922 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT The recent surge of intelligent personal assistants motivates spoken language understanding of dialogue systems. However, the domain constraint along with the inflexible intent schema remains a big issue. This paper focuses on the task of intent expansion, which helps remove the domain limit and make an intent schema flexible. A convolutional deep structured semantic model (CDSSM) is applied to jointly learn the representations for human intents and associated utterances. Then it can flexibly generate new intent embeddings without the need of training samples and model-retraining, which bridges the semantic relation between seen and unseen intents and further performs more robust results. Experiments show that CDSSM is capable of performing zero-shot learning effectively, e.g. generating embeddings of previously unseen intents, and therefore expand to new intents without re-training, and outperforms other semantic embeddings. The discussion and analysis of experiments provide a future direction for reducing human effort about annotating data and removing the domain constraint in spoken dialogue systems. Index Terms-zero-shot learning, spoken language understanding (SLU), spoken dialogue system (SDS), convolutional deep structured semantic model (CDSSM), embeddings, expansion

    Matrix Factorization with Knowledge Graph Propagation for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding

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    Spoken dialogue systems (SDS) typically require a predefined semantic ontology to train a spoken language understanding (SLU) module. In addition to the anno-tation cost, a key challenge for design-ing such an ontology is to define a coher-ent slot set while considering their com-plex relations. This paper introduces a novel matrix factorization (MF) approach to learn latent feature vectors for utter-ances and semantic elements without the need of corpus annotations. Specifically, our model learns the semantic slots for a domain-specific SDS in an unsupervised fashion, and carries out semantic pars-ing using latent MF techniques. To fur-ther consider the global semantic struc-ture, such as inter-word and inter-slot re-lations, we augment the latent MF-based model with a knowledge graph propaga-tion model based on a slot-based seman-tic graph and a word-based lexical graph. Our experiments show that the proposed MF approaches produce better SLU mod-els that are able to predict semantic slots and word patterns taking into account their relations and domain-specificity in a joint manner.

    Detecting, Modeling, and Predicting User Temporal Intention

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    The content of social media has grown exponentially in the recent years and its role has evolved from narrating life events to actually shaping them. Unfortunately, content posted and shared in social networks is vulnerable and prone to loss or change, rendering the context associated with it (a tweet, post, status, or others) meaningless. There is an inherent value in maintaining the consistency of such social records as in some cases they take over the task of being the first draft of history as collections of these social posts narrate the pulse of the street during historic events, protest, riots, elections, war, disasters, and others as shown in this work. The user sharing the resource has an implicit temporal intent: either the state of the resource at the time of sharing, or the current state of the resource at the time of the reader \clicking . In this research, we propose a model to detect and predict the user\u27s temporal intention of the author upon sharing content in the social network and of the reader upon resolving this content. To build this model, we first examine the three aspects of the problem: the resource, time, and the user. For the resource we start by analyzing the content on the live web and its persistence. We noticed that a portion of the resources shared in social media disappear, and with further analysis we unraveled a relationship between this disappearance and time. We lose around 11% of the resources after one year of sharing and a steady 7% every following year. With this, we turn to the public archives and our analysis reveals that not all posted resources are archived and even they were an average 8% per year disappears from the archives and in some cases the archived content is heavily damaged. These observations prove that in regards to archives resources are not well-enough populated to consistently and reliably reconstruct the missing resource as it existed at the time of sharing. To analyze the concept of time we devised several experiments to estimate the creation date of the shared resources. We developed Carbon Date, a tool which successfully estimated the correct creation dates for 76% of the test sets. Since the resources\u27 creation we wanted to measure if and how they change with time. We conducted a longitudinal study on a data set of very recently-published tweet-resource pairs and recording observations hourly. We found that after just one hour, ~4% of the resources have changed by ≥30% while after a day the change rate slowed to be ~12% of the resources changed by ≥40%. In regards to the third and final component of the problem we conducted user behavioral analysis experiments and built a data set of 1,124 instances manually assigned by test subjects. Temporal intention proved to be a difficult concept for average users to understand. We developed our Temporal Intention Relevancy Model (TIRM) to transform the highly subjective temporal intention problem into the more easily understood idea of relevancy between a tweet and the resource it links to, and change of the resource through time. On our collected data set TIRM produced a significant 90.27% success rate. Furthermore, we extended TIRM and used it to build a time-based model to predict temporal intention change or steadiness at the time of posting with 77% accuracy. We built a service API around this model to provide predictions and a few prototypes. Future tools could implement TIRM to assist users in pushing copies of shared resources into public web archives to ensure the integrity of the historical record. Additional tools could be used to assist the mining of the existing social media corpus by derefrencing the intended version of the shared resource based on the intention strength and the time between the tweeting and mining

    Entity-Oriented Search

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    This open access book covers all facets of entity-oriented search—where “search” can be interpreted in the broadest sense of information access—from a unified point of view, and provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of the state of the art. It represents the first synthesis of research in this broad and rapidly developing area. Selected topics are discussed in-depth, the goal being to establish fundamental techniques and methods as a basis for future research and development. Additional topics are treated at a survey level only, containing numerous pointers to the relevant literature. A roadmap for future research, based on open issues and challenges identified along the way, rounds out the book. The book is divided into three main parts, sandwiched between introductory and concluding chapters. The first two chapters introduce readers to the basic concepts, provide an overview of entity-oriented search tasks, and present the various types and sources of data that will be used throughout the book. Part I deals with the core task of entity ranking: given a textual query, possibly enriched with additional elements or structural hints, return a ranked list of entities. This core task is examined in a number of different variants, using both structured and unstructured data collections, and numerous query formulations. In turn, Part II is devoted to the role of entities in bridging unstructured and structured data. Part III explores how entities can enable search engines to understand the concepts, meaning, and intent behind the query that the user enters into the search box, and how they can provide rich and focused responses (as opposed to merely a list of documents)—a process known as semantic search. The final chapter concludes the book by discussing the limitations of current approaches, and suggesting directions for future research. Researchers and graduate students are the primary target audience of this book. A general background in information retrieval is sufficient to follow the material, including an understanding of basic probability and statistics concepts as well as a basic knowledge of machine learning concepts and supervised learning algorithms

    Term-driven E-Commerce

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    Die Arbeit nimmt sich der textuellen Dimension des E-Commerce an. Grundlegende Hypothese ist die textuelle Gebundenheit von Information und Transaktion im Bereich des elektronischen Handels. Überall dort, wo Produkte und Dienstleistungen angeboten, nachgefragt, wahrgenommen und bewertet werden, kommen natürlichsprachige Ausdrücke zum Einsatz. Daraus resultiert ist zum einen, wie bedeutsam es ist, die Varianz textueller Beschreibungen im E-Commerce zu erfassen, zum anderen können die umfangreichen textuellen Ressourcen, die bei E-Commerce-Interaktionen anfallen, im Hinblick auf ein besseres Verständnis natürlicher Sprache herangezogen werden
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