387 research outputs found

    Computational methods and software systems for dynamics and control of large space structures

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    Two key areas of crucial importance to the computer-based simulation of large space structures are discussed. The first area involves multibody dynamics (MBD) of flexible space structures, with applications directed to deployment, construction, and maneuvering. The second area deals with advanced software systems, with emphasis on parallel processing. The latest research thrust in the second area involves massively parallel computers

    Explicit synchronous partitioned scheme for coupled reduced order models based on composite reduced bases

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    This paper formulates, analyzes, and demonstrates numerically a method for the partitioned solution of coupled interface problems involving combinations of projection-based reduced order models (ROM) and/or full order methods (FOMs). The method builds on the partitioned scheme developed in [1], which starts from a well-posed formulation of the coupled interface problem and uses its dual Schur complement to obtain an approximation of the interface flux. Explicit time integration of this problem decouples its subdomain equations and enables their independent solution on each subdomain. Extension of this partitioned scheme to coupled ROM-ROM or ROM-FOM problems required formulations with non-singular Schur complements. To obtain these problems, we project a well-posed coupled FOM-FOM problem onto a composite reduced basis comprising separate sets of basis vectors for the interface and interior variables, and use the interface reduced basis as a Lagrange multiplier. Our analysis confirms that the resulting coupled ROM-ROM and ROM-FOM problems have provably non-singular Schur complements, independent of the mesh size and the reduced basis size. In the ROM-FOM case, analysis shows that one can also use the interface FOM space as a Lagrange multiplier. We illustrate the theoretical and computational properties of the partitioned scheme through reproductive and predictive tests for a model advection-diffusion transmission problem

    Formulation and analysis of a Schur complement method for fluid-structure interaction

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    This work presents a strongly coupled partitioned method for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems based on a monolithic formulation of the system which employs a Lagrange multiplier. We prove that both the semi-discrete and fully discrete formulations are well-posed. To derive a partitioned scheme, a Schur complement equation, which implicitly expresses the Lagrange multiplier and the fluid pressure in terms of the fluid velocity and structural displacement, is constructed based on the monolithic FSI system. Solving the Schur complement system at each time step allows for the decoupling of the fluid and structure subproblems, making the method non-iterative between subdomains. We investigate bounds for the condition number of the Schur complement matrix and present initial numerical results to demonstrate the performance of our approach, which attains the expected convergence rates.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    Computational methods and software systems for dynamics and control of large space structures

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    This final report on computational methods and software systems for dynamics and control of large space structures covers progress to date, projected developments in the final months of the grant, and conclusions. Pertinent reports and papers that have not appeared in scientific journals (or have not yet appeared in final form) are enclosed. The grant has supported research in two key areas of crucial importance to the computer-based simulation of large space structure. The first area involves multibody dynamics (MBD) of flexible space structures, with applications directed to deployment, construction, and maneuvering. The second area deals with advanced software systems, with emphasis on parallel processing. The latest research thrust in the second area, as reported here, involves massively parallel computers

    Spatial Time Step Partitioning in Explicit Fast Transient Dynamics

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    This report presents a technique for spatial partitioning of the time increment in the explicit central-difference time integration scheme commonly used for finite-element modeling of fast transient dynamic phenomena. The time increment varies not only in time, as is usual to account for mesh distortion and evolution of material properties, but also in space¿at the finite element level¿following local stability limitations rather than global ones. This may lead to substantial savings of computer time whenever the material properties that govern wave propagation speed and/or the mesh size are largely non-uniform in the numerical model, as is typical of many large industrial applications, especially in 3D, and even more so in the presence of fluid-structure interactions. The proposed partitioning algorithm, which is completely automatic and does not require any specific input data, may be applied in principle to all types of elements and material models. As shown by several numerical examples, it preserves the outstanding numerical properties¿i.e. the renowned accuracy and robustness¿of the classical uniform-step explicit time integration scheme, of which it may be considered a powerful generalization. Once fully implemented and validated in a general explicit computer code, the present technique has the potential for freeing the engineer from the main limitation of explicit analysis, usually related through stability requirements to the size of the smallest element. In fact, the computational mesh may be locally refined virtually at will without the usual prohibitive effects on computational costs. This might open the way to applications which are simply out of reach with the classical algorithms. The present report is subdivided into two Parts. Part I introduces the basic spatial partitioning technique within a Lagrangian formulation, with some simple academic examples. Part II presents the treatment of boundary conditions, the extension to fluids via an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation and some more realistic applications.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Überblick zur Softwareentwicklung in Wissenschaftlichen Anwendungen

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    Viele wissenschaftliche Disziplinen müssen heute immer komplexer werdende numerische Probleme lösen. Die Komplexität der benutzten wissenschaftlichen Software steigt dabei kontinuierlich an. Diese Komplexitätssteigerung wird durch eine ganze Reihe sich ändernder Anforderungen verursacht: Die Betrachtung gekoppelter Phänomene gewinnt Aufmerksamkeit und gleichzeitig müssen neue Technologien wie das Grid-Computing oder neue Multiprozessorarchitekturen genutzt werden, um weiterhin in angemessener Zeit zu Berechnungsergebnissen zu kommen. Diese Fülle an neuen Anforderungen kann nicht mehr von kleinen spezialisierten Wissenschaftlergruppen in Isolation bewältigt werden. Die Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Software muss vielmehr in interdisziplinären Gruppen geschehen, was neue Herausforderungen in der Softwareentwicklung induziert. Ein Paradigmenwechsel zu einer stärkeren Separation von Verantwortlichkeiten innerhalb interdisziplinärer Entwicklergruppen ist bis jetzt in vielen Fällen nur in Ansätzen erkennbar. Die Kopplung partitioniert durchgeführter Simulationen physikalischer Phänomene ist ein wichtiges Beispiel für softwaretechnisch herausfordernde Aufgaben im Gebiet des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens. In diesem Kontext modellieren verschiedene Simulationsprogramme unterschiedliche Teile eines komplexeren gekoppelten Systems. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über Paradigmen, die darauf abzielen Softwareentwicklung für Berechnungsprogramme verlässlicher und weniger abhängig voneinander zu machen. Ein spezielles Augenmerk liegt auf der Entwicklung gekoppelter Simulationen.Fields of modern science and engineering are in need of solving more and more complex numerical problems. The complexity of scientific software thereby rises continuously. This growth is caused by a number of changing requirements. Coupled phenomena gain importance and new technologies like the computational Grid, graphical and heterogeneous multi-core processors have to be used to achieve high-performance. The amount of additional complexity can not be handled by small groups of specialised scientists. The interdiciplinary nature of scientific software thereby presents new challanges for software engineering. A paradigm shift towards a stronger separation of concerns becomes necessary in the development of future scientific software. The coupling of independently simulated physical phenomena is an important example for a software-engineering concern in the domain of computational science. In this context, different simulation-programs model only a part of a more complex coupled system. The present work gives overview on paradigms which aim at making software-development in computational sciences more reliable and less interdependent. A special focus is put on the development of coupled simulations