982 research outputs found

    Совместное управление тяговым и тормозным приводами троллейбуса для повышения эффективности торможения транспортного средства

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    The widespread use of green public transport is a priority strategy to reduce a congestion and pollution from road traffic in many cities. The trolleybus is a type of urban public electric transport, which is considered as a promising tool for  increasing the efficiency of public transport and achieving the goals of sustainable development and quality of life in the city. The operation control of service brake system and secondary brake system (braking torque of traction electric motor) is realized with the help of one pedal in the trolleybus. Thus, there are modes of joint operation for these systems during the braking process. The author has focused his main attention on the development of an algorithm for blending control of the traction electric motor and the anti-lock braking system to enhance the overall braking efficiency of a vehicle. For this purpose, a mathematical model of the trolleybus braking dynamics has been developed. Bench and road tests have been carried out on various road surfaces to determine parameters of vehicle braking efficiency and to validate the developed mathematical model. The corresponding experimental data were used to analyse the efficiency of the proposed strategy for combining the blending control of traction electric motor and anti-lock braking system of the trolleybus. As a result, the efficiency of the proposed control algorithm has been confirmed, which provides the required braking efficiency and high braking stability of the vehicle. Широкое использование экологического общественного транспорта является приоритетной стратегией по уменьшению заторов и загрязнений от дорожного движения во многих городах. Троллейбус – вид городского общественного электрического транспорта, который рассматривается как перспективный инструмент для повышения эффективности общественного транспорта и достижения целей устойчивого развития и качества жизни в городе. Управление в троллейбусе работой тормозной системы – рабочей и вспомогательной (тормозным моментом тягового электродвигателя) – осуществляется с помощью одной педали. Таким образом, имеются режимы совместной работы этих систем в процессе торможения. Основное внимание автор сосредоточил на разработке алгоритма для совместного управления тяговым электродвигателем и антиблокировочной тормозной системой для повышения общей эффективности торможения транспортного средства. С этой целью разработана математическая модель динамики торможения троллейбуса. Для определения параметров эффективности торможения автомобиля и проверки математической модели проведены стендовые и дорожные испытания на различных дорожных покрытиях. Соответствующие экспериментальные данные использовались для анализа эффективности предложенной стратегии совмещения управления тяговым электродвигателем и антиблокировочной тормозной системой троллейбуса. В результате подтверждена дееспособность предложенного алгоритма управления, обеспечивающего требуемую эффективность торможения и высокую тормозную устойчивость автомобиля

    Road Friction Virtual Sensing:A Review of Estimation Techniques with Emphasis on Low Excitation Approaches

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    In this paper, a review on road friction virtual sensing approaches is provided. In particular, this work attempts to address whether the road grip potential can be estimated accurately under regular driving conditions in which the vehicle responses remain within low longitudinal and lateral excitation levels. This review covers in detail the most relevant effect-based estimation methods; these are methods in which the road friction characteristics are inferred from the tyre responses: tyre slip, tyre vibration, and tyre noise. Slip-based approaches (longitudinal dynamics, lateral dynamics, and tyre self-alignment moment) are covered in the first part of the review, while low frequency and high frequency vibration-based works are presented in the following sections. Finally, a brief summary containing the main advantages and drawbacks derived from each estimation method and the future envisaged research lines are presented in the last sections of the paper

    Contributions to the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference 2022 (ICSC2022)

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    This publication contains all contributions (extended abstracts) to the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference, which was held in Dresden, Germany, Nov. 08-10, 2022

    Trends in vehicle motion control for automated driving on public roads

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    In this paper, we describe how vehicle systems and the vehicle motion control are affected by automated driving on public roads. We describe the redundancy needed for a road vehicle to meet certain safety goals. The concept of system safety as well as system solutions to fault tolerant actuation of steering and braking and the associated fault tolerant power supply is described. Notably restriction of the operational domain in case of reduced capability of the driving automation system is discussed. Further we consider path tracking, state estimation of vehicle motion control required for automated driving as well as an example of a minimum risk manoeuver and redundant steering by means of differential braking. The steering by differential braking could offer heterogeneous or dissimilar redundancy that complements the redundancy of described fault tolerant steering systems for driving automation equipped vehicles. Finally, the important topic of verification of driving automation systems is addressed

    A Study on Recent Developments and Issues with Obstacle Detection Systems for Automated Vehicles

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    This paper reviews current developments and discusses some critical issues with obstacle detection systems for automated vehicles. The concept of autonomous driving is the driver towards future mobility. Obstacle detection systems play a crucial role in implementing and deploying autonomous driving on our roads and city streets. The current review looks at technology and existing systems for obstacle detection. Specifically, we look at the performance of LIDAR, RADAR, vision cameras, ultrasonic sensors, and IR and review their capabilities and behaviour in a number of different situations: during daytime, at night, in extreme weather conditions, in urban areas, in the presence of smooths surfaces, in situations where emergency service vehicles need to be detected and recognised, and in situations where potholes need to be observed and measured. It is suggested that combining different technologies for obstacle detection gives a more accurate representation of the driving environment. In particular, when looking at technological solutions for obstacle detection in extreme weather conditions (rain, snow, fog), and in some specific situations in urban areas (shadows, reflections, potholes, insufficient illumination), although already quite advanced, the current developments appear to be not sophisticated enough to guarantee 100% precision and accuracy, hence further valiant effort is needed

    Online and Offline Identification of Tyre Model Parameters

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    The accelerating development of active safety system and autonomous vehicles put higher requirements on both environmental sensing and vehicle state estimation as well as virtual verification of these systems. The tyres are relevant in this context due to the considerable influence of the tyres on the vehicle motion and the performance boundaries set by the tyres. All forces that the driver use to control the vehicle are generated in the contact patch between the tyre and the road on a normal passenger car. Hence, the performance limits imposed by the tyres should ideally be considered in the active safety systems and in self-driving vehicles. Due to tyres influence on the vehicle motions, they are some of the key components that must be accurately modelled to correlate complete vehicle simulations models with physical testing.This thesis investigates the possibility to estimate the tyre-road friction coefficient during normal driving using active tyre force excitation, i.e. online identification of tyre model parameters. The thesis also investigates the possibility to scale tyre Force and Moment (F&M) models for complete vehicle simulations from indoor tests to real road surfaces using vehicle-based tyre testing, i.e. offline identification of tyre model parameters.For online identification of tyre model parameters, the focus has been on how to perform tyre force excitation to maximize the information about the tyre-road friction coefficient. Furthermore, the required excitation level, as a ratio of the maximum tyre-road friction coefficient, for different road surfaces and tyre models have been evaluated for a larger number of passenger car tyres. The thesis shows the feasibility and benefits of using active tyre force excitations and illustrates its benefits when estimating the tyre-road friction coefficient by identifying nonlinear tyre model parameters. The method shows promising results by offering tyre-road friction estimates when demanded by the driver or an on-board system. This system can also be combined with other tyre-road friction estimates to offer a continuous tyre-road friction estimate, e.g. through car-to-car communication.For offline identification of tyre model parameters, the focus was put on rescaling tyre models from indoor testing to a real-world road surface using vehicle-based tyre testing. Sensors were fitted to the vehicle to measure all inputs and outputs of the Pacejka 2002 tyre model. Furthermore, testing was performed on both different road surfaces and using different manoeuvres for tyre model identification. The effect on the complete vehicle behaviour in simulation when using tyre models based on different manoeuvres and road surfaces was investigated. The results show the importance of using a road surface and manoeuvre that are representative for the road surface and manoeuvre in which the vehicle will be evaluated. The sensitivity to different manoeuvres are mainly related to the changes in tyre properties with tyre surface temperature and the lack of temperature effects in the tyre model. The method shows promising results as an efficient way to rescale tyre models to a new road surface

    Tien ja renkaan välisen kitkapotentiaalin arviointi inertia-anturin mittausten perusteella alhaisen kitkan olosuhteissa

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    Electronic driver aids have become commonplace in passenger cars in the last two decades. These systems improve safety by attempting to prevent the vehicle from exceeding the limits of its handling and becoming unstable. Those limits are largely defined by the tire-road friction potential. Consequently, the friction potential is one of the variables used in the control logics of these systems. Thus, by estimating the potential, the effectiveness of electronic driver aids can be significantly improved. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and test the accuracy of a novel friction estimation algorithm that uses the accelerations and yaw, pitch, and roll rates of the vehicle measured with an inertial sensor as its basis. The algorithm was designed to account for the effects of inclination and banking, as they influence the acceleration capabilities of the vehicle and the acceleration measurements. Three different versions of the algorithm were created so that the effects of compensating for inclination and bank angle could be assessed. Additionally, the algorithm was designed in such a way that it should be able to estimate the friction potential accurately in start maneuvers where the steering angle is high. The single-track model was incorporated into the algorithm for this purpose. The algorithm must also detect when the vehicle is on the limits of its handling, as it is only then that the measured friction coefficient is equal to the friction potential. The algorithm accomplishes this by monitoring the states of the driver aids. The algorithm was tested with simulations and experimental tests. The research vehicle was modelled in simulation software, including the most significant electronic driver aids. A variety of acceleration, braking, and cornering maneuvers were performed in order to test the capabilities of the algorithm on roads with varying inclinations and bank angles. The tests focused on low-friction conditions, as friction estimation is at its most beneficial in such circumstances. The results show that this novel algorithm is capable of estimating the friction potential accurately in most acceleration, braking, and cornering situations on inclined, banked, and level roads. However, the results also indicate that accounting for the inclination and the bank angle makes little difference in the friction estimation. The algorithm calculates the tire-road forces largely based on the longitudinal and lateral acceleration measurements of the inertial sensor, which contain a component of gravitational acceleration if the road is not level. Thus, the effects of inclination and bank angle get mostly compensated even in the versions that were not specifically designed to account for them. The results also show that the friction potential estimation produced by the single-track model in high steering angle start maneuvers contains significant error due to the two front tires producing forces in different directions in such situations.Elektronisista ajoavuista on tullut yleisiä henkilöautoissa viimeisten kahden vuosikymmenen aikana. Nämä järjestelmät parantavat turvallisuutta yrittämällä estää autoa ylittämästä suorituskykyrajojaan, jolloin auto muuttuu epästabiiliksi. Kyseiset rajat perustuvat laajalti renkaan ja tien väliseen kitkapotentiaaliin. Kitkapotentiaali on siksi yksi niistä muuttujista, joita nämä järjestelmät käyttävät ohjauslogiikoissaan. Täten ajoapujen toimintaa voidaan tehostaa merkittävästi estimoimalla kitkapotentiaalia. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on luoda uudenlainen kitkaestimointialgoritmi, jonka toiminta perustuu inertia-anturilla mitattaviin auton kiihtyvyyksiin ja kallistumis-, nyökkimis- ja pystykiertymänopeuksiin, ja tutkia sen tarkkuutta. Algoritmi suunniteltiin huomioimaan tien nousu- ja sivuttaiskulmien vaikutus, sillä ne vaikuttavat auton kiihtyvyysrajoihin ja mitattuihin kiihtyvyyslukemiin. Algoritmista luotiin kolme eri versiota, jotta tien kulmien kompensoinnin vaikutusta voitaisiin arvioida. Lisäksi algoritmi suunniteltiin siten, että sen pitäisi kyetä arvioimaan kitkapotentiaalia tarkasti myös sellaisissa liikkeellelähtötilanteissa, joissa ohjauskulma on suuri. Kaksipyörämalli sisällytettiin algoritmiin tätä tarkoitusta varten. Algoritmin on myös kyettävä havaitsemaan, milloin auto on lähellä suorituskykyrajojaan, koska arvioitu kitkakerroin on lähellä kitkapotentiaalia vain silloin. Algoritmi toteuttaa tämän tarkkailemalla ajoapujen tiloja. Algoritmia testattiin simulaatioiden ja koeautolla tehtävien testien avulla. Koeauto ja sen merkittävimmät ajoavut mallinnettiin simulaatio-ohjelmistossa. Monenlaisia kiihdytys-, jarrutus- ja kaarreajoliikkeitä suoritettiin algoritmin kykyjen tutkimiseksi erilaisia kallistuksia sisältävillä teillä. Testit keskittyivät alhaisen kitkan olosuhteisiin, sillä kitkaestimoinnista on eniten hyötyä juuri sellaisissa oloissa. Tulokset näyttävät, että luotu algoritmi kykenee arvioimaan kitkapotentiaalia tarkasti useimmissa kiihdytys-, jarrutus- ja kaarreajotilanteissa mäkisillä, kallistetuilla ja tasaisilla teillä. Tulokset kuitenkin myös osoittavat, että nousu- ja sivuttaiskulman huomiointi algoritmissa tuottaa vain pienen eron kitkaestimoinnissa. Algoritmi laskee rengasvoimat perustuen enimmäkseen inertia-anturin pitkittäis- ja sivuttaiskiihtyvyysmittauksiin, jotka sisältävät putoamiskiihtyvyyskomponentin, mikäli tie ei ole tasainen. Täten nousu- ja sivuttaiskulmien vaikutus kompensoituu enimmäkseen pois niissäkin algoritmiversioissa, joita ei erityisesti suunniteltu huomioimaan kyseisiä kulmia. Tulokset näyttävät myös, että kaksipyörämallin tuottama kitkapotentiaaliarvio suuren ohjauskulman liikkeellelähtötilanteissa sisältää merkittävästi virhettä johtuen siitä, että etupyörät tuottavat tällöin voimaa eri suuntiin