172 research outputs found

    Assessment of Land Degradation Patterns in Western Kenya : Implications for Restoration and Rehabilitation

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    Land degradation remains a major threat to the provision of environmental services and the ability of smallholder farmers to meet the growing demand for food. Understanding patterns of land degradation is therefore a central starting point for designing any sustainable land management strategies. However, land degradation is a complex process both in time and space making its quantification difficult. There is no adequate monitoring of many of the land degradation issues both at national and local scale in Kenya. The objective of this study conducted between 2009 and 2012 was to assess the land degradation patterns in Kenya as a basis for making recommendations for sustainable land management. The correlation between vegetation and precipitation and the change in vegetation over the period 2001-2009 was assessed using 250 m resolution Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (MODIS/NDVI) and time-series rainfall data. The assessment at national levels revealed that, irrespective of the direction of change, there was a significant correlation between vegetation (NDVI) and annual precipitation for 32% of the land area. The inter-annual change in vegetation cover, depicted by the NDVI slope, was between -0.067 and +0.068. A negative NDVI slope (indication of degradation) was observed for areas around Lake Turkana and several districts in eastern Kenya. Positive NDVI trends were observed in Wajir and Baringo, which are located in the dry land areas, showing that the vegetation cover was increasing over the years. NDVI difference between the baseline (2001-2003) and end line (2007-2009) showed an absolute change in NDVI of -0.42 to +0.48. But the relative change was between -74% for the degrading areas and +238% for the improving areas with most of the dramatic positive changes taking place in the drylands. Relative to the baseline, 21% of the land was experiencing a decline in the vegetation cover, 12% was improving, while 67% was stable. Classification of Landsat imagery for the period 1973, 1988 and 2003 showed that there were significant changes in land use land cover (LULC) in the western Kenya districts with the area under agricultural activities increasing from 28% in 1973 to 70% in 2003 while those under wooded grassland decreasing from 51% to 11% over the same period. Detailed field observations and measurements showed that over 55% of the farms sampled lacked any form of soil and water conservation technologies. Sheet erosion was the most dominant form of soil loss observed in over 70% of the farms. There was a wide variability in soil chemical properties across the study area with values of most major properties being below the critical thresholds needed to support meaningful crop production. Notable was the high proportion (90%) of farms with slightly acidic to strongly acidic (pH Erfassung und Bewertung verschiedener Erscheinungsformen von Landdegradation in West Kenia: Konsequenzen für Restaurierungs- und Rehabilitierungsmaßnahmen Landdegradation stellt eine der größten Gefahren für die Bereitstellung von Umweltdienstleistungen dar und für die Kleinbauern hinsichtlich des wachsenden Bedarfs an Nahrungsmitteln. Die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Landnutzungsstrategien beginnt daher mit dem Erkennen und Verstehen von Landdegradationsmustern. Die komplexen Prozesse der Landdegradation über Raum und Zeit erschweren jedoch eine Quantifizierung. Bisher existiert in Kenia kein adäquates Monitoring der Landdegradation, weder auf nationaler noch auf lokaler Ebene. Das Ziel des von 2009 bis 2012 durchgeführten Studie war die Erfassung von Landdegradationsmustern in Kenia, um Empfehlungen für nachhaltige Landmanagementstrategien geben zu können. Die Korrelation zwischen Vegetation und Niederschlag und der Vegetationsveränderungen im Zeitraum 2001 bis 2009 wurde mittels einer MODIS/NDVI (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (250 m-Auflösung) - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) ermittelt. Die Untersuchungen auf nationaler Ebene ergaben, dass, unabhängig von der Richtung des Änderungsprozesses, eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen Vegetation (NDVI) und jährlicher Niederschlagsmenge für 32% der Landfläche besteht. Die Änderung der Vegetationsdecke über mehrere Jahre, dargestellt durch die NDVI-Linie, lag zwischen -0.067 und +0.068. Eine abfallende NDVI-Linie (als Indikator für Degradation) konnte für Flächen rund um Turkana See und in mehreren Distrikten Ost-Kenias beobachtet werden. Positive NDVI-Trends traten in den Trockengebieten Wajir und Baringo auf; dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Vegetationsdichte hier über die Jahre zunahm. Die Differenz des NDVI zwischen Ausgangswerten (2001-2003) und Endwerten (2007-2009) zeigte eine absolute NDVI-Veränderung von -0.42 bis +0.48. Die relative Veränderung war jedoch -74% für degradierende Flächen und +238% für Flächen mit zunehmender Vegetationsbedeckung, wobei die höchsten positiven Veränderungen in den Trockengebieten festgestellt wurden. Im Vergleich zu den Basisdaten fand auf 21% der Flächen eine Abnahme der Vegetationsbedeckung statt, 12% der Landflächen erfuhr eine Verbesserung und 67% verzeichnete keine Veränderungen. Die Klassifizierung der Landsat-Aufnahmen von 1973, 1988 und 2003 zeigte signifikante Veränderungen in der Landbedeckung bzw. Landnutzung in den Distrikten West Kenias . Der Anteil der landwirtschaftlich genutzten Fläche stieg von 28% im Jahre 1973 auf 70% in 2003 an, während der Flächenanteil der Baum- und Strauchsavanne im gleichen Zeitraum von 51% auf 11% abnahm. Detaillierte Felduntersuchungen ergaben, dass mehr als 55% der untersuchten Farmen keine Boden- oder Wasserschutzmaßnahmen durchführen. Bodenerosion stellte die Hauptursache von Bodenverlust dar und konnte bei über 70% der Farmen festgestellt werden. Die chemischen Bodeneigenschaften im Untersuchungsgebiet waren sehr variabel; viele der wichtigsten Bodeneigenschaften lagen unter den kritischen Grenzwerten, die für erfolgreichen Pflanzenbau notwendig sind. Auffällig war der hohe Anteil an Farmen (90%) mit leicht bis sehr sauren Böden (pH<5.5). In den Böden von über 55% der Farmen lag der organischer Kohlenstoffgehalt unter 2%. Potentieller Nährstoffvorrat und -aufnahme der Böden waren sehr variabel. Flächen, die als sehr fruchtbar klassifiziert wurden, hatten ein dreifach höheres Vorratspotential an Stickstoff und Phosphor im Vergleich zu Flächen mit geringer Fruchtbarkeit. Der geschätzte potenzielle Maisertrag der Böden lag zwischen 1.6 t/ha und 2.8 t/ha. Der aktuelle Ertrag lag mit weniger als 1 t/ha jedoch darunter. Insgesamt waren die Farmer der Meinung, dass die Produktivität der Landnutzung, Tierhaltung, und Forst- und Wasserressourcen gesunken sei. Durch die Kombination verschiedener Erfassungs- und Monitoringmethoden konnten verschiedene Aspekte der Landdegradation und damit wichtige Informationen für die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Landnutzungsstrategien erfasst werden. Um Bodennährstoffmangel und niedrige Bodenproduktivität positiv zu verändern, müsste ein integriertes Bodenmanagement zur Erhöhung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit umgesetzt werden

    Climate, land use and vegetation trends: Implication of land use change and climate change on northwestern drylands of Ethiopia

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    Land use / land cover (LULC) change assessment is getting more consideration by global environmental change studies as land use change is exposing dryland environments for transitions and higher rates of resource depletion. The semiarid regions of northwestern Ethiopia are not different as land use transition is the major problem of the region. However, there is no satisfactory study to quantify the change process of the region up to now. Hence, spatiotemporal change analysis is vital for understanding and identification of major threats and solicit solutions for sustainable management of the ecosystem. LULC change studies focus on understanding the patterns, processes and dynamics of land use transitions and driving forces of change. The change processes in dryland ecosystems can be either seasonal, gradual or abrupt changes of random or systematic change processes that result in a pattern or permanent transition in land use. Identification of these processes of change and their type supports adoption of monitoring options and indicate possible measures to be taken to safeguard this dynamic ecosystem. This study examines the spatiotemporal patterns of LULC change, temporal trends in climate variables and the insights of the communities on change patterns of ecosystems. Landsat imagery, MODIS NDVI, CRU temperature, TAMSAT rainfall and socio-ecological field data were used in order to identify change processes. LULC transformation was monitored using support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. A cross-tabulation matrix assessment was implemented in order to assess the total change of land use categories based on net change and swap change. In addition, the pattern of change was identified based on expected gain and loss under a random process of gain and loss, respectively. Breaks For Additive Seasonal and Trend (BFAST) analysis was employed for determining the time, direction and magnitude of seasonal, abrupt and trend changes within the time series datasets. In addition, Man Kendall test statistic and Sen’s slope estimator were used for assessing long term trends on detrended time series data components. Distributed lag (DL) model was also adopted in order to determine the time lag response of vegetation to the current and past rainfall distribution. Over the study period of 1972- 2014, there is a significant change in LULC as evidenced by a significant increase in size of cropland of about 53% and a net loss of over 61% of woodland area. The period 2000-2014 has shown a sharp increase of cropland and a sharp decline of woodland areas. Proximate causes include agricultural expansion and excessive wood harvesting; and underlying causes of demographic factor, economic factors and policy contributed the most to an overuse of existing natural resources. In both the observed and expected proportion of random process of change and of systematic changes, woodland has shown the highest loss compared to other land use types. The observed transition and expected transition under random process of gain of woodland to cropland is 1.7%, implies that cropland systematically gains to replace woodland. The comparison of the difference between observed and expected loss under random process of loss also showed that when woodland loses cropland systematically replaces it. The assessment of magnitude and time of breakpoints on climate data and NDVI showed different results. Accordingly, NDVI analysis demonstrated the existence of breakpoints that are statistically significant on the seasonal and long term trends. There is a positive trend, but no breakpoints on the long term precipitation data during the study period. The maximum temperature also showed a positive trend with two breakpoints which are not statistically significant. On the other hand, there is no seasonal and trend breakpoints in minimum temperature, though there is an overall positive trend along the study period. The Man-Kendall test statistic for long term average Tmin and Tmax showed significant variation where as there is no significant trend within the long term rainfall distribution. The lag regression between NDVI and precipitation indicated a lag of up to forty days. This proves that the vegetation growth in this area is not primarily determined by the current precipitation rather with the previous forty days rainfall. The combined analysis showed declining vegetation productivity and a loss of vegetation cover that contributed for an easy movement of dust clouds during the dry period of the year. This affects the land condition of the region, resulting in long term degradation of the environmen

    Assessing Long-Term Trends In Vegetation Productivity Change Over the Bani River Basin in Mali (West Africa)

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    Using time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and rainfall data, we investigated historical vegetation productivity trends from 1982 to 2011 over the Bani River Basin in Mali. Statistical agreements between long-term trends in vegetation productivty, corresponding rainfall and rate of land cover change from Landsat time-series imagery was used to discern climate versus human-induced vegetation cover change. Spearman correlation was used to investigate the relationship between metrics of vegetation, rainfall trends and land cover change categories. The results show there is a positive correlation between increases in rainfall and some land cover classes, while some classes such as settlements were negatively correlated with vegetation productivity trends. Croplands and Natural Vegetation were positively correlated (r=0.89) with rainfall while settlements have a negative correlation with NDVI time series trend (r=-057). Despite the fact that rainfall is the major determinant of vegetation cover dynamics in the study area, it appears that other human-induced factors such as urbanization have negatively influenced the change in vegetation cover in the study area. The results show that a combined analysis of NDVI, rainfall and spatially explicit land cover change provides a comprehensive insight into the drivers of vegetation cover change in semi-arid Africa

    An assessment of tropical dryland forest ecosystem biomass and climate change impacts in the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) region of Southern Africa

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    The dryland forests of the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) region in Southern Africa are highly susceptible to disturbances from an increase in human population, wildlife pressures and the impacts of climate change. In this environment, reliable forest extent and structure estimates are difficult to obtain because of the size and remoteness of KAZA (519,912 km²). Whilst satellite remote sensing is generally well-suited to monitoring forest characteristics, there remain large uncertainties about its application for assessing changes at a regional scale to quantify forest structure and biomass in dry forest environments. This thesis presents research that combines Synthetic Aperture Radar, multispectral satellite imagery and climatological data with an inventory from a ground survey of woodland in Botswana and Namibia in 2019. The research utilised a multi-method approach including parametric and non-parametric algorithms and change detection models to address the following objectives: (1) To assess the feasibility of using openly accessible remote sensing data to estimate the dryland forest above ground biomass (2) to quantify the detail of vegetation dynamics using extensive archives of time series satellite data; (3) to investigate the relationship between fire, soil moisture, and drought on dryland vegetation as a means of characterising spatiotemporal changes in aridity. The results establish that a combination of radar and multispectral imagery produced the best fit to the ground observations for estimating forest above ground biomass. Modelling of the time-series shows that it is possible to identify abrupt changes, longer-term trends and seasonality in forest dynamics. The time series analysis of fire shows that about 75% of the study area burned at least once within the 17-year monitoring period, with the national parks more frequently affected than other protected areas. The results presented show a significant increase in dryness over the past 2 decades, with arid and semi-arid regions encroaching at the expense of dry sub-humid, particularly in the south of the region, notably between 2011-2019

    The Economics of Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought; Toward an Integrated Global Assessment

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    Land degradation has not been comprehensively addressed at the global level or in developing countries. A suitable economic framework that could guide investments and institutional action is lacking. This study aims to overcome this deficiency and to provide a framework for a global assessment based on a consideration of the costs of action versus inaction regarding desertification, land degradation, and drought (DLDD). Most of the studies on the costs of land degradation (mainly limited to soil erosion) give cost estimates of less than 1 percent up to about 10 percent of the agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) for various countries worldwide. But the indirect costs of DLDD on the economy (national income), as well as their socioeconomic consequences (particularly poverty impacts), must be accounted for, too. Despite the numerous challenges, a global assessment of the costs of action and inaction against DLDD is possible, urgent, and necessary. This study provides a framework for such a global assessment and provides insights from some related country studies.Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Land Degradation Assessment with Earth Observation

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    This Special Issue (SI) on “Land Degradation Assessment with Earth Observation” comprises 17 original research papers with a focus on land degradation in arid, semiarid and dry-subhumid areas (i.e., desertification) in addition to temperate rangelands, grasslands, woodlands and the humid tropics. The studies cover different spatial, spectral and temporal scales and employ a wealth of different optical and radar sensors. Some studies incorporate time-series analysis techniques that assess the general trend of vegetation or the timing and duration of the reduction in biological productivity caused by land degradation. As anticipated from the latest trend in Earth Observation (EO) literature, some studies utilize the cloud-computing infrastructure of Google Earth Engine to cope with the unprecedented volume of data involved in current methodological approaches. This SI clearly demonstrates the ever-increasing relevance of EO technologies when it comes to assessing and monitoring land degradation. With the recently published IPCC Reports informing us of the severe impacts and risks to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide, the EO scientific community has a clear obligation to increase its efforts to address any remaining gaps—some of which have been identified in this SI—and produce highly accurate and relevant land-degradation assessment and monitoring tools

    Remote sensing environmental change in southern African savannahs : a case study of Namibia

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    Savannah biomes cover a fifth of Earth’s surface, harbour many of the world’s most iconic species and most of its livestock and rangeland, while sustaining the livelihoods of an important proportion of its human population. They provide essential ecosystem services and functions, ranging from forest, grazing and water resources, to global climate regulation and carbon sequestration. However, savannahs are highly sensitive to human activities and climate change. Across sub-Saharan Africa, climatic shifts, destructive wars and increasing anthropogenic disturbances in the form of agricultural intensification and urbanization, have resulted in widespread land degradation and loss of ecosystem services. Yet, these threatened ecosystems are some of the least studied or protected, and hence should be given high conservation priority. Importantly, the scale of land degradation has not been fully explored, thereby comprising an important knowledge gap in our understanding of ecosystem services and processes, and effectively impeding conservation and management of these biodiversity hotspots. The primary drivers of land degradation include deforestation, triggered by the increasing need for urban and arable land, and concurrently, shrub encroachment, a process in which the herbaceous layer, a defining characteristic of savannahs, is replaced with hardy shrubs. These processes have significant repercussions on ecosystem service provision, both locally and globally, although the extents, drivers and impacts of either remain poorly quantified and understood. Additionally, regional aridification anticipated under climate change, will lead to important shifts in vegetation composition, amplified warming and reduced carbon sequestration. Together with a growing human population, these processes are expected to compound the risk of land degradation, thus further impacting key ecosystem services. Namibia is undergoing significant environmental and socio-economic changes. The most pervasive change processes affecting its savannahs are deforestation, degradation and shrub encroachment. Yet, the extent and drivers of such change processes are not comprehensively quantified, nor are the implications for rural livelihoods, sustainable land management, the carbon cycle, climate and conservation fully explored. This is partly due to the complexities of mapping vegetation changes with satellite data in savannahs. They are naturally spatially and temporally variable owing to erratic rainfall, divergent plant functional type phenologies and extensive anthropogenic impacts such as fire and grazing. Accordingly, this thesis aims to (i) quantify distinct vegetation change processes across Namibia, and (ii) develop methodologies to overcome limitations inherent in savannah mapping. Multi-sensor satellite data spanning a range of spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions are integrated with field datasets to achieve these aims, which are addressed in four journal articles. Chapters 1 and 2 are introductory. Chapter 3 exploits the Landsat archive to track changes in land cover classes over five decades throughout the Namibian Kalahari woodlands. The approach addresses issues implicit in change detection of savannahs by capturing the distinct phenological phases of woody vegetation and integrating multi-sensor, multi-source data. Vegetation extent was found to have decreased due to urbanization and small-scale arable farming. An assessment of the limitations leads to Chapter 4, which elaborates on the previous chapter by quantifying aboveground biomass changes associated with deforestation and shrub encroachment. The approach centres on fusing multiple satellite datasets, each acting as a proxy for distinct vegetation properties, with calibration/validation data consisting of concurrent field and LiDAR measurements. Biomass losses predominate, demonstrating the contribution of land management to ecosystem carbon changes. To identify whether biomass is declining across the country, Chapter 5 focuses on regional, moderate spatial resolution time-series analyses. Phenological metrics extracted from MODIS data are used to model observed fractional woody vegetation cover, a proxy for biomass. Trends in modelled fractional woody cover are then evaluated in relation to the predominant land-uses and precipitation. Negative trends slightly outweighed positive trends, with decreases arising largely in protected, urban and communal areas. Since precipitation is a fundamental control on vegetation, Chapter 6 investigates its relation to NDVI, by assessing to what extent observed trends in vegetation cover are driven by rainfall. NDVI is modelled as a function of precipitation, with residuals assumed to describe the fraction of NDVI not explained by rainfall. Mean annual rainfall and rainfall amplitude show a positive trend, although extensive “greening” is unrelated to rainfall. NDVI amplitude, used as a proxy for vegetation density, indicates a widespread shift to a denser condition. In Chapter 7, trend analysis is applied to a Landsat time-series to overcome spatial and temporal limitations characteristic of the previous approaches. Results, together with those of the previous chapters, are synthesized and a synopsis of the main findings is presented. Vegetation loss is predominantly caused by demand for urban and arable land. Greening trends are attributed to shrub encroachment and to a lesser extent conservation laws, agroforestry and rangeland management, with precipitation presenting little influence. Despite prevalent greening, degradation processes associated with shrub encroachment, including soil erosion, are likely to be widespread. Deforestation occurs locally while shrub encroachment occurs regionally. This thesis successfully integrates multi-source data to map, measure and monitor distinct change processes across scales