6,185 research outputs found

    Agents enacting social roles: balancing formal structure and practical rationality in MAS design

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    Der Soziologe Pierre Bourdieu zeigt die feine und hĂ€ufig ignorierte Unterscheidung zwischen theoretischer RationalitĂ€t und der 'Logik der Praxis' auf. Diese Differenz, so die Annahme der Autoren, ist sowohl bei dem Versuch, menschliche Organisationen mit Robustheit und FlexibilitĂ€t auszustatten, als auch bei jeder BemĂŒhung, Informationssysteme auf der Basis von Mechanismen organisatorischer Koordination zu modellieren, zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Im INKA-Projekt, einem Bestandteil des deutschen Forschungsprogramms Sozionik, bildet diese Ansicht den Ausgangspunkt. Computergesteuerte Agenten, die sich selbst koordinieren und in einer Weise eigenstĂ€ndig agieren, ahmen im Prinzip menschliche Akteure in organisatorischen Umgebungen nach. Dabei mĂŒssen sie mit der Spannung zurechtkommen, die aus den formalen vorgegeben Beschreibungen der Organisation und den strukturierten Erwartungen, welche sich von den tĂ€glichen Interaktionen auf dem Level der ProduktionsstĂ€tten ableiten, resultiert. In der Soziologie besteht eine Möglichkeit, diese Spannung in der Rollentheorie zu konzeptionieren, die auf verschiedene Formen der Darstellung von formalen Rollenbeschreibungen und praktischen Rollen ausgerichtet ist. Außerdem ist gemĂ€ĂŸ der Organisationstheorie und empirischen Untersuchungen bekannt, dass in der realen Welt die tĂ€glichen Aus- und Verhandlungen der Arbeitnehmer eine Form des Arbeitshandelns darstellen. Basierend auf diesen Betrachtungen orientiert sich das INKA-Projekt an zwei Hauptzielen: (1) Modellierung und Implementierung eines technischen Systems, in dem die Agenten fĂ€hig sind, sich auf der Basis von praktischen Rollen mittels Verhandlung selbstĂ€ndig zu koordinieren; (2) Entwicklung einer AnnĂ€herung an die Erforschung hybrider SozialitĂ€t, die bei dem Eintritt solcher Agenten in menschliche Organisationen entsteht. Die AusfĂŒhrungen beginnen mit einer kurzen Diskussion der konzeptionellen Probleme, die auftreten, wenn Computerprogramme auf praktische Relationen oder auf soziologische Konzepte von praktischen ModalitĂ€ten der Interaktion, des Problemlösens und Planens zugeschnitten sind. Dies fĂŒhrt zu der Formulierung von drei generellen Herausforderungen innerhalb des Sozionik-Programms. Im Anschluss wird in einige Details der soziologisch basierten Schaffung von praktischen Rollen und aushandelnden Agenten eingefĂŒhrt. Es folgt die Darstellung der Grundstruktur fĂŒr die entsprechende MAS-Architektur. Dann werden zwei generelle Probleme behandelt, die bei dem derzeitigen Entwicklungsstand des vorgestellten Projekts und nach Ansicht der Autoren im gesamten Sozionik-Programm auftreten. Es wird ein integrierter Ansatz vorgeschlagen, der alle AktivitĂ€ten in Sozionik-Systemen in einer systematischen Weise korreliert. Des Weiteren wird ein methodisches Instrument zur Erforschung der Hybridisierung prĂ€sentiert. Der Text schließt mit der Darstellung einiger konzeptioneller Erweiterungen und zukĂŒnftiger Arbeitsschritte. (ICGÜbers)Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu pointed out the subtle and often ignored difference between theoretical rationality and the 'logic of practice'. This difference, we will argue, has to be taken in account when trying to capture the robustness and flexibility of human organizations, and is especially important for any effort to model information systems on mechanisms of organizational coordination. In the INKA-project, part of the German Socionics program, we took this insight as our very starting point. Computational agents that 'act' and coordinate themselves in a way that at least mimics in principle human actors in organizational environments have to cope with the tension between the formal descriptions given by the organization at large and the structured expectations that derive from their daily interactions on the shop-floor level. In sociology one way of conceptualizing this tension is role theory, focusing on the different forms of enactment of formal role descriptions and practical roles. Furthermore, from organizational theory and empirical investigations we know that in the 'real world' daily negotiations by the employees themselves are one way of working around the incoherences of formal prescriptions, job descriptions and work schedules. Based on these considerations the INKA-project is oriented by two main objectives: To model and implement a technical system in which the agents are capable of coordinating themselves via negotiating on the basis of practical roles, and to develop an approach for the investigation of hybrid sociality that emerges if those agents are re-entered into human organizations. The contribution begins with a brief discussion of the conceptual problems that occur if computer programs are to be modeled on practical relations or on sociological concepts of practical modes of interaction, problem solving and planning; this leads us to the formulation of three general challenges within the Socionics program (2). In the next part we introduce in some detail our sociologically grounded modeling of practical roles and negotiating agents (3), and our framework for a corresponding MAS-architecture (4). Then we turn to two general issues, that came up at the present state of development in our project - and, as we assume, in the entire Socionics program. We propose an integrated approach that correlates all activities in Socionic systems development in a systematic way (5), and we present a methodological instrument for the investigation of hybridization (6). We conclude by sketching some conceptual extensions and further working steps (7)

    Real options and scenario planning as a way to gain insight into flexibility in health care real estate management, a first exploration

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    Real estate management in health care faces many uncertainties, and more specific in the Netherlands even more because of changing regulations regarding\ud the financing of capital costs. Therefore we propose, based on literature and a\ud survey, to use scenario planning in combinations with the real option approach to deal with these uncertainties. The survey shows that limited use is made of future uncertainties and options for flexibility in the responded Dutch hospitals. Real options provide insight for real estate managers into opportunities for flexibility when making strategic decisions in real estate management, such as choosing for a building organisation form

    A Measure to Compare Matchings in Marriage Markets

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    In matching markets the number of blocking pairs is often used as a criterion to compare matchings. We argue that this criterion is lacking an economic interpretation: In many circumstances it will neither reflect the expected extent of partner changes, nor will it capture the satisfaction of the players with the matching. As an alternative, we set up two principles which single out a particularly “disruptive” subcollection of blocking pairs. We propose to take the cardinality of that subset as a measure to compare matchings. This cardinality has an economic interpretation: the subset is a justified objection against the given matching according to a bargaining set characterization of the set of stable matchings. We prove multiple properties relevant for a workable measure of comparison.Stable Marriage Problem, Matching, Blocking Pair, Instability, Matching Comparison, Decentralized Market, Bargaining Set

    Unpacking the client(s): constructions, positions and client–consultant dynamics

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    Research on management consultancy usually emphasizes the role and perspective of the consultants. Whilst important, consultants are only one element in a dynamic relationship involving both consultants and their clients. In much of the literature, the client is neglected, or is assumed to represent a distinct, immutable entity. In this paper, we argue that the client organisation is not uniform but is instead (like organisations generally) a more or less heterogeneous assemblage of actors, interests and inclinations involved in multiple and varied ways in consultancy projects. This paper draws upon three empirical cases and emphasizes three key aspects of clients in the context of consultancy projects: (a) client diversity, including, but not limited to diversity arising solely from (pre-)structured contact relations and interests; (b) processes of constructing ‘the client’ (including negotiation, conflict, and reconstruction) and the client identities which are thereby produced; and (c) the dynamics of client–consultant relations and how these influence the construction of multiple and perhaps contested client positions and identities

    A Social Reasoning Mechanism Based on a New Approach for Coalition Formation

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    In order to enable an agent to coordinate its activities with other agents and to participate in coalitions, one of the elements to take into account in its conception should be a social reasoning mechanism that allows the agent to reason about the other agents. This paper presents a social reasoning mechanism that extends, in some aspects, the models presented in previous works. Such a model supports the agent's reasoning concerning other agents, using notions of social dependence. In order to deal with concrete situations, where the agent?s knowledge is limited, a new perspective of coalition formation is presented in which the agents may not have knowledge of all the relevant details to realize their goals. The main concepts underlying the proposed social reasoning mechanism are presented, followed by an overview of the respective formal model, and some aspects related to the implementation of a system based on this mode

    New Ventures’ Network Development: Antecedents and Outcomes

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    In this thesis, I explore the topic of new ventures’ network development as well as its antecedents and outcomes. Specifically, I address the following questions: a) Can entrepreneurs pursue new ventures’ network development processes and, if so, how? b) Do network development processes impact new venture performance and, if so, how and why
