898 research outputs found

    Enhanced Alert Correlation Framework for Heterogeneous Log

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    Management of intrusion alarms particularly in identifying malware attack is becoming more demanding due to large amount of alert produced by low-level detectors. Alert correlation can provide high-level view of intrusion alerts but incapable of handling large amount of alarm. This paper proposes an enhanced Alert Correlation Framework for sensors and heterogeneous log. It can reduce the large amount of false alarm and identify the perspective of the attack. This framework is mainly focusing on the alert correlation module which consists of Alarm Thread Reconstruction, Log Thread Reconstruction, Attack Session Reconstruction, Alarm Merging and Attack Pattern Identification module. It is evaluated using metric for effectiveness that shows high correlation rate, reduction rate, identification rate and low misclassification rate. Meanwhile in statistical validation it has highly significance result with p < 0.05. This enhanced Alert Correlation Framework can be extended into research areas in alert correlation and computer forensic investigation

    Detecting malicious VBscripts using anomaly host based IDS based on principal component analysis (PCA)

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    Intrusion detection research over the last twenty years has focused on the threat of individuals illegally hacking into systems. Nowadays, intrusion threat to computer systems has changed radically. Instead of dealing with hackers, most current works focus on defending the system against code-driven attacks. Today’s web script codes such as VBScript are receiving increasing focus as a backdoor for attacking many computers through e-mail attachments or infected web sites. The nature of these malicious codes is that they can spread widely causing serious damages to many applications. Moreover, the majority of anti-virus tools used today are able to detect known attacks but are unable to detect new and unknown attacks. The work in this thesis presents an Anomaly host based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that provides protection against web attacks from malicious VBScripts. The core of the system treats anomalies as outliers and this IDS model uses a Multivariate Statistical technique, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality of the problem while keeping the major principal components of benign instances. Hence, the system can easily filter malicious scripts that deviate from normal behavior and allow for normal scripts to bypass; so any future or unknown VBScript attacks are effectively captured while maintaining a low rate of false alarms

    An Insider Misuse Threat Detection and Prediction Language

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    Numerous studies indicate that amongst the various types of security threats, the problem of insider misuse of IT systems can have serious consequences for the health of computing infrastructures. Although incidents of external origin are also dangerous, the insider IT misuse problem is difficult to address for a number of reasons. A fundamental reason that makes the problem mitigation difficult relates to the level of trust legitimate users possess inside the organization. The trust factor makes it difficult to detect threats originating from the actions and credentials of individual users. An equally important difficulty in the process of mitigating insider IT threats is based on the variability of the problem. The nature of Insider IT misuse varies amongst organizations. Hence, the problem of expressing what constitutes a threat, as well as the process of detecting and predicting it are non trivial tasks that add up to the multi- factorial nature of insider IT misuse. This thesis is concerned with the process of systematizing the specification of insider threats, focusing on their system-level detection and prediction. The design of suitable user audit mechanisms and semantics form a Domain Specific Language to detect and predict insider misuse incidents. As a result, the thesis proposes in detail ways to construct standardized descriptions (signatures) of insider threat incidents, as means of aiding researchers and IT system experts mitigate the problem of insider IT misuse. The produced audit engine (LUARM – Logging User Actions in Relational Mode) and the Insider Threat Prediction and Specification Language (ITPSL) are two utilities that can be added to the IT insider misuse mitigation arsenal. LUARM is a novel audit engine designed specifically to address the needs of monitoring insider actions. These needs cannot be met by traditional open source audit utilities. ITPSL is an XML based markup that can standardize the description of incidents and threats and thus make use of the LUARM audit data. Its novelty lies on the fact that it can be used to detect as well as predict instances of threats, a task that has not been achieved to this date by a domain specific language to address threats. The research project evaluated the produced language using a cyber-misuse experiment approach derived from real world misuse incident data. The results of the experiment showed that the ITPSL and its associated audit engine LUARM provide a good foundation for insider threat specification and prediction. Some language deficiencies relate to the fact that the insider threat specification process requires a good knowledge of the software applications used in a computer system. As the language is easily expandable, future developments to improve the language towards this direction are suggested

    Evaluating Host Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Host Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDSs) are critical tools needed to provide in-depth security to computer systems. Quantitative metrics for HIDSs are necessary for comparing HIDSs or determining the optimal operational point of a HIDS. While HIDSs and Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs) greatly differ, similar evaluations have been performed on both types of IDSs by assessing metrics associated with the classification algorithm (e.g., true positives, false positives). This dissertation motivates the necessity of additional characteristics to better describe the performance and effectiveness of HIDSs. The proposed additional characteristics are the ability to collect data where an attack manifests (visibility), the ability of the HIDS to resist attacks in the event of an intrusion (attack resiliency), the ability to timely detect attacks (efficiency), and the ability of the HIDS to avoid interfering with the normal functioning of the system under supervision (transparency). For each characteristic, we propose corresponding quantitative evaluation metrics. To measure the effect of visibility on the detection of attacks, we introduce the probability of attack manifestation and metrics related to data quality (i.e., relevance of the data regarding the attack to be detected). The metrics were applied empirically to evaluate filesystem data, which is the data source for many HIDSs. To evaluate attack resiliency we introduce the probability of subversion, which we estimate by measuring the isolation between the HIDS and the system under supervision. Additionally, we provide methods to evaluate time delays for efficiency, and performance overhead for transparency. The proposed evaluation methods are then applied to compare two HIDSs. Finally, we show how to integrate the proposed measurements into a cost framework. First, mapping functions are established to link operational costs of the HIDS with the metrics proposed for efficiency and transparency. Then we show how the number of attacks detected by the HIDS not only depends on detection accuracy, but also on the evaluation results of visibility and attack resiliency

    Cybersecurity of Digital Service Chains

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    This open access book presents the main scientific results from the H2020 GUARD project. The GUARD project aims at filling the current technological gap between software management paradigms and cybersecurity models, the latter still lacking orchestration and agility to effectively address the dynamicity of the former. This book provides a comprehensive review of the main concepts, architectures, algorithms, and non-technical aspects developed during three years of investigation; the description of the Smart Mobility use case developed at the end of the project gives a practical example of how the GUARD platform and related technologies can be deployed in practical scenarios. We expect the book to be interesting for the broad group of researchers, engineers, and professionals daily experiencing the inadequacy of outdated cybersecurity models for modern computing environments and cyber-physical systems

    Performance analysis of wireless intrusion detection systems

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    Wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS) has become a matter of increasing concern in recent years as a crucial element in wireless network security. WIDS monitors 802.11 traffic to identify the intrusive activities, and then alerts the complementary prevention part to combat the attacks. Selecting a reliable WIDS system necessitates inevitably taking into account a credible evaluation of WIDSs performance. WIDS effectiveness is considered the basic factor in evaluating the WIDS performance, thus it receives great attention in this thesis. Most previous experimental evaluations of intrusion detection systems (IDSs) were concerned with the wired IDSs, with an apparent lack of evaluating the wireless IDSs (WIDSs). In this thesis, we try to manipulate three main critiques of most pervious evaluations; lack of comprehensive evaluation methodology, holistic attack classification, and expressive evaluation metrics. In this thesis, we introduce a comprehensive evaluation methodology that covers all the essential dimensions for a credible evaluation of WIDSs performance. The main pivotal dimensions in our methodology are characterizing and generating the evaluation dataset, defining reliable and expressive evaluation metrics, and overcoming the evaluation limitations. Basically, evaluation dataset consists of two main parts; normal traffic (as a background) and malicious traffic. The background traffic, which comprises normal and benign activities in the absence of attacks, was generated in our experimental evaluation tests as real controlled traffic. The second and important part of the dataset is the malicious traffic which is composed of intrusive activities. Comprehensive and credible evaluation of WIDSs necessitates taking into account all possible attacks. While this is operationally impossible, it is necessary to select representative attack test cases that are extracted mainly from a comprehensive classification of wireless attacks. Dealing with this challenge, we have developed a holistic taxonomy of wireless security attacks from the perspective of the WIDS evaluator. The second pivotal dimension in our methodology is defining reliable evaluation metrics. We introduce a new evaluation metric EID (intrusion detection effectiveness) that manipulates the drawbacks of the previously proposed metrics, especially the common drawback of their main notion that leads to measuring a relative effectiveness. The notion of our developed metric EID helps in measuring the actual effectiveness. We also introduce another metric RR (attack recognition rate) to evaluate the ability of WIDS to recognize the attack type. The third important dimension in our methodology is overcoming the evaluation limitations. The great challenge that we have faced in the experimental evaluation of WIDSs is the uncontrolled traffic over the open wireless medium. This uncontrolled traffic affects the accuracy of the measurements. We overcame this problem by constructing an RF shielded testbed to take all the measurements under our control without any interfering from any adjacent stations. Finally, we followed our methodology and conducted experimental evaluation tests of two popular WIDSs (Kismet and AirSnare), and demonstrated the utility of our proposed solutions

    Analyse de performance des systèmes de détection d’intrusion sans-fil

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    La sécurité des réseaux sans fil fait l’objet d’une attention considérable ces dernières années. Toutefois, les communications sans fil sont confrontées à plusieurs types de menaces et d’attaques. Par conséquent, d’importants efforts, visant à sécuriser davantage les réseaux sans fil, ont dû être fournis pour en vue de lutter contre les attaques sans fil. Seulement, croire qu’une prévention intégrale des attaques peut s’effectuer au niveau de la première ligne de défense d’un système (pare-feux, chiffrement, …) n’est malheureusement qu’illusion. Ainsi, l’accent est de plus en plus porté sur la détection des attaques sans fil au travers d’une seconde ligne de défense, matérialisée par les systèmes de détection d’intrusions sans fil (WIDS). Les WIDS inspectent le trafic sans fil, respectant la norme 802.11, ainsi que les activités du système dans le but de détecter des activités malicieuses. Une alerte est ensuite envoyée aux briques chargées de la prévention pour contrer l’attaque. Sélectionner un WIDS fiable dépend principalement de l’évaluation méticuleuse de ses performances. L’efficacité du WIDS est considérée comme le facteur fondamental lors de l’évaluation de ses performances, nous lui accordons donc un grand intérêt dans ces travaux de thèse. La majeure partie des études expérimentales visant l’évaluation des systèmes de détection d’intrusions (IDS) s’intéressait aux IDS filaires, reflétant ainsi une carence claire en matière d’évaluation des IDS sans fil (WIDS). Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons mis l’accent sur trois principales critiques visant la plupart des précédentes évaluations : le manque de méthodologie d’évaluation globale, de classification d’attaque et de métriques d’évaluation fiables. Au cours de cette thèse, nous sommes parvenus à développer une méthodologie complète d’évaluation couvrant toutes les dimensions nécessaires pour une évaluation crédible des performances des WIDSs. Les axes principaux de notre méthodologie sont la caractérisation et la génération des données d’évaluation, la définition de métriques d’évaluation fiables tout en évitant les limitations de l’évaluation. Fondamentalement, les données d’évaluation sont constituées de deux principales composantes à savoir: un trafic normal et un trafic malveillant. Le trafic normal que nous avons généré au cours de nos tests d’évaluation était un trafic réel que nous contrôlions. La deuxième composante des données, qui se trouve être la plus importante, est le trafic malveillant consistant en des activités intrusives. Une évaluation complète et crédible des WIDSs impose la prise en compte de tous les scénarios et types d’attaques éventuels. Cela étant impossible à réaliser, il est nécessaire de sélectionner certains cas d’attaque représentatifs, principalement extraits d’une classification complète des attaques sans fil. Pour relever ce défi, nous avons développé une taxinomie globale des attaques visant la sécurité des réseaux sans fil, d’un point de vue de l’évaluateur des WIDS. Le deuxième axe de notre méthodologie est la définition de métriques fiables d’évaluation. Nous avons introduit une nouvelle métrique d’évaluation, EID (Efficacité de la détection d’intrusion), visant à pallier les limitations des précédentes métriques proposées. Nous avons démontré l’utilité de la métrique EID par rapport aux autres métriques proposées précédemment et comment elle parvenait à mesurer l’efficacité réelle tandis que les précédentes métriques ne mesuraient qu’une efficacité relative. L’EID peut tout aussi bien être utilisé pour l’évaluation de l’efficacité des IDS filaires et sans fil. Nous avons aussi introduit une autre métrique notée RR (Taux de Reconnaissance), pour mesurer l’attribut de reconnaissance d’attaque. Un important problème se pose lorsque des tests d’évaluation des WIDS sont menés, il s’agit des données de trafics incontrôlés sur le support ouvert de transmission. Ce trafic incontrôlé affecte sérieusement la pertinence des mesures. Pour outrepasser ce problème, nous avons construit un banc d’essai RF blindé, ce qui nous a permis de prendre des mesures nettes sans aucune interférence avec quelconque source de trafic incontrôlé. Pour finir, nous avons appliqué notre méthodologie et effectué des évaluations expérimentales relatives à deux WIDSs populaires (Kismet et AirSnare); nous avons démontré à l’issue de ces évaluations pratiques et l’utilité de nos solutions proposées. ABSTRACT : Wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS) has become a matter of increasing concern in recent years as a crucial element in wireless network security. WIDS monitors 802.11 traffic to identify the intrusive activities, and then alerts the complementary prevention part to combat the attacks. Selecting a reliable WIDS system necessitates inevitably taking into account a credible evaluation of WIDSs performance. WIDS effectiveness is considered the basic factor in evaluating the WIDS performance, thus it receives great attention in this thesis. Most previous experimental evaluations of intrusion detection systems (IDSs) were concerned with the wired IDSs, with an apparent lack of evaluating the wireless IDSs (WIDSs). In this thesis, we try to manipulate three main critiques of most pervious evaluations; lack of comprehensive evaluation methodology, holistic attack classification, and expressive evaluation metrics. In this thesis, we introduce a comprehensive evaluation methodology that covers all the essential dimensions for a credible evaluation of WIDSs performance. The main pivotal dimensions in our methodology are characterizing and generating the evaluation dataset, defining reliable and expressive evaluation metrics, and overcoming the evaluation limitations. Basically, evaluation dataset consists of two main parts; normal traffic (as a background) and malicious traffic. The background traffic, which comprises normal and benign activities in the absence of attacks, was generated in our experimental evaluation tests as real controlled traffic. The second and important part of the dataset is the malicious traffic which is composed of intrusive activities. Comprehensive and credible evaluation of WIDSs necessitates taking into account all possible attacks. While this is operationally impossible, it is necessary to select representative attack test cases that are extracted mainly from a comprehensive classification of wireless attacks. Dealing with this challenge, we have developed a holistic taxonomy of wireless security attacks from the perspective of the WIDS evaluator. The second pivotal dimension in our methodology is defining reliable evaluation metrics. We introduce a new evaluation metric EID (intrusion detection effectiveness) that manipulates the drawbacks of the previously proposed metrics, especially the common drawback of their main notion that leads to measuring a relative effectiveness. The notion of our developed metric EID helps in measuring the actual effectiveness. We also introduce another metric RR (attack recognition rate) to evaluate the ability of WIDS to recognize the attack type. The third important dimension in our methodology is overcoming the evaluation limitations. The great challenge that we have faced in the experimental evaluation of WIDSs is the uncontrolled traffic over the open wireless medium. This uncontrolled traffic affects the accuracy of the measurements. We overcame this problem by constructing an RF shielded testbed to take all the measurements under our control without any interfering from any adjacent stations. Finally, we followed our methodology and conducted experimental evaluation tests of two popular WIDSs (Kismet and AirSnare), and demonstrated the utility of our proposed solutions

    Survivability modeling for cyber-physical systems subject to data corruption

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    Cyber-physical critical infrastructures are created when traditional physical infrastructure is supplemented with advanced monitoring, control, computing, and communication capability. More intelligent decision support and improved efficacy, dependability, and security are expected. Quantitative models and evaluation methods are required for determining the extent to which a cyber-physical infrastructure improves on its physical predecessors. It is essential that these models reflect both cyber and physical aspects of operation and failure. In this dissertation, we propose quantitative models for dependability attributes, in particular, survivability, of cyber-physical systems. Any malfunction or security breach, whether cyber or physical, that causes the system operation to depart from specifications will affect these dependability attributes. Our focus is on data corruption, which compromises decision support -- the fundamental role played by cyber infrastructure. The first research contribution of this work is a Petri net model for information exchange in cyber-physical systems, which facilitates i) evaluation of the extent of data corruption at a given time, and ii) illuminates the service degradation caused by propagation of corrupt data through the cyber infrastructure. In the second research contribution, we propose metrics and an evaluation method for survivability, which captures the extent of functionality retained by a system after a disruptive event. We illustrate the application of our methods through case studies on smart grids, intelligent water distribution networks, and intelligent transportation systems. Data, cyber infrastructure, and intelligent control are part and parcel of nearly every critical infrastructure that underpins daily life in developed countries. Our work provides means for quantifying and predicting the service degradation caused when cyber infrastructure fails to serve its intended purpose. It can also serve as the foundation for efforts to fortify critical systems and mitigate inevitable failures --Abstract, page iii
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