modelos capacita o desenvolvimento desses sistemas. Assim, os objetivos propostos para esta tese são: (1) definir as bases para o levantamento de requisitos de negócio a fim de suportar um desenvolvimento bem fundamentado de sistemas de informação; (2) disponibilizar a geração de modelos de negócio baseados nos requisitos de negócio, garantindo o alinhamento e a rastreabilidade entre ambos; e (3) estruturar a derivação de arquiteturas de sistema de informação a partir dos requisitos de negócio, preservando o alinhamento e rastreabilidade para a sua mútua transformação e adaptação. Várias questões envolvendo estes objetivos foram já descritas e tratadas de diversas maneiras por outros investigadores, tendo as abordagens existentes e os métodos associados alcançado bons resultados. No entanto, essas abordagens têm as suas lacunas, umas vezes falham em apresentar uma solução completa, noutras são ineficientes ao se adaptarem a novos desafios, ou mesmo incapazes de reagir às novas tendências. Para lidar com estas questões, propomo-nos apoiar nessas abordagens, adaptando, evoluindo e inovando em soluções para cada um dos três objetivos propostos, intersetando-as, respetivamente, com perspetivas de modelos de referência e padrões relacionados. Relativamente ao primeiro objetivo, no que concerne aos principais contributos desta tese, propomos alargar o levantamento de requisitos, relacionando os requisitos funcionais e nãofuncionais dos processos de negócios. Assim, apresentamos um meta-modelo para a representação unificada desses requisitos, acompanhado por um método personalizável para o seu levantamento conjunto, baseada em casos-de-uso, metas e regras orientadas a negócio. Esta abordagem adota a metodologia de desenvolvimento do Rational Unified Process (RUP) e a representação padrão do modelo de linguagem do Business Motivation Model (BMM), para os requisitos de negócio. Além disso, a representação meta-modelo e a operacionalização do método são acompanhados por um protótipo de uma ferramenta de suporte que completa esta primeira contribuição. Quanto ao segundo objetivo, mais orientado ao negócio e correlacionado com os requisitos de nível superior, propomos gerar modelos de negócio a partir dos requisitos funcionais e não-funcionais inferidos. Assim, apresentamos uma abordagem tridimensional, construída sobre a relação dos referidos requisitos com o modelo de referência do Balanced Scorecard (BSC), em que um mapeamento adicional para o Business Model Canvas (BMC) é também disponibilizado. Esta proposta inclui um meta-modelo para representação da relação entre os elementos envolvidos e um método personalizável para a sua operacionalização, tudo acompanhado por um protótipo de uma ferramenta de suporte. No terceiro objetivo, focado em arquiteturas de sistema e ligado aos requisitos de nível inferior, propomos derivar participantes orientados-a-serviços desde os requisitos funcionais, alinhando os requisitos não-funcionais com as características de qualidade da solução a obter. Primeiro, apresentamos uma evolução de um método existente para a derivação de uma arquitetura lógica, adaptando-o a uma abordagem-orientada-a-serviços (SOA). Assim, prosseguindo a relação existente entre o lado não-funcional e funcional dos requisitos de baixo nível, a nossa abordagem associa estes últimos com os serviços relacionados na arquitetura derivada, numa outra abordagem tridimensional. Além disso, um mapeamento dos requisitos não-funcionais com as características de qualidade do sistema (CISQ) é disponibilizado. Mais uma vez, um meta-modelo associado, um método personalizável e um protótipo da ferramenta de suporte são disponibilizados. O desenvolvimento destas três abordagens é suportado pela execução de tarefas, as quais dão origem a artefatos e levam a publicações associadas aos seus esforços de pesquisa e desenvolvimento respetivamente, tudo de acordo com a metodologia DSR. Estas são aplicadas a projetos em andamento, os quais envolvem cenários experimentais em ambientes industriais e associados a padrões de investigação de referência, equilibrando os interesses de investigadores e profissionais assim como dos diferentes públicos de tecnologia e gestão. Os resultados obtidos na sua avaliação refletem a qualidade e a profundidade dos nossos resultados, ajudando a validar a contribuição científica deste trabalho

    An Interactive framework to develop and align business process models

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    In the past few decades, the usage of Business Process Management (BPM) has enormously increased. Organizations are devoting resources towards development and use of BPM techniques and technologies to analyze, model, improve and implement business processes. The procedures currently used for collecting information to create business process models generally lead to misunderstanding or ambiguity between model and domain experts. We propose a framework to build business process models directly from users’ inputs captured through interactive web-forms. It also allows the users to align processes with strategic business objectives, critical success factors, and key performance indicators. Further, processes can be tagged with appropriate maturity level, types and tiers. The framework includes a dashboard with real-time reports which helps decision makers to monitor organization’s performance, make better decisions, and standardize/optimize processes across the organization. A comparison of the functionality available in different tools along with proposed framework is also presented.BPMBusiness Process Managemen

    Integrated Modeling of Business Processes and Business Rules

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