210 research outputs found

    A debugging engine for parallel and distributed programs

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    Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Informática pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia.In the last decade a considerable amount of research work has focused on distributed debugging, one of the crucial fields in the parallel software development cycle. The productivity of the software development process strongly depends on the adequate definition of what debugging tools should be provided, and what debugging methodologies and functionalities should these tools support. The work described in this dissertation was initiated in 1995, in the context of two research projects, the SEPP (Software Engineering for Parallel Processing) and HPCTI (High-Performance Computing Tools for Industry), both sponsored by the European Union in the Copernicus programme, which aimed at the design and implementation of an integrated parallel software development environment. In the context of these projects, two independent toolsets have been developed, the GRADE and EDPEPPS parallel software development environments. Our contribution to these projects was in the debugging support. We have designed a debugging engine and developed a prototype, which was integrated the both toolsets (it was the only tool developed in the context of the SEPP and HPCTI projects which achieved such a result). Even after the closing of those research projects, further research work on distributed debugger has been carried on, which conducted to the re-design and re-implementation of the debugging engine. This dissertation describes the debugging engine according to its most up-to-date design and implementation stages. It also reposts some of the experimentalworkmade with both the initial and the current implementations, and how it contributed to validate the design and implementations of the debugging engine

    Lessons learned at 208K: Towards debugging millions of cores

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    Petascale systems will present several new challenges to performance and correctness tools. Such machines may contain millions of cores, requiring that tools use scalable data structures and analysis algorithms to collect and to process application data. In addition, at such scales, each tool itself will become a large parallel application – already, debugging the full BlueGene/L (BG/L) installation at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory requires employing 1664 tool daemons. To scale to such counts and beyond, tools must employ a scalable communication infrastructure and manage their own tool processes efficiently. Some system resources, such as the file system, may also become a tool bottleneck. In this paper, we present challenges to petascale tool development, using the Stack Trace Analysis Tool (STAT) as a case study. STAT is a lightweight tool that gathers and merges stack traces from a parallel application to identify process equivalence classes. We use results gathered at thousands of tasks on an Infiniband cluster and results up to 208K processes on BG/L to identify current scalability issues as well as challenges that will be faced at the petas-cale. We then present solutions to these challenges that have been implemented and show the resulting performance improvements. We also discuss future plans to meet the debugging demands of petascale machines.

    The DS-Pnet modeling formalism for cyber-physical system development

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    This work presents the DS-Pnet modeling formalism (Dataflow, Signals and Petri nets), designed for the development of cyber-physical systems, combining the characteristics of Petri nets and dataflows to support the modeling of mixed systems containing both reactive parts and data processing operations. Inheriting the features of the parent IOPT Petri net class, including an external interface composed of input and output signals and events, the addition of dataflow operations brings enhanced modeling capabilities to specify mathematical data transformations and graphically express the dependencies between signals. Data-centric systems, that do not require reactive controllers, are designed using pure dataflow models. Component based model composition enables reusing existing components, create libraries of previously tested components and hierarchically decompose complex systems into smaller sub-systems. A precise execution semantics was defined, considering the relationship between dataflow and Petri net nodes, providing an abstraction to define the interface between reactive controllers and input and output signals, including analog sensors and actuators. The new formalism is supported by the IOPT-Flow Web based tool framework, offering tools to design and edit models, simulate model execution on the Web browser, plus model-checking and software/hardware automatic code generation tools to implement controllers running on embedded devices (C,VHDL and JavaScript). A new communication protocol was created to permit the automatic implementation of distributed cyber-physical systems composed of networks of remote components communicating over the Internet. The editor tool connects directly to remote embedded devices running DS-Pnet models and may import remote components into new models, contributing to simplify the creation of distributed cyber-physical applications, where the communication between distributed components is specified just by drawing arcs. Several application examples were designed to validate the proposed formalism and the associated framework, ranging from hardware solutions, industrial applications to distributed software applications

    High Performance Dynamic Threading Analysis for Hybrid Applications

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    Verifying the correctness of multithreaded programs is a challenging task due to errors that occur sporadically. Testing, the most important verification method for decades, has proven to be ineffective in this context. On the other hand, data race detectors are very successful in finding concurrency bugs that occur due to missing synchronization. However, those tools introduce a huge runtime overhead and therefore are not applicable to the analysis of real-time applications. Additionally, hybrid binaries consisting of Dotnet and native components are beyond the scope of many data race detectors. In this thesis, we present a novel approach for a dynamic low-overhead data race detector. We contribute a set of fine-grained tuning techniques based on sampling and scoping. These are evaluated on real-world applications, demonstrating that the runtime overhead is reduced while still maintaining a good detection accuracy. Further, we present a proof of concept for hybrid applications and show that data races in managed Dotnet code are detectable by analyzing the application on the binary layer. The approaches presented in this thesis are implemented in the open-source tool DRace
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