87 research outputs found

    The Family of MapReduce and Large Scale Data Processing Systems

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    In the last two decades, the continuous increase of computational power has produced an overwhelming flow of data which has called for a paradigm shift in the computing architecture and large scale data processing mechanisms. MapReduce is a simple and powerful programming model that enables easy development of scalable parallel applications to process vast amounts of data on large clusters of commodity machines. It isolates the application from the details of running a distributed program such as issues on data distribution, scheduling and fault tolerance. However, the original implementation of the MapReduce framework had some limitations that have been tackled by many research efforts in several followup works after its introduction. This article provides a comprehensive survey for a family of approaches and mechanisms of large scale data processing mechanisms that have been implemented based on the original idea of the MapReduce framework and are currently gaining a lot of momentum in both research and industrial communities. We also cover a set of introduced systems that have been implemented to provide declarative programming interfaces on top of the MapReduce framework. In addition, we review several large scale data processing systems that resemble some of the ideas of the MapReduce framework for different purposes and application scenarios. Finally, we discuss some of the future research directions for implementing the next generation of MapReduce-like solutions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1105.4252 by other author

    P-LUPOSDATE: Using Precomputed Bloom Filters to Speed Up SPARQL Processing in the Cloud

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    Increasingly data on the Web is stored in the form of Semantic Web data. Because of today's information overload, it becomes very important to store and query these big datasets in a scalable way and hence in a distributed fashion. Cloud Computing offers such a distributed environment with dynamic reallocation of computing and storing resources based on needs. In this work we introduce a scalable distributed Semantic Web database in the Cloud. In order to reduce the number of (unnecessary) intermediate results early, we apply bloom filters. Instead of computing bloom filters, a time-consuming task during query processing as it has been done traditionally, we precompute the bloom filters as much as possible and store them in the indices besides the data. The experimental results with data sets up to 1 billion triples show that our approach speeds up query processing significantly and sometimes even reduces the processing time to less than half

    Data warehousing technologies for large-scale and right-time data

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    Towards Making Distributed RDF processing FLINker

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    In the last decade, the Resource Description Framework (RDF) has become the de-facto standard for publishing semantic data on the Web. This steady adoption has led to a significant increase in the number and volume of available RDF datasets, exceeding the capabilities of traditional RDF stores. This scenario has introduced severe big semantic data challenges when it comes to managing and querying RDF data at Web scale. Despite the existence of various off-the-shelf Big Data platforms, processing RDF in a distributed environment remains a significant challenge. In this position paper, based on an indepth analysis of the state of the art, we propose to manage large RDF datasets in Flink, a well-known scalable distributed Big Data processing framework. Our approach, which we refer to as FLINKer extends the native graph abstraction of Flink, called Gelly, with RDF graph and SPARQL query processing capabilities


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    Data cleansing approaches have usually focused on detecting and fixing errors with little attention to scaling to big datasets. This presents a serious impediment since data cleansing often involves costly computations such as enumerating pairs of tuples, handling inequality joins, and dealing with user-defined functions. In this paper, we present BigDansing, a Big Data Cleansing system to tackle efficiency, scalability, and ease-of-use issues in data cleansing. The system can run on top of most common general purpose data processing platforms, ranging from DBMSs to MapReduce-like frameworks. A user-friendly programming interface allows users to express data quality rules both declaratively and procedurally, with no requirement of being aware of the underlying distributed platform. BigDansing takes these rules into a series of transformations that enable distributed computations and several optimizations, such as shared scans and specialized joins operators. Experimental results on both synthetic and real datasets show that BigDansing outperforms existing baseline systems up to more than two orders of magnitude without sacrificing the quality provided by the repair algorithms


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    Data cleansing approaches have usually focused on detecting and fixing errors with little attention to scaling to big datasets. This presents a serious impediment since data cleansing often involves costly computations such as enumerating pairs of tuples, handling inequality joins, and dealing with user-defined functions. In this paper, we present BigDansing, a Big Data Cleansing system to tackle efficiency, scalability, and ease-of-use issues in data cleansing. The system can run on top of most common general purpose data processing platforms, ranging from DBMSs to MapReduce-like frameworks. A user-friendly programming interface allows users to express data quality rules both declaratively and procedurally, with no requirement of being aware of the underlying distributed platform. BigDansing takes these rules into a series of transformations that enable distributed computations and several optimizations, such as shared scans and specialized joins operators. Experimental results on both synthetic and real datasets show that BigDansing outperforms existing baseline systems up to more than two orders of magnitude without sacrificing the quality provided by the repair algorithms

    Data Intensive Query Processing for Large RDF Graphs Using Cloud Computing Tools,” 2010

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    Abstract-Cloud computing is the newest paradigm in the IT world and hence the focus of new research. Companies hosting cloud computing services face the challenge of handling data intensive applications. Semantic web technologies can be an ideal candidate to be used together with cloud computing tools to provide a solution. These technologies have been standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). One such standard is the Resource Description Framework (RDF). With the explosion of semantic web technologies, large RDF graphs are common place. Current frameworks do not scale for large RDF graphs. In this paper, we describe a framework that we built using Hadoop, a popular open source framework for Cloud Computing, to store and retrieve large numbers of RDF triples. We describe a scheme to store RDF data in Hadoop Distributed File System. We present an algorithm to generate the best possible query plan to answer a SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) query based on a cost model. We use Hadoop's MapReduce framework to answer the queries. Our results show that we can store large RDF graphs in Hadoop clusters built with cheap commodity class hardware. Furthermore, we show that our framework is scalable and efficient and can easily handle billions of RDF triples, unlike traditional approaches

    Big spatial data processing frameworks: feature and performance evaluation: experiments & analyses

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    Nowadays, a vast amount of data is generated and collected every moment and often, this data has a spatial and/or temporal aspect. To analyze the massive data sets, big data platforms like Apache Hadoop MapReduce and Apache Spark emerged and extensions that take the spatial characteristics into account were created for them. In this paper, we analyze and compare existing solutions for spatial data processing on Hadoop and Spark. In our comparison, we investigate their features as well as their performances in a micro benchmark for spatial filter and join queries. Based on the results and our experiences with these frameworks, we outline the requirements for a general spatio-temporal benchmark for Big Spatial Data processing platforms and sketch first solutions to the identified problems

    Efficient processing of large-scale spatio-temporal data

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    Millionen Geräte, wie z.B. Mobiltelefone, Autos und Umweltsensoren senden ihre Positionen zusammen mit einem Zeitstempel und weiteren Nutzdaten an einen Server zu verschiedenen Analysezwecken. Die Positionsinformationen und übertragenen Ereignisinformationen werden als Punkte oder Polygone dargestellt. Eine weitere Art räumlicher Daten sind Rasterdaten, die zum Beispiel von Kameras und Sensoren produziert werden. Diese großen räumlich-zeitlichen Datenmengen können nur auf skalierbaren Plattformen wie Hadoop und Apache Spark verarbeitet werden, die jedoch z.B. die Nachbarschaftsinformation nicht ausnutzen können - was die Ausführung bestimmter Anfragen praktisch unmöglich macht. Die wiederholten Ausführungen der Analyseprogramme während ihrer Entwicklung und durch verschiedene Nutzer resultieren in langen Ausführungszeiten und hohen Kosten für gemietete Ressourcen, die durch die Wiederverwendung von Zwischenergebnissen reduziert werden können. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den beiden oben beschriebenen Herausforderungen. Wir präsentieren zunächst das STARK Framework für die Verarbeitung räumlich-zeitlicher Vektor- und Rasterdaten in Apache Spark. Wir identifizieren verschiedene Algorithmen für Operatoren und analysieren, wie diese von den Eigenschaften der zugrundeliegenden Plattform profitieren können. Weiterhin wird untersucht, wie Indexe in der verteilten und parallelen Umgebung realisiert werden können. Außerdem vergleichen wir Partitionierungsmethoden, die unterschiedlich gut mit ungleichmäßiger Datenverteilung und der Größe der Datenmenge umgehen können und präsentieren einen Ansatz um die auf Operatorebene zu verarbeitende Datenmenge frühzeitig zu reduzieren. Um die Ausführungszeit von Programmen zu verkürzen, stellen wir einen Ansatz zur transparenten Materialisierung von Zwischenergebnissen vor. Dieser Ansatz benutzt ein Entscheidungsmodell, welches auf den tatsächlichen Operatorkosten basiert. In der Evaluierung vergleichen wir die verschiedenen Implementierungs- sowie Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten in STARK und identifizieren Szenarien wann Partitionierung und Indexierung eingesetzt werden sollten. Außerdem vergleichen wir STARK mit verwandten Systemen. Im zweiten Teil der Evaluierung zeigen wir, dass die transparente Wiederverwendung der materialisierten Zwischenergebnisse die Ausführungszeit der Programme signifikant verringern kann.Millions of location-aware devices, such as mobile phones, cars, and environmental sensors constantly report their positions often in combination with a timestamp to a server for different kinds of analyses. While the location information of the devices and reported events is represented as points and polygons, raster data is another type of spatial data, which is for example produced by cameras and sensors. This Big spatio-temporal Data needs to be processed on scalable platforms, such as Hadoop and Apache Spark, which, however, are unaware of, e.g., spatial neighborhood, what makes them practically impossible to use for this kind of data. The repeated executions of the programs during development and by different users result in long execution times and potentially high costs in rented clusters, which can be reduced by reusing commonly computed intermediate results. Within this thesis, we tackle the two challenges described above. First, we present the STARK framework for processing spatio-temporal vector and raster data on the Apache Spark stack. For operators, we identify several possible algorithms and study how they can benefit from the underlying platform's properties. We further investigate how indexes can be realized in the distributed and parallel architecture of Big Data processing engines and compare methods for data partitioning, which perform differently well with respect to data skew and data set size. Furthermore, an approach to reduce the amount of data to process at operator level is presented. In order to reduce the execution times, we introduce an approach to transparently recycle intermediate results of dataflow programs, based on operator costs. To compute the costs, we instrument the programs with profiling code to gather the execution time and result size of the operators. In the evaluation, we first compare the various implementation and configuration possibilities in STARK and identify scenarios when and how partitioning and indexing should be applied. We further compare STARK to related systems and show that we can achieve significantly better execution times, not only when exploiting existing partitioning information. In the second part of the evaluation, we show that with the transparent cost-based materialization and recycling of intermediate results, the execution times of programs can be reduced significantly