414 research outputs found

    Exploiting parallel treebanks to improve phrase-based statistical machine translation

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    We use existing tools to automatically build two parallel treebanks from existing parallel corpora. We then show that combining the data extracted from both the treebanks and the corpora into a single translation model can improve the translation quality in a baseline phrase-based statistical machine translation system

    Parallel Treebanks in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation

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    Given much recent discussion and the shift in focus of the field, it is becoming apparent that the incorporation of syntax is the way forward for the current state-of-the-art in machine translation (MT). Parallel treebanks are a relatively recent innovation and appear to be ideal candidates for MT training material. However, until recently there has been no other means to build them than by hand. In this paper, we describe how we make use of new tools to automatically build a large parallel treebank and extract a set of linguistically motivated phrase pairs from it. We show that adding these phrase pairs to the translation model of a baseline phrase-based statistical MT (PBSMT) system leads to significant improvements in translation quality. We describe further experiments on incorporating parallel treebank information into PBSMT, such as word alignments. We investigate the conditions under which the incorporation of parallel treebank data performs optimally. Finally, we discuss the potential of parallel treebanks in other paradigms of MT

    Evaluating syntax-driven approaches to phrase extraction for MT

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    In this paper, we examine a number of different phrase segmentation approaches for Machine Translation and how they perform when used to supplement the translation model of a phrase-based SMT system. This work represents a summary of a number of years of research carried out at Dublin City University in which it has been found that improvements can be made using hybrid translation models. However, the level of improvement achieved is dependent on the amount of training data used. We describe the various approaches to phrase segmentation and combination explored, and outline a series of experiments investigating the relative merits of each method

    Comparing constituency and dependency representations for SMT phrase-extraction

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    We consider the value of replacing and/or combining string-based methods with syntax-based methods for phrase-based statistical machine translation (PBSMT), and we also consider the relative merits of using constituency-annotated vs. dependency-annotated training data. We automatically derive two subtree-aligned treebanks, dependency-based and constituency-based, from a parallel English–French corpus and extract syntactically motivated word- and phrase-pairs. We automatically measure PB-SMT quality. The results show that combining string-based and syntax-based word- and phrase-pairs can improve translation quality irrespective of the type of syntactic annotation. Furthermore, using dependency annotation yields greater translation quality than constituency annotation for PB-SMT

    Exploiting alignment techniques in MATREX: the DCU machine translation system for IWSLT 2008

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    In this paper, we give a description of the machine translation (MT) system developed at DCU that was used for our third participation in the evaluation campaign of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2008). In this participation, we focus on various techniques for word and phrase alignment to improve system quality. Specifically, we try out our word packing and syntax-enhanced word alignment techniques for the Chinese–English task and for the English–Chinese task for the first time. For all translation tasks except Arabic–English, we exploit linguistically motivated bilingual phrase pairs extracted from parallel treebanks. We smooth our translation tables with out-of-domain word translations for the Arabic–English and Chinese–English tasks in order to solve the problem of the high number of out of vocabulary items. We also carried out experiments combining both in-domain and out-of-domain data to improve system performance and, finally, we deploy a majority voting procedure combining a language model based method and a translation-based method for case and punctuation restoration. We participated in all the translation tasks and translated both the single-best ASR hypotheses and the correct recognition results. The translation results confirm that our new word and phrase alignment techniques are often helpful in improving translation quality, and the data combination method we proposed can significantly improve system performance

    Resourcing machine translation with parallel treebanks

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    The benefits of syntax-based approaches to data-driven machine translation (MT) are clear: given the right model, a combination of hierarchical structure, constituent labels and morphological information can be exploited to produce more fluent, grammatical translation output. This has been demonstrated by the recent shift in research focus towards such linguistically motivated approaches. However, one issue facing developers of such models that is not encountered in the development of state-of-the-art string-based statistical MT (SMT) systems is the lack of available syntactically annotated training data for many languages. In this thesis, we propose a solution to the problem of limited resources for syntax-based MT by introducing a novel sub-sentential alignment algorithm for the induction of translational equivalence links between pairs of phrase structure trees. This algorithm, which operates on a language pair-independent basis, allows for the automatic generation of large-scale parallel treebanks which are useful not only for machine translation, but also across a variety of natural language processing tasks. We demonstrate the viability of our automatically generated parallel treebanks by means of a thorough evaluation process during which they are compared to a manually annotated gold standard parallel treebank both intrinsically and in an MT task. Following this, we hypothesise that these parallel treebanks are not only useful in syntax-based MT, but also have the potential to be exploited in other paradigms of MT. To this end, we carry out a large number of experiments across a variety of data sets and language pairs, in which we exploit the information encoded within the parallel treebanks in various components of phrase-based statistical MT systems. We demonstrate that improvements in translation accuracy can be achieved by enhancing SMT phrase tables with linguistically motivated phrase pairs extracted from a parallel treebank, while showing that a number of other features in SMT can also be supplemented with varying degrees of effectiveness. Finally, we examine ways in which synchronous grammars extracted from parallel treebanks can improve the quality of translation output, focussing on real translation examples from a syntax-based MT system

    MATREX: the DCU MT System for WMT 2008

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    In this paper, we give a description of the machine translation system developed at DCU that was used for our participation in the evaluation campaign of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation at ACL 2008. We describe the modular design of our data driven MT system with particular focus on the components used in this participation. We also describe some of the significant modules which were unused in this task. We participated in the EuroParl task for the following translation directions: Spanish–English and French–English, in which we employed our hybrid EBMT-SMT architecture to translate. We also participated in the Czech–English News and News Commentary tasks which represented a previously untested language pair for our system. We report results on the provided development and test sets

    Improving the translation environment for professional translators

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    When using computer-aided translation systems in a typical, professional translation workflow, there are several stages at which there is room for improvement. The SCATE (Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment) project investigated several of these aspects, both from a human-computer interaction point of view, as well as from a purely technological side. This paper describes the SCATE research with respect to improved fuzzy matching, parallel treebanks, the integration of translation memories with machine translation, quality estimation, terminology extraction from comparable texts, the use of speech recognition in the translation process, and human computer interaction and interface design for the professional translation environment. For each of these topics, we describe the experiments we performed and the conclusions drawn, providing an overview of the highlights of the entire SCATE project

    Using percolated dependencies for phrase extraction in SMT

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    Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems rely heavily on the quality of the phrase pairs induced from large amounts of training data. Apart from the widely used method of heuristic learning of n-gram phrase translations from word alignments, there are numerous methods for extracting these phrase pairs. One such class of approaches uses translation information encoded in parallel treebanks to extract phrase pairs. Work to date has demonstrated the usefulness of translation models induced from both constituency structure trees and dependency structure trees. Both syntactic annotations rely on the existence of natural language parsers for both the source and target languages. We depart from the norm by directly obtaining dependency parses from constituency structures using head percolation tables. The paper investigates the use of aligned chunks induced from percolated dependencies in French–English SMT and contrasts it with the aforementioned extracted phrases. We observe that adding phrase pairs from any other method improves translation performance over the baseline n-gram-based system, percolated dependencies are a good substitute for parsed dependencies, and that supplementing with our novel head percolation-induced chunks shows a general trend toward improving all system types across two data sets up to a 5.26% relative increase in BLEU

    MaTrEx: the DCU machine translation system for ICON 2008

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    In this paper, we give a description of the machine translation system developed at DCU that was used for our participation in the NLP Tools Contest of the International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON 2008). This was our first ever attempt at working on any Indian language. In this participation, we focus on various techniques for word and phrase alignment to improve system quality. For the English-Hindi translation task we exploit source-language reordering. We also carried out experiments combining both in-domain and out-of-domain data to improve the system performance and, as a post-processing step we transliterate out-of-vocabulary items