2,323 research outputs found

    Unwind: Interactive Fish Straightening

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    The ScanAllFish project is a large-scale effort to scan all the world's 33,100 known species of fishes. It has already generated thousands of volumetric CT scans of fish species which are available on open access platforms such as the Open Science Framework. To achieve a scanning rate required for a project of this magnitude, many specimens are grouped together into a single tube and scanned all at once. The resulting data contain many fish which are often bent and twisted to fit into the scanner. Our system, Unwind, is a novel interactive visualization and processing tool which extracts, unbends, and untwists volumetric images of fish with minimal user interaction. Our approach enables scientists to interactively unwarp these volumes to remove the undesired torque and bending using a piecewise-linear skeleton extracted by averaging isosurfaces of a harmonic function connecting the head and tail of each fish. The result is a volumetric dataset of a individual, straight fish in a canonical pose defined by the marine biologist expert user. We have developed Unwind in collaboration with a team of marine biologists: Our system has been deployed in their labs, and is presently being used for dataset construction, biomechanical analysis, and the generation of figures for scientific publication

    Three-dimensional security framework for BYOD enabled banking institutions in Nigeria.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Bring your own device (BYOD) has become a trend in the present day, giving employees the freedom to bring personal mobile devices to access corporate networks. In Nigeria, most banking institutions are increasingly allowing their employees the flexibility to utilize mobile devices for work-related activities. However, as they do so, the risk of corporate data being exposed to threats increases. Hence, the study considered developing a security framework for mitigating BYOD security challenges. The study was guided by organizational, socio-technical and mobility theories in developing a conceptual framework. The study was conducted in two phases, the threat identification and the framework evaluation, using a mixed-methods approach. The main research strategies used for the threat identification were a questionnaire and interviews while closed and open-ended questions were used for the framework evaluation. A sample consisted of 380 banking employees from four banks were involved in the study. In addition, the study conducted in-depth interviews with twelve management officials from the participating banks. As for the framework evaluation, the study sampled twelve respondents to assess the developed security framework for viability as far as mitigating security threats emanating from BYOD in the banking sector is concerned. The sample consisted of eight executive managers of the bank and four academic experts in information security. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS version 21 while qualitative data was thematically analysed. Findings from the threat identification revealed that banking institutions must develop security systems that not only identify threats associated with technical, social and mobility domains but also provide adequate mitigation of the threats. For the framework evaluation, the findings revealed that the security framework is appropriate in mitigating BYOD security threats. Based on the findings of the study, the developed security framework will help banks in Nigeria to mitigate against BYOD security threats. Furthermore, this security framework will contribute towards the generation of new knowledge in the field of information security as far as BYODs are concerned. The study recommends ongoing training for banks’ employees as it relates to mitigation of security threats posed by mobile devices

    Open reWall: Survey-to-production workflow for building renovation

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    A reabilitação de espaços interiores, num contexto de personalização em série, requer uma mudança na forma como os sistemas construtivos são desenhados, construídos e reutilizados. Recorrendo a plataformas digitais para a participação os arquitetos, em colaboração com outros atores na indústria AEC, podem desenvolver e oferecer soluções personalizadas e desmontáveis a utilizadores genéricos. Esta investigação propõe o uso de sistemas de construção personalizada em série (CPS) para fornecer sistemas de divisórias desmontáveis fabricadas digitalmente usando metodologias do levantamento à produção ligadas a configuradores online, em que os utilizadores co-projetam soluções para a reabilitação de espaços interiores. A metodologia de investigação socorre-se de pesquisa e análise teórica para definir critérios e objetivos a serem explorados em resolução de problemas de projeto. A partir destas experiências são sintetizados princípios e uma metodologia para a conceção de sistemas CPS de sistemas de divisórias personalizáveis e desmontáveis para a reabilitação. A metodologia clarifica os papeis dos atores, passos, e arquitetura do sistema para implementar um sistema CPS do levantamento à produção. A investigação demonstra que a metodologia de levantamento proposta é utilizável por utilizadores especialistas e não-especialistas, com os últimos a apresentarem em média melhores resultados, e que estes levantamentos têm precisão suficiente para processos do desenho à produção. Também se demonstra que a metodologia do levantamento à produção, a gramática genérica, e os critérios são úteis para os arquitetos conceberem sistemas de divisórias desmontáveis e personalizáveis para sistemas CPS abertos.Building renovation of interior spaces, in the context of mass customization, requires a shift in how construction systems are designed, built, and reused. Leveraging digital frameworks for user participation, architects in collaboration with other stakeholders in the AEC industry may design anddeliver customized and disassemble-able solutions to generic end-users. The research proposes mass customization construction (MCC) systems can deliver cost-effective digitally fabricated and disassemble-able construction systems using survey-to-production workflows deployed in web configurators for end-users to co-design solutions in building renovation. The research methodology uses theoretical inquiry and analysis to define criteria and objectives to be explored in design problem solving. From these experiments generalizable principles and a lowkey workflow for the design of MCC systems of customizable and disassemble-able partition wall construction systems for open building renovation are synthetized. The workflow clarifies stakeholder roles, steps, and system architecture to implement an MCC system from survey to production. This investigation demonstrates the proposed survey workflow is usable by non-expert and expert instance-designers, with the former having on-average better results, and that these can survey spaces with sufficient precision for design-to-production workflows. It is also shown the survey-to-production workflow, the generic grammar, and criteria are useful for architects to design customizable and disassemble-able partition wall systems for open MCC systems

    Chatbots at Digital Workplaces – A Grounded-Theory Approach for Surveying Application Areas and Objectives

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    Background: Chatbots are currently on the rise as more and more researchers tackle this topic from different perspectives. Simultaneously, workplaces and ways of working are increasingly changing in the context of digitalization. However, despite the promised benefits, the changes still show problems that should be tackled more purposefully by chatbots. Application areas and underlying objectives of a chatbot application at digital workplaces especially have not been researched yet. Method: To solve the existing problems and close the research gap, we did a qualitative empirical study based on the grounded-theory process. Therefore, we interviewed 29 experts in a cross-section of different industry sectors and sizes. The experts work in the information systems domain or have profound knowledge of (future) workplace design, especially regarding chatbots. Results: We identified three fundamental usage scenarios of chatbots in seven possible application areas. As a result of this, we found both divisional and cross-divisional application areas at workplaces. Furthermore, we detected fifteen underlying objectives of a chatbot operation, which can be categorized from direct over mid-level to indirect ones. We show dependencies between them, as well. Conclusions: Our results prove the applicability of chatbots in workplace settings. The chatbot operation seems especially fruitful in the support or the self-service domain, where it provides information, carries out processes, or captures process-related data. Additionally, automation, workload reduction, and cost reduction are the fundamental objectives of chatbots in workplace scenarios. With this study, we contribute to the scientific knowledge base by providing knowledge from practice for future research approaches and closing the outlined research gap. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol12/iss2/3

    Simplifying Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia Structures in an eLearning Context

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    Full version unavailable due to 3rd party copyright restrictions.In an eLearning context, Adaptive Hypermedia Systems have been developed to improve learning success by increasing learner satisfaction, learning speed, and educational effectiveness. However, creating adaptive eLearning content and structures is still a time consuming and complicated task, in particular if individual lecturers are the intended authors. The way of thinking that is needed to create adaptive structures as well as the workflows is one that lecturers are unaccustomed to. The aim of this research project is to develop a concept that helps authors create adaptive eLearning content and structures, which focuses on its applicability for lecturers as intended authors. The research is targeted at the sequencing of content, which is one of the main aspects of adaptive eLearning. To achieve this aim the problem has been viewed from the author’s side. First, in terms of complexity of thoughts and threads, explanations about content structures have been found in storytelling theory. It also provides insights into how authors work, how story worlds are created, story lines intertwined, and how they are all merged together into one content. This helps us understand how non technical authors create content that is understandable and interesting for recipients. Second, the linear structure of learning content has been investigated to extract all the information that can be used for sequencing purposes. This investigation led to an approach that combines existing models to ease the authoring process for adaptive learning content by relating linear content from different authors and therefore defining interdependencies that delinearise the content structure. The technical feasibility of the authoring methods for adaptive learning content has been proven by the implementation of the essential parts in a research prototype and by authoring content from real life lectures with the prototype’s editor. The content and its adaptive structure obtained by using the concept of this research have been tested with the prototype’s player and monitor. Additionally, authoring aspects of the concept have been shown along with practical examples and workflows. Lastly, the interviewees who took part in expert interviews have agreed that the concept significantly reduces authoring complexity and potentially increases the amount of lecturers that are able to create adaptive content. The concept represents the common and traditional authoring process for linear content to a large extent. Compared to existing approaches the additional work needed is limited, and authors do not need to delve into adaptive structures or other authors’ content structures and didactic approaches

    Augmented reality in marine engine field service - case Wärtsilä

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    In this research are studied possibilities to apply augmented reality tools into marine engine field services. The field service is very much related to available resources. Especially, arranging the schedules of personnel of the field service on board are challenging. In this research is not tried to find any particular technological solution, the approach is in developing business development opportunities with new emerging technology. Use of digital devices increases in conventional human related service industry. Digital platforms based tools enable to efficient working procedures and additionally, working methods of new kind. The term of augmented reality (AR) is rather old and some applications have already been available rather long. Until resent development of computing capacity and efficient communication possibilities has been enabled to utilizing mobile devices efficiently. Because of the novelty, AR have not been available for industry specific procedures. In this thesis has been collected different technological backgrounds, value configuration models and business specific characteristics together. In this thesis with quantitative methods has been built a picture of the company current service offering to the customers. The services are analyzed and categorized according to their nature. The research has been conducted by interviews and derived from public available marketing and investor information. Additionally, with the external interviews is tried to build an impression of the customer needs and cross industrial perspective use of AR technology in the business. In the conclusions are presented how the affects of augmented reality tools are compared with the different value configuration models from the marine field service point of the view. The model estimating how augmented reality tools are able to apply. Additionally has been estimate different business model possibilities and how to arrange business with AR tools. This research shows that AR tools that are based on digital platforms could be able to change business logic and open new business possibilities. Utilizing digital platforms information exchange enables the value shop type of business transform towards to the value network model. In the strategic decision-making has to decide what kind of role the company will adopt in this new situation