856 research outputs found

    Англійська мова для студентів електромеханічних спеціальностей

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    Навчальний посібник розрахований на студентів напряму підготовки 6.050702 Електромеханіка. Містить уроки, що структуровані за тематичними розділами, граматичний коментар, короткі англо-український і українсько- англійський словники та додатки, які спрямовані на закріплення загальних навичок володіння англійською мовою. Акцентований на ɨсобливості термінології, що застосовується у науково-технічній галузі, зокрема, в електромеханіці та виконання запропонованих завдань, що буде сприяти формуванню навичок перекладу з англійської та української мов, сприйняттю письмової та усної англійської мови, вмінню письмового викладення англійською мовою науково-технічних та інших текстів під час професійної діяльності, спілкуванню з професійних та загальних питань тощо

    Smart Two-Stage Solar Microinverter

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    The goal of the project was to design and build a two-stage solar microinverter that can be used as a testbench for MPPT algorithms and control structures. Testing these algorithms and control structures will give future researchers the ability to test their various ideas to further develop solar energy research. A prototype microinverter consisting of a flyback DC-DC converter and a full bridge DC-AC inverter was designed, assembled and tested. The converter and inverter sections function individually, but further work is needed to combine the two sections into a full microinverter

    Evaluating the Performance of Transformer architecture over Attention architecture on Image Captioning

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    Over the last few decades computer vision and Natural Language processing has shown tremendous improvement in different tasks such as image captioning, video captioning, machine translation etc using deep learning models. However, there were not much researches related to image captioning based on transformers and how it outperforms other models that were implemented for image captioning. In this study will be designing a simple encoder-decoder model, attention model and transformer model for image captioning using Flickr8K dataset where will be discussing about the hyperparameters of the model, type of pre-trained model used and how long the model has been trained. Furthermore, will be comparing the captions generated by attention model and transformer model using BLEU score metrics, which will be further analysed using human evaluation conducted using intrinsic approach. After analysis of results obtained using statistical test conducted on BLEU score metrics and human evaluation it was found that transformer model with multi-head attention has outperformed attention model in image captioning

    Redusoitujen dynaamisten sähkömagneettisten mallien kytkeminen piirisimulaattoriin.

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    The progress made in power electronics has raised new challenges concerning devices which contain magnetic components. It is crucial to be able to model the electromagnetic phenomena inside a device and also the behaviour of the device when it works as a part of a circuit. The first case is usually dealt with using finite element analysis and the second case by using circuit simulators. One goal of this thesis is to allow the results of the detailed analysis to be utilized also in the behavioural study conducted using circuit simulators. In this thesis we firstly introduce some background of electromagnetic modelling. Next two promising methods, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) and discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM), are studied with detail and they are applied as an example to a single-phase transformer. The main emphasis is to show how these methods are applied to a dynamic nonlinear electromagnetic model. First a finite element model of the transformer is constructed and reduced. The reduced order model is attached to a circuit simulator Simscape and a simple example circuit is solved to obtain numerical results. The results show that POD and DEIM methods decrease the computational work of the original model and the results remain feasibly accurate. The dimension of the equation system reduces 99% from the original. We also see a 75% decrease in stepwise computational time and a 44% decrease in the computational time of the circuit simulator run. However in this case the performance of the circuit simulator is limited and there is a lot of overhead involved. The reduction is expected to be better if these techniques are applied to larger 3-D problems and if the performance of the circuit simulator coupling is improved. In conclusion these methods can be applied to a general class of dynamic nonlinear electromagnetic problems. They could be used to link finite element models to circuit simulators. It could be possible to develop a software module which creates a circuit model automatically based on some finite element model. The techniques can also be used to form homogenized material models of materials which have a fine microstructure.Tehoelektroniikan kehitys ja yleistyminen asettavat magneettipiirejä sisältäville sähkölaitteille uusia vaatimuksia. On tärkeää pystyä mallintamaan sähkömagneettisia ilmiöitä laitteiden sisällä sekä laitteen käyttäytymistä ulkoisen piirin osana. Tässä työssä tutkitaan mallin redusointimenetelmiä sekä redusoitujen mallien liittämistä piirisimulaattoreihin. Aluksi työssä esitellään sähkömagneettisen mallintamisen perusteoriaa. Tämän jälkeen esitellään lyhyesti elementtimenetelmä sekä työssä käytettyjä muita numeerisia ratkaisumenetelmiä. Työn päätarkoitus on esitellä mallien redusointitekniikoita. Kaksi lupaavinta redusointitekniikkaa, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) ja discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM), käsitellään työssä tarkemmin. Näitä kahta menetelmää sovelletaan esimerkinomaisesti yksivaiheisen muuntajan mallintamiseen verkon osana. Näin tullaan esitellyksi menetelmä, jolla kyseisiä mallin redusointimenetelmiä voidaan käyttää yleisesti dynaamisten epälineaaristen sähkömagneettisten mallien redusoimiseen. Muodostettu redusoitu malli liitetään Simscape-piirisimulaattorilla mallinnettuun yksinkertaiseen piiriin tulosten laskemista varten. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että POD- ja DEIM-menetelmät sopivat tähän käyttötarkoitukseen ja niiden tuottamat tulokset ovat riittävän tarkkoja. Lisäksi ne vähentävät tuntuvasti mallien laskentatyötä nopeuttaen piirisimulaattoriin liitettyjen mallien laskenta-aikoja. Elementtimenetelmän avulla saadun yhtälöryhmän koko pienenee 99%$, yhden aika-askeleen kohdalla laskenta-aika vähenee 75% ja piirisimulaattorin suoritusaika vähenee 44% alkuperäiseen malliin verrattuna. Piirisimulaattorikytkentä on tässä työssä suorituskyvyltään huono sekä redusoitava tehtävä alkujaan kevyt. Siksi onkin odotettavissa, että mikäli näitä tekniikoita käytetään työläämpiin 3D-tehtäviin, ja mikäli piirisimulaattorikytkentää tehostetaan päästään parempiin tuloksiin. Jatkossa voisi olla mahdollista kehittää liitännäinen elementtimenetelmäsovellukseen, joka voisi generoida piiriin liitettävän mallin automaattisesti yksityiskohtaisen mallin perusteella. Tekniikoita voidaan käyttää myös hienorakenteisten materiaalien mallien homogenisointiin

    Understanding of On-Chip Power Supply Noise: Suppression Methodologies and Challenges

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    The on-chip activities of any modern IC are always inhibited due to the occurrence of power supply noise (PSN) in the chip power line. From many decades, researchers are pondering on what are the major issue of this PSN occurrence and how it can be suppressed without interfering the actual chip functioning. In the course of time, it is found that the uncontrolled triggering of the on-chip system clock and the unguarded on-chip power line is instigating the two major factors for the occurrence of PSN i.e., i(t) → instantaneous current and di/dt → current ramp or the rate of change of current over time. Both i(t) and di/dt are also the sub-factors to rise the PSN components like resistive noise and inductive noise respectively. In this chapter, we light upon the occurrence of resistive and inductive noise as well as depict their individual impact on the PSN occurrences. There is also discussion on how PSN is suppressed over the years in spite of facing challenges in the execution of suppression techniques. This chapter even concludes on the suitable ways for mitigating PSN in the contemporary era of delivering complex on-chip features

    A New Laboratory for Hands-on Teaching of Electrical Engineering

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This paper describes an innovative laboratory for students in Electrical Engineering courses, which is recently established at the Energy Department of Politecnico di Torino, Italy. The main peculiarities of the lab are the high ICT content of each test rig, the multidisciplinary experiences, and the hands-on teaching methodology, allowing the student to have access in overall safety to many complex electrical/electromechanical systems. Currently, eight courses of Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in electrical engineering carry out in-class exercises and hands-on experiments in the new lab, serving over 200 students in total per year. The innovative lab also allows for external collaborations with companies and institutions for specific (and in some cases permanent) training offers, like a one-day per month LabVIEW course for faculty and staff members of Politecnico di Torino

    Development, modeling and simulation of test equipment for subsea choke valves

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    Masteroppgave i mekatronikk MAS 500 Universitetet i Agder 2014As a step toward being more e_ective and to improve test procedures, GE Oil & Gas wants to develop a workshoptool to automate the testing of Choke Valves. The Choke Valve Workshop Tool (CVWT) main functionis to operate the Hydraulic Stepping Actuator automatically by providing controlled pressure pulses. Electricaland hydraulic equipment will have an interface allowing the test equipment to be connected and used on awide range of Choke Valves. Test results will be transferred and stored automatically based on current need. Adetailed description of the planned CVWT including a complete control system and a Human Machine Interface(HMI) has been developed.A large variety of modeling and simulation tools are on the market today. This report will concentrate onmodel development and Software-In-Loop (SIL) testing performed with SimulationX. The control system andthe HMI have both been thoroughly tested in a SIL setup. Chosen SIL setup uses the Virtual Machine (VM)package in SimulationX which communicates directly with S7-PLCSIM.The dynamic model used in the SIL setup is based on a simpli_ed version of the full scale model. The dynamicmodel replicates the behavior when the Choke Valve is connected to the workshop tool. Some of theparameters used in the model are based on tests results performed in the workshop in Dusavika, Stavanger.SIL has in this project proven its importance being a less expensive, safer and more time e_cient methodto verify program code compared to experimental testing and prototyping. The SIL setup is found to be a lesscomplex setup compared to the HIL method currently being lectured at UIA. However, the SIL has restrictionsregarding communication protocols that can be used, and also that timers in the PLC are lagging behind comparedto real time.Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Simulation, Software-In-Loop, SimulationX, PLCSIM, WinCC, TIA-Porta