71 research outputs found

    Understanding Anthropomorphism in Service Provision: A Meta-Analysis of Physical Robots, Chatbots, and other AI

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    An increasing number of firms introduce service robots, such as physical robots and virtual chatbots, to provide services to customers. While some firms use robots that resemble human beings by looking and acting humanlike to increase customers’ use intention of this technology, others employ machinelike robots to avoid uncanny valley effects, assuming that very humanlike robots may induce feelings of eeriness. There is no consensus in the service literature regarding whether customers’ anthropomorphism of robots facilitates or constrains their use intention. The present meta-analysis synthesizes data from 11,053 individuals interacting with service robots reported in 108 independent samples. The study synthesizes previous research to clarify this issue and enhance understanding of the construct. We develop a comprehensive model to investigate relationships between anthropomorphism and its antecedents and consequences. Customer traits and predispositions (e.g., computer anxiety), sociodemographics (e.g., gender), and robot design features (e.g., physical, nonphysical) are identified as triggers of anthropomorphism. Robot characteristics (e.g., intelligence) and functional characteristics (e.g., usefulness) are identified as important mediators, although relational characteristics (e.g., rapport) receive less support as mediators. The findings clarify contextual circumstances in which anthropomorphism impacts customer intention to use a robot. The moderator analysis indicates that the impact depends on robot type (i.e., robot gender) and service type (i.e., possession-processing service, mental stimulus-processing service). Based on these findings, we develop a comprehensive agenda for future research on service robots in marketing

    Child–robot relationship formation: A narrative review of empirical research

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    This narrative review aimed to elucidate which robot-related characteristics predict relationship formation between typically-developing children and social robots in terms of closeness and trust. Moreover, we wanted to know to what extent relationship formation can be explained by children’s experiential and cognitive states during interaction with a robot. We reviewed 86 journal articles and conference proceedings published between 2000 and 2017. In terms of predictors, robots’ responsiveness and role, as well as strategic and emotional interaction between robot and child, increased closeness between the child and the robot. Findings about whether robot features predict children’s trust in robots were inconsistent. In terms of children’s experiential and cognitive states during interaction with a robot, robot characteristics and interaction styles were associated with two experiential states: engagement and enjoyment/liking. The literature hardly addressed the impact of experiential and cognitive states on closeness and trust. Comparisons of children’s interactions with robots, adults, and objects showed that robots are perceived as neither animate nor inanimate, and that they are entities with whom children will likely form social relationships. Younger children experienced more enjoyment, were less sensitive to a robot’s interaction style, and were more prone to anthropomorphic tendencies and effects than older children. Tailoring a robot’s sex to that of a child mainly appealed to boys

    Socially assistive robots : the specific case of the NAO

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    Numerous researches have studied the development of robotics, especially socially assistive robots (SAR), including the NAO robot. This small humanoid robot has a great potential in social assistance. The NAO robot’s features and capabilities, such as motricity, functionality, and affective capacities, have been studied in various contexts. The principal aim of this study is to gather every research that has been done using this robot to see how the NAO can be used and what could be its potential as a SAR. Articles using the NAO in any situation were found searching PSYCHINFO, Computer and Applied Sciences Complete and ACM Digital Library databases. The main inclusion criterion was that studies had to use the NAO robot. Studies comparing it with other robots or intervention programs were also included. Articles about technical improvements were excluded since they did not involve concrete utilisation of the NAO. Also, duplicates and articles with an important lack of information on sample were excluded. A total of 51 publications (1895 participants) were included in the review. Six categories were defined: social interactions, affectivity, intervention, assisted teaching, mild cognitive impairment/dementia, and autism/intellectual disability. A great majority of the findings are positive concerning the NAO robot. Its multimodality makes it a SAR with potential

    On the Relationship between People, Objects, & Interactive Technologies: Transforming Digital & Physical experiences through the process of Realizing Empathy

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    La manera com les persones es relacionen amb el seu entorn, ja sigui físic o digital, és cada cop més complexa i fugaç, fent que la relació de l'usuari amb els seus objectes i eines digitals, de vegades, sigui extrema i de curta durada. Tanmateix, la propietat d'objectes i objectes tecnològics interactius no és buida de significat, són mostres de reflexió i representació per als altres i del seu paper a la societat. La clau per mantenir una relació i el significat amb aquests objectes rau en el disseny i la intenció de l'experiència interactiva creada. Inspirats en les disciplines de la psicologia, el procés de disseny, la interacció humà-ordinador i els models de negoci, aquesta tesi explora, analitza, crea i prova els fonaments teòrics sobre l'empatia i el concepte d'entaular una relació de llarga durada entre les persones i les tecnologies interactives.  Amb aquesta finalitat, aquesta tesi es divideix en 4 fases: (1) l’estudi en profunditat de les referències bibliogràfiques dins del sector HCI, amb especial atenció al rol del disseny i la psicologia amb la intenció de respondre preguntes com: “Com podem construir relacions de llarga durada entre persones i objectes intel·ligents?” (2) Recopilar i adoptar definicions, eines i terminologia de treballs relacionats que aportin a la construcció de la contribució principal d'aquesta tesi, (3) Crear i presentar un model d'interacció entre persones i tecnologia que aporti a una interacció de llarga durada, i (4) presentar un cas d’estudi on s’implementi el model proposat.  Després del treball bibliogràfic, al sector de l'HCI, s'ha identificat un buit, fruit de les principals preocupacions expressades: la manca de connexió entre la teoria i la pràctica del disseny, així com una mancança en l’àmbit de l'Empatia. El resultat fa que molts dels models d’interacció amb intenció empàtica i afectiva no se sustentin entre si. Això ens ha portat a la segona fase de la tesi on aprofitem les referències de múltiples disciplines per estudiar què és l'empatia, com s'implementa, com es percep i com evoluciona cap a l'objectiu d'una relació a llarg termini, com a punt focal cap a les principals contribucions de la tesi. .  Després de reunir i analitzar exhaustivament les referències al voltant de l'empatia, entrem a la tercera fase on presentem el model teòric d'interacció amb el potencial d'establir una interacció a llarg termini i l’anomenat Procés de realització de l'empatia (RE). Més que intentar definir què és l'empatia, aquesta proposta intenta oferir una perspectiva diferent de l'empatia i visualitza el seu abast com un procés influenciat per models de diàleg i col·laboració amb el propòsit de crear comprensió mútua i donar significat a aquest intercanvi.  Amb un model clar i una sòlida base teòrica, la fase final de la tesi cerca provar el model proposat amb l'objectiu d'observar si es poden detectar indicadors d'afecció afectiva i confiança entre una persona i el seu objecte tecnològic. En aquest cas, vam tenir l'oportunitat de treballar amb robots socials com el nostre “altre actor” per dissenyar les proves del model. Aquestes proves pretenien capturar els indicadors d'empatia entre un humà i un robot que abraça: l'aferrament afectiu, la confiança, la regulació de les expectatives i la reflexió sobre la perspectiva de l'altre dins un conjunt d'estratègies de col·laboració. Plantegem la hipòtesi que una estratègia de col·laboració activa condueix a un compromís més significatiu de generar empatia entre un humà i un robot en comparació amb una estratègia passiva. Els resultats són encoratjadors i clarament estableixen un camí per a futures investigacions sobre el disseny d'aquest model. La forma en que las personas se relacionan con su entorno, ya sea físico o digital, se vuelve cada vez más compleja y fugaz, haciendo que la relación del usuario con sus objetos y herramientas digitales, en ocasiones, sea extrema y de corta duración. Sin embargo, la propiedad de objetos y objetos tecnológicos interactivos no es vacía de significado, son muestras de reflexión y representación para los demás y de su papel en la sociedad. La clave para mantener una relación y significado con estos objetos radica en el diseño y la intención de la experiencia interactiva creada. Inspirados en las disciplinas de la psicología, el proceso de diseño, la interacción humano-ordenador y los modelos de negocio, esta tesis explora, analiza, crea y prueba los fundamentos teóricos sobre la empatía y el concepto de entablar una relación de larga duración entre las personas y las tecnologías interactivas.  Con este fin, esta tesis se divide en 4 fases: (1) estudio en profundidad de las referencias bibliográficas dentro del sector HCI, con especial atención al rol del diseño y la psicología con la intención de responder a preguntas como: “¿Cómo podemos construir relaciones de larga duración entre personas y objetos inteligentes?”(2) Recopilar y adoptar definiciones, herramientas y terminología de trabajos relacionados que aporten a la construcción de la contribución principal de esta tesis, (3) Crear y presentar un modelo de interacción entre personas y tecnología que aporte a una interacción de larga duración, y (4) presentar un caso de estudio donde se implemente el modelo propuesto.  Tras el trabajo bibliográfico en el sector del HCI se ha identificado un vacío, fruto de las principales preocupaciones expresadas: la falta de conexión entre la teoría y la práctica del diseño, así como una falta en el tema de la Empatía. El resultado hace que muchos de los modelos de interacción con intención empática y afectiva no se sustenten entre sí. Esto nos ha llevado a la segunda fase de la tesis en la que aprovechamos las referencias de múltiples disciplinas para estudiar qué es la empatía, cómo se implementa, cómo se percibe y cómo evoluciona hacia el objetivo de una relación a largo plazo, como punto focal hacia las principales contribuciones de la tesis. .  Después de una reunir y analizar exhaustivamente las referencias en torno a la empatía, entramos en la tercera fase donde presentamos el modelo teórico de interacción con el potencial de entablar una interacción a largo plazo y denominado Proceso de realización de la empatía (RE). Más que intentar definir qué es la empatía, esta propuesta trata de ofrecer una perspectiva diferente a la empatía y visualiza su alcance como un proceso influenciado por modelos de diálogo y colaboración con el propósito de crear comprensión mutua y dar significado a ese intercambio.  Con un modelo claro y una sólida base teórica, la fase final de la tesis busca probar el modelo propuesto con el objetivo de observar si el modelo puede detectar indicadores de Apego Afectivo y Confianza entre una persona y su objeto tecnológico. En el caso de este trabajo, tuvimos la oportunidad de trabajar con robots sociales como nuestro “otro actor” para diseñar las pruebas del modelo. Estas pruebas pretendían capturar los indicadores de de empatía entre un humano y un robot que abarca: el apego afectivo, la confianza, la regulación de las expectativas y la reflexión sobre la perspectiva del otro dentro de un conjunto de estrategias de colaboración. Planteamos la hipótesis de que una estrategia de colaboración activa conduce a un compromiso más significativo de generar empatía entre un humano y un robot en comparación con una estrategia pasiva. Los resultados son alentadores y claramente establecen un camino para futuras investigaciones sobre el diseño de este modelo. How people engage with their surroundings, whether physical or digital, becomes increasingly complex and rapid, making the user’s relationship with their objects and digital tools, at times, extreme and short-lived. Yet, there is still meaning in ownership of objects and interactive technological objects, they are tokens of reflection and representation to others and their role in society. The key to sustaining a relationship and sense of meaning with these objects lies in the design and intention of the interactive experience created. Inspired by disciplines of psychology, design, Human-computer interaction, and business modeling, this thesis explored, analyzed, created, and tested theoretical foundations on Empathy and the concept of initiating a long-term relationship between people and their interactive technologies.  To that end, the thesis book was managed in 4 main stages: (1) presenting a deeper dive into bibliographic references within HCI and the role of both design and psychology in the attempt to tackle questions like: “How can we build long-term relationships between people and their smart objects?” (2) Collect and adopt from related works that helped build the main contributions of the thesis book, (3) Create an interaction model between humans and their technology that lent itself for potential long-term engagement, and (4) a case study that implemented and instantiated the model designed.     After mapping the HCI bibliographical works in the first phase, a gap was revealed indicative of the main concerns expressed: a lack of connection between theory and design practice as well as a lack in the topic of Empathy. The result makes many of the models of interaction with empathetic and affective intention unsupported between each other. This has led us to the second phase of the thesis where we leveraged references across multiple disciplines to survey what empathy is, how it is implemented, perceived and evolved toward the goal of long-term relationship, as a focal point toward the main thesis contributions.   After an exhaustive gathering and analysis of the work around Empathy, we entered the third phase where we present the proposed theoretical model of interaction with the potential for long-term engagement named the Process of Realizing Empathy (RE). Rather than attempting to further define empathy, this proposal is about offering a different perspective to empathy that visualizes its scope as a process influenced by dialogue and collaborative models with the goal to reach meaning between the actors involved.  With a clear model in place and a strong theoretical foundation, the final phase of the thesis looked to test the proposed model with the goal of observing if the model can provoke its indicators of Affective Attachment and Trust between a person and their technological object. In the case of this thesis work, we had the opportunity to work with social robots as our “other actor” to design the tests for the model. This testbed meant to capture the indicators of early empathy realization between a human and a robot encompassing affective attachment, trust, expectation regulation, and reflecting on the other’s perspective within a set of collaborative strategies. We hypothesized that an active collaboration strategy is conducive to a more meaningful and purposeful engagement of realizing empathy between a human and a robot compared to a passive one. The results are encouraging and clearly establish a path for further research on this model’s design.

    A Cross-Cultural Comparison on Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Towards Artificial Agents

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    Historically, there has been a great deal of confusion in the literature regarding cross-cultural differences in attitudes towards artificial agents and preferences for their physical appearance. Previous studies have almost exclusively assessed attitudes using self-report measures (i.e., questionnaires). In the present study, we sought to expand our knowledge on the influence of cultural background on explicit and implicit attitudes towards robots and avatars. Using the Negative Attitudes Towards Robots Scale and the Implicit Association Test in a Japanese and Dutch sample, we investigated the effect of culture and robots’ body types on explicit and implicit attitudes across two experiments (total n = 669). Partly overlapping with our hypothesis, we found that Japanese individuals had a more positive explicit attitude towards robots compared to Dutch individuals, but no evidence of such a difference was found at the implicit level. As predicted, the implicit preference towards humans was moderate in both cultural groups, but in contrast to what we expected, neither culture nor robot embodiment influenced this preference. These results suggest that only at the explicit but not implicit level, cultural differences appear in attitudes towards robots

    Measuring perceived empathy in dialogue systems

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    Dialogue systems, from Virtual Personal Assistants such as Siri, Cortana, and Alexa to state-of-the-art systems such as BlenderBot3 and ChatGPT, are already widely available, used in a variety of applications, and are increasingly part of many people’s lives. However, the task of enabling them to use empathetic language more convincingly is still an emerging research topic. Such systems generally make use of complex neural networks to learn the patterns of typical human language use, and the interactions in which the systems participate are usually mediated either via interactive text-based or speech-based interfaces. In human–human interaction, empathy has been shown to promote prosocial behaviour and improve interaction. In the context of dialogue systems, to advance the understanding of how perceptions of empathy affect interactions, it is necessary to bring greater clarity to how empathy is measured and assessed. Assessing the way dialogue systems create perceptions of empathy brings together a range of technological, psychological, and ethical considerations that merit greater scrutiny than they have received so far. However, there is currently no widely accepted evaluation method for determining the degree of empathy that any given system possesses (or, at least, appears to possess). Currently, different research teams use a variety of automated metrics, alongside different forms of subjective human assessment such as questionnaires, self-assessment measures and narrative engagement scales. This diversity of evaluation practice means that, given two DSs, it is usually impossible to determine which of them conveys the greater degree of empathy in its dialogic exchanges with human users. Acknowledging this problem, the present article provides an overview of how empathy is measured in human–human interactions and considers some of the ways it is currently measured in human–DS interactions. Finally, it introduces a novel third-person analytical framework, called the Empathy Scale for Human–Computer Communication (ESHCC), to support greater uniformity in how perceived empathy is measured during interactions with state-of-the-art DSs

    Qualitative Research in HRI: A Review and Taxonomy

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    The field of human–robot interaction (HRI) is young and highly inter-disciplinary, and the approaches, standards and methods proper to it are still in the process of negotiation. This paper reviews the use of qualitative methods and approaches in the HRI literature in order to contribute to the development of a foundation of approaches and methodologies for these new research areas. In total, 73 papers that use qualitative methods were systematically reviewed. The review reveals that there is widespread use of qualitative methods in HRI, but very different approaches to reporting on it, and high variance in the rigour with which the approaches are applied. We also identify the key qualitative methods used. A major contribution of this paper is a taxonomy categorizing qualitative research in HRI in two dimensions: by ’study type’ and based on the specific qualitative method use