9,776 research outputs found

    Towards A Taxonomy of Emerging Topics in Open Government Data: A Bibliometric Mapping Approach

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    The purpose of this paper is to capture the emerging research topics in Open Government Data (OGD) through a bibliometric mapping approach. Previous OGD research has covered the evolution of the discipline with the application of bibliometric mapping tools. However, none of these studies have extended the bibliometric mapping approach for taxonomy building. Realizing this potential, we used a bibliometric tool to perform keyword analysis as a foundation for taxonomy construction. A set of keyword clusters was constructed, and qualitative analysis software was used for taxonomy creation. Emerging topics were identified in a taxonomy form. This study contributes towards the development of an OGD taxonomy. This study contributes to the procedural realignment of a past study by incorporating taxonomy building elements for taxonomy creation. These contributions are significant because there is insufficient taxonomy research in the OGD discipline. The taxonomy building procedures extended in this study are applicable to other fields

    Developing a Framework of Citizen’s Engagement in Open Government Data’s Website

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    Website is one of the OGD initiatives that provide input and spread information to the public. This research’s objective is to develop a framework for citizen engagement in using OGD’s website, i.e. Ministry’s websites. This research proposes a few combinations of determinants from the Theory of Human Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), and Information System Success Model (ISSM). This research will provide input and information on how the implementation of OGD in Malaysia can become a sustainable innovation in developing a user-friendly website to attract engagement from the public

    Public policy: turning open data into democratic data - Portal Quality Assessment - Comparative Analysis

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceAs data, information, and their respective provisioning gets more and more ubiquitous, people start to look for - and even demand - transparency and data to support the policies in effect right now that, either directly or indirectly, affects them. There are many expectations related with Open Government Data initiatives, such as improving policymaking, increase in transparency of government spending, advance citizen engagement with the institutions, etc. This master’s proposal aims to offer research that pertains to this theme; including an in depth look into one of the most reputed OGD maturity report (EU Open Data Maturity Report), a systematic literature review of Open Data’s main objectives and goals, the influence on publication of scientific literature as well as the potential socio-economic and transparency impact they may have, in order to proceed to an assessment of the portal quality in Portugal by evaluating the usage of its data on scientific papers and articles; through the usage of bibliometrics and PRISMA methodology. My thesis research drills down on these topics: What are the most used Portuguese OGD portals in academic literature? What are the authors that make the most use of Portuguese OGD portals? What characterizes the authors and the publications

    Adoption and Use of Community Municipal Portals

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    Initial findings from a project examining community municipal portal adoption are reported. The study employs a theoretical model showing a causal effect of organizational factors and portal interface characteristics on a person’s intentions to use a community municipal portal and how individual demographics and perceptions mediate this effect. Six community municipal portals in Ontario, Canada participated. A questionnaire completed by internal portal stakeholders gives background on the portals’ purpose, history, functionality, IT support, and governance. An enduser survey administered to 1,753 respondents polls end-user demographics, perceptions, and behaviors. First phase results give insight on the organizational factors surrounding the implementation of community municipal portals (e.g., partner tensions, governance issues, low end-user involvement, marketing and financial concerns) and how they may influence low usage behaviors exhibited by a narrow demographic. Future phases of the study that further explore the impact of organizational factors and end-user characteristics on portal use are described

    Enablers and Inhibitors of Public Value Creation Through the Use of Open Government Data in Australian Public Sector

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    The development of open government data (OGD) has spread all around the world. The vast datasets that were proactively published on the OGD portal would be beneficial for government and its citizens. There are some factors that might enable OGD usage to create public values for the users and communities in the public sector. The OGD literature shows that there is a huge gap of an empirical research. This research aims to identify the salient factors that enable or inhibit a successful OGD usage and its beneficial outcomes in Australian public sector. This research has drawn on the Moore’s framework (1995) for creating public values and the information systems success model framework as theoretical backgrounds to conduct survey research from a government employee perspective to address the gap in the literature

    The Wallet of Digital Citizens: Online Payment Adoption in the Developing Countries’ Public Administration – Case of Egypt

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    Online payment methods play a crucial role in helping digital citizens interact and receive e-government services. Citizens’ tendency to accept online payments in the public sector is a vital factor in implementing successful e-government services. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the behavioral, institutional, and social aspects that influence citizens’ tendency to accept the usage of digital payments in the Egyptian public sector. To achieve this objective, the study relies on conducting in-depth interviews with citizens who belong to different age, and social and educational backgrounds, in addition to policy experts and public employees. Meanwhile, the study adopts the lens of the UTUAT model to analyze the different dimensions that affect citizens\u27 perceptions and attitudes toward the issue. The findings of the study confirm the assumptions of the UTUAT model and highlight the importance of trust and inclusion as key factors in influencing citizens’ behavioral intentions

    Exploring key antecedents through a technology acceptance perspective

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    The main aim of this Ph.D. thesis in Management is to provide better understanding of the role of Information Systems (ISs) in the decision-making process and successful performance of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), exploring the antecedents of technology acceptance. To achieve the objectives defined, four articles were elaborated: a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and three articles of an empirical nature. Therefore, the first article aimed to identify, explore and systematize the main topics regarding the role of web portals as tools to support information management in HEIs. Based on 126 articles published up to 5 November 2016 on the Web of Science and SCOPUS databases, four major topics were identified, namely, the software used in web portals, internal and external benefits of using web portals, technology acceptance and information storage and management. The main contribution of this research lies in identifying the main topics and trends in scientific production for each topic identified, and in identifying gaps and future lines of research in this field of study. The second article aimed to study the influence of web portals in supporting HEI management and performance, considering personality traits, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, through an empirical study. To achieve the aim proposed, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used together with a structured questionnaire administered to teaching and non-teaching staff in Portuguese HEIs. The results obtained, through 338 valid responses, indicate a positive influence of personality traits on the use of web portals and that their use also has a positive influence on HEIs’ performance. The third chapter sought to identify the factors influencing the use of e-learning platforms in the Portuguese academic context through an empirical study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information. Based on 631 valid responses, SEM was applied, leading to the conclusion that, in accordance with Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), the characteristics of e-learning platforms and Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology (PIIT) have a positive influence on the use of this tool. The fourth and final article aimed to identify and explain the factors of successful operation, implementation and use of e-libraries in the academic context of Portuguese higher education. To achieve this goal, a qualitative approach was adopted, through a case study of the e-library at the University of Beira Interior (UBI). Primary data were obtained from interviews with staff of the library, computer services and administration of this teaching institution holding leadership positions and directly involved in the implementation, maintenance or use of the e-library. The empirical evidence highlights the importance of minimizing costs, particularly by forming cooperation protocols, the use of open-source software and training of UBI library staff. Acceptance and use of the e-library depends on the platform’s characteristics, the ease of access to information, actions to publicise and make the whole academic community aware of the e-library and its functions, and implementation of appealing, intuitive User Interfaces (UIs). In addition, the training of students and library staff was revealed as a relevant factor for acceptance of this tool. For the future, the creation of a functional search aggregator is suggested, to allow a simultaneous search in all the databases and creating the least noise possible. This function could be implemented based on multi-disciplinary teams with skills acquired through specific training. This study was based on Resource-Based View (RBV) and Social Learning Theory (SLT). In this thesis, considering the four studies developed, it was possible to support the influence of IS acceptance on HEIs’ performance and determine the role of ISs in supporting these institutions’ management, in the Portuguese academic context. This research also presents contributions to theory and implications for practice, as well as future lines of study on the topic.O principal objetivo desta tese de doutoramento em GestĂŁo consistiu em proporcionar uma melhor compreensĂŁo acerca do papel dos Sistemas de Informação (SIs) no processo de tomada de decisĂŁo e no sucesso da performance das Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), explorando os antecedentes da aceitação das tecnologias. Para conseguir alcançar os propĂłsitos definidos, foram elaborados quatro artigos: uma Systematic Literature Review (SLR) e trĂȘs artigos de natureza empĂ­rica. Neste sentido, o primeiro artigo teve por objetivo a identificação, exploração e sistematização dos principais temas sobre o papel dos portais web como ferramentas para apoiar a gestĂŁo da informação nas HEI. Tendo por base 126 artigos publicados atĂ© ao dia 5 de novembro de 2016, nas bases de dados Web of Science e SCOPUS foi possĂ­vel identificar quatro grandes temĂĄticas, nomeadamente, software utilizado em Portais Web, benefĂ­cios internos e externos da utilização de Portais Web, aceitação das tecnologias e o armazenamento e gestĂŁo da informação. O principal contributo desta investigação prende-se com a identificação das principais temĂĄticas e tendĂȘncias da produção cientĂ­fica em cada temĂĄtica identificada, bem como, a identificação de lacunas e futuras linhas de investigação dentro deste campo de investigação. O segundo artigo teve por objetivo estudar a influĂȘncia dos portais web no apoio Ă  gestĂŁo e no desempenho das HEIs, tendo em consideração os traços de personalidade, a perceção acerca da utilidade e da facilidade de utilização, atravĂ©s de um estudo empĂ­rico. Para conseguir alcançar o objetivo proposto, recorreu-se ao Strucutral Equation Modeling (SEM) e a um questionĂĄrio estruturado, dirigido a pessoal docente e nĂŁo docente de HEIs portuguesas. Os resultados obtidos, atravĂ©s de 338 respostas vĂĄlidas, indicam que existe uma influĂȘncia positiva entre os traços de personalidade e a utilização dos portais web e que a sua utilização tambĂ©m influencia positivamente o desempenho das HEIs. No terceiro artigo procurou-se identificar os fatores que influenciam a utilização de plataformas de e-learning no contexto acadĂ©mico portuguĂȘs, atravĂ©s de um estudo empĂ­rico. Recorreu-se a um questionĂĄrio estruturado como objeto de recolha de informação. Tendo por base 631 respostas vĂĄlidas, aplicou-se o SEM e podemos concluir que, em concordĂąncia com a Teoria da DifusĂŁo da inovação (TDI), as caraterĂ­sticas das plataformas de e-learning e o Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology (PIIT) influenciam de forma positiva a utilização desta ferramenta. O quarto e Ășltimo artigo teve por objetivo a identificação e explicação de fatores para o bom funcionamento, implementação e utilização de e-librarys no contexto acadĂ©mico do ensino superior portuguĂȘs. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa, atravĂ©s de um estudo de caso da e-library da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). Os dados primĂĄrios obtiveram-se com recurso a entrevistas ao Staff da Biblioteca, dos Serviços de informĂĄtica e da Administração desta instituição de ensino, com posiçÔes de chefia e envolvidos de forma direta na implementação, manutenção ou utilização da e-library. As evidĂȘncias empĂ­ricas ressaltam a importĂąncia para a minimização de custos, nomeadamente, a celebração de protocolos de cooperação, a utilização de software open source e a formação do staff da biblioteca da UBI. A aceitação e utilização da e-library, depende das caraterĂ­sticas da plataforma, da facilidade do acesso Ă  informação, de açÔes de divulgação que deem a conhecer a toda a academia a e-library e as suas funcionalidades e da implementação de User Interfaces (UIs) apelativas e intuitivas. Adicionalmente, a formação de alunos e do staff da biblioteca revelou ser um fator relevante para a aceitação desta ferramenta. De futuro sugere-se a criação de um agregador de pesquisa funcional, que pesquise em simultĂąneo em todas as bases de dados e crie o menor ruido possĂ­vel. Esta funcionalidade serĂĄ possĂ­vel ser implementada com base em equipas multidisciplinares com as skills adquiridas atravĂ©s de formação especifica. Este estudo teve por base a Resource-Based View (RBV) e a Social Learning Theory (SLT). Neste trabalho de tese, tendo em consideração os quatro estudos desenvolvidos, foi possĂ­vel sustentar a influĂȘncia da aceitação de SIs no desempenho das HEIs e averiguar o papel dos SIs no apoio dado Ă  gestĂŁo destas instituiçÔes, no contexto acadĂ©mico portuguĂȘs. Esta investigação apresenta tambĂ©m contributos para a teoria e implicaçÔes para a prĂĄtica, bem como, futuras linhas de investigação acerca da temĂĄtica em estudo

    A framework for e-government success from the user’s perspective

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThis thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of e-government portal success by developing a e-government success framework from a user’s perspective. The proposed framework is underpinned by relevant theories, such as DeLone and McLean’s IS success model, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), self-efficacy theory and trust. The culture aspect has also been taken into consideration by adopting personal values theory introduced by Schwartz (1992). Three data collection methods were used. First, an exploratory study was carried to explore the main aspects and factors for understanding e-government systems success. Second, a Delphi study was conducted to investigate which of the ten value types are particularly relevant to success or have a significant impact. Third, a survey-based study was carried out to validate empirically the proposed theoretical framework. Results of the exploratory study helped to identify the potential success factors of e-government systems. The results of the Delphi study suggest that four of the ten values, namely self-direction, stimulation, security, and tradition, most likely affect e-government portal success. Structural equation modelling techniques were applied to test the research model using a large-scale survey. The findings of hypothesis testing suggested that e-government portal success (i.e. net benefit) was directly affected by actual use and user satisfaction and indirectly affect by a number of factors concerning system quality, service quality, information quality, perceived risk, and computer self-efficacy. By combining IS success model and TAM, this study found system quality, information quality and service quality affected the perceived ease of us, but service quality had no effect on perceived usefulness. However, perceived risk seemed to have no effect on attitudes towards using, but very small negative effect on perceived usefulness. Users’ computer skills was found to have no effect on perceived ease of use and very small effect on perceived usefulness. These indicate that risk and IT skills are playing less significant role in the context of e-government. The research findings confirmed that adoption was not equivalent to success, but it was the necessary precondition to success. In the personal values-attitude-behaviour model, the empirical evidence suggested that Conservation affects attitude towards use which, in turn, affects behavioural intention to re-use. Openness to change had no effect on attitude toward using. The findings provide important implications for e-government research and practice

    Measuring eGovernment Portal Management on the Local Level: Results from a Survey of Public Administration Officials

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    Given the importance of eGovernment portals as an integral access interface of modern public service provision, this contribution concentrates on the issue of the dimensions and derived success factors of these information systems. Starting with the DeLone & McLean IS success model and the resource-based view as foundations, this article conceptualizes the important success factors of eGovernment portals and then integrates these into a research model. The empirical results show the importance of the different dimensions of eGovernment Portal Management as well as the development of eGovernment portals so far. For public service portals on the local level the key management dimensions are information, system, service and privacy management. The evaluation of these dimensions as well as perceived internal and external success in public administration institutions complement user-based quality assessments and highlight organizational strengths and weaknesses
