266 research outputs found

    Exploring Web Customers\u27 Trust Formation in Infomediaries

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    Infomediaries are information intermediaries in the Internet that play an important part in reducing online customers’ search costs for finding the most suitable vendors and products. This research explores the process of Web customers’ trust building using infomediaries. Specifically, we identify four sets of trust-related beliefs that impact web customers’ trust attitude and intended behavior, as well as the antecedents of trust-related beliefs. This conceptualization is built on a number of theories, mainly theories of trust, reasoned action, and actor-network. Our empirical results in testing the model indicate that web customers’ trust attitude toward web infomediaries is formed based on their beliefs regarding risk, content quality, system quality, and trust- building beliefs. We also found that initial trust is the antecedent of trust-forming beliefs, whereas individuals’ propensity to trust influences their calculative risk beliefs. The implications of these findings are also discussed

    The Moderating Influence of Privacy Concern on the Efficacy of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms for Building Trust: A Multiple-Context Investigation

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    Privacy policy statements and privacy-assurance cues are among the most important website features that online providers use to alleviate web customers’ privacy concern. This study examines the moderating role of privacy concern on how the quality of privacy policy statements and privacy assurance cues contribute to increased trust, and the subsequent decision to disclose private information online. The results of this study show distinct behavioral differences between how individuals with high versus low privacy concern form their trust to disclose private information across different contexts. The paper adds to the trust literature by highlighting the influence of the customer’s level of privacy concern (as who) and of the context (as where). The paper also adds to the Elaboration Likelihood Model Theory (ELM) by demonstrating the combined moderating roles of context and degree of involvement (privacy concern)

    Multichannel business strategies and performance

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    [ES]El uso de Internet y las nuevas tecnologías de información está en continuo crecimiento. En el pasado año el comercio electrónico en España supuso 12.383 millones de euros, con 27.2 millones de usuarios (ONTSI, 2012). Estos nuevos instrumentos suponen una revolución en la gestión tradicional de las relaciones con los clientes. Resulta fundamental entender que las empresas tienen que atender las demandas del consumidor de manera efectiva e inmediata. Este nuevo consumidor 360º supone considerar al cliente desde una perspectiva integrada, puesto que dispone de información multicanal completa y actualizada. Las empresas necesitan por lo tanto sacar partido de sus fuentes de información internas y externas para evaluar los requerimientos de compra del consumidor y atenderlos de manera que el proceso de compra sea una experiencia plenamente satisfactoria. Las empresas (especialmente las PYMES) nunca se habían encontrado con este desafío (los consumidores tienen más acceso que nunca a información instantánea de manera gratuita), por lo que resulta fundamental atender las necesidades del cliente multicanal

    Efficacy of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms in the Context of Disclosing Health Information Online

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    Privacy policy statements and privacy-assurance cues are among the most important website features that online providers could use to alleviate web customers’ privacy concerns. This study examines the moderating role of privacy concern on how privacy assurance cues and argument quality contribute to increased trust, and the subsequent decision to disclose health information online. This study has both theoretical and managerial contributions. The results provide insight about the dual roles of privacy policy statements, and privacy assurance and trust cues. The study highlights the differential impacts such mechanisms have on high privacy concerned and low privacy concerned web users in the context of disclosure of health information online

    Pengaruhteknologi Mobile, Kualitas Layanan,Kredibilitas Perusahaan, Informasi, Layanan Antar, Terhadap Intensi Belanja On-Line

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    Perkembangan internet di Indonesia memberikan dampak terbentuknya sebuah dunia baru yang biasa disebut duniamaya. Dalam dunia maya setiap orang memiliki hak dan kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dengan orang lain tanpa batasan apapun yang dapat menghalanginya. Bidang bisnis adalah bidang yang paling terkena dampak dari Perkembanganiteknologi informasi dan telekomunikasi paling cepat tumbuh. Salah satu dampak dari perkembangan internet dan mudahnya dalam mengakses internet pada masa kini, menghasilkan sebuah model bisnis baru yaitu e-commerce. E-commerce atau penjualanon-online adalah penyebaran informasi, pemasaran barang, pembelian, penjualan barang dan jasa melalui internet baik antara dua buahlinstitusi (Business to Busines) dan konsumen langsung (Business to Consumer), maka ecommerce bukan hanya sekedarsuatu mekanismepenjualan barang atau jasa melalui mediainternet, tetapi juga terjadinya sebuah transformasibisnis yangmengubah cara pandang perusahaan dalam melakukanusahanya. Semakin mudahnya masyarakat dalam mengakses internet, semakin banyaknya e-commerce yang bermunculan. Agar sebuah e-commerce dapat bertahan dalam persaingan dan menjadi e-commerce yang populer, maka sebuah e-commerce harus memiliki website yang berkuaitas. Sebuah website yang berkualitas harus memiliki kualitas layanan dan kualitasinformasi website akan mempengaruhi kualitas. Dengan melakukan bisnis secara elektronik, perusahaan dapat menekan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk keperluan pengiriman informasi. Proses transaksi yang berlangsung secara cepat dapat meningkatkan produktifitas perusahaan. Dalam lima tahun terakhir ini internet merupakan infrastruktur yang ideal untuk menjalankan bisnis secara elektronik ataue-Commerce, sehingga istilah e-Commerce pun menjadi identik dengan menjalankan bisnis di internet. Penelititan ini menguji secara komprehensif mengenai pengaruh teknologi mobile,kualitas layanan, kredibilitas perusahaan, informasi, dan integritas terhadap intensi Belanja e-Commerce. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya bukti yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kualitas layanan eCommerce, kredibilitas perusahaan, Informasi danlayanan antar terhadap intensibelanja ecommerce. Dengan perkembangan teknologi mobile memberi kemudahan pada konsumen untuk mengakses informasi, tingginya kualitas layanan e-Commerce, kredibilitas perusahaan, bertebaran informasi yang tersampaikan, dan fasilitas layanan antar, akan mengakibatkan tingginya Intensi Belanja e-Commerce

    Web Elements and Strategies for Success in Online Marketplaces: An Exploratory Analysis

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    Among the most prominent and fastest-growing markets on the Internet are online marketplaces. The leader and main exemplar of this type of market is eBay. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive examination of the salient website elements and strategies as success factor in online marketplaces. In this exploratory analysis, we report on the behavior of different types of sellers and their distinct approaches for achieving their desired goals. The conceptual framework for this examination is based on marketing mix theory and its synthesis with competitive heterogeneity theory, allowing us to formulate a success model for sellers operating in this market. The conceptual model is empirically tested by the random collection of over 2000 auction listings from eBay’s Motors Division spread over a period of six months. Our results bring to light the presence of different types of sellers in this market, and the differences in website designs and strategies they use for success in this market

    Value-creating Roles Played by the Actors in Open Government Data: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Government-held data are immensely valuable; as well as providing the information required to carry out tasks related to internal governance procedures, additional value may be generated by publishing and making accessible Open Government Data (OGD). The paper aims to identify the underlying factors that influence or are influenced by value creation, from the perspective of the OGD actors engaged in value-creating roles. A systematic literature review was conducted in order to study OGD value creation from the perspective of OGD actors engaged in value-creating roles. The findings of the metasynthesis approach indicate that the value-creating roles of the actors in the OGD ecosystem initiate the value co-creation necessary to turning data value into social and economic benefits for stakeholders, as the outcome of all actors’ efforts and government commitment to OGD initiatives

    The business model: Theoretical roots, recent developments, and future research

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    The paper provides a broad and multifaceted review of the received literature on business models, in which we attempt to explore the origin of the construct and to examine the business model concept through multiple disciplinary and subject-matter lenses. The review reveals that scholars do not agree on what a business model is, and that the literature is developing largely in silos, according to the phenomena of interest to the respective researchers. However, we also found some emerging common ground among students of business models. Specifically, i) the business model is emerging as a new unit of analysis; ii) business models emphasize a system-level, holistic approach towards explaining how firms do business; iii) organizational activities play an important role in the various conceptualizations of business models that have been proposed, and iv) business models seek not only to explain the ways in which value is captured but also how it is created. These emerging themes could serve as important catalysts towards a more unified study of business models.Business model; strategy; technology management; innovation; literature review;

    Unravelling the Influence of Online Social Context on Consumer Health Information Technology (CHIT) Implementations

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    While health information technology research has examined a variety of topics (e.g., adoption and assimilation of technology within healthcare organizations, critical success factors), it has remained unclear how the uniqueness of the online context (e.g., users connecting with strangers for social and emotional support) influences consumer health information technology (CHIT) implementations. Towards this goal, this dissertation examines the influence of online social context on CHIT implementations and outcomes. Using theories from social psychology, this dissertation encompasses two empirical research essays. The first essay draws on the environmental enrichment concept to examine the influential role of the online social context of a gamified CHIT on its success. By surveying existing fitness technology users, we demonstrate the influence of the social context enabled by CHITs on behavioral adherence to exercise. The second essay draws on construal level theory to examine the influence of textual information (such as race, geographic location) in online patient communities on a user’s trust of the community and the system as well as their intentions to participate in them. Using randomized experiments, we identify some of the propinquity-related factors that influence a user’s trust in online patient communities. The key contribution of this dissertation is the advancement of our understanding of the important role played by the social context enabled by the CHITs