327 research outputs found

    Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks: A MAC Layer Perspective

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    The millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency band is seen as a key enabler of multi-gigabit wireless access in future cellular networks. In order to overcome the propagation challenges, mmWave systems use a large number of antenna elements both at the base station and at the user equipment, which lead to high directivity gains, fully-directional communications, and possible noise-limited operations. The fundamental differences between mmWave networks and traditional ones challenge the classical design constraints, objectives, and available degrees of freedom. This paper addresses the implications that highly directional communication has on the design of an efficient medium access control (MAC) layer. The paper discusses key MAC layer issues, such as synchronization, random access, handover, channelization, interference management, scheduling, and association. The paper provides an integrated view on MAC layer issues for cellular networks, identifies new challenges and tradeoffs, and provides novel insights and solution approaches.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Silicon photonic modulators for PAM transmissions

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    High-speed optical interconnects are crucial for both data centers and high performance computing systems. High power consumption and limited device bandwidth have hindered the move to higher optical transmission speeds. Integrated optical transceivers in silicon photonics (SiP) using pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) are a promising solution to increase data rates. In this paper, we review recent progress in SiP for PAM transmissions. We focus on materials and technologies available CMOS-compatible photonics processes. Performance metrics of SiP modulators and crucial considerations for high-speed PAM transmissions are discussed. Various driving strategies to achieve optical PAM signals are presented. Some of the state-of-the-art SiP PAM modulators and integrated transmitters are reviewed

    Datacenter Traffic Control: Understanding Techniques and Trade-offs

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    Datacenters provide cost-effective and flexible access to scalable compute and storage resources necessary for today's cloud computing needs. A typical datacenter is made up of thousands of servers connected with a large network and usually managed by one operator. To provide quality access to the variety of applications and services hosted on datacenters and maximize performance, it deems necessary to use datacenter networks effectively and efficiently. Datacenter traffic is often a mix of several classes with different priorities and requirements. This includes user-generated interactive traffic, traffic with deadlines, and long-running traffic. To this end, custom transport protocols and traffic management techniques have been developed to improve datacenter network performance. In this tutorial paper, we review the general architecture of datacenter networks, various topologies proposed for them, their traffic properties, general traffic control challenges in datacenters and general traffic control objectives. The purpose of this paper is to bring out the important characteristics of traffic control in datacenters and not to survey all existing solutions (as it is virtually impossible due to massive body of existing research). We hope to provide readers with a wide range of options and factors while considering a variety of traffic control mechanisms. We discuss various characteristics of datacenter traffic control including management schemes, transmission control, traffic shaping, prioritization, load balancing, multipathing, and traffic scheduling. Next, we point to several open challenges as well as new and interesting networking paradigms. At the end of this paper, we briefly review inter-datacenter networks that connect geographically dispersed datacenters which have been receiving increasing attention recently and pose interesting and novel research problems.Comment: Accepted for Publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Application of advanced on-board processing concepts to future satellite communications systems: Bibliography

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    Abstracts are presented of a literature survey of reports concerning the application of signal processing concepts. Approximately 300 references are included

    Forward Error Correcting Codes for 100 Gbit/s Optical Communication Systems

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    The 30/20 GHz communications system functional requirements

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    The characteristics of 30/20 GHz usage in satellite systems to be used in support of projected communication requirements of the 1990's are defined. A requirements analysis which develops projected market demand for satellite services by general and specialized carriers and an analysis of the impact of propagation and system constraints on 30/20 GHz operation are included. A set of technical performance characteristics for the 30/20 GHz systems which can serve the resulting market demand and the experimental program necessary to verify technical and operational aspects of the proposed systems is also discussed

    The influence of prey distribution on marine top predator movements

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    Predation is an ecological process that relies on spatial and temporal co-occurrence of predators and their prey. In marine ecosystems, killer and humpback whales are considered sentinels of ecosystem health, given their critical roles as top predators in shaping marine food webs and their responsiveness to ecosystem changes. As they are seldom influenced by natural threats, they are model species for the study of predator-prey dynamics since their movements, as observed by multidimensional biotelemetry, can reveal interactions occurring underwater and out of sight. This thesis is comprised of three papers that investigate how various prey influences the movements of killer and humpback whales within the Norwegian and Barents Seas. Paper I combined herring density data with whale satellite telemetry to explore how killer whale movements respond to patchy distributions of Norwegian spring spawning herring. This revealed that killer whales follow herring along the Norwegian coast, adjusting their movements in response to herring density. Paper II examined movement differences associated with Norwegian killer whale seal predation as compared to fish predation. Differences in travel routes, shore proximity, and directionality towards seal haul-out areas were observed, emphasizing how these predators optimize their foraging strategies for their prey. Paper III investigated how humpback whale horizontal and vertical movements were influenced by capelin density in the Barents Sea. Both lateral and vertical whale movements responded to capelin density variations, highlighting their tendency to target the densest prey aggregations on both horizontal and vertical scales. Collectively, this thesis revealed nuanced foraging movements in response to varying prey distributions, underscoring the need for more comprehensive models to account for the complexities of predator-prey dynamics, particularly in the face of the rapidly changing Arctic marine ecosystems. It also serves as a foundation for future research incorporating finer-scale biologging tags to connect prey distribution with predator movements.Predasjon er en økologisk prosess hvor et dyr spiser et annet. Hvor mye som kan spises avhenger både av tid og sted og hvor mye overlapp i tid og rom det er mellom rovdyret og byttedyrene. Spekkhoggere og knølhval er på toppen av den marine næringskjeden, såkalte toppredatorer. Disse påvirkes derfor av endringer som skjer nedover i næringskjeden i økosystemene. Derfor kan de også være gode indikatorer til helsestatusen på økosystemene. Siden toppredatorer har få naturlige fiender, er de gode modellarter for å studere dynamikken mellom rovdyr og byttedyr. Ny sporingsteknologi muliggjør nå at vi kan «spionere» på disse dyrene ved hjelp av såkalt «satelittmerker» som festes til dyret. Da kan vi følge disse kontinuerlig via signaler som sendes til satellitter inntil merket faller av. Vi kan da beskrive adferden og bevegelsene til dyrene kontinuerlig både over og under vann, uten å selv måtte observere dem. Gjennom tre studier bruker denne doktorgrads avhandlingen slik sporingsteknologi og innsamlet informasjon om byttedyrtetthet til å undersøke hvordan bevegelsene til spekkhoggere langs norskekysten og knølhvaler i Barentshavet blir påvirket av byttedyrene deres. Det første studiet sammenligner data om tetthet av norsk vårgytende sild langs norskekysten med vandringene til merkede spekkhoggere for å studere hvordan disse hvalenes bevegelser påvirkes av silda. Resultatene viste at spekkhoggere var veldig gode til å finne de høyeste tetthetene av silda når denne flytter seg langs norskekysten. Jo mer sild, jo mere spekkhoggere. Derfor kan også disse hvalene brukes som «forskningsassistenter» for å indirekte beskrive forandringer i silda sin vandring over tid. I det andre studiet undersøkte vi bevegelsesmønsteret til spekkhoggere som jaktet på sel deler av året. Her ble vandringene til disse selspisende spekkhoggerne sammenlignet med sildespisende spekkhoggere i samme tidsrom. Resultatene viste at de selene som jaktet sel gjorde dette tett opptil kysten og ofte i retning mot de kjente hvileplasser til sel. Til forskjell oppholdt de sildespisende spekkhoggerne mest i åpent farvann lengre fra kysten, noe som viser hvordan disse rovdyrene til enhver tid tilpasser sine bevegelser i forhold til byttet de jakter på. I det siste studiet undersøkte vi hvordan den horisontale bevegelsen i havet og dykkingen til knølhval ble påvirket av loddetettheten i Barentshavet. Resultatene viste at også kvølhvalen var svært god til enhver tid å finne områdene med høyest tetthet av byttedyret sitt. Dette gjorde den både horisontalt over store områder og i forhold til dybde gjennom døgnet, dvs. når lodda sto dypt om dagen og høyt i vannsøyla om natta. Samlet viser denne avhandlingen at begge hvalartene er svært gode til å finne områder med høy tetthet av byttedyr, som viser hvordan vi ved hjelp av ny teknologi og avanserte modeller bedre kan forstå hvordan forholdet mellom rovdyr og byttedyr fungerer. Ved å studere vandringene til hval får vi derfor også indirekte viktig informasjon om fordelingen av byttedyrene til hvalene, dyr som ofte er nøkkelarter i økosystemene og derfor påvirker alle ledd både ned og opp i næringskjeden, helt fra mikroskopiske plankton til store toppredatorer som hval. Dette er også viktige data til å danne et godt grunnlag for å undersøke og forutsi hvordan endringer i de nordlige marine økosystemene vil kunne forandres over tid, eksempelvis hvordan klimaendringer, fiskeri og annen menneskelige aktivitet påvirker økosystemene fra bunn til topp i næringskjeden. I tillegg hjelper slike data oss med å påvise viktige områder for toppredatorer gjennom året og dermed også sannsynliggjøre hvor menneskelig aktivitet vil kunne ha størst påvirkning på disse dyrene