9,767 research outputs found

    Explaining data patterns using background knowledge from Linked Data

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    When using data mining to find regularities in data, the obtained results (or patterns) need to be interpreted. The explanation of such patterns is achieved using the background knowledge which might be scattered among different sources. This intensive process is usually committed to the experts in the domain. With the rise of Linked Data and the increasing number of connected datasets, we assume that the access to this knowledge can be easier, faster and more automated. This PhD research aims to demonstrate whether Linked Data can be used to provide the background knowledge for pattern interpretation and how

    Dedalo: looking for clusters explanations in a labyrinth of Linked Data

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    We present Dedalo, a framework which is able to exploit Linked Data to generate explanations for clusters. In general, any result of a Knowledge Discovery process, including clusters, is interpreted by human experts who use their background knowledge to explain them. However, for someone without such expert knowledge, those results may be difficult to understand. Obtaining a complete and satisfactory explanation becomes a laborious and time-consuming process, involving expertise in possibly different domains. Having said so, not only does the Web of Data contain vast amounts of such background knowledge, but it also natively connects those domains. While the efforts put in the interpretation process can be reduced with the support of Linked Data, how to automatically access the right piece of knowledge in such a big space remains an issue. Dedalo is a framework that dynamically traverses Linked Data to find commonalities that form explanations for items of a cluster. We have developed different strategies (or heuristics) to guide this traversal, reducing the time to get the best explanation. In our experiments, we compare those strategies and demonstrate that Dedalo finds relevant and sophisticated Linked Data explanations from different areas

    Explainable methods for knowledge graph refinement and exploration via symbolic reasoning

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    Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have applications in many domains such as Finance, Manufacturing, and Healthcare. While recent efforts have created large KGs, their content is far from complete and sometimes includes invalid statements. Therefore, it is crucial to refine the constructed KGs to enhance their coverage and accuracy via KG completion and KG validation. It is also vital to provide human-comprehensible explanations for such refinements, so that humans have trust in the KG quality. Enabling KG exploration, by search and browsing, is also essential for users to understand the KG value and limitations towards down-stream applications. However, the large size of KGs makes KG exploration very challenging. While the type taxonomy of KGs is a useful asset along these lines, it remains insufficient for deep exploration. In this dissertation we tackle the aforementioned challenges of KG refinement and KG exploration by combining logical reasoning over the KG with other techniques such as KG embedding models and text mining. Through such combination, we introduce methods that provide human-understandable output. Concretely, we introduce methods to tackle KG incompleteness by learning exception-aware rules over the existing KG. Learned rules are then used in inferring missing links in the KG accurately. Furthermore, we propose a framework for constructing human-comprehensible explanations for candidate facts from both KG and text. Extracted explanations are used to insure the validity of KG facts. Finally, to facilitate KG exploration, we introduce a method that combines KG embeddings with rule mining to compute informative entity clusters with explanations.Wissensgraphen haben viele Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen, beispielsweise im Finanz- und Gesundheitswesen. Wissensgraphen sind jedoch unvollständig und enthalten auch ungültige Daten. Hohe Abdeckung und Korrektheit erfordern neue Methoden zur Wissensgraph-Erweiterung und Wissensgraph-Validierung. Beide Aufgaben zusammen werden als Wissensgraph-Verfeinerung bezeichnet. Ein wichtiger Aspekt dabei ist die Erklärbarkeit und Verständlichkeit von Wissensgraphinhalten für Nutzer. In Anwendungen ist darüber hinaus die nutzerseitige Exploration von Wissensgraphen von besonderer Bedeutung. Suchen und Navigieren im Graph hilft dem Anwender, die Wissensinhalte und ihre Limitationen besser zu verstehen. Aufgrund der riesigen Menge an vorhandenen Entitäten und Fakten ist die Wissensgraphen-Exploration eine Herausforderung. Taxonomische Typsystem helfen dabei, sind jedoch für tiefergehende Exploration nicht ausreichend. Diese Dissertation adressiert die Herausforderungen der Wissensgraph-Verfeinerung und der Wissensgraph-Exploration durch algorithmische Inferenz über dem Wissensgraph. Sie erweitert logisches Schlussfolgern und kombiniert es mit anderen Methoden, insbesondere mit neuronalen Wissensgraph-Einbettungen und mit Text-Mining. Diese neuen Methoden liefern Ausgaben mit Erklärungen für Nutzer. Die Dissertation umfasst folgende Beiträge: Insbesondere leistet die Dissertation folgende Beiträge: • Zur Wissensgraph-Erweiterung präsentieren wir ExRuL, eine Methode zur Revision von Horn-Regeln durch Hinzufügen von Ausnahmebedingungen zum Rumpf der Regeln. Die erweiterten Regeln können neue Fakten inferieren und somit Lücken im Wissensgraphen schließen. Experimente mit großen Wissensgraphen zeigen, dass diese Methode Fehler in abgeleiteten Fakten erheblich reduziert und nutzerfreundliche Erklärungen liefert. • Mit RuLES stellen wir eine Methode zum Lernen von Regeln vor, die auf probabilistischen Repräsentationen für fehlende Fakten basiert. Das Verfahren erweitert iterativ die aus einem Wissensgraphen induzierten Regeln, indem es neuronale Wissensgraph-Einbettungen mit Informationen aus Textkorpora kombiniert. Bei der Regelgenerierung werden neue Metriken für die Regelqualität verwendet. Experimente zeigen, dass RuLES die Qualität der gelernten Regeln und ihrer Vorhersagen erheblich verbessert. • Zur Unterstützung der Wissensgraph-Validierung wird ExFaKT vorgestellt, ein Framework zur Konstruktion von Erklärungen für Faktkandidaten. Die Methode transformiert Kandidaten mit Hilfe von Regeln in eine Menge von Aussagen, die leichter zu finden und zu validieren oder widerlegen sind. Die Ausgabe von ExFaKT ist eine Menge semantischer Evidenzen für Faktkandidaten, die aus Textkorpora und dem Wissensgraph extrahiert werden. Experimente zeigen, dass die Transformationen die Ausbeute und Qualität der entdeckten Erklärungen deutlich verbessert. Die generierten unterstützen Erklärungen unterstütze sowohl die manuelle Wissensgraph- Validierung durch Kuratoren als auch die automatische Validierung. • Zur Unterstützung der Wissensgraph-Exploration wird ExCut vorgestellt, eine Methode zur Erzeugung von informativen Entitäts-Clustern mit Erklärungen unter Verwendung von Wissensgraph-Einbettungen und automatisch induzierten Regeln. Eine Cluster-Erklärung besteht aus einer Kombination von Relationen zwischen den Entitäten, die den Cluster identifizieren. ExCut verbessert gleichzeitig die Cluster- Qualität und die Cluster-Erklärbarkeit durch iteratives Verschränken des Lernens von Einbettungen und Regeln. Experimente zeigen, dass ExCut Cluster von hoher Qualität berechnet und dass die Cluster-Erklärungen für Nutzer informativ sind

    Structural knowledge learning from maps for supervised land cover/use classification: Application to the monitoring of land cover/use maps in French Guiana

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    International audienceThe number of satellites and sensors devoted to Earth observation has become increasingly elevated, delivering extensive data, especially images. At the same time, the access to such data and the tools needed to process them has considerably improved. In the presence of such data flow, we need automatic image interpretation methods, especially when it comes to the monitoring and prediction of environmental and societal changes in highly dynamic socio-environmental contexts. This could be accomplished via artificial intelligence. The concept described here relies on the induction of classification rules that explicitly take into account structural knowledge, using Aleph, an Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) system, combined with a multi-class classification procedure. This methodology was used to monitor changes in land cover/use of the French Guiana coastline. One hundred and fifty-eight classification rules were induced from 3 diachronic land cover/use maps including 38 classes. These rules were expressed in first order logic language, which makes them easily understandable by non-experts. A 10-fold cross-validation gave significant average values of 84.62%, 99.57% and 77.22% for classification accuracy, specificity and sensitivity, respectively. Our methodology could be beneficial to automatically classify new objects and to facilitate object-based classification procedures

    Agent-Based Models and Simulations in Economics and Social Sciences: from conceptual exploration to distinct ways of experimenting

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    Now that complex Agent-Based Models and computer simulations spread over economics and social sciences - as in most sciences of complex systems -, epistemological puzzles (re)emerge. We introduce new epistemological tools so as to show to what precise extent each author is right when he focuses on some empirical, instrumental or conceptual significance of his model or simulation. By distinguishing between models and simulations, between types of models, between types of computer simulations and between types of empiricity, section 2 gives conceptual tools to explain the rationale of the diverse epistemological positions presented in section 1. Finally, we claim that a careful attention to the real multiplicity of denotational powers of symbols at stake and then to the implicit routes of references operated by models and computer simulations is necessary to determine, in each case, the proper epistemic status and credibility of a given model and/or simulation

    Trepan Reloaded: A Knowledge-driven Approach to Explaining Artificial Neural Networks

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    Explainability in Artificial Intelligence has been revived as a topic of active research by the need of conveying safety and trust to users in the `how' and `why' of automated decision-making. Whilst a plethora of approaches have been developed for post-hoc explainability, only a few focus on how to use domain knowledge, and how this influences the understandability of global explanations from the users' perspective. In this paper, we show how ontologies help the understandability of global post-hoc explanations, presented in the form of symbolic models. In particular, we build on Trepan, an algorithm that explains artificial neural networks by means of decision trees, and we extend it to include ontologies modeling domain knowledge in the process of generating explanations. We present the results of a user study that measures the understandability of decision trees using a syntactic complexity measure, and through time and accuracy of responses as well as reported user confidence and understandability. The user study considers domains where explanations are critical, namely, in finance and medicine. The results show that decision trees generated with our algorithm, taking into account domain knowledge, are more understandable than those generated by standard Trepan without the use of ontologies

    Empowering Knowledge Bases: a Machine Learning Perspective

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    The construction of Knowledge Bases requires quite often the intervention of knowledge engineering and domain experts, resulting in a time consuming task. Alternative approaches have been developed for building knowledge bases from existing sources of information such as web pages and crowdsourcing; seminal examples are NELL, DBPedia, YAGO and several others. With the goal of building very large sources of knowledge, as recently for the case of Knowledge Graphs, even more complex integration processes have been set up, involving multiple sources of information, human expert intervention, crowdsourcing. Despite signi - cant e orts for making Knowledge Graphs as comprehensive and reliable as possible, they tend to su er of incompleteness and noise, due to the complex building process. Nevertheless, even for highly human curated knowledge bases, cases of incompleteness can be found, for instance with disjointness axioms missing quite often. Machine learning methods have been proposed with the purpose of re ning, enriching, completing and possibly raising potential issues in existing knowledge bases while showing the ability to cope with noise. The talk will concentrate on classes of mostly symbol-based machine learning methods, speci cally focusing on concept learning, rule learning and disjointness axioms learning problems, showing how the developed methods can be exploited for enriching existing knowledge bases. During the talk it will be highlighted as, a key element of the illustrated solutions, is represented by the integration of: background knowledge, deductive reasoning and the evidence coming from the mass of the data. The last part of the talk will be devoted to the presentation of an approach for injecting background knowledge into numeric-based embedding models to be used for predictive tasks on Knowledge Graphs
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