3,243 research outputs found

    Exploring the relation between EMG sampling frequency and hand motion recognition accuracy

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    Embedded vision based automotive interior intrusion detection system

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    Feature extraction and selection for myoelectric control based on wearable EMG sensors

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Specialized myoelectric sensors have been used in prosthetics for decades, but, with recent advancements in wearable sensors, wireless communication and embedded technologies, wearable electromyographic (EMG) armbands are now commercially available for the general public. Due to physical, processing, and cost constraints, however, these armbands typically sample EMG signals at a lower frequency (e.g., 200 Hz for the Myo armband) than their clinical counterparts. It remains unclear whether existing EMG feature extraction methods, which largely evolved based on EMG signals sampled at 1000 Hz or above, are still effective for use with these emerging lower-bandwidth systems. In this study, the effects of sampling rate (low: 200 Hz vs. high: 1000 Hz) on the classification of hand and finger movements were evaluated for twenty-six different individual features and eight sets of multiple features using a variety of datasets comprised of both able-bodied and amputee subjects. The results show that, on average, classification accuracies drop significantly (p < 0.05) from 2% to 56% depending on the evaluated features when using the lower sampling rate, and especially for transradial amputee subjects. Importantly, for these subjects, no number of existing features can be combined to compensate for this loss in higher-frequency content. From these results, we identify two new sets of recommended EMG features (along with a novel feature, L-scale) that provide better performance for these emerging low-sampling rate systems

    Study Of EMG Feature Selection For Hand Motions Classification

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    In recent days, electromyography (EMG) pattern recognition has becoming one of the major interests in rehabilitation area. However, EMG feature set normally consists of relevant, redundant and irrelevant features. To achieve high classification performance, the selection of potential features is critically important. Thus, this paper employs two recent feature selection methods namely competitive binary gray wolf optimizer (CBGWO) and modified binary tree growth algorithm (MBTGA) to evaluate the most informative EMG feature subset for efficient classification. The experimental results show that CBGWO and MBTGA are not only improves the classification performance, but also reduces the number of features

    A quantitative taxonomy of human hand grasps

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    Background: A proper modeling of human grasping and of hand movements is fundamental for robotics, prosthetics, physiology and rehabilitation. The taxonomies of hand grasps that have been proposed in scientific literature so far are based on qualitative analyses of the movements and thus they are usually not quantitatively justified. Methods: This paper presents to the best of our knowledge the first quantitative taxonomy of hand grasps based on biomedical data measurements. The taxonomy is based on electromyography and kinematic data recorded from 40 healthy subjects performing 20 unique hand grasps. For each subject, a set of hierarchical trees are computed for several signal features. Afterwards, the trees are combined, first into modality-specific (i.e. muscular and kinematic) taxonomies of hand grasps and then into a general quantitative taxonomy of hand movements. The modality-specific taxonomies provide similar results despite describing different parameters of hand movements, one being muscular and the other kinematic. Results: The general taxonomy merges the kinematic and muscular description into a comprehensive hierarchical structure. The obtained results clarify what has been proposed in the literature so far and they partially confirm the qualitative parameters used to create previous taxonomies of hand grasps. According to the results, hand movements can be divided into five movement categories defined based on the overall grasp shape, finger positioning and muscular activation. Part of the results appears qualitatively in accordance with previous results describing kinematic hand grasping synergies. Conclusions: The taxonomy of hand grasps proposed in this paper clarifies with quantitative measurements what has been proposed in the field on a qualitative basis, thus having a potential impact on several scientific fields

    Multikernel convolutional neural network for sEMG based hand gesture classification

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    openIl riconoscimento dei gesti della mano è un argomento ampiamente discusso in letteratura, dove vengono analizzate diverse tecniche sia in termini di tipi di segnale in ingresso che di algoritmi. Tra i più utilizzati ci sono i segnali elettromiografici (sEMG), già ampiamente sfruttati nelle applicazioni di interazione uomo-macchina (HMI). Determinare come decodificare le informazioni contenute nei segnali EMG in modo robusto e accurato è un problema chiave per il quale è urgente trovare una soluzione. Recentemente, molti incarichi di riconoscimento dei pattern EMG sono stati affrontati utilizzando metodi di deep learning. Nonostante le elevate prestazioni di questi ultimi, le loro capacità di generalizzazione sono spesso limitate dall'elevata eterogeneità tra i soggetti, l'impedenza cutanea, il posizionamento dei sensori, ecc. Inoltre, poiché questo progetto è focalizzato sull'applicazione in tempo reale di protesi, ci sono maggiori vincoli sui tempi di risposta del sistema che riducono la complessità dei modelli. In questa tesi è stata testata una rete neurale convoluzionale multi-kernel su diversi dataset pubblici per verificare la sua generalizzabilità. Inoltre, è stata analizzata la capacità del modello di superare i limiti inter-soggetto e inter-sessione in giorni diversi, preservando i vincoli legati a un sistema embedded. I risultati confermano le difficoltà incontrate nell'estrazione di informazioni dai segnali emg; tuttavia, dimostrano la possibilità di ottenere buone prestazioni per un uso robusto di mani prostetiche. Inoltre, è possibile ottenere prestazioni migliori personalizzando il modello con tecniche di transfer learning e di adattamento al dominio.Hand gesture recognition is a widely discussed topic in the literature, where different techniques are analyzed in terms of both input signal types and algorithms. Among the most widely used are electromyographic signals (sEMG), which are already widely exploited in human-computer interaction (HMI) applications. Determining how to decode the information contained in EMG signals robustly and accurately is a key problem for which a solution is urgently needed. Recently, many EMG pattern recognition tasks have been addressed using deep learning methods. Despite their high performance, their generalization capabilities are often limited by high heterogeneity among subjects, skin impedance, sensor placement, etc. In addition, because this project is focused on the real-time application of prostheses, there are greater constraints on the system response times that reduce the complexity of the models. In this thesis, a multi-kernel convolutional neural network was tested on several public datasets to verify its generalizability. In addition, the model's ability to overcome inter-subject and inter-session constraints on different days while preserving the constraints associated with an embedded system was analyzed. The results confirm the difficulties encountered in extracting information from emg signals; however, they demonstrate the possibility of achieving good performance for robust use of prosthetic hands. In addition, better performance can be achieved by customizing the model with transfer learning and domain-adaptationtechniques

    Novel Bidirectional Body - Machine Interface to Control Upper Limb Prosthesis

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    Objective. The journey of a bionic prosthetic user is characterized by the opportunities and limitations involved in adopting a device (the prosthesis) that should enable activities of daily living (ADL). Within this context, experiencing a bionic hand as a functional (and, possibly, embodied) limb constitutes the premise for mitigating the risk of its abandonment through the continuous use of the device. To achieve such a result, different aspects must be considered for making the artificial limb an effective support for carrying out ADLs. Among them, intuitive and robust control is fundamental to improving amputees’ quality of life using upper limb prostheses. Still, as artificial proprioception is essential to perceive the prosthesis movement without constant visual attention, a good control framework may not be enough to restore practical functionality to the limb. To overcome this, bidirectional communication between the user and the prosthesis has been recently introduced and is a requirement of utmost importance in developing prosthetic hands. Indeed, closing the control loop between the user and a prosthesis by providing artificial sensory feedback is a fundamental step towards the complete restoration of the lost sensory-motor functions. Within my PhD work, I proposed the development of a more controllable and sensitive human-like hand prosthesis, i.e., the Hannes prosthetic hand, to improve its usability and effectiveness. Approach. To achieve the objectives of this thesis work, I developed a modular and scalable software and firmware architecture to control the Hannes prosthetic multi-Degree of Freedom (DoF) system and to fit all users’ needs (hand aperture, wrist rotation, and wrist flexion in different combinations). On top of this, I developed several Pattern Recognition (PR) algorithms to translate electromyographic (EMG) activity into complex movements. However, stability and repeatability were still unmet requirements in multi-DoF upper limb systems; hence, I started by investigating different strategies to produce a more robust control. To do this, EMG signals were collected from trans-radial amputees using an array of up to six sensors placed over the skin. Secondly, I developed a vibrotactile system to implement haptic feedback to restore proprioception and create a bidirectional connection between the user and the prosthesis. Similarly, I implemented an object stiffness detection to restore tactile sensation able to connect the user with the external word. This closed-loop control between EMG and vibration feedback is essential to implementing a Bidirectional Body - Machine Interface to impact amputees’ daily life strongly. For each of these three activities: (i) implementation of robust pattern recognition control algorithms, (ii) restoration of proprioception, and (iii) restoration of the feeling of the grasped object's stiffness, I performed a study where data from healthy subjects and amputees was collected, in order to demonstrate the efficacy and usability of my implementations. In each study, I evaluated both the algorithms and the subjects’ ability to use the prosthesis by means of the F1Score parameter (offline) and the Target Achievement Control test-TAC (online). With this test, I analyzed the error rate, path efficiency, and time efficiency in completing different tasks. Main results. Among the several tested methods for Pattern Recognition, the Non-Linear Logistic Regression (NLR) resulted to be the best algorithm in terms of F1Score (99%, robustness), whereas the minimum number of electrodes needed for its functioning was determined to be 4 in the conducted offline analyses. Further, I demonstrated that its low computational burden allowed its implementation and integration on a microcontroller running at a sampling frequency of 300Hz (efficiency). Finally, the online implementation allowed the subject to simultaneously control the Hannes prosthesis DoFs, in a bioinspired and human-like way. In addition, I performed further tests with the same NLR-based control by endowing it with closed-loop proprioceptive feedback. In this scenario, the results achieved during the TAC test obtained an error rate of 15% and a path efficiency of 60% in experiments where no sources of information were available (no visual and no audio feedback). Such results demonstrated an improvement in the controllability of the system with an impact on user experience. Significance. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis of improving robustness and efficiency of a prosthetic control thanks to of the implemented closed-loop approach. The bidirectional communication between the user and the prosthesis is capable to restore the loss of sensory functionality, with promising implications on direct translation in the clinical practice
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