139 research outputs found

    A semantics and implementation of a causal logic programming language

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    The increasingly widespread availability of multicore and manycore computers demands new programming languages that make parallel programming dramatically easier and less error prone. This paper describes a semantics for a new class of declarative programming languages that support massive amounts of implicit parallelism

    Efficient instance and hypothesis space revision in Meta-Interpretive Learning

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    Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a form of Machine Learning. The goal of ILP is to induce hypotheses, as logic programs, that generalise training examples. ILP is characterised by a high expressivity, generalisation ability and interpretability. Meta-Interpretive Learning (MIL) is a state-of-the-art sub-field of ILP. However, current MIL approaches have limited efficiency: the sample and learning complexity respectively are polynomial and exponential in the number of clauses. My thesis is that improvements over the sample and learning complexity can be achieved in MIL through instance and hypothesis space revision. Specifically, we investigate 1) methods that revise the instance space, 2) methods that revise the hypothesis space and 3) methods that revise both the instance and the hypothesis spaces for achieving more efficient MIL. First, we introduce a method for building training sets with active learning in Bayesian MIL. Instances are selected maximising the entropy. We demonstrate this method can reduce the sample complexity and supports efficient learning of agent strategies. Second, we introduce a new method for revising the MIL hypothesis space with predicate invention. Our method generates predicates bottom-up from the background knowledge related to the training examples. We demonstrate this method is complete and can reduce the learning and sample complexity. Finally, we introduce a new MIL system called MIGO for learning optimal two-player game strategies. MIGO learns from playing: its training sets are built from the sequence of actions it chooses. Moreover, MIGO revises its hypothesis space with Dependent Learning: it first solves simpler tasks and can reuse any learned solution for solving more complex tasks. We demonstrate MIGO significantly outperforms both classical and deep reinforcement learning. The methods presented in this thesis open exciting perspectives for efficiently learning theories with MIL in a wide range of applications including robotics, modelling of agent strategies and game playing.Open Acces

    Probabilistic Programming Concepts

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    A multitude of different probabilistic programming languages exists today, all extending a traditional programming language with primitives to support modeling of complex, structured probability distributions. Each of these languages employs its own probabilistic primitives, and comes with a particular syntax, semantics and inference procedure. This makes it hard to understand the underlying programming concepts and appreciate the differences between the different languages. To obtain a better understanding of probabilistic programming, we identify a number of core programming concepts underlying the primitives used by various probabilistic languages, discuss the execution mechanisms that they require and use these to position state-of-the-art probabilistic languages and their implementation. While doing so, we focus on probabilistic extensions of logic programming languages such as Prolog, which have been developed since more than 20 years

    Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Logic Symposium

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    FICCS; A Fact Integrity Constraint Checking System

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    Logic and the Challenge of Computer Science

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    Kant's cognitive architecture

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    Imagine a machine, equipped with sensors, receiving a stream of sensory information. It must, somehow, make sense of this stream of sensory data. But what, exactly, does this involve? We have an intuitive understanding of what is involved in ā€œmaking senseā€ of sensory data ā€“ but can we specify precisely what is involved? Can this intuitive notion be formalized? In this thesis, we make three contributions. First, we provide a precise formalization of what it means to ā€œmake senseā€ of a sensory sequence. According to our definition, making sense means constructing a symbolic causal theory that explains the sensory sequence and satisfies a set of unity conditions that were inspired by Kantā€™s discussion in the first half of the Critique of Pure Reason. According to our interpretation, making sense of sensory input is a type of program synthesis, but it is unsupervised program synthesis. Our second contribution is a computer implementation, the Apperception Engine, that was designed to satisfy our requirements for making sense of a sensory sequence. Our system is able to produce interpretable human-readable causal theories from very small amounts of data, because of the strong inductive bias provided by the Kantian unity constraints. A causal theory produced by our system is able to predict future sensor readings, as well as retrodict earlier readings, and impute missing sensory readings. In fact, it is able to do all three tasks simultaneously. The engine is implemented in Answer Set Programming (ASP) and induces theories expressed in an extension of Datalog that includes causal rules and constraints. We test the engine in a diverse variety of domains, including cellular automata, rhythms and simple nursery tunes, multi-modal binding problems, occlusion tasks, and sequence induction IQ tests. In each domain, we test our engineā€™s ability to predict future sensor values, retrodict earlier sensor values, and impute missing sensory data. The Apperception Engine performs well in all these domains, significantly out-performing neural net baselines. These results are significant because neural nets typically struggle to solve the binding problem (where information from different modalities must somehow be combined together into different aspects of one unified object) and fail to solve occlusion tasks (in which objects are sometimes visible and sometimes obscured from view). We note in particular that in the sequence induction IQ tasks, our system achieves human-level performance. This is notable because the Apperception Engine was not designed to solve these IQ tasks; it is not a bespoke hand-engineered solution to this particular domain. ā€“ Rather, it is a general purpose system that attempts to make sense of any sensory sequence, that just happens to be able to solve these IQ tasks ā€œout of the boxā€. Our third contribution is a major extension of the engine to handle noisy and ambiguous data. While the initial implementation assumes the sensory input has already been preprocessed into ground atoms of first-order logic, our extension makes sense of raw unprocessed input ā€“ a sequence of pixel images from a video camera, for example. The resulting system is a neuro-symbolic framework for distilling interpretable theories out of streams of raw, unprocessed sensory experience.Open Acces

    Constructive Reasoning for Semantic Wikis

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    One of the main design goals of social software, such as wikis, is to support and facilitate interaction and collaboration. This dissertation explores challenges that arise from extending social software with advanced facilities such as reasoning and semantic annotations and presents tools in form of a conceptual model, structured tags, a rule language, and a set of novel forward chaining and reason maintenance methods for processing such rules that help to overcome the challenges. Wikis and semantic wikis were usually developed in an ad-hoc manner, without much thought about the underlying concepts. A conceptual model suitable for a semantic wiki that takes advanced features such as annotations and reasoning into account is proposed. Moreover, so called structured tags are proposed as a semi-formal knowledge representation step between informal and formal annotations. The focus of rule languages for the Semantic Web has been predominantly on expert users and on the interplay of rule languages and ontologies. KWRL, the KiWi Rule Language, is proposed as a rule language for a semantic wiki that is easily understandable for users as it is aware of the conceptual model of a wiki and as it is inconsistency-tolerant, and that can be efficiently evaluated as it builds upon Datalog concepts. The requirement for fast response times of interactive software translates in our work to bottom-up evaluation (materialization) of rules (views) ahead of time ā€“ that is when rules or data change, not when they are queried. Materialized views have to be updated when data or rules change. While incremental view maintenance was intensively studied in the past and literature on the subject is abundant, the existing methods have surprisingly many disadvantages ā€“ they do not provide all information desirable for explanation of derived information, they require evaluation of possibly substantially larger Datalog programs with negation, they recompute the whole extension of a predicate even if only a small part of it is affected by a change, they require adaptation for handling general rule changes. A particular contribution of this dissertation consists in a set of forward chaining and reason maintenance methods with a simple declarative description that are efficient and derive and maintain information necessary for reason maintenance and explanation. The reasoning methods and most of the reason maintenance methods are described in terms of a set of extended immediate consequence operators the properties of which are proven in the classical logical programming framework. In contrast to existing methods, the reason maintenance methods in this dissertation work by evaluating the original Datalog program ā€“ they do not introduce negation if it is not present in the input program ā€“ and only the affected part of a predicateā€™s extension is recomputed. Moreover, our methods directly handle changes in both data and rules; a rule change does not need to be handled as a special case. A framework of support graphs, a data structure inspired by justification graphs of classical reason maintenance, is proposed. Support graphs enable a unified description and a formal comparison of the various reasoning and reason maintenance methods and define a notion of a derivation such that the number of derivations of an atom is always finite even in the recursive Datalog case. A practical approach to implementing reasoning, reason maintenance, and explanation in the KiWi semantic platform is also investigated. It is shown how an implementation may benefit from using a graph database instead of or along with a relational database

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