78 research outputs found

    Machine learning based botnet identification traffic

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    The continued growth of the Internet has resulted in the increasing sophistication of toolkit and methods to conduct computer attacks and intrusions that are easy to use and publicly available to download, such as Zeus botnet toolkit. Botnets are responsible for many cyber-attacks, such as spam, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), identity theft, and phishing. Most of existence botnet toolkits release updates for new features, development and support. This presents challenges in the detection and prevention of bots. Current botnet detection approaches mostly ineffective as botnets change their Command and Control (C&C) server structures, centralized (e.g., IRC, HTTP), distributed (e.g., P2P), and encryption deterrent. In this paper, based on real world data sets we present our preliminary research on predicting the new bots before they launch their attack. We propose a rich set of features of network traffic using Classification of Network Information Flow Analysis (CONIFA) framework to capture regularities in C&C communication channels and malicious traffic. We present a case study of applying the approach to a popular botnet toolkit, Zeus. The experimental evaluation suggest that it is possible to detect effectively botnets during the botnet C&C communication generated from new updated Zeus botnet toolkit by building the classifier using machine learning from an earlier version and before they launch their attacks using traffic behaviors. Also, show that there is similarity in C&C structures various Botnet toolkit versions and that the network characteristics of botnet C&C traffic is different from legitimate network traffic. Such methods could reduce many different resources needed to identify C&C communication channels and malicious traffic

    Machine learning based botnet identification traffic

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    The continued growth of the Internet has resulted in the increasing sophistication of toolkit and methods to conduct computer attacks and intrusions that are easy to use and publicly available to download, such as Zeus botnet toolkit. Botnets are responsible for many cyber-attacks, such as spam, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), identity theft, and phishing. Most of existence botnet toolkits release updates for new features, development and support. This presents challenges in the detection and prevention of bots. Current botnet detection approaches mostly ineffective as botnets change their Command and Control (C&C) server structures, centralized (e.g., IRC, HTTP), distributed (e.g., P2P), and encryption deterrent. In this paper, based on real world data sets we present our preliminary research on predicting the new bots before they launch their attack. We propose a rich set of features of network traffic using Classification of Network Information Flow Analysis (CONIFA) framework to capture regularities in C&C communication channels and malicious traffic. We present a case study of applying the approach to a popular botnet toolkit, Zeus. The experimental evaluation suggest that it is possible to detect effectively botnets during the botnet C&C communication generated from new updated Zeus botnet toolkit by building the classifier using machine learning from an earlier version and before they launch their attacks using traffic behaviors. Also, show that there is similarity in C&C structures various Botnet toolkit versions and that the network characteristics of botnet C&C traffic is different from legitimate network traffic. Such methods could reduce many different resources needed to identify C&C communication channels and malicious traffic

    Identification and Recognition of Remote-Controlled Malware

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    This thesis encapsulates research on the detection of botnets. First, we design and implement Sandnet, an observation and monitoring infrastructure to study the botnet phenomenon. Using Sandnet, we evaluate detection approaches based on traffic analysis and rogue visual monetization. Therefore, we identify and recognize botnet C&C channels by help of traffic analysis. To a large degree, our clustering and classification leverage the sequence of message lengths per flow. As a result, our implementation, CoCoSpot, proves to reliably detect active C&C communication of a variety of botnet families, even in face of fully encrypted C&C messages. Furthermore, we found a botnet that uses DNS as carrier protocol for its command and control channel. By help of statistical entropy as well as behavioral features, we design and implement a classifier that detects DNS-based C&C, even in mixed network traffic of benign users. Finally, perceptual clustering of Sandnet screenshots enables us to group malware into rogue visual monetization campaigns and study their monetization properties

    CHID : conditional hybrid intrusion detection system for reducing false positives and resource consumption on malicous datasets

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    Inspecting packets to detect intrusions faces challenges when coping with a high volume of network traffic. Packet-based detection processes every payload on the wire, which degrades the performance of network intrusion detection system (NIDS). This issue requires an introduction of a flow-based NIDS that reduces the amount of data to be processed by examining aggregated information of related packets. However, flow-based detection still suffers from the generation of the false positive alerts due to incomplete data input. This study proposed a Conditional Hybrid Intrusion Detection (CHID) by combining the flow-based with packet-based detection. In addition, it is also aimed to improve the resource consumption of the packet-based detection approach. CHID applied attribute wrapper features evaluation algorithms that marked malicious flows for further analysis by the packet-based detection. Input Framework approach was employed for triggering packet flows between the packetbased and flow-based detections. A controlled testbed experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of detection mechanism’s CHID using datasets obtained from on different traffic rates. The result of the evaluation showed that CHID gains a significant performance improvement in terms of resource consumption and packet drop rate, compared to the default packet-based detection implementation. At a 200 Mbps, CHID in IRC-bot scenario, can reduce 50.6% of memory usage and decreases 18.1% of the CPU utilization without packets drop. CHID approach can mitigate the false positive rate of flow-based detection and reduce the resource consumption of packet-based detection while preserving detection accuracy. CHID approach can be considered as generic system to be applied for monitoring of intrusion detection systems

    BotChase: Graph-Based Bot Detection Using Machine Learning

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    Bot detection using machine learning (ML), with network flow-level features, has been extensively studied in the literature. However, existing flow-based approaches typically incur a high computational overhead and do not completely capture the network communication patterns, which can expose additional aspects of malicious hosts. Recently, bot detection systems which leverage communication graph analysis using ML have gained traction to overcome these limitations. A graph-based approach is rather intuitive, as graphs are true representations of network communications. In this thesis, we propose BotChase, a two-phased graph-based bot detection system that leverages both unsupervised and supervised ML. The first phase prunes presumable benign hosts, while the second phase achieves bot detection with high precision. Our prototype implementation of BotChase detects multiple types of bots and exhibits robustness to zero-day attacks. It also accommodates different network topologies and is suitable for large-scale data. Compared to the state-of-the-art, BotChase outperforms an end-to-end system that employs flow-based features and performs particularly well in an online setting

    Salattujen komento- ja ohjauskanavien havaitseminen verkkosormenjälkien avulla

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    The threat landscape of the Internet has evolved drastically into an environment where malware are increasingly developed by financially motivated cybercriminal groups who mirror legitimate businesses in their structure and processes. These groups develop sophisticated malware with the aim of transforming persistent control over large numbers of infected machines into profit. Recent developments have shown that malware authors seek to hide their Command and Control channels by implementing custom application layer protocols and using custom encryption algorithms. This technique effectively thwarts conventional pattern-based detection mechanisms. This thesis presents network fingerprints, a novel way of performing network-based detection of encrypted Command and Control channels. The goal of the work was to produce a proof of concept system that is able to generate accurate and reliable network signatures for this purpose. The thesis presents and explains the individual phases of an analysis pipeline that was built to process and analyze malware network traffic and to produce network fingerprint signatures. The analysis system was used to generate network fingerprints that were deployed to an intrusion detection system in real-world networks for a test period of 17 days. The experimental phase produced 71 true positive detections and 9 false positive detections, and therefore proved that the established technique is capable of performing detection of targeted encrypted Command and Control channels. Furthermore, the effects on the performance of the underlying intrusion detection system were measured. These results showed that network fingerprints induce an increase of 2-9% to the packet loss and a small increase to the overall computational load of the intrusion detection system.Internetin uhkaympäristön radikaalin kehittymisen myötä edistyksellisiä haittaohjelmia kehittävät kyberrikollisryhmät ovat muuttuneet järjestäytyneiksi ja taloudellista voittoa tavoitteleviksi organisaatioiksi. Nämä rakenteiltaan ja prosesseiltaan laillisia yrityksiä muistuttavat organisaatiot pyrkivät saastuttamaan suuria määriä tietokoneita ja saavuttamaan yhtämittaisen hallintakyvyn. Tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että tuntemattomien salausmenetelmien ja uusien sovellustason protokollien käyttö haittaohjelmien komento- ja hallintakanavien piilottamiseksi tietoverkoissa ovat kasvussa. Tämän kaltaiset tekniikat vaikeuttavat oleellisesti perinteisiä toistuviin kuvioihin perustuvia havaitsemismenetelmiä. Tämä työ esittelee salattujen komento- ja hallintakanavien havaitsemiseen suunnitellun uuden konseptin, verkkosormenjäljet. Työn tavoitteena oli toteuttaa prototyyppijärjestelmä, joka analysoi ja prosessoi haittaohjelmaliikennettä, sekä kykenee tuottamaan tarkkoja ja tehokkaita haittaohjelmakohtaisia verkkosormenjälkitunnisteita. Työ selittää verkkosormenjälkien teorian ja käy yksityiskohtaisesti läpi kehitetyn järjestelmän eri osiot ja vaiheet. Järjestelmästä tuotetut verkkosormenjäljet asennettiin 17 päiväksi oikeisiin tietoverkkoihin osaksi tunkeilijan havaitsemisjärjestelmää. Testijakso tuotti yhteensä 71 oikeaa haittaohjelmahavaintoa sekä 9 väärää havaintoa. Menetelmän käyttöönoton vaikutukset tunkeilijan havaitsemisjärjestelmän suorituskykyyn olivat 2 – 9 % kasvu pakettihäviössä ja pieni nousu laskennallisessa kokonaiskuormituksessa. Tulokset osoittavat, että kehitetty järjestelmä kykenee onnistuneesti analysoimaan haittaohjelmaliikennettä sekä tuottamaan salattuja komento- ja hallintakanavia havaitsevia verkkosormenjälkiä

    An analysis of the use of DNS for malicious payload distribution

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    The Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is a fundamental part of Internet activities that can be abused by cybercriminals to conduct malicious activities. Previous research has shown that cybercriminals use different methods, including the DNS protocol, to distribute malicious content, remain hidden and avoid detection from various technologies that are put in place to detect anomalies. This allows botnets and certain malware families to establish covert communication channels that can be used to send or receive data and also distribute malicious payloads using the DNS queries and responses. Cybercriminals use the DNS to breach highly protected networks, distribute malicious content, and exfiltrate sensitive information without being detected by security controls put in place by embedding certain strings in DNS packets. This research undertaking broadens this research field and fills in the existing research gap by extending the analysis of DNS being used as a payload distribution channel to detection of domains that are used to distribute different malicious payloads. This research undertaking analysed the use of the DNS in detecting domains and channels that are used for distributing malicious payloads. Passive DNS data which replicate DNS queries on name servers to detect anomalies in DNS queries was evaluated and analysed in order to detect malicious payloads. The research characterises the malicious payload distribution channels by analysing passive DNS traffic and modelling the DNS query and response patterns. The research found that it is possible to detect malicious payload distribution channels through the analysis of DNS TXT resource records