1,555 research outputs found

    Visual Event Cueing in Linked Spatiotemporal Data

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    abstract: The media disperses a large amount of information daily pertaining to political events social movements, and societal conflicts. Media pertaining to these topics, no matter the format of publication used, are framed a particular way. Framing is used not for just guiding audiences to desired beliefs, but also to fuel societal change or legitimize/delegitimize social movements. For this reason, tools that can help to clarify when changes in social discourse occur and identify their causes are of great use. This thesis presents a visual analytics framework that allows for the exploration and visualization of changes that occur in social climate with respect to space and time. Focusing on the links between data from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) and a streaming RSS news data set, users can be cued into interesting events enabling them to form and explore hypothesis. This visual analytics framework also focuses on improving intervention detection, allowing users to hypothesize about correlations between events and happiness levels, and supports collaborative analysis.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Building The Ark: Text World Theory and the evolution of dystopian epistolary

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    Told through a series of interrelated documents (including emails, text messages, newspaper clippings and blog posts), Annabel Smith’s interactive digital novel The Ark epitomises the contemporary hybridity of the dystopian genre. Designed to be fully immersive, the story can be engaged with across media, enabling readers to ‘dive deeper into the world of the novel’ and challenge how they experience dystopian texts. Taking a Text-World-Theory perspective, I examine the implications of this challenge, investigating the impact of transmedial storytelling on world-building and exploring the creative evolution of dystopian epistolary more broadly. In analysing both the ebook element of The Ark and certain facets of its companion pieces (which take the form of a dynamic website and a smartphone app), I investigate the creation of the novel’s text-worlds, considering the process of multimodal meaning construction, examining the conceptual intricacies of the epistolary form and exploring the influence of paratextual matter on world-building and construal. In doing so, I offer new insights into the conceptualisation of ‘empty text-worlds’, extend Gibbons’ discussions of transmedial world-creation and argue for a more nuanced understanding of dystopian epistolary as framed within Text World Theory

    Horizontal asymmetries derived from script direction : consequences for attention and action

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    Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Psicologia na área de especialização de Psicologia Social apresentada no ISPA - Instituto Universitário, no ano de 2021.A direção de leitura e escrita estabelecem uma trajetória preferencial de exploração do espaço que é reforçada por diversas regularidades culturais consistentes com essa direccionalidade. A correlação espaço-movimento cria um esquema para a ação que enviesa a representação da agência humana, estendendo-se à representação de outros conceitos abstratos que não possuem bases sensoriomotoras. A dimensão horizontal é recrutada para melhor compreender estes conceitos, sendo ancorados de acordo com a direção de escrita e leitura da nossa língua. A assimetria espacial que esta direccionalidade induz constitui um contributo crucial para a área do embodiment, tendo sido demonstrado que afeta processos sociais e cognitivos. Contudo, os processos específicos que estas assimetrias ativam permanecem pouco explorados. Em sete estudos, esta dissertação investiga de que forma as assimetrias espaciais afetam inferências sociais e a performance visuo-motora para com estímulos ancorados na dimensão horizontal. O primeiro estudo indica que inferências sociais relacionadas com agência são preferencialmente atribuídas a faces de perfil orientadas para a direita (versus esquerda). Em duas experiências, o segundo estudo mostra que faces orientadas para a direita servem como pistas para a orientação de atenção. Faces orientadas para a direita, que traduzem a direção utilizada para representar a agência humana, facilitam a atenção para e deteção de alvos no campo visual direito, comparativamente a faces orientadas para a esquerda no campo visual esquerdo. No terceiro estudo, as faces foram substituídas por palavras temporais auditivas e visuais, que se sabe serem ancoradas horizontalmente. A assimetria espacial foi testada em duas experiências em comunidades com direções de leitura e escrita opostas (Português e Árabe). Observou-se uma ancoragem contrária do conceito abstrato ‘tempo’ entre as duas amostras (Português: passado-esquerda/futuro-direita; Árabe: passado-direita/futuro-esquerda). Adicionalmente, uma performance assimétrica reversa entre as duas comunidades linguísticas confirma que o mapeamento do tempo é enviesado pelos hábitos ortográficos e pela representação cultural da agência humana. Isto é, palavras temporais que coincidem com a direção induzida por ambos os sistemas de escrita (i.e., palavras relacionadas com futuro), dão origem a vantagem à direita na amostra Portuguesa, e vantagem à esquerda na amostra Árabe. O quarto estudo estendeu estes resultados à categoria da política, tipicamente representada através de coordenadas de esquerda e de direita. Respostas manuais e atencionais foram mais rápidas para alvos localizados à direita após terem sido apresentadas termos políticos de direita (versus alvos à esquerda após termos políticos de esquerda), que correspondiam à direção em que habitualmente se representa movimento. O quinto e último estudo demonstrou que a apresentação de palavras temporais simultaneamente com um tom auditivo não-espacial impede os efeitos de emergirem. Estas pistas bimodais revelaram as condições limitativas dos efeitos da assimetria espacial. Em conclusão, esta dissertação demonstra que existe uma propriedade genérica de movimento que deriva da direção ortográfica e que é transversal à representação de estímulos distintos, em várias tarefas e modalidades sensoriais. Estes resultados oferecem uma perspetiva mais abrangente sobre o impacto prevalente que uma característica da língua aparentemente irrelevante tem em processos cognitivos fundamentais de perceção, atenção, e julgamento.The directional activities of reading and writing have been shown to ground a preferential trajectory when scanning space. This horizontal directional formation is further reinforced by other cultural regularities that overlap with it. This space-movement correlation creates a left-right (or vice-versa) schema for action that biases the representation of human agency and extends to the representation of other abstract concepts lacking experiential sensorimotor bases. Consequently, the horizontal dimension is recruited to reason about abstract concepts that are mapped congruently with one’s dominant reading and writing or script direction. The spatial asymmetry that this combined directionality induces is a core finding in the embodiment area and has been shown to affect important social and cognitive processes. However, the specific processes activated by these asymmetries remain unclear. A series of seven experiments are outlined to investigate how spatial asymmetries affect social inferences and visuomotor performance to stimuli anchored in the horizontal dimension. The first study indicated that a range of agency-related social inferences are preferentially assigned to face profiles oriented rightward (versus leftward). Across two experiments, the second study showed that right oriented faces serve as attention-orienting primes. Rightward faces, which are in line with the direction used to represent human agency, facilitate attention to and detection of targets on the right hemifield, relative to leftward faces and targets on the left hemifield. In the third study, face primes were replaced by visual and auditory time words known to ground horizontally in space. Spatial asymmetries were tested in two experiments with communities holding opposite writing scripts (Portuguese and Arabic). We observed the mapping of time to be reversed between the two samples (Portuguese: past-left/future-right; Arabic: past-right/future-left). Further, a mirrored asymmetric performance between the two linguistic communities confirmed that the mapping of time is biased by orthographic habits and the cultural representation of human agency. That is, time words that coincide with the direction induced by both writing systems (i.e., future-related) gave rise to right-side advantage in the Portuguese sample and left-side advantage in the Arabic sample. The fourth study extended these results to the category of politics, commonly represented through coordinates of left and right. Manual and gaze responses were faster to targets embedded on the right following conservatism-related words (versus the left following socialism-related words) that embody the habitualized rightward movement direction. The fifth and final study demonstrated that presenting time words synchronously with an auditory nonspatial tone impaired cueing effects. These bimodal cues revealed the boundary conditions of the spatial agency bias. Overall, this dissertation underscores that a generic property of movement that is derived from orthographic direction underlies the representation of very distinct stimuli across tasks and sensory modalities. These findings offer a broader perspective on the pervasive impact a seemingly irrelevant feature of language has on fundamental cognitive processes of perception, attention, and judgment

    Felt_space infrastructure: Hyper vigilant spatiality to valence the visceral dimension

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    Felt_space infrastructure: Hypervigilant spatiality to valence the visceral dimension. This thesis evolves perception as a hypothesis to reframe architectural praxis negotiated through agent-situation interaction. The research questions the geometric principles of architectural ordination to originate the ‘felt_space infrastructure’, a relational system of measurement concerned with the role of perception in mediating sensory space and the cognised environment. The methodological model for this research fuses perception and environmental stimuli, into a consistent generative process that penetrates the inner essence of space, to reveal the visceral parameter. These concepts are applied to develop a ‘coefficient of affordance’ typology, ‘hypervigilant’ tool set, and ‘cognitive_tope’ design methodology. Thus, by extending the architectural platform to consider perception as a design parameter, the thesis interprets the ‘inference schema’ as an instructional model to coordinate the acquisition of spatial reality through tensional and counter-tensional feedback dynamics. Three site-responsive case studies are used to advance the thesis. The first case study is descriptive and develops a typology of situated cognition to extend the ‘granularity’ of perceptual sensitisation (i.e. a fine-grained means of perceiving space). The second project is relational and questions how mapping can coordinate perceptual, cognitive and associative attention, as a ‘multi-webbed vector field’ comprised of attractors and deformations within a viewer-centred gravitational space. The third case study is causal, and demonstrates how a transactional-biased schema can generate, amplify and attenuate perceptual misalignment, thus triggering a visceral niche. The significance of the research is that it progresses generative perception as an additional variable for spatial practice, and promotes transactional methodologies to gain enhanced modes of spatial acuity to extend the repertoire of architectural practice

    Backsliding: Donald Trump, Conspiracy Theory, & Democratic Decline

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    The relationship between conspiracy and democratic decline is well established in political theory. The tradition of American conspiracy imposes fear, mistrust, and unreality on citizens, which threatens the legitimacy of democratic institutions. Democratic electoral processes rely on a shared sense of objectivity and truth. Without this, electoral legitimacy crumbles. Twitter’s emergence as a new medium for political discourse alongside the Donald Trump presidential administration have jointly posed unique challenges to American democracy within this theoretical framework. The impacts of social media on the electoral process are unmeasured, and the implications of a conspiracy-minded president are unprecedented. I observe this relationship through Donald Trump’s use of Twitter as a new, strategic means of political discourse. To make my argument, I apply storytelling and affect theory to two case studies: Birtherism and Stop the Steal. Storytelling describes methods of rhetorical delivery, and affect theory describes listener reception. I apply four elements of storytelling (performance, adaptation, context, and iconicity) and two principles of affect theory (threat & protection and shame & belonging) to 136 of Trump’s tweets that engage the Birther and Stop the Steal conspiracy theories. I find that Trump amplifies conspiracy theories through social media and entertainment features. Entertainment is unique to Trump’s conspiratorial strategy. His emphasis on entertainment increases the embodiment of conspiracies in his followers. Donald Trump used the Birtherism conspiracy to consolidate a large, homogeneous base of followers and amass political power. When his power ran out, Trump weaponized the Stop the Steal conspiracy to mobilize his base. His base willingly participated in anti-democratic action. I attribute the attempted coup, the capitol insurrection, and post-2020 voter suppression legislation to democratic decline

    Digital Preservation of Dance, Inclusion and Absence

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    Communication Analysis through Visual Analytics: Current Practices, Challenges, and New Frontiers

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    The automated analysis of digital human communication data often focuses on specific aspects such as content or network structure in isolation. This can provide limited perspectives while making cross-methodological analyses, occurring in domains like investigative journalism, difficult. Communication research in psychology and the digital humanities instead stresses the importance of a holistic approach to overcome these limiting factors. In this work, we conduct an extensive survey on the properties of over forty semi-automated communication analysis systems and investigate how they cover concepts described in theoretical communication research. From these investigations, we derive a design space and contribute a conceptual framework based on communication research, technical considerations, and the surveyed approaches. The framework describes the systems' properties, capabilities, and composition through a wide range of criteria organized in the dimensions (1) Data, (2) Processing and Models, (3) Visual Interface, and (4) Knowledge Generation. These criteria enable a formalization of digital communication analysis through visual analytics, which, we argue, is uniquely suited for this task by tackling automation complexity while leveraging domain knowledge. With our framework, we identify shortcomings and research challenges, such as group communication dynamics, trust and privacy considerations, and holistic approaches. Simultaneously, our framework supports the evaluation of systems and promotes the mutual exchange between researchers through a structured common language, laying the foundations for future research on communication analysis.Comment: 11 pages, 2 tables, 1 figur

    Practice, principles, and theory in the design of instructional text

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    This study is concerned with an analysis of the research arising from three quite different perspectives on instructional text - the `physical characteristics' research (legibility, layout, and readability), the `improvement of text' research (visual illustrations, adjunct aids, and typographical cueing), and the `learning theories' research (representation of knowledge, human memory, and quality of learning). From this analysis there is synthesised principles for the design of instructional text against which heuristic practice in text design is evaluated and from which a nascent theory of instructional text design is evolved. The principles derived from the various research perspectives provide a basis for the manipulation of text design elements in order to ensure that (a) existing knowledge in the reader can be activated, and (b) new knowledge can be assimilated in a manner facilitative of comprehension by (i) presentation in a structured and organised way, and (ii) appropriately highlighted through verbal and typographic cueing supported, as required, by verbal illustration and organisation. The emerging theory of instructional text design suggests: a topical analysis to determine the heirarchic relationship of ideas within the topic and the desired learning outcomes or objectives; a consideration of the linguistic aspects of the text; a consideration of the role of visual illustrations; and a consideration of the physical parameters of the text. These activities are concerned, respectively, with the design areas of structure and organisation, readability, visual illustration, and legibility, and are summed up in the acronym SORVIL

    Using sensory cues to curate, study and support autobiographical remembering across the lifespan

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    Autobiographical memory is integral to who we are and how we connect with the world around us. One intriguing feature of personal memories is that people typically find it easier to access memories from late adolescence and early adulthood. This phenomenon, the reminiscence bump, has been riddled with inconsistencies in the methodology. This has implications for understanding the underlying mechanisms, which in turn impacts on both the theoretical models of memory and the clinical practices that rely on personal narrative. This programme of research specifically addresses key confounds within the literature by systematically exploring the effect of different task instructions on the temporal location of memories. Study 1 explored secondary data of 55 interview guests from a popular radio programme, in which they chose eight songs to take to a desert island in a free recall setting. Despite no explicit instruction to describe a specific memory, self-selected songs produced a reminiscence bump and particularly included memories of people. Study 2 developed this methodology for an experimental setting and also compared music with tangible stimuli, which produced distinctive retrieval curves. These distinctions may have been due to the wording and order of instructions therefore this was addressed in Study 3. The refined procedure was carried out with an older group, which also directly compared self-selected with experimenter-provided stimuli as memory cues. Self-selected stimuli produced more specific memories overall and once again, the different stimuli evoked memories that reflected distinctive lifespan retrieval curves. Given that the musical reminiscence bump remained reliable in all studies, Study 4 examined this across different choice conditions and cue modalities. Freely chosen music evoked higher nostalgia and a greater number of specific and self-defining memories than music selected from a fixed list. Lastly, Study 5 explored this methodology in an applied setting for an individual with mild cognitive impairment. The findings revealed the positive but unexpected impact of collaborative remembering with a cognitively healthy partner, who facilitated memory retrieval. While the reminiscence bump has been considered a robust finding, these experiments have shown that it is significantly influenced by the nature of retrieval, in particular the degree of choice and cue type. Personally curated cues evoke important memories including those that are self and relationship-defining. This has significant implications for clinical interventions and social policy