234 research outputs found

    An Efficient Multiple-Place Foraging Algorithm for Scalable Robot Swarms

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    Searching and collecting multiple resources from large unmapped environments is an important challenge. It is particularly difficult given limited time, a large search area and incomplete data about the environment. This search task is an abstraction of many real-world applications such as search and rescue, hazardous material clean-up, and space exploration. The collective foraging behavior of robot swarms is an effective approach for this task. In our work, individual robots have limited sensing and communication range (like ants), but they are organized and work together to complete foraging tasks collectively. An efficient foraging algorithm coordinates robots to search and collect as many resources as possible in the least amount of time. In the foraging algorithms we study, robots act independently with little or no central control. As the swarm size and arena size increase (e.g., thousands of robots searching over the surface of Mars or ocean), the foraging performance per robot decreases. Generally, larger robot swarms produce more inter-robot collisions, and in swarm robot foraging, larger search arenas result in larger travel distances causing the phenomenon of diminishing returns. The foraging performance per robot (measured as a number of collected resources per unit time) is sublinear with the arena size and the swarm size. Our goal is to design a scale-invariant foraging robot swarm. In other words, the foraging performance per robot should be nearly constant as the arena size and the swarm size increase. We address these problems with the Multiple-Place Foraging Algorithm (MPFA), which uses multiple collection zones distributed throughout the search area. Robots start from randomly assigned home collection zones but always return to the closest collection zones with found resources. We simulate the foraging behavior of robot swarms in the robot simulator ARGoS and employ a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to discover different optimized foraging strategies as swarm sizes and the number of resources is scaled up. In our experiments, the MPFA always produces higher foraging rates, fewer collisions, and lower travel and search time than the Central-Place Foraging Algorithm (CPFA). To make the MPFA more adaptable, we introduce dynamic depots that move to the centroid of recently collected resources, minimizing transport times when resources are clustered in heterogeneous distributions. Finally, we extend the MPFA with a bio-inspired hierarchical branching transportation network. We demonstrate a scale-invariant swarm foraging algorithm that ensures that each robot finds and delivers resources to a central collection zone at the same rate, regardless of the size of the swarm or the search area. Dispersed mobile depots aggregate locally foraged resources and transport them to a central place via a hierarchical branching transportation network. This approach is inspired by ubiquitous fractal branching networks such as animal cardiovascular networks that deliver resources to cells and determine the scale and pace of life. The transportation of resources through the cardiovascular system from the heart to dispersed cells is the inverse problem of transportation of dispersed resources to a central collection zone through the hierarchical branching transportation network in robot swarms. We demonstrate that biological scaling laws predict how quickly robots forage in simulations of up to thousands of robots searching over thousands of square meters. We then use biological scaling predictions to determine the capacity of depot robots in order to overcome scaling constraints and produce scale-invariant robot swarms. We verify the predictions using ARGoS simulations. While simulations are useful for initial evaluations of the viability of algorithms, our ultimate goal is predicting how algorithms will perform when physical robots interact in the unpredictable conditions of environments they are placed in. The CPFA and the Distributed Deterministic Spiral Algorithm (DDSA) are compared in physical robots in a large outdoor arena. The physical experiments change our conclusion about which algorithm has the best performance, emphasizing the importance of systematically comparing the performance of swarm robotic algorithms in the real world. We illustrate the feasibility of implementing the MPFA with transportation networks in physical robot swarms. Full implementation of the MPFA in an outdoor environment is the next step to demonstrate truly scalable and robust foraging robot swarms

    Multi‑Agent Foraging: state‑of‑the‑art and research challenges

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    International audienceThe foraging task is one of the canonical testbeds for cooperative robotics, in which a collection of robots has to search and transport objects to specific storage point(s). In this paper, we investigate the Multi-Agent Foraging (MAF) problem from several perspectives that we analyze in depth. First, we define the Foraging Problem according to literature definitions. Then we analyze previously proposed taxonomies, and propose a new foraging taxonomy characterized by four principal axes: Environment, Collective, Strategy and Simulation, summarize related foraging works and classify them through our new foraging taxonomy. Then, we discuss the real implementation of MAF and present a comparison between some related foraging works considering important features that show extensibility, reliability and scalability of MAF systems. Finally we present and discuss recent trends in this field, emphasizing the various challenges that could enhance the existing MAF solutions and make them realistic

    Bioinspired approaches for coordination and behaviour adaptation of aerial robot swarms

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    Behavioural adaptation is a pervasive component in a myriad of animal societies. A well-known strategy, known as Levy Walk, has been commonly linked to such adaptation in foraging animals, where the motion of individuals couples periods of localized search and long straight forward motions. Despite the vast number of studies on Levy Walks in computational ecology, it was only in the past decade that the first studies applied this concept to robotics tasks. Therefore, this Thesis draws inspiration from the Levy Walk behaviour, and its recent applications to robotics, to design biologically inspired models for two swarm robotics tasks, aiming at increasing the performance with respect to the state of the art. The first task is cooperative surveillance, where the aim is to deploy a swarm so that at any point in time regions of the domain are observed by multiple robots simultaneously. One of the contributions of this Thesis, is the Levy Swarm Algorithm that augments the concept of Levy Walk to include the Reynolds’ flocking rules and achieve both exploration and coordination in a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles. The second task is adaptive foraging in environments of clustered rewards. In such environments behavioural adaptation is of paramount importance to modulate the transition between exploitation and exploration. Nature enables these adaptive changes by coupling the behaviour to the fluctuation of hormones that are mostly regulated by the endocrine system. This Thesis draws further inspiration from Nature and proposes a second model, the Endocrine Levy Walk, that employs an Artificial Endocrine System as a modulating mechanism of Levy Walk behaviour. The Endocrine Levy Walk is compared with the Yuragi model (Nurzaman et al., 2010), in both simulated and physical experiments where it shows its increased performance in terms of search efficiency, energy efficiency and number of rewards found. The Endocrine Levy Walk is then augmented to consider social interactions between members of the swarm by mimicking the behaviour of fireflies, where individuals attract others when finding suitable environmental conditions. This extended model, the Endocrine Levy Firefly, is compared to the Levy+ model (Sutantyo et al., 2013) and the Adaptive Collective Levy Walk Nauta et al. (2020). This comparison is also made both in simulated and physical experiments and assessed in terms of search efficiency, number of rewards found and cluster search efficiency, strengthening the argument in favour of the Endocrine Levy Firefly as a promising approach to tackle collaborative foragin

    Simple individual behavioural rules for improving the collective behaviours of robot swarms

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    Swarm robotics is an ongoing area of research that is expected to revolutionise various real-world domains such as agriculture and space exploration. Swarm robotics systems are composed of a large number of simple and autonomous robots. Each robot locally interacts with other robots and with the environment following a set of behavioural rules. These individual interactions enable the swarm to exhibit interesting collective behaviours and to accomplish specific tasks. The main challenge in designing robot swarms is to determine the behavioural rules that each robot should follow so that the swarm as a whole can perform the desired task. The performance of robot swarms in a given task depends on the designer's choice of appropriate individual behavioural rules. In this thesis, we investigate simple individual behavioural rules for improving the performance of robot swarms in two major tasks. Using simple behavioural rules makes the designed solutions possibly usable with simpler platforms such as micro- and nanorobots. The first task we address is known as the best-of-n decision problem where the swarm is required to select the best option among n available alternatives. Solving the best-of-n decision problem is considered to be a fundamental cognitive skill for robot swarms as it influences the swarm's success in other tasks. In this thesis, we introduce individual behavioural rules to improve the performance of robot swarms in the best-of-n problem. Through these rules, robots vary their interaction strength over time in a decentralised fashion to balance the acquisition and the dissemination of information. The proposed behavioural rules allow swarms of simple noisy robots with constrained communication to limit the effect of individual errors and make highly accurate collective decisions in a predictable time. In some scenarios where the best option changes over time, the swarm is required to switch its decision accordingly. In this thesis, we introduce individual behavioural rules through which the robots process new information and discard outdated beliefs. These behavioural rules enable robot swarms to adapt their decisions to various environmental changes, including the appearance of better choices or the disappearance of the current swarm's choice. Our analysis shows that relying on local communication is more favourable for achieving adaptation. This result highlights the benefit of the local sensing and communication characterising biological and artificial swarms. The second task we address in this thesis is the collective resource collection task. In this task, the robots are asked to retrieve objects that are clustered at unknown locations in the environment. We address this task because of its numerous potential real-world applications. In many of these applications, the objects to collect are assigned different importance or value. In this thesis, we introduce a bio-inspired individual behaviour that allows robot swarms to perform quality-based resource collection. Similarly to foraging ants, in our proposed behaviour, the robots coordinate their collection efforts by laying and sensing virtual pheromone trails. The use of pheromone trails offers an advantageous implementation of the memory and communication capabilities necessary for the efficient collection of clustered objects. The proposed behaviour allows robot swarms to satisfy various collection objectives and achieve an optimal resource collection behaviour in the case of relatively small swarms. In this thesis, we analyse swarm robotics systems using both minimalistic tools such as stochastic and multi-agent simulations, and more advanced tools such as physics-based simulations and real robot experiments. Using these tools, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed individual behavioural rules in improving the performance of robot swarms in the addressed tasks. The results we present in this thesis are of potential interest to both engineers designing robot swarms, and biologists investigating the behavioural rules followed by individuals in living collective organisms

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Hydrolink 2021/2. Artificial Intelligence

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    Topic: Artificial Intelligenc

    Improving Robot Team's performance by Passing Objects between Robots

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringA transport robot system is a robotic system in which robots move objects from one place to another place. Most existing transport robot systems perform three tasks: loading an item, moving to another location, and unloading the item. Traditional mobile robots, which carry objects one at a time, is not suitable for repeatedly transporting objects over a long distance. Therefore, in the factory or warehouse environment, they still use conveyor belts to transport a large number of objects. However, the existing conveyor belts are physically fixed in their environments, and it is difficult to reconfigure the layout of a conveyor network. In this thesis, I presente three new robotic systems that have the ability to pass objects at a distance between mobile robots. These three robotic systems are mobile conveyor belts, dynamic robot chains, and mobile workstations. First, conveyor belts are commonly used to transport many objects rapidly and effectively. I present a novel conveyor system called a mobile conveyor line that can autonomously organize itself to transport objects to a given location. In this thesis, I analyze the reachability of multiple mobile conveyor belts and present an algorithm to verify the reachability of a specified destination, as well as a way to gen- erate a configuration for connecting conveyor belts to reach the destination. The key results include a complete set of equations describing the reachable set of a mobile conveyor belt on a flat surface, which leads to an effective probabilistic strategy for autonomous configuration. The results of the experiment demonstrated the overlap effect, which states that reachable sets frequently overlap. This system can be suitable for locations where it is difficult to install a conveyor line, such as disaster zones. Second, I present to use mobile conveyor belts in foraging tasks in environments with obstacles. Foraging robots can form a dynamic robot chain network that can quickly send resources received from other foraging robots to a collecting zone called a depot area. A robot chain is essentially a sequence of mobile robots with the ability to quickly pass resources at a long distance. A dynamic robot chain network is a network of robot chains that allow the branches of the robot chains to connect multiple resource clusters. By allowing branching, the traffic near the end of the robot chain network can be dis- tributed to several branches, and congestion can be avoided. The dynamic robot chain network leverages mobility to relocate, reduce collection time for other robots, and quickly send resources received from other foraging robots to the depot area. The key result is the formation of robot chains capable of over- coming the two major limitations of existing dynamic depot foraging systems: the long travel distance for delivery and congestion near the central collection zone. In the experiments, given the same num- ber of robots, a dynamic robot chain network outperformed existing dynamic depots in multiple-place foraging problems. Third, I consider the idea of mobile workstations, which integrate mobile platforms with production machinery to improve efficiency by overlapping production time and delivery time. I describe a task planning algorithm for multiple mobile workstations and offer a model of mobile workstations and their jobs. This planning problem for mobile workstations includes the features of both traveling salesman problems (TSP) and job shop scheduling problems (JSP). For planning, I presente two algorithms: a) a complete search algorithm that offers a minimum makespan plan and b) a local search in the space of task graphs to offer suboptimal plans quickly. According to the experiments, the second algorithm can generate near-optimal temporal plans when the number of jobs is small. In addition, the second algorithm can generate noticeably shorter plans than a version of the job shop scheduling algorithm and SGPlan 5 when the number of jobs is large. This research shows that transport robot systems could work together with other robots or machines in various environments to overcome the limitations of existing systems for the environments. A mobile conveyor line can pass quickly objects at a long distance and can apply to many different environments by overcoming the existing problem of conveyor belts. By using mobile conveyor belts, the robots have the ability to pass objects at a distance between mobile robots to improve the performance of foraging tasks by overcoming the long travel distance for delivery and congestion near the central collection zone. In addition, a mobile workstation can handle the tasks that transport the production of goods to users. By paralleling the production time and the movement, a mobile workstation can substantially shorten the time it takes to deliver products to customers.ope