858 research outputs found

    Bistability: Requirements on Cell-Volume, Protein Diffusion, and Thermodynamics

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    Bistability is considered wide-spread among bacteria and eukaryotic cells, useful e.g. for enzyme induction, bet hedging, and epigenetic switching. However, this phenomenon has mostly been described with deterministic dynamic or well-mixed stochastic models. Here, we map known biological bistable systems onto the well-characterized biochemical Schloegl model, using analytical calculations and stochastic spatio-temporal simulations. In addition to network architecture and strong thermodynamic driving away from equilibrium, we show that bistability requires fine-tuning towards small cell volumes (or compartments) and fast protein diffusion (well mixing). Bistability is thus fragile and hence may be restricted to small bacteria and eukaryotic nuclei, with switching triggered by volume changes during the cell cycle. For large volumes, single cells generally loose their ability for bistable switching and instead undergo a first-order phase transition.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Acceleration by Stepsize Hedging I: Multi-Step Descent and the Silver Stepsize Schedule

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    Can we accelerate convergence of gradient descent without changing the algorithm -- just by carefully choosing stepsizes? Surprisingly, we show that the answer is yes. Our proposed Silver Stepsize Schedule optimizes strongly convex functions in klogâĄÏ2≈k0.7864k^{\log_{\rho} 2} \approx k^{0.7864} iterations, where ρ=1+2\rho=1+\sqrt{2} is the silver ratio and kk is the condition number. This is intermediate between the textbook unaccelerated rate kk and the accelerated rate k\sqrt{k} due to Nesterov in 1983. The non-strongly convex setting is conceptually identical, and standard black-box reductions imply an analogous accelerated rate Δ−logâĄÏ2≈Δ−0.7864\varepsilon^{-\log_{\rho} 2} \approx \varepsilon^{-0.7864}. We conjecture and provide partial evidence that these rates are optimal among all possible stepsize schedules. The Silver Stepsize Schedule is constructed recursively in a fully explicit way. It is non-monotonic, fractal-like, and approximately periodic of period klogâĄÏ2k^{\log_{\rho} 2}. This leads to a phase transition in the convergence rate: initially super-exponential (acceleration regime), then exponential (saturation regime).Comment: 7 figure

    Stochastic control in limit order markets

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    In dieser Dissertation lösen wir eine Klasse stochastischer Kontrollprobleme und konstruieren optimale Handelsstrategien in illiquiden MĂ€rkten. In Kapitel 1 betrachten wir einen Investor, der sein Portfolio nahe an einer stochastischen Zielfunktion halten möchte. Gesucht ist eine Strategie (aus aktiven und passiven Orders), die die Abweichung vom Zielportfolio und die Handelskosten minimiert. Wir zeigen Existenz und Eindeutigkeit einer optimalen Strategie. Wir beweisen eine Version des stochastischen Maximumprinzips und leiten damit ein Kriterium fĂŒr OptimalitĂ€t mittels einer gekoppelten FBSDE her. Wir beweisen eine zweite Charakterisierung mittels Kauf- und Verkaufregionen. Das Portfolioliquidierungsproblem wird explizit gelöst. In Kapitel 2 verallgemeinern wir die Klasse der zulĂ€ssigen Strategien auf singulĂ€re Marktorders. Wie zuvor zeigen wir Existenz und Eindeutigkeit einer optimalen Strategie. Im zweiten Schritt beweisen wir eine Version des Maximumprinzips im singulĂ€ren Fall, die eine notwendige und hinreichende OptimalitĂ€tsbedingung liefert. Daraus leiten wir eine weitere Charakterisierung mittels Kauf-, Verkaufs- und Nichthandelsregionen ab. Wir zeigen, dass Marktorders nur benutzt werden, wenn der Spread klein genug ist. Wir schließen dieses Kapitel mit einer Fallstudie ĂŒber Portfolioliquidierung ab. Das dritte Kapitel thematisiert Marktmanipulation in illiquiden MĂ€rkten. Wenn Transaktionen einen Einfluß auf den Aktienpreis haben, dann können Optionsbesitzer damit den Wert ihres Portfolios beeinflussen. Wir betrachten mehrere Agenten, die europĂ€ische Derivate halten und den Preis des zugrundeliegenden Wertpapiers beeinflussen. Wir beschrĂ€nken uns auf risikoneutrale und CARA-Investoren und zeigen die Existenz eines eindeutigen Gleichgewichts, das wir mittels eines gekoppelten Systems nichtlinearer PDEs charakterisieren. Abschließend geben wir Bedingungen an, wie diese Art von Marktmanipulation verhindert werden kann.In this thesis we study a class of stochastic control problems and analyse optimal trading strategies in limit order markets. The first chapter addresses the problem of curve following. We consider an investor who wants to keep his stock holdings close to a stochastic target function. We construct the optimal strategy (comprising market and passive orders) which balances the penalty for deviating and the cost of trading. We first prove existence and uniqueness of an optimal control. The optimal trading strategy is then characterised in terms of the solution to a coupled FBSDE involving jumps via a stochastic maximum principle. We give a second characterisation in terms of buy and sell regions. The application of portfolio liquidation is studied in detail. In the second chapter, we extend our results to singular market orders using techniques of singular stochastic control. We first show existence and uniqueness of an optimal control. We then derive a version of the stochastic maximum principle which yields a characterisation of the optimal trading strategy in terms of a nonstandard coupled FBSDE. We show that the optimal control can be characterised via buy, sell and no-trade regions. We describe precisely when it is optimal to cross the bid ask spread. We also show that the controlled system can be described in terms of a reflected BSDE. As an application, we solve the portfolio liquidation problem with passive orders. When markets are illiquid, option holders may have an incentive to increase their portfolio value by using their impact on the dynamics of the underlying. In Chapter 3, we consider a model with competing players that hold European options and whose trading has an impact on the price of the underlying. We establish existence and uniqueness of equilibrium results and show that the equilibrium dynamics can be characterised in terms of a coupled system of non-linear PDEs. Finally, we show how market manipulation can be reduced

    Optimal Consumption Choice under Uncertainty with Intertemporal Substitution

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    This abstract will be reformatted upon submission. You don't need to format for line-breaks here!!!!! We extend the analysis of the intertemporal utility maximization problem for Hindy-Huang-Kreps utilities reported in Bank/Riedel(1999) to the stochastic case. Existence and uniqueness of optimal consumption plans are established under arbitrary convex portfolio constraints, including the cases of both complete and incomplete markets. For the complete market setting, Kuhn-Tucker-like necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality are given. Using this characterization, we show that optimal consumption plans are obtained by reflecting the associated level of satisfaction on a stochastic lower bound. When uncertainty is generated by a L{\'e}vy process and agents exhibit constant relative risk aversion, closed-form solutions are derived. Depending on the structure of the underlying stochastics, optimal consumption occurs at rates, in gulps, or singular to Lebesgue measure.Hindy-Huang-Kreps preferences, non-time additive utility optimization, intertemporal utility, intertemporal substitution

    Semi Bandit Dynamics in Congestion Games: Convergence to Nash Equilibrium and No-Regret Guarantees

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    In this work, we introduce a new variant of online gradient descent, which provably converges to Nash Equilibria and simultaneously attains sublinear regret for the class of congestion games in the semi-bandit feedback setting. Our proposed method admits convergence rates depending only polynomially on the number of players and the number of facilities, but not on the size of the action set, which can be exponentially large in terms of the number of facilities. Moreover, the running time of our method has polynomial-time dependence on the implicit description of the game. As a result, our work answers an open question from (Du et. al, 2022).Comment: ICML 202
