116 research outputs found

    Query processing of geometric objects with free form boundarie sin spatial databases

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    The increasing demand for the use of database systems as an integrating factor in CAD/CAM applications has necessitated the development of database systems with appropriate modelling and retrieval capabilities. One essential problem is the treatment of geometric data which has led to the development of spatial databases. Unfortunately, most proposals only deal with simple geometric objects like multidimensional points and rectangles. On the other hand, there has been a rapid development in the field of representing geometric objects with free form curves or surfaces, initiated by engineering applications such as mechanical engineering, aviation or astronautics. Therefore, we propose a concept for the realization of spatial retrieval operations on geometric objects with free form boundaries, such as B-spline or Bezier curves, which can easily be integrated in a database management system. The key concept is the encapsulation of geometric operations in a so-called query processor. First, this enables the definition of an interface allowing the integration into the data model and the definition of the query language of a database system for complex objects. Second, the approach allows the use of an arbitrary representation of the geometric objects. After a short description of the query processor, we propose some representations for free form objects determined by B-spline or Bezier curves. The goal of efficient query processing in a database environment is achieved using a combination of decomposition techniques and spatial access methods. Finally, we present some experimental results indicating that the performance of decomposition techniques is clearly superior to traditional query processing strategies for geometric objects with free form boundaries

    Towards a business process model warehouse framework

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    This dissertation focuses on the re-use of business process reference models, available in a business process model warehouse, to enable the definition of more comprehensive business requirements. It proposes a business process model warehouse framework to promote the re-use of multiple business process reference models and the flexible visualisation of business process models. The critical success factor for such a framework is that it should contribute to minimise to some extent the causes of inadequate business requirements. The proposed framework is based on an analogy with a data warehouse framework, consisting of the following components: usage of multiple business process reference models as source models, the conceptual design of a process to extract, load and transform multiple business process reference models into a repository, a description of repository functionality for managing enterprise architecture artefacts, and motivation of flexible visualisation of business process models to ensure more comprehensive business requirements.Computer Science (School of Computing)M.Sc. (Information Systems

    Design and Implementation of a Backward-In-Time Debugger

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    International audienceTraditional debugging and stepping execution trace are well-accepted techniques to understand deep internals about a program. However in many cases navigating the stack trace is not enough to find bugs, since the cause of a bug is often not in the stack trace anymore and old state is lost, so out of reach from the debugger. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a backward-in-time debugger for a dynamic language, i.e., a debugger that allows one to navigate back the history of the application. We present the design and implementation of a backward-in-time debugger called UNSTUCK and show our solution to key implementation challenges

    Feature-based methodology for supporting architecture refactoring and maintenance of long-life software systems

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    Zusammenfassung Langlebige Software-Systeme durchlaufen viele bedeutende Veraenderungen im Laufe ihres Lebenszyklus, um der Weiterentwicklung der Problemdomaenen zu folgen. Normalerweise ist es schwierig eine Software-Systemarchitektur den schnellen Weiterentwicklungen einer Problemdomaene anzupassen und mit der Zeit wird der Unterschied zwischen der Problemdomaene und der Software-Systemarchitektur zu groß, um weitere Softwareentwicklung sinnvoll fortzufuehren. Fristgerechte Refactorings der Systemarchitektur sind notwendig, um dieses Problem zu vermeiden. Aufgrund des verhaeltnismaeßig hohen Gefahrenpotenzials und des zeitlich stark verzoegerten Nutzens von Refactorings, werden diese Maßnahmen normalerweise bis zum letztmoeglichen Zeitpunkt hinausgeschoben. In der Regel ist das Management abgeneigt Architektur-Refactorings zu akzeptieren, außer diese sind absolut notwendig. Die bevorzugte Vorgehensweise ist, neue Systemmerkmale ad hoc hinzuzufuegen und nach dem Motto ”Aendere nie etwas an einem funktionierenden System!” vorzugehen. Letztlich ist das Ergebnis ein Architekturzerfall (Architekturdrift). Die Notwendigkeit kleiner Refactoring-Schritte fuehrt zur Notwendigkeit des Architektur-Reengineerings. Im Gegensatz zum Refactoring, das eine normale Entwicklungstaetigkeit darstellt, ist Reengineering eine Form der Software- ”Revolution”. Reengineeringprojekte sind sehr riskant und kostspielig. Der Nutzen des Reengineerings ist normalerweise nicht so hoch wie erwartet. Wenn nach dem Reengineering schließlich die erforderlichen Architekturaenderungen statt.nden, kann dies zu spaet sein. Trotz der enormen in das Projekt gesteckten Bemuehungen erfuellen die Resultate des Reengineerings normalerweise nicht die Erwartungen. Es kann passieren, dass sehr bald ein neues, kostspieliges Reengineering erforderlich wird. In dieser Arbeit werden das Problem der Softwareevolution und der Zerfall von Softwarearchitekturen behandelt. Eine Methode wird vorgestellt, welche die Softwareentwicklung in ihrer entscheidenden Phase, dem Architekturrefactoring, unterstuetzt. Die Softwareentwicklung wird sowohl in technischer als auch organisatorischer Hinsicht unterstuetzt. Diese Arbeit hat neue Techniken entwickelt, welche die Reverse-Engineering-, Architecture-Recovery- und Architecture-Redesign-Taetigkeiten unterst uetzen. Sie schlaegt auch Aenderungen des Softwareentwicklungsprozesses vor, die fristgerechte Architekturrefactorings erzwingen koennen und damit die Notwendigkeit der Durchfuehrung eines Architektur- Reengineerings vermeiden. In dieser Arbeit wird die Merkmalmodellierung als Hauptinstrument verwendet. Merkmale werden genutzt, um die Abstraktionsluecke zwischen den Anforderungen der Problemdomaene und der Systemarchitektur zu fuellen. Merkmalmodelle werden auch als erster Grundriss fr die Wiederherstellung der verlorenen Systemarchitektur genutzt. Merkmalbasierte Analysen fuehren zu diversen, nuetzlichen Hinweisen fuer den erneuten Entwurf (das Re-Design) einer Architektur. Schließlich wird die Merkmalmodellierung als Kommunikationsmittel zwischen unterschiedlichen Projektbeteiligten (Stakeholdern) im Verlauf des Softwareengineering-Prozesses verwendet und auf dieser Grundlage wird ein neuer Anforderungsde.nitionsprozess vorgeschlagen, der die erforderlichen Architekturrefactorings erzwingt.The long-life software systems withstand many significant changes throughout their life-cycle in order to follow the evolution of the problem domains. Usually, the software system architecture can not follow the rapid evolution of a problem domain and with time, the diversion of the architecture in respect to the domain features becomes prohibiting for software evolution. For avoiding this problem, periodical refactorings of the system architecture are required. Usually, architecture refactorings are postponed until the very last moment, because of the relatively high risk involved and the lack of short-term profit. As a rule, the management is unwilling to accept architecture refactorings unless they become absolutely necessary. The preferred way of working is to add new system features in an ad-hoc manner and to keep the rule ”Never touch a running system!”. The final result is an architecture decay. The need of performing small refactoring activities turns into need for architecture reengineering. In contrast to refactoring, which is a normal evolutionary activity, reengineering is a kind of software ”revolution”. Reengineering projects are risky and expensive. The effectiveness of reengineering is also usually not as high as expected. When finally after reengineering the required architecture changes take place, it can be too late. Despite the enormous invested efforts, the results of the reengineering usually do not satisfy the expectations. It might happen that very soon a new expensive reengineering is required. This thesis deals with the problem of software evolution and the decay of software architectures. It presents a method, which assists software evolution in its crucial part, the architecture refactoring. The assistance is performed for both technical and organizational aspects of the software evolution. The thesis provides new techniques for supporting reverse engineering, architecture recovery and redesigning activities. It also proposes changes to the software engineering process, which can force timely architecture refactorings and thus avoid the need of performing architecture reengineering. For the work in this thesis feature modeling is utilized as a main asset. Features are used to fill the abstraction gap between domain requirements and system architecture. Feature models are also used as an outline for recovering of lost system architectures. Through feature-based analyses a number of useful hints and clues for architecture redesign are produced. Finally, feature modeling is used as a communication between different stakeholders of the software engineering process and on this basis a new requirements engineering process is proposed, which forces the needed architecture refactorings

    Dynamic enterprise modelling: a methodology for animating dynamic social networks

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    PhD ThesisSince the introduction of the Internet and the realisation of its potential companies have either transformed their operation or are in the process of doing so. It has been observed, that developments in I.T., telecommunications and the Internet have boosted the number of enterprises engaging into e-commerce, e-business and virtual enterprising. These trends are accompanied by re-shaping, transformation and changes in an enterprise's boundaries. The thesis gives an account of the research into the area of dynamic enterprise modelling and provides a modelling methodology that allows different roles and business models to be tested and evaluated without the risk associated with committing to a change

    Time-Traveling Debugging Queries: Faster Program Exploration

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    International audienceEfficiently debugging a program requires program comprehension. To acquire it, developers explore the program execution, a task often performed using interactive debuggers. Unfortunately, exploring a program execution through standard interactive debuggers is a tedious and costly task. In this paper, we propose Time-Traveling Queries (TTQs) to ease program exploration. TTQs is a mechanism that automatically explores program executions to collect execution data. This data is used to time-travel through execution states, facilitating the exploration of program executions. We built a set of key TTQs based on typical questions developers ask when trying to understand programs. We conducted a user study with 34 participants to evaluate the impact of our queries on program comprehension activities. Results show that, compared to traditional debugging tools, TTQs significantly improve developers' precision, while reducing required time and efforts when performing program comprehension tasks

    Designing to Support Workspace Awareness in Remote Collaboration using 2D Interactive Surfaces

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    Increasing distributions of the global workforce are leading to collaborative workamong remote coworkers. The emergence of such remote collaborations is essentiallysupported by technology advancements of screen-based devices ranging from tabletor laptop to large displays. However, these devices, especially personal and mobilecomputers, still suffer from certain limitations caused by their form factors, that hinder supporting workspace awareness through non-verbal communication suchas bodily gestures or gaze. This thesis thus aims to design novel interfaces andinteraction techniques to improve remote coworkers’ workspace awareness throughsuch non-verbal cues using 2D interactive surfaces.The thesis starts off by exploring how visual cues support workspace awareness infacilitated brainstorming of hybrid teams of co-located and remote coworkers. Basedon insights from this exploration, the thesis introduces three interfaces for mobiledevices that help users maintain and convey their workspace awareness with their coworkers. The first interface is a virtual environment that allows a remote person to effectively maintain his/her awareness of his/her co-located collaborators’ activities while interacting with the shared workspace. To help a person better express his/her hand gestures in remote collaboration using a mobile device, the second interfacepresents a lightweight add-on for capturing hand images on and above the device’sscreen; and overlaying them on collaborators’ device to improve their workspace awareness. The third interface strategically leverages the entire screen space of aconventional laptop to better convey a remote person’s gaze to his/her co-locatedcollaborators. Building on the top of these three interfaces, the thesis envisions an interface that supports a person using a mobile device to effectively collaborate with remote coworkers working with a large display.Together, these interfaces demonstrate the possibilities to innovate on commodity devices to offer richer non-verbal communication and better support workspace awareness in remote collaboration

    Vývoj a pokročilá analýza procesů vzdělávací webové platformy

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    This diploma thesis aims to define, analyse, design, and implement web application focused on the training offer recognition and management on the European level within the industry and potential trainees. The defined platform is benchmarked with already existing solutions on the market. Additional features offer infrastructure for individual learning accounts management, management of achievements, progression, or infrastructure for experts’ groups alongside other features. The second primary goal of this thesis is to analyse the platform in terms of actual processes that are being executed on the platform via the process mining method. This thesis covers process science and business process management (focusing on process management lifecycle, modelling, improvement, and monitoring of business processes) and describes and applies process mining in practice.Diplomová práce si klade za cíl definovat, analyzovat, navrhnout a implementovat webovou aplikaci zaměřenou na nabídku vzdělávacích kurzů, jejich správu a šíření na evropské úrovní v průmyslu a mezi potenciální účastníky. Definovaná platforma je porovnána s ostatními na trhu. Webová aplikace dále nabízí infrastrukturu pro správu úspěchů účastníkem kurzu, expertních skupin a další funkcionality. Druhým cílem této práce je analyzovat platformu z pohledu procesů jež se na platformě odehrávají pomocí metody process mining. V rámci tohoto cíle je v práci popsán obor procesního inženýrství, koncept podnikových procesů (s důrazem na životní cyklus řízení podnikových procesů, modelování a jejich zlepšování a monitorování) s vazbou na process mining, který je taktéž popsán a aplikován v praxi.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn