111 research outputs found

    Eclipse-based IDE for the Agda Programming Language

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    Antud töö eesmärk oli kavandada ja implementeerida Eclipse põhine integreeritud arenduskeskkond (IDE) sõltuvate tüüpidega funktsionaalsele programmeerimiskeelele Agda. Töös vaadati lähemalt Agdat, Eclipse Platformi ja Eclipse põhiste arenduskeskkondade loomise raamistikke ning selle põhjal implementeeriti viis DLTK (Dynamic Languages Toolkit) raamistikule tuginevat Eclipse pistikprogrammi ning Haskelli teek, mis vahendab suhtlust Eclipse pistikprogrammide ja Agda vahel. Implementeeritud IDE toetab Agda projektide ja failide loomist Eclipses, sisaldab Agda-spetsiifilist perspektiivi (perspective), süntaksi esiletõstmist, toetab erinevaid päringuid eesmärgi (goal) kontekstis, navigeerimist deklaratsioonide juurde, otsingut, sisu assisteerimist (content assist) ja probleemide markeerimist.The goal of this thesis was to design and implement an Eclipse-based IDE for the dependently typed programming language Agda. Agda, Eclipse Platform and tools supporting the creation of Eclipse-based IDE were studied as a part of the thesis and based on the results an IDE was developed, comprising of a set of Eclipse plug-in supported by the Dynamic Languages Toolkit framework and a Haskell-based library to mediate the communication between Eclipse plug-ins and the Agda proof engine. The resulting IDE supports creating of Agda project and files, has an Agda-specific perspective, syntax highlighting, support different queries in the context of the goal, simple navigation to declarations, searching, content assist features and problem marking

    Encoding, Storing and Searching of Analytical Properties and Assigned Metabolite Structures

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    Informationen über Metabolite und andere kleine organische Moleküle sind von entscheidender Bedeutung in vielen verschiedenen Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften. Sie spielen z.B. eine entscheidende Rolle in metabolischen Netzwerken und das Wissen über ihre Eigenschaften, hilft komplexe biologische Prozesse und komplette biologische Systeme zu verstehen. Da in biologischen und chemischen Laboren täglich Daten anfallen, welche diese Moleküle beschreiben, existiert eine umfassende Datengrundlage, die sich kontinuierlich erweitert. Um Wissenschaftlern die Verarbeitung, den Austausch, die Archivierung und die Suche innerhalb dieser Informationen unter Erhaltung der semantischen Zusammenhänge zu ermöglichen, sind komplexe Softwaresysteme und Datenformate nötig. Das Ziel dieses Projektes bestand darin, Anwendungen und Algorithmen zu entwickeln, welche für die effiziente Kodierung, Sammlung, Normalisierung und Analyse molekularer Daten genutzt werden können. Diese sollen Wissenschaftler bei der Strukturaufklärung, der Dereplikation, der Analyse von molekularen Wechselwirkungen und bei der Veröffentlichung des so gewonnenen Wissens unterstützen. Da die direkte Beschreibung der Struktur und der Funktionsweise einer unbekannten Verbindung sehr schwierig und aufwändig ist, wird dies hauptsächlich indirekt, mit Hilfe beschreibender Eigenschaften erreicht. Diese werden dann zur Vorhersage struktureller und funktioneller Charakteristika genutzt. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden Programmmodule entwickelt, welche sowohl die Visualisierung von Struktur- und Spektroskopiedaten, die gegliederte Darstellung und Veränderung von Metadaten und Eigenschaften, als auch den Import und Export von verschiedenen Datenformaten erlauben. Diese wurden durch Methoden erweitert, welche es ermöglichen, die gewonnenen Informationen weitergehend zu analysieren und Struktur- und Spektroskopiedaten einander zuzuweisen. Außerdem wurde ein System zur strukturierten Archivierung und Verwaltung großer Mengen molekularer Daten und spektroskopischer Informationen, unter Beibehaltung der semantischen Zusammenhänge, sowohl im Dateisystem, als auch in Datenbanken, entwickelt. Um die verlustfreie Speicherung zu gewährleisten, wurde ein offenes und standardisiertes Datenformat definiert (CMLSpect). Dieses erweitert das existierende CML (Chemical Markup Language) Vokabular und erlaubt damit die einfache Handhabung von verknüpften Struktur- und Spektroskopiedaten. Die entwickelten Anwendungen wurden in das Bioclipse System für Bio- und Chemoinformatik eingebunden und bieten dem Nutzer damit eine hochqualitative Benutzeroberfläche und dem Entwickler eine leicht zu erweiternde modulare Programmarchitektur

    JRebel Tool Demo

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    AbstractJRebel started as an academical project that became a successful commercial product used by thousands of developers worldwide. It extends the Java Virtual Machine with a mechanism that allows seamless class reloading. It uses bytecode manipulation extensively, both for the just-in-time class translator and numerous integrations with the Java SE and EE APIs. In this live demo we will show how it can be used in real-life projects to cut development time by 8 to 18 per cent

    Animation of BPMN business processes models

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    BPM in the business world is currently supported by tools that facilitate the design, implementation, execution, monitoring and optimization of business processes. These so called Business Process Management Suites usually have animation capabilities associated to process simulation. However, animation capabilities vary depending on the tool and the better these are, the higher is the animation preparation effort. This problem is more evident when generic simulation tools are compared with BPM specific ones, which use BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) as the modeling notation and have more limited animation capabilities. This dissertation presents a proposal to endow the BPMN with animation capabilities which respects all the elements presentation rules established in the notation specification. This proposal was designed based upon the data collected through the application of the animation capabilities evaluation taxonomy also proposed here in this dissertation. A prototype was built on top of an open-source tool in order to implement our animation proposal and was used to animate the service request process model using real execution data from an IT Service management tool used at ISCTE-IUL.A gestão de processos de negócio no mundo empresarial é actualmente suportada por ferramentas computacionais, que facilitam o seu desenho, implementação, execução, monitorização e optimização. Essas ferramentas, vulgarmente designadas de Business Process Management Suites, possuem usualmente mecanismos de animação aliados à simulação de processos. Contudo, as capacidades de animação diferem consoante a ferramenta, sendo que quanto melhores são estas capacidades, maior é o tempo investido na preparação da animação. Este problema torna-se mais evidente quando são comparadas ferramentas de simulação mais genéricas com ferramentas dedicadas à gestão de processos de negócio, que usam BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) como notação de modelação, em que as animações se tornam mais limitadas. Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de animação para a notação BPMN que respeita as regras de apresentação dos elementos da notação estabelecidas na especificação da mesma. Esta proposta foi desenhada com base nos resultados recolhidos através da aplicação de uma taxonomia também aqui proposta para a avaliação das capacidades de animação de ferramentas de simulação de processos de negócio, onde se reflecte o estado da arte no campo da animação de processos. A proposta de animação foi implementada num protótipo, que assenta sobre uma ferramenta open-source seleccionada a partir de requisitos definidos e apresentados na dissertação. Por fim, o protótipo foi usado para animar um modelo do processo de requisição de serviços usando, para isso, dados de execução reais recolhidos da ferramenta de gestão de serviços de TI utilizado no ISCTE-IUL

    A Model-Driven Approach for the Design, Implementation, and Execution of Software Development Methods

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    [EN] Software development projects are diverse in nature. For this reason, software companies are often forced to define their methods in-house. In order to define methods efficiently and effectively, software companies require systematic solutions that are built upon sound methodical foundations. Providing these solutions is the main goal of the Method Engineering discipline. Method Engineering is the discipline to design, construct, and adapt methods, techniques, and tools for the development of information systems. Over the last two decades, a lot of research work has been performed in this area. However, despite its potential benefits, Method Engineering is not widely used in industrial settings. Some of the causes of this reality are the high theoretical complexity of Method Engineering and the lack of adequate software support. In this thesis, we aim to mitigate some of the problems that affect Method Engineering by providing a novel methodological approach that is built upon Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) foundations. The use of MDE enables a rise in abstraction, automation, and reuse that allows us to alleviate the complexity of our Method Engineering approach. Furthermore, by leveraging MDE techniques (such as metamodeling, model transformations, and models at runtime), our approach supports three phases of the Method Engineering lifecycle: design, implementation, and execution. This is unlike traditional Method Engineering approaches, which, in general, only support one of these phases. In order to provide software support for our proposal, we developed a Computer-Aided Method Engineering (CAME) environment that is called MOSKitt4ME. To ensure that MOSKitt4ME offered the necessary functionality, we identified a set of functional requirements prior to developing the tool. Then, after these requirements were identified, we defined the architecture of our CAME environment, and, finally, we implemented the architecture in the context of Eclipse. The thesis work was evaluated by means of a study that involved the participation of end users. In this study, MOSKitt4ME was assessed by means of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Think Aloud method. While the TAM allowed us to measure usefulness and ease of use in a subjective manner, the Think Aloud method allowed us to analyze these measures objectively. Overall, the results were favorable. MOSKitt4ME was highly rated in perceived usefulness and ease of use; we also obtained positive results with respect to the users' actual performance and the difficulty experienced.[ES] Los proyectos de desarrollo de software son diversos por naturaleza. Por este motivo, las compañías de software se ven forzadas frecuentemente a definir sus métodos de manera interna. Para poder definir métodos de forma efectiva y eficiente, las compañías necesitan soluciones sistemáticas que estén definidas sobre unos fundamentos metodológicos sólidos. Proporcionar estas soluciones es el principal objetivo de la Ingeniería de Métodos. La Ingeniería de Métodos es la disciplina que aborda el diseño, la construcción y la adaptación de métodos, técnicas y herramientas para el desarrollo de sistemas de información. Durante las dos últimas décadas, se ha llevado a cabo mucho trabajo de investigación en esta área. Sin embargo, pese a sus potenciales beneficios, la Ingeniería de Métodos no se aplica ampliamente en contextos industriales. Algunas de las principales causas de esta situación son la alta complejidad teórica de la Ingeniería de Métodos y la falta de un apropiado soporte software. En esta tesis, pretendemos mitigar algunos de los problemas que afectan a la Ingeniería de Métodos proporcionando una propuesta metodológica innovadora que está basada en la Ingeniería Dirigida por Modelos (MDE). El uso de MDE permite elevar el nivel de abstracción, automatización y reuso, lo que posibilita una reducción de la complejidad de nuestra propuesta. Además, aprovechando técnicas de MDE (como por ejemplo el metamodelado, las transformaciones de modelos y los modelos en tiempo de ejecución), nuestra aproximación da soporte a tres fases del ciclo de vida de la Ingeniería de Métodos: diseño, implementación y ejecución. Esto es a diferencia de las propuestas existentes, las cuales, por lo general, sólo dan soporte a una de estas fases. Con el objetivo de proporcionar soporte software para nuestra propuesta, implementamos una herramienta CAME (Computer-Aided Method Engineering) llamada MOSKitt4ME. Para garantizar que MOSKitt4ME proporcionaba la funcionalidad necesaria, definimos un conjunto de requisitos funcionales como paso previo al desarrollo de la herramienta. Tras la definción de estos requisitos, definimos la arquitectura de la herramienta CAME y, finalmente, implementamos la arquitectura en el contexto de Eclipse. El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis se evaluó por medio de un estudio donde participaron usuarios finales. En este estudio, MOSKitt4ME se evaluó por medio del Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) y del método Think Aloud. Mientras que el TAM permitió medir utilidad y facilidad de uso de forma subjetiva, el método Think Aloud permitió analizar estas medidas objetivamente. En general, los resultados obtenidos fueron favorables. MOSKitt4ME fue valorado de forma positiva en cuanto a utilidad y facilidad de uso percibida; además, obtuvimos resultados positivos en cuanto al rendimiento objetivo de los usuarios y la dificultad experimentada.[CA] Els projectes de desenvolupament de programari són diversos per naturalesa. Per aquest motiu, les companyies es veuen forçades freqüenment a definir els seus mètodes de manera interna. Per poder definir mètodes de forma efectiva i eficient, les companyies necessiten solucions sistemàtiques que estiguin definides sobre uns fundaments metodològics sòlids. Proporcionar aquestes solucions és el principal objectiu de l'Enginyeria de Mètodes. L'Enginyeria de Mètodes és la disciplina que aborda el diseny, la construcció i l'adaptació de mètodes, tècniques i eines per al desenvolupament de sistemes d'informació. Durant les dues últimes dècades, s'ha dut a terme molt de treball de recerca en aquesta àrea. No obstant, malgrat els seus potencials beneficis, l'Enginyeria de Mètodes no s'aplica àmpliament en contextes industrials. Algunes de les principals causes d'aquesta situació són l'alta complexitat teòrica de l'Enginyeria de Mètodes i la falta d'un apropiat suport de programari. En aquesta tesi, pretenem mitigar alguns dels problemes que afecten a l'Enginyeria de Mètodes proporcionant una proposta metodològica innovadora que està basada en l'Enginyeria Dirigida per Models (MDE). L'ús de MDE ens permet elevar el nivell d'abstracció, automatització i reutilització, possibilitant una reducció de la complexitat de la nostra proposta. A més a més, aprofitant tècniques de MDE (com per exemple el metamodelat, les transformacions de models i els models en temps d'execució), la nostra aproximació suporta tres fases del cicle de vida de l'Enginyeria de Mètodes: diseny, implementació i execució. Açò és a diferència de les propostes existents, les quals, en general, només suporten una d'aquestes fases. Amb l'objectiu de proporcionar suport de programari per a la nostra proposta, implementàrem una eina CAME (Computer-Aided Method Engineering) anomenada MOSKitt4ME. Per garantir que MOSKitt4ME oferia la funcionalitat necessària, definírem un conjunt de requisits funcionals com a pas previ al desenvolupament de l'eina. Després de la definició d'aquests requisits, definírem la arquitectura de l'eina CAME i, finalment, implementàrem l'arquitectura en el contexte d'Eclipse. El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi es va avaluar per mitjà d'un estudi on van participar usuaris finals. En aquest estudi, MOSKitt4ME es va avaluar per mitjà del Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) i el mètode Think Aloud. Mentre que el TAM va permetre mesurar utilitat i facilitat d'ús de manera subjectiva, el mètode Think Aloud va permetre analitzar aquestes mesures objectivament. En general, els resultats obtinguts van ser favorables. MOSKitt4ME va ser valorat de forma positiva pel que fa a utilitat i facilitat d'ús percebuda; a més a més, vam obtenir resultats positius pel que fa al rendiment objectiu dels usuaris i a la dificultat experimentada.Cervera Úbeda, M. (2015). A Model-Driven Approach for the Design, Implementation, and Execution of Software Development Methods [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53931TESI

    Distributed Virtual Environment for Radar Testing

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    This project entailed the design and prototype implementation of a distributed radar simulator for MIT Lincoln Laboratory. This simulator is designed to test radar control software developed at the Laboratory by mimicking radar hardware and simulating radar returns from targets in a virtual environment. The team worked closely with Lincoln Laboratory staff to ensure that the simulator design would be extensible to support different types of radar systems and scalable to thousands of targets. Finally, a distributed simulator was implemented in order to validate the project design

    A semi-automatic approach to code smells detection

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    Eradication of code smells is often pointed out as a way to improve readability, extensibility and design in existing software. However, code smell detection remains time consuming and error-prone, partly due to the inherent subjectivity of the detection processes presently available. In view of mitigating the subjectivity problem, this dissertation presents a tool that automates a technique for the detection and assessment of code smells in Java source code, developed as an Eclipse plugin. The technique is based upon a Binary Logistic Regression model that uses complexity metrics as independent variables and is calibrated by expert‟s knowledge. An overview of the technique is provided, the tool is described and validated by an example case study

    Software for Visualization and Coordination of the Distributed Simulation Modeling Process

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    Simulation modeling projects commonly involve distributed team collaboration. It is currently difficult to perform collaboration in distributed modeling process for two reasons: 1) Simulation modeling in general requires modelers to manage complexities (such as tracking model revisions, recording scenario assumptions and organizing external artifacts) related to the model. 2) Distributed collaboration requires collaborators to maintain change awareness. While proper information technology support is known to lessen the difficulties of collaborations, there is limited software support for complexity management in generic modeling process and change awareness in distributed collaboration, therefore require tremendous amount of effort in management and communication. This thesis describes a new system that supports distributed modeling process. The system provides modeling repositories to help manage modeling complexities and a visual workspace to provide change awareness information. The system has been shown to substantially reduce modeling effort in distributed modeling, is extensible and easy to use