95 research outputs found

    Planning Graph Heuristics for Belief Space Search

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    Some recent works in conditional planning have proposed reachability heuristics to improve planner scalability, but many lack a formal description of the properties of their distance estimates. To place previous work in context and extend work on heuristics for conditional planning, we provide a formal basis for distance estimates between belief states. We give a definition for the distance between belief states that relies on aggregating underlying state distance measures. We give several techniques to aggregate state distances and their associated properties. Many existing heuristics exhibit a subset of the properties, but in order to provide a standardized comparison we present several generalizations of planning graph heuristics that are used in a single planner. We compliment our belief state distance estimate framework by also investigating efficient planning graph data structures that incorporate BDDs to compute the most effective heuristics. We developed two planners to serve as test-beds for our investigation. The first, CAltAlt, is a conformant regression planner that uses A* search. The second, POND, is a conditional progression planner that uses AO* search. We show the relative effectiveness of our heuristic techniques within these planners. We also compare the performance of these planners with several state of the art approaches in conditional planning

    Contingent planning under uncertainty via stochastic satisfiability

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    We describe a new planning technique that efficiently solves probabilistic propositional contingent planning problems by converting them into instances of stochastic satisfiability (SSAT) and solving these problems instead. We make fundamental contributions in two areas: the solution of SSAT problems and the solution of stochastic planning problems. This is the first work extending the planning-as-satisfiability paradigm to stochastic domains. Our planner, ZANDER, can solve arbitrary, goal-oriented, finite-horizon partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). An empirical study comparing ZANDER to seven other leading planners shows that its performance is competitive on a range of problems. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Efficient Open World Reasoning for Planning

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    We consider the problem of reasoning and planning with incomplete knowledge and deterministic actions. We introduce a knowledge representation scheme called PSIPLAN that can effectively represent incompleteness of an agent's knowledge while allowing for sound, complete and tractable entailment in domains where the set of all objects is either unknown or infinite. We present a procedure for state update resulting from taking an action in PSIPLAN that is correct, complete and has only polynomial complexity. State update is performed without considering the set of all possible worlds corresponding to the knowledge state. As a result, planning with PSIPLAN is done without direct manipulation of possible worlds. PSIPLAN representation underlies the PSIPOP planning algorithm that handles quantified goals with or without exceptions that no other domain independent planner has been shown to achieve. PSIPLAN has been implemented in Common Lisp and used in an application on planning in a collaborative interface.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures. to appear in Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Combining task and motion planning for mobile manipulators

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 31/12/2019Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit d’Enginyeria IndustrialThis thesis addresses the combination of task and motion planning which deals with different types of robotic manipulation problems. Manipulation problems are referred to as mobile manipulation, collaborative multiple mobile robots tasks, and even higher dimensional tasks (like bi-manual robots or mobile manipulators). Task and motion planning problems needs to obtain a geometrically feasible manipulation plan through symbolic and geometric search space. The combination of task and motion planning levels has emerged as a challenging issue as the failure leads robots to dead-end tasks due to geometric constraints. In addition, task planning is combined with physics-based motion planning and information to cope with manipulation tasks in which interactions between robots and objects are required, or also a low-cost feasible plan in terms of power is looked for. Moreover, combining task and motion planning frameworks is enriched by introducing manipulation knowledge. It facilitates the planning process and aids to provide the way of executing symbolic actions. Combining task and motion planning can be considered under uncertain information and with human-interaction. Uncertainty can be viewed in the initial state of the robot world or the result of symbolic actions. To deal with such issues, contingent-based task and motion planning is proposed using a perception system and human knowledge. Also, robots can ask human for those tasks which are difficult or infeasible for the purpose of collaboration. An implementation framework to combine different types of task and motion planning is presented. All the required modules and tools are also illustrated. As some task planning algorithms are implemented in Prolog or C++ languages and our geometric reasoner is developed in C++, the flow of information between different languages is explained.Aquesta tesis es centra en les eines de planificació combinada a nivell de tasca i a nivell de moviments per abordar diferents problemes de manipulació robòtica. Els problemes considerats són de navegació de robots mòbil enmig de obstacles no fixes, tasques de manipulació cooperativa entre varis robots mòbils, i tasques de manipulació de dimensió més elevada com les portades a terme amb robots bi-braç o manipuladors mòbils. La planificació combinada de tasques i de moviments ha de cercar un pla de manipulació que sigui geomètricament realitzable, a través de d'un espai de cerca simbòlic i geomètric. La combinació dels nivells de planificació de tasca i de moviments ha sorgit com un repte ja que les fallades degudes a les restriccions geomètriques poden portar a tasques sense solució. Addicionalment, la planificació a nivell de tasca es combina amb informació de la física de l'entorn i amb mètodes de planificació basats en la física, per abordar tasques de manipulació en les que la interacció entre el robot i els objectes és necessària, o també si es busca un pla realitzable i amb un baix cost en termes de potència. A més, el marc proposat per al combinació de la planificació a nivell de tasca i a nivell de moviments es millora mitjançant l'ús de coneixement, que facilita el procés de planificació i ajuda a trobar la forma d'executar accions simbòliques. La combinació de nivells de planificació també es pot considerar en casos d'informació incompleta i en la interacció humà-robot. La incertesa es considera en l'estat inicial i en el resultat de les accions simbòliques. Per abordar aquest problema, es proposa la planificació basada en contingències usant un sistema de percepció i el coneixement de l'operari humà. Igualment, els robots poden demanar col·laboració a l'operari humà per a que realitzi aquelles accions que són difícils o no realitzables pel robot. Es presenta també un marc d'implementació per a la combinació de nivells de planificació usant diferents mètodes, incloent tots els mòduls i eines necessàries. Com que alguns algorismes estan implementats en Prolog i d'altres en C++, i el mòdul de raonament geomètric proposat està desenvolupat en C++, es detalla el flux d'informació entre diferents llenguatges.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Planning with Smart Objects

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    Planning Graph as a (Dynamic) CSP: Exploiting EBL, DDB and other CSP Search Techniques in Graphplan

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    This paper reviews the connections between Graphplan's planning-graph and the dynamic constraint satisfaction problem and motivates the need for adapting CSP search techniques to the Graphplan algorithm. It then describes how explanation based learning, dependency directed backtracking, dynamic variable ordering, forward checking, sticky values and random-restart search strategies can be adapted to Graphplan. Empirical results are provided to demonstrate that these augmentations improve Graphplan's performance significantly (up to 1000x speedups) on several benchmark problems. Special attention is paid to the explanation-based learning and dependency directed backtracking techniques as they are empirically found to be most useful in improving the performance of Graphplan

    Deductive synthesis of recursive plans in linear logic

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    Centre for Intelligent Systems and their ApplicationsConventionally, the problem of plan formation in Artificial Intelligence deals with the generation of plans in the form of a sequence of actions. This thesis describes an approach to extending the expressiveness of plans to include conditional branches and recursion. This allows problems to be solved at a higher level, such that a single plan in such a language is capable of solving a class of problems rather than a single problem instance. A plan of fixed size may solve arbitrarily large problem instances. To form such plans, we take a deductive planning approach, in which the formation of the plan goes hand-in-hand with the construction of the proof that the plan specification is realisable. The formalism used here for specifying and reasoning with planning problems is Girard's Institutionistic Linear Logic (ILL), which is attractive for planning problems because state change can be expressed directly as linear implication, with no need for frame axioms. We extract plans by means of the relationship between proofs in ILL and programs in the style of Abramsky. We extend the ILL proof rules to account for induction over inductively defined types, thereby allowing recursive plans to be synthesised. We also adapt Abramsky's framework to partially evaluate and execute the plans in the extended language. We give a proof search algorithm tailored towards the fragment of the ILL employed (excluding induction rule selection). A system implementation, Lino, comprises modules for proof checking, automated proof search, plan extraction and partial evaluation of plans. We demonstrate the encodings and solutions in our framework of various planning domains involving recursion. We compare the capabilities of our approach with the previous approaches of Manna and Waldinger, Ghassem-Sani and Steel, and Stephen and Biundo. We claim that our approach gives a good balance between coverage of problems that can be described and the tractability of proof search