1,156 research outputs found

    GUARDIANS final report

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    Emergencies in industrial warehouses are a major concern for firefghters. The large dimensions together with the development of dense smoke that drastically reduces visibility, represent major challenges. The Guardians robot swarm is designed to assist fire fighters in searching a large warehouse. In this report we discuss the technology developed for a swarm of robots searching and assisting fire fighters. We explain the swarming algorithms which provide the functionality by which the robots react to and follow humans while no communication is required. Next we discuss the wireless communication system, which is a so-called mobile ad-hoc network. The communication network provides also one of the means to locate the robots and humans. Thus the robot swarm is able to locate itself and provide guidance information to the humans. Together with the re ghters we explored how the robot swarm should feed information back to the human fire fighter. We have designed and experimented with interfaces for presenting swarm based information to human beings

    Dasbor Akademik: Pendukung Data Akademik Universitas dan Pemantauan Studi Mahasiswa

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    Kecerdasan bisnis diperlukan oleh manajemen puncak untuk mendukung berbagai keputusan. Data pendidikan, seperti data penerimaan, akademik, dan alumni pada institusi akademik akan semakin bertambah dari waktu ke waktu. Sehingga, proses pengumpulan, komputasi, analisis, dan visualisasi data yang sangat besar menjadi tantangan bagi manajemen puncak. Institusi akan membutuhkan pengumpulan data untuk melengkapi formulir akreditasi dengan dukungan pengaturan pengakses laporan. Data yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai aplikasi ini dapat memunculkan masalah baru, di antaranya data yang tidak lengkap dan tidak standar. Tujuan makalah ini adalah mengembangkan dasbor akademik yang berisi informasi untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan dan menyajikan informasi penting yang berguna dalam memantau kinerja mahasiswa. Metode pengembangan dasbor akademik menggunakan Business Intelligence Roadmap yang meliputi Justification, Planning, Business Analysis, Design, Construction, dan Deployment. Pada pengembangan ini juga dibangun data warehouse yang mengintegrasikan data akademik dari berbagai sumber serta menggunakan penyimpanan data yang dinormalisasi (NDS) dan arsitektur penyimpanan data dimensional (DDS). Arsitektur menyediakan data master akademik yang disimpan di NDS. Kemudian dasbor dikembangkan menggunakan Microsoft Power BI. Hasil pengembangan memperlihatkan bahwa dasbor mampu untuk menampilkan data penting universitas dan mendukung pembuatan laporan untuk akreditasi. Selain itu juga digunakan untuk memantau kinerja mahasiswa dengan menggunakan IPK rata-rata sebagai acuan

    Internet Predictions

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    More than a dozen leading experts give their opinions on where the Internet is headed and where it will be in the next decade in terms of technology, policy, and applications. They cover topics ranging from the Internet of Things to climate change to the digital storage of the future. A summary of the articles is available in the Web extras section

    Developing Routinized Information Processing Capabilities for Operational Agility: Insights from China

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    Operational agility, which reflects the agile practices at business process level, is increasingly deemed as a significant determinant of business success in a turbulent business environment. Despite its importance, how operational agility can be attained is not answered by existing research. Drawing on the classic organization theory—information processing view of firms, the main contribution of this study is that it provides a process model of developing routinized information processing capabilities for operational agility in a turbulent business environment which fulfills this theoretical gap. It indicates the significant roles played by IT-enabled information processing networks and organizational controls during the process. It also identifies three routinized information processing capabilities including information sensitivity, information fluidity, and information decomposability. This is achieved by conducting a case study of Haier, one of the largest producers of household appliances in China. This paper concludes with a discussion of potential theoretical and practical contributions

    Sensor Networks in the Low Lands

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    This paper provides an overview of scientific and industrial developments of the last decade in the area of sensor networks in The Netherlands (Low Lands). The goal is to highlight areas in which the Netherlands has made most contributions and is currently a dominant player in the field of sensor networks. On the one hand, motivations, addressed topics, and initiatives taken in this period are presented, while on the other hand, special emphasis is given to identifying current and future trends and formulating a vision for the coming five to ten years. The presented overview and trend analysis clearly show that Dutch research and industrial efforts, in line with recent worldwide developments in the field of sensor technology, present a clear shift from sensor node platforms, operating systems, communication, networking, and data management aspects of the sensor networks to reasoning/cognition, control, and actuation

    Perancangan Data Warehouse Untuk Menunjang Akreditasi Program Studi

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    Akreditasi diperlukan oleh setiap perguruan tinggi sebagai bentuk pengakuan mutu dari pihak eksternal. Dalam proses akreditasi diperlukan data untuk mengisi formulir sesuai dengan standar yang diperlukan. Permasalahannya adalah perguruan tinggi tersebut biasanya memiliki beberapa aplikasi dengan media penyimpanan data yang beragam untuk menjalankan proses bisnis perguruan tinggi tersebut. Akibatnya, dalam penyediaan data untuk proses akreditasi masih dilakukan secara manual dengan mengambil dari berbagai sumber dari berbagai aplikasi sehingga akan memakan waktu yang lama. Diperlukan Data Warehouse untuk melakukan integrasi data sehingga dapat membantu mengelola data untuk menunjang proses akreditasi. Pada penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan Kimball untuk merancang skema data warehouse dalam menunjang akreditasi program studi. AbstractAccreditation is required by every university as a form of quality assessment from external parties. In the accreditation process, data is required to fill out forms according to the required standards. In addition, these colleges usually have several applications with various data storage to carry out the college's business processes. As a result, the provision of data for the accreditation process is manually by taking from various sources from various existing applications so that it will take a long time. Data Warehouse is required to integrate data so that it can help manage data so that it supports the accreditation process. In this study, the Kimball approach was used to design a data warehouse scheme to support the accreditation of the study program

    Software tools for conducting real-time information processing and visualization in industry: an up-to-date review

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    The processing of information in real-time (through the processing of complex events) has become an essential task for the optimal functioning of manufacturing plants. Only in this way can artificial intelligence, data extraction, and even business intelligence techniques be applied, and the data produced daily be used in a beneficent way, enhancing automation processes and improving service delivery. Therefore, professionals and researchers need a wide range of tools to extract, transform, and load data in real-time efficiently. Additionally, the same tool supports or at least facilitates the visualization of this data intuitively and interactively. The review presented in this document aims to provide an up-to-date review of the various tools available to perform these tasks. Of the selected tools, a brief description of how they work, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of their use, will be presented. Furthermore, a critical analysis of overall operation and performance will be presented. Finally, a hybrid architecture that aims to synergize all tools and technologies is presented and discussed.This work is funded by “FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia” within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. The grants of R.S., R.M., A.M., and N.L. are supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internalization Programme (COMPETE 2020). [Project n. 039479. Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039479]