151 research outputs found

    Using standards to maximise the benefit of digitisation of construction product Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) to reduce Building Life Cycle Impacts

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    Introduction: Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) provide standardised environmental information about the impact of making, using, and disposing of products – their embodied impacts and many are now provided digitally for use in Building LCA. Recognising the need to significantly reduce the embodied impact of our buildings, ISO/TC59/SC17 WG3 has developed ISO 22057 to standardise the provision of digitised and digitalised EPD and ensure EPD can be used to their full potential, as machine interpretable digitalised data. Methods: ISO/TC59/SC17 WG3 has developed the standard using for ISO procedures with liaison with those in ISO working on Building Information Modelling (BIM) and building level environmental assessment standards. Using the Vienna Agreement, CEN/TC350 is also participating in the work and should adopt the standard as a European Standard. Results: ISO 22057 will ensure digitised gate to grave EPD results are accompanied by machine readable and machine interpretable data. By standardising this process using ISO 22057, it will ensure that all building LCA tools and tool developers have access to common digital information in the most appropriate format to use alongside BIM. Conclusions: ISO 22057 offers the opportunity to provide standardised, machine interpretable EPD and generic data which will enable the rapid digitalisation of building life cycle assessment

    Proposal for a LCA improvement roadmap in the Agri-food sector based on information exchange requirements and the enclosed data in recent LCAs works

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    Innovation is essential to promote human progress and to improve the humans' quality of life, but it should be done in a social and environmental context and in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. To achieve this challenge the environmental innovation guidelines should be taken into account. In this line, it is necessary to analyze the life cycle assessment (LCA) of any product, process or service and compute its environmental impacts. Despite the rapid evolution of environmental methods and tools and the increase of sustainability studies in recent years, LCA remains an area that still has to face major development challenges. This thesis provides an analysis from a new perspective with the intention to serve as a support in the conceptual and empirical application of the LCA in the Agri-food sector. It consists of a qualitative analysis designed to know the type of relationship between the different actors involved and their information exchange needs. The case study made it possible to compare the differences between the academic and the industrial fields, as well as the differences between Spanish and Brazilian LCA experts. Through expert panels, 40 specialists were interviewed and were asked to made a survey to evaluate experts' relationships using the Social Network Analysis method (SNA). Moreover, the network flow of environmental information in Brazil and Spain was mapped. A second quantitative study was carried out reviewing 70 scientific publications of LCA in the Agri-food sector according to a checklist based on the definition of 20 control variables. The objective was to evaluate the quantity and quality of the information enclosed in the different works. To do this, the entropy and diversity of information were calculated using the Shannon and the equitability indexes, using the number of inputs considered in each impact category. A threshold of minimum information is proposed, using percentiles 25 and 75 (Tukey values) of the calculated Shannon indexes from the papers sample. Moreover, a cluster analysis was done using 10 out the 20 control variable to classify LCAs into clusters with similar levels of performance for the LCAs of the same group and different from the LCA belonging to the other groups. Based on the analysis of the centers of resulting group, the strengths and weaknesses of each group were identified. Then, a roadmap or improvement plan was succinctly defined, pointing out the actions to be taken to improve the performance levels in each group in the short, medium and long term. Finally, a set of actions to improve and facilitate the implementation of LCA in the Agri-food sector was defined as a kind of good practice manual. In sum, it could be concluded that this present thesis could serve to improve the LCA studies performance levels for industry, and, at the same time, it could serve as a baseline with which to compare academic standards of a more academic works.La innovación es esencial para promover el progreso de la humanidad y la mejora de la calidad de vida, pero debe realizarse respetando un suelo social y un techo ambiental de acuerdo con los principios del desarrollo sostenible. Para intentar conseguirlo surge la innovación ambiental. En esa línea, resulta necesario analizar el ciclo de vida (ACV) de cualquier producto, proceso o servicio y computar sus impactos ambientales. A pesar de la rápida evolución de los métodos y herramientas y del incremento de estudios en los últimos años, el ACV sigue siendo un área que se enfrenta a retos de desarrollo importantes. Esta tesis proporciona un análisis desde una perspectiva nueva con la intención de servir de apoyo en la aplicación conceptual y empírica del ACV en el sector agroalimentario. Consta de un análisis cualitativo destinado a conocer el tipo de relación entre los distintos actores involucrados y sus necesidades de intercambio de información. El caso de aplicación permite comparar las diferencias entre el mundo académico y el industrial, así como las diferencias entre expertos en ACV de España y Brasil. A través de paneles de expertos se entrevistó a 40 especialistas y con un cuestionario se evaluó la red de contactos usando el método de Análisis de Redes Sociales (SNA). Con todo se mapeó el flujo de información ambiental en Brasil y España. En un segundo estudio cuantitativo se realizó una revisión crítica de 70 publicaciones científicas de ACV pertenecientes al sector agroalimentario, evaluando las mejores revistas y congresos de todo el mundo entre 2010 y 2016 a partir de la definición de 20 variables de control. El objetivo era evaluar la cantidad y calidad de la información contenida en los distintos trabajos. Para ello se calculó la entropía y diversidad de la información a través del Índice de Shannon y del cálculo de la heterogeneidad en lo refiere al número de inputs considerados en cada categoría de impacto. Tras los valores obtenidos se proponen unos umbrales de información mínima aconsejable usando como límites el valor de las bisagras de Tukey de la distribución de los 70 índices de Shannon calculados. Por otra parte, a partir de 10 de las 20 variables de control se agruparon los distintos ACV analizados con objeto de clasificarlos en grupos con parecido nivel de desempeño para los ACV de un mismo grupo y distinto al de los ACV pertenecientes al resto de grupos. A partir del análisis del análisis de los centros de cada grupo, se identificó las fortalezas y debilidades de cada grupo, para más tarde definir de forma sucinta un mapa de ruta o plan de mejora apuntando las acciones a realizar para mejorar los niveles de desempeño en el corto, medio y largo plazo de cada grupo. Finalmente, se definió a modo de un manual de buenas prácticas un conjunto de acciones a realizar para mejorar y facilitar la realización de ACV en el sector agroalimentario. Con todo. Se podría concluir que la tesis puede servir para mejorar los niveles de desempeño de la realización futura de estudios de ACV en el sector industrial, al tiempo que podría servir como línea de base con la que comparar los estándares de estudios de carácter más académico.La innovació és essencial per a promoure el progrés de la humanitat i la millora de la qualitat de vida, però ha de realitzar-se respectant un sòl social i un sostre ambiental d'acord amb els principis del desenrotllament sostenible. Per a intentar aconseguir-ho sorgix la innovació ambiental. En eixa línia, resulta necessari analitzar el cicle de vida (ACV) de qualsevol producte, procés o servici i computar els seus impactes ambientals. A pesar de la ràpida evolució dels mètodes i ferramentes i de l'increment d'estudis en els últims anys, l'ACV continua sent una àrea que s'enfronta a reptes de desenrotllament importants. Esta tesi proporciona una anàlisi des d'una perspectiva nova amb la intenció de servir de suport en l'aplicació conceptual i empírica de l'ACV en el sector agroalimentari. Consta d'una anàlisi qualitativa destinada a conèixer el tipus de relació entre els distints actors involucrats i les seues necessitats d'intercanvi d'informació. El cas d'aplicació permet comparar les diferències entre el món acadèmic i l'industrial, així com les diferències entre experts en ACV d'Espanya i Brasil. A través de panells d'experts es va entrevistar a 40 especialistes i amb un qüestionari es va avaluar la xarxa de contactes usant el mètode d'Anàlisi de Xarxes Socials (SNA). Amb tot es dissenyà el flux d'informació ambiental a Brasil i Espanya. En un segon estudi quantitatiu es va realitzar una revisió crítica de 70 publicacions científiques d'ACV pertanyents al sector agroalimentari, avaluant les millors revistes i congressos de tot el món entre 2010 i 2016 a partir de la definició de 20 variables de control. L'objectiu era avaluar la quantitat i qualitat de la informació continguda en els distints treballs. Per a això es va calcular l'entropia i diversitat de la informació a través de l'Índex de Shannon i del càlcul de l'heterogeneïtat en el que es refereix al nombre d'inputs considerats en cada categoria d'impacte. Després dels valors obtinguts es proposen uns llindars d'informació mínima aconsellable usant com a límits el valor de les frontisses de Tukey de la distribució dels 70 índexs de Shannon calculats. D'altra banda, a partir de 10 de les 20 variables de control es van agrupar els distints ACV analitzats a fi de classificar-los en grups amb paregut nivell d'excel·lència per als ACV d'un mateix grup i diferent del dels ACV pertanyents a la resta de grups. A partir de l'anàlisi de l'anàlisi dels centres de cada grup, es va identificar les fortaleses i debilitats de cada grup, per a més tard definir de forma succinta un mapa de ruta o pla de millora apuntant les accions a realitzar per a millorar els nivells d'exercici en el curt, mitjà i llarg termini de cada grup. Finalment, es va definir a manera d'un manual de bones pràctiques un conjunt d'accions a realitzar per a millorar i facilitar la realització d'ACV en el sector agroalimentari. Amb tot, es podria concloure que la tesi pot servir per a millorar els nivells d'exercici de la realització futura d'estudis d'ACV en el sector industrial, alhora que podria servir com a línia de base amb què comparar els estàndards d'estudis de caràcter més acadèmic.Oliveira Barros, FM. (2017). Proposal for a LCA improvement roadmap in the Agri-food sector based on information exchange requirements and the enclosed data in recent LCAs works [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/89082TESI

    Methods to Account for Design for Disassembly: Status of the Building Sector

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    Embracing the design for disassembly (DfD) mindset when constructing new and renovating existing buildings is a promising means of achieving our climate targets and putting the circular economy principles in practice, as promoted in the European Green Deal. Current greenhouse gas emissions’ accounting frameworks only deal with DfD to a certain extent. A better and more common understanding of how this can be carried out will not only help promote DfD but also shed light on how DfD should be seen in the context of other emission reduction measures. This could help to achieve balanced and credible scenarios that can be used in policy-making processes. When building components or materials are used over several cycles (buildings), the allocation of environmental impacts across the different buildings must be discussed. In an attempt to address this issue, this study examined whether and how current LCA standards for construction products and buildings consider such allocation issues.publishedVersio

    Briefing: Embodied carbon dioxide assessment in buildings: guidance and gaps

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    The construction industry, through its activities and supply chains as well as the operation of the assets that it creates, is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. Embodied carbon dioxide emissions associated with the construction of new assets constitute a growing share of whole-life emissions across all project types and make up nearly a quarter of all annual emissions from the UK built environment. Yet these embodied emissions are still rarely assessed in practice, owing to the perceived difficulty and lack of supporting guidance for practitioners conducting an assessment. This briefing paper retraces recent advances in the field of embodied carbon dioxide assessment and highlights existing and forthcoming practical guidance that could support more widespread assessment. The paper constitutes a where-to rather than a how-to, directing assessors towards appropriate resources, of which there are many. Although the paper does highlight some remaining gaps in the field and identifies corresponding research priorities, recent additions to the body of guidance are generally sufficient to support more widespread assessment. Now, the industry must demonstrate its commitment to tackling climate change by using this guidance to drive deeper carbon dioxide reduction

    International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - General guide for Life Cycle Assessment - Detailed guidance

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    The International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) provides a common basis for consistent, robust and quality-assured life cycle data and studies. Such data and studies support coherent SCP instruments, such as Ecolabelling, Ecodesign, Carbon footprinting, and Green Public Procurement. This guide is a component of the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook. It provides technical guidance for detailed Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies and provides the technical basis to derive product-specific criteria, guides, and simplified tools. It is based on and conforms to the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards on LCA. The principal target audience for this guide is the LCA practitioner as well as technical experts in the public and private sector dealing with environmental decision support related to products, resources, and waste management.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    Developing Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules for Olive Oil

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    In the context of the Communication “Building the Single Market for Green Products”, the European Commission (EC) recommends a method to measure the environmental performance of products, named the Product Environmental Footprint. The PEF is a multi-criteria measure of the environmental performance of goods and services from a life cycle perspective. Currently, 25 pilot projects test the development of Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs) for various products. This paper gives an overview of the process of developing the PEFCR for olive oil. An overview of the methods of the PEF screening study that aims at identifying the most relevant environmental impacts, processes and elementary flows are presented. The screening study assesses the impacts of the average olive oil consumed in the European markets.JRC.H.8-Sustainability Assessmen

    International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - General guide for Life Cycle Assessment - Provisions and Action Steps

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    The International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) provides a common basis for consistent, robust and quality-assured life cycle data and studies. Such data and studies support coherent SCP instruments, such as Ecolabelling, Ecodesign, Carbon footprinting, and Green Public Procurement. This guide is a component of the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook. It provides technical guidance for detailed Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies and provides the technical basis to derive product-specific criteria, guides, and simplified tools. It is based on and conforms to the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards on LCA. The principal target audience for this guide is the LCA practitioner as well as technical experts in the public and private sector dealing with environmental decision support related to products, resources, and waste management. This document provides the core "Provisions and action steps" and is complemented by the more extensive " ... - Detailed guidance" sister document.JRC.H.1-Water Resource