29 research outputs found

    Bio-inspired Dual-auger Self-burrowing Robots in Granular Media

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    It has been found that certain biological organisms, such as Erodium seeds and Scincus scincus, are capable of effectively and efficiently burying themselves in soil. Biological Organisms employ various locomotion modes, including coiling and uncoiling motions, asymmetric body twisting, and undulating movements that generate motion waves. The coiling-uncoiling motion drives a seed awn to bury itself like a corkscrew, while sandfish skinks use undulatory swimming, which can be thought of as a 2D version of helical motion. Studying burrowing behavior aims to understand how animals navigate underground, whether in their natural burrows or underground habitats, and to implement this knowledge in solving geotechnical penetration problems. Underground horizontal burrowing is challenging due to overcoming the resistance of interaction forces of granular media to move forward. Inspired by the burrowing behavior of seed-awn and sandfish skink, a horizontal self-burrowing robot is developed. The robot is driven by two augers and stabilized by a fin structure. The robot's burrowing behavior is studied in a laboratory setting. It is found that rotation and propulsive motion along the axis of the auger's helical shape significantly reduce granular media's resistance against horizontal penetration by breaking kinematic symmetry or granular media boundary. Additional thrusting and dragging tests were performed to examine the propulsive and resistive forces and unify the observed burrowing behaviors. The tests revealed that the rotation of an auger not only reduces the resistive force and generates a propulsive force, which is influenced by the auger geometry, rotational speed, and direction. As a result, the burrowing behavior of the robot can be predicted using the geometry-rotation-force relations.Comment: Master's thesis, 62 pages, 40 figures, ProQues

    Distributed Driving System For The Excavation Unit Of A Lunar Earthwarm-Type “Leavo” Excavation Robot

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    The authors have developed a small excavation robot called the “LEAVO” for lunar exploration, and they have confirmed its usefulness as an excavation robot. They then attempted to add a curved excavation function in order for the LEAVO to increase its exploration field. To achieve this goal, it was necessary for the LEAVO’s excavation unit to transmit the motor output torque to the excavation head without any losses. In this paper, therefore, the authors proposed a new driving system called the “distributed driving system,” which reduced the transmission losses by distributing the actuators and arranging them in the frontal part of the robot. Moreover, the authors developed the prototype of this system and measured its output torque as an operational check

    Lunar Wormbot: Design and Development of a Ground Base Robotic Tunneling Worm for Operation in Harsh Environments

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    From 1969 to 1972, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sent Apollo missions to the moon to conduct various exploration experiment. A few of the missions were directed to the study and sampling of moon soil, otherwise known as lunar regolith. The extent of the sample acquisition was limited due to the astronauts' limited ability to penetrate the moon's surface to a depth greater than three meters. However. the samples obtained were sufficient enough to provide key information pertaining to lunar regolith material properties that would further assist in future exploration endeavors. Analysis of the collected samples showed that the properties of lunar regolith may lead to knowledge of processed materials that will be beneficial for future human exploration or colonization. However, almost 40 years after the last Apollo mission, limited infonnation is known about regions underneath the moon's surface. Future lunar missions will require hardware that possesses the ability to burrow to greater depths in order to collect samples for subsequent analysis. During the summer of 2010, a team (Dr. Jessica Gaskin, Michael Kuhlman. Blaze Sanders, and Lafe Zabowski) from the NASA Robotics Academy at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) was given the task of designing a robot to function as a soil collection and analysis device. Working with the National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC), the team was able to propose an initial design, build a prototype, and test the various subsystems of the prototype to be known as the "Lunar Wormbot" (LW). The NASA/NSSTC team then transferred the project to a University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) senior design class for further development. The UAH team was to utilize the NASA Systems Engineering Engine Design Process in the continuance of the Lunar Wormbot project. This process was implemented in order to coordinate the efforts of the team and guide the design of the project to ensure a high quality product that met requirements within the academic year timeframe. When the transition from the NASA NSSTC team to the UAH team occurred in August 2010, the scope and requirements were provided to the UAH team. The main objective for the UAH team was to design and fabricate a robotic burrowing prototype using peristaltic or earthworm-like motion with the purpose of collecting soil samples. The team was tasked with the design of a sub-system of the LW called the locomotive, or active, segment. Through the design process, the team extensively reviewed the requirements and functions to be performed of the LW, which led to the proposal of a final design. The present paper provides the details of the development of the design up to and including the Critical Design Review (CDR) of the Lunar Wormbot. This document briefly describes thc overall system and its function but primarily focuses on the design and implementation of the locomotive segment. Content presented includes: general design and system functionality, technical drawings, system analysis, manufacturing methods, and general project costs

    Design and Development of Soft Earthworm Robot Driven by Fibrous Artificial Muscles

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    Earthworm robots have proven their viability in the fields of medicine, reconnaissance, search and rescue, and infrastructure inspection. These robots are traditionally typically hard-shelled and must be tethered to whatever drives their locomotion. For this reason, truly autonomous capabilities are not yet feasible. The goal of this thesis is to introduce a robot that not only sets the groundwork for autonomous locomotion, but also is safe for human-robot interaction. This was done by ensuring that the actuation principle utilized by the robot is safe around humans and can work in an untethered design. Artificial muscle actuation allowed for these prerequisites to be met. These artificial muscles are made of fishing line and are twisted, wrapped in conductive heating wire, and then coiled around a mandrel rod. When electrical current passes through the heating wire, the artificial muscles expand or contract, depending on how they were created. After the muscles were manufactured, experiments were done to test their functionality. Data was collected via a series of experiments to investigate the effect of various processing parameters on the performance, such as the diameter of the mandrel coiling rod, the applied dead weight, the applied current, cyclic tests, and pulse tests. After acquiring data from the artificial muscles, a prototype was designed that would incorporate the expansion and contraction artificial muscles. This prototype featured two variable friction end caps on either side that were driven via expansion muscles, and a central actuation chamber driven via an antagonistic spring and contraction artificial muscle. The prototype proved its locomotion capabilities while remaining safe for human-robot interaction. Data was collected on the prototype in two experiments – one to observe the effect of varying induced currents on axial deformation and velocity, and one to observe the effect of varying deadweights on the same metrics. The prototype was not untethered, but future research in the implementation of an on-board power source and microcontroller could prove highly feasible with this design

    Ultrasonically assisted penetration through granular materials for planetary exploration

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    Space exploration missions often use drills or penetrators to access the subsurface of planetary bodies. Protected by the conditions experienced at the surface, these regions have potentially been untouched for millennia. As such, the subsurface is a very attractive option for scientific goals, be it the search for extra-terrestrial life, to examine the history of the planet, or to utilise underground resources. However, many issues arise in such a task. Every other rocky body in our solar system possesses a surface gravity lower than our own, resulting in a lower available weight for a spacecraft to ‘push’ on a penetrating device. Add to this the low power availability and complications regarding remote operation, and this becomes a very difficult process to achieve. Mole devices which burrow through the ground whilst tethered to a surface-station to provide power and data have shown great promise in this regard. Using an internal mass to ‘hammer’ themselves into the ground, special care is required to ensure internal components are not damaged, and that they can arrive at their target depth in a reasonable period of time. There is continuous development in these types of drilling and penetrating technologies and anything that can penetrate with a lower weight-on-bit (WOB), and consume less power, could potentially be extremely useful for these situations. High powered ultrasonic vibrations have been shown to reduce operational space and forces required in cutting bones for surgery. Additionally, they have been successful in reducing WOB requirements for drilling devices through rocky substrates. To maximise penetration depth, it is often favourable to progress though granular material rather than solid rock, however this also provides its own set of problems. This work looks at applying ultrasonic vibration to penetrating probes for use in granular material, with the aim of utilising it in low gravity or low mass scenarios. Before this can be done however, the regolith used for testing must be fully characterised and consistent preparation methods established, ensuring that all other effects are accounted for. An ultrasonically tuned penetrator was designed and manufactured, and the effects it had on the surface of sand were investigated using a high-speed camera and optical microscope. It was found that regions of sand immediately surrounding the penetrator were highly fluidised, localising any deformations to a small radial distance. Penetration tests were then conducted that showed ultrasonic vibration significantly reduces the penetration forces and therefore the overhead weight required, in some cases by over an order of magnitude. A similar effect was seen in power consumption, with some instances displaying a lowered total power draw of the whole system. Experiments were then conducted in a large centrifuge to examine the trends with respect to gravity. Gravitational levels up to 10 g were tested, and the general trend showed that ultrasonic penetration efficiency indeed increased at lower gravities, suggesting that the force reduction properties would be enhanced at lower levels of g. Finally, the first steps to applying this technique as a fully-fledged penetration device were conducted. These tests oversaw combining ultrasonic vibration with the established hammering mechanism used by mole devices. Comparing this against a purely hammering penetration, it was found that the addition of ultrasonic improved performance significantly, greatly reducing the number of strikes required to reach the same penetration depth. To conclude, the work presented in this thesis shows the potential that ultrasonic vibration can have with advancing low gravity/low mass penetrating devices. Reducing both the weight and power requirements can be a huge boon to small spacecraft, and the potential use as subsurface access or anchoring devices makes it an attractive avenue for future research and development

    Luontoa jäljittelevän pallorobotin kehittäminen planeettatutkimukseen

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    Planeetoille suuntautuvat tutkimusmatkat tähtäävät usein maaperänäytteiden keräämiseen ja tutkimiseen, usein myös näytteiden palauttamiseen Maahan tarkempia tutkimuksia varten. Äskettäiset Marsiin suuntautuneet robottimissiot ovat osoittaneet liikkuvien robottien kyvyn suorittaa tutkimustehtäviä. Vieraalla planeetalla robotin liikkumiskyky on tarpeen tutkittavan alueen laajentamiseksi ja tutkimusten kohdentamiseksi haluttuihin tieteellisesti kiinnostavimpiin kohteisiin. Luonnon kehittämiä ratkaisuja jäljittelevä liikkumistapa saattaa tarjota liikkuvalle robotille nykyisiä parempaa mukautumis- ja viansietokykyä. Tämä tutkimustyö etsii luonnosta uusia innovaatioita ja tähtää uudenlaisten joustavien ja tehokkaiden liikkumistapojen kehittämiseen liikkuville roboteille. Erityisesti työ keskittyy pallomaisen, aro-ohdakkeen mukaan englanniksi 'Thistle':ksi nimetyn, robotin määrittelyyn ja alustavaan kehitystyöhön. Tutkimus käsittelee myös keinoja hyödyntää liikkumisessa Marsin paikallisia energialähteitä, kuten tuuli- ja lämpöenergiaa. Useita erilaisia energiankeruutapoja esitellään ja arvioidaan. Vaikka kaikki tutkitut konseptit eivät heti vaikuta toteuttamiskelpoisilta, on ne kuitenkin esitelty mitään pois jättämättä, jotta ne voisivat olla innoittajina tuleville uusille asiaan liittyville tutkimuksille.Planetary exploration missions often aim to carry out in-situ analysis and possibly return samples to Earth for more thorough examination. Recent robotic missions to Mars have demonstrated effectiveness of robotic exploration of planetary surface. Purpose of a mobile robot on planet surface is to enlarge the area to be investigated, and to concentrate investigations on subjects with most scientific interest. The application of biomimetic locomotion to the Martian surface offers the possibility of increased robustness and failure tolerance of a mobile robot. This study searches for new innovations from nature and aims to develop a novel system to provide robust and efficient locomotion system to be used for exploring surface of foreign planets. Especially this work describes definition and conceptual development of a rolling robot -later called 'The Thistle' mimicking a Russian Thistle -plant. The study considers locomotion and power generation methods that would utilize local power generation resources like wind or heat. This study involves the identification and conceptual development of innovative concepts for planetary surface locomotion and energy collection. Several concepts are presented and evaluated. Considering nature of the study, although evaluation reveals some concepts probably not adequate, these are not removed from the thesis, but are left here for the interest and further inspiration of the reader

    Sub-lunar Tap Yielding eXplorer (STYX) & Surface Telemetry Operations and Next-generation Excavation System (STONES)

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    The NASA RASC-AL Moon to Mars competition challenges student teams to develop a lightweight, durable, and hands-off method for extracting water from Martian/lunar subsurface ice layers while mapping soil density profiles. Future interplanetary expeditions are dependent on the availability of clean water and this project aims to accomplish this task. The challenge description enumerates several criteria to be met for successful designs. For further information, the STYX & STONES team conducted research on Cal Poly’s competition project from last year to consider the areas for redesign. As such, the team has utilized the background research from relevant patents and journal articles to consider brainstorming potentially viable solutions. Based on these solutions for each subsystem, the team converged the ideas using a series of decision matrices into a final design direction. In addition to reviewing the STYX design, several new considerations were made for the scope of this project. Primarily, this year’s team focused on developing a prototype that has the capability of operating in an extraterrestrial environment and thoroughly fulfilling the requirements posed by NASA. To visualize the requirements, the team created a list of customer needs, a House of Quality diagram, and an engineering specifications table. Additionally, the STYX & STONES team discussed the design process it plans to follow including major project milestones. Specifically, the team plans to excel in collecting more than five quarts of water autonomously while successfully identifying the overburden layers – tasks that previous teams have struggled with. The team’s design direction includes two main components: a masonry drill bit and an auger- heater probe hybrid tool. The masonry drill bit will create a hole in the overburden using the force from a rotary hammer. The heater probe tool will then be moved to align with the hole and be driven into the loosened overburden using the force of a small gear motor. The heater probe will then melt ice using a hot waterjet and deliver water via a peristaltic pump and a two-stage filtration system. To verify the design, the team completed a multitude of analyses and tests for each subsystem and the prototype as a whole. Through drilling tests, the team found that the rotary hammer and masonry bit can easily cut through all overburden layers while keeping weight on bit (WOB) below 150N. Similarly, the load cells attached to the drill carriage were tested and proven to be accurate at recording WOB data and providing feedback to the controller to monitor WOB. Furthermore, the load cells proved successful at recording accurate WOB data that can be analyzed to determine overburden composition. The pumping system was also tested and was capable of effectively moving water through all filters and delivering fluid to the waterjet. More tests were completed to verify the heater probe tool; these tests included controlling heater temperature, melting ice, expelling water through the waterjet, and removing loose material from the hole. To verify the design requirements, the team has completed analysis pertaining to each subsystem including the drill, heater probe, frame, and control systems. The team is confident in the drilling design based on testing and vibrations analysis. In the same manner, the team verified that the 12V peristaltic pump will have enough pressure head rise based on analysis and prototype testing. Using the prototype heater probe as a reference, the team fully characterized the heat transfer parameters of the final design and is confident the auger will be effective considering surrounding debris. Finally, the team tested the water jet design using 120oF water which provided optimistic results that the water jet will significantly expand the melt radius per hole. As a next step, the team will be testing the mechanical and controls systems simultaneously using manufactured parts. The following report details the subsystems and relevant information

    Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration

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    Abstracts describe missions, mission elements or experiments for consideration in the 2005-2020 time frame. Also the technologies and the support necessary to achieve the results are discussed.NASA Headquarters; Lunar and Planetary Institutehosted by Lunar and Planetary Institute ; sponsored by NASA Headquarters, Lunar and Planetary Institute ; convener Scott Hubbard

    Lunar bases and space activities of the 21st century

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    Covers subjects ranging from engineering analyses of space transportation networks and planetary surface outposts to legal, sociological, and public policy discussions related to space program initiatives over the next few decades. Scientists proposed experiments suited for a manned lunar space base; designers suggested architectural concepts and construction techniques for planetary surface habitats; and bioengineers reviewed the essential elements of biologically based, regenerative life support systems.Sponsored by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Lunar and Planetary Institute, American Geophysical Union, American Nuclear Society, American Society of Civil Engineers, Space Studies Institute, National Space Society.Prepared by the Publications Office of the Lunar and Planetary InstituteGas Jet Diffusion Flames Under Reduced-G Conditions / M.Y. Bahadori and R.B. Edelman--Developing a Safe On-Orbit Cryogenic Depot / N.J. Bahr--An Assessment of Lunar Base Surface Operations and its Applications to Communication Model Development / L. Bell--Constant Temperature Vessels for Lunar Base Applications / D.E. Bergeron--Experimentation and System Modeling Efforts in Support of Space Power Systems / F.R. Best and M.J. Gaeta--Modeling a Lunar Base Program / C. Bilby and S. Nozette--Lunar Base Program Impacts on the Proposed Low-Earth Orbit Space Station / C. Bilby; B. Chesley, D. Korsmeyer, and H. Davis--A Lunar Electromagnetic Launcher / C. Bilby, H. Davis, S. Nozette, M. Driga, and R. Kamm--Delivering Liquid Oxygen to Low Earth Orbit / C. Bilby, G. McGlamery, and D. Ashley--Evolving Lava Tube Lunar Base Simulations with Integral Instructional Capabilities / T.L. Billings, J. Dabrowski, and B. Walden--Lunar Base Orbital Science: Lunar Mapping-, Monitoring-, and Short-Lived Phenomena- Orbiters / A.B. Binder--Lunar Base Site Selection: Lunar Resource Criteria / A.B. Binder--Lunar Landing via a Linear Accelerator / A.B. Binder--Nuclear Reactor Power Systems for Lunar and Planetary Bases / H.S. Bloomfield--Modeling Construction Requirements for a Manned Lunar Base / W. Boles and D. Ashley--Computation of Selenocentric Orbits Using Total Energy / V.R. Bond and D.D. Mulcihy

    Cone Penetration Testing 2022

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    This volume contains the proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT’22), held in Bologna, Italy, 8-10 June 2022. More than 500 authors - academics, researchers, practitioners and manufacturers – contributed to the peer-reviewed papers included in this book, which includes three keynote lectures, four invited lectures and 169 technical papers. The contributions provide a full picture of the current knowledge and major trends in CPT research and development, with respect to innovations in instrumentation, latest advances in data interpretation, and emerging fields of CPT application. The paper topics encompass three well-established topic categories typically addressed in CPT events: - Equipment and Procedures - Data Interpretation - Applications. Emphasis is placed on the use of statistical approaches and innovative numerical strategies for CPT data interpretation, liquefaction studies, application of CPT to offshore engineering, comparative studies between CPT and other in-situ tests. Cone Penetration Testing 2022 contains a wealth of information that could be useful for researchers, practitioners and all those working in the broad and dynamic field of cone penetration testing