224 research outputs found

    Energy consumption in the comfortable home:Practices, perceptions and conventions

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    Thermal performance: the politics of environmental management in architecture

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    How do architects address the ambiguity of practice, being on the one hand tasked with making buildings that perform well in terms of energy use and environmental strategy, and on the other facilitating the production of capital, through their service to ensuring that the performance of the occupants (efficiency, productivity and wellbeing) is satisfied? In this PhD by practice, I use the theoretical concept of ‘the performative’ through both the written thesis and project to interrogate the various ways in which thermal management becomes entangled with management processes. The context is specific: the workplace at a moment of convergence between smart technology with architecture; where notionally, agency is given over to autonomous environmental systems to do the right thing, and work environments that are embedded in performative-linguistic company cultures that urge their occupants to ‘do the right thing’. In other words – where machines do things with fans and boilers, and humans do things with emails, meetings, performance reviews and corporate culture. I invoke Lucy Schuman’s question ‘who is doing what to whom?’ to draw attention to the way that actions are elicited from employees through discursive and constitute organisational practices. At a point where new-build non-domestic buildings, which are specifically designed to perform environmentally well, are failing to do so- I invoke Isabelle Stengers’ ethical proposition ‘what are we busy doing?’ to ask whether architects’ actions are fundamentally compromised by this entanglement. I propose a strategy for architects to address their practice in relation to these propositions, and trace the actions as they migrate through discursive fields – sustainability, organisational management, theories of motivation, workplace politics, technological innovation, activism and resistance. The narrative of the written thesis is asynchronous, and is interconnected with the project in multiple ways, it is structured in such a way so as to introduce strategies of encountering the various discursive fields which form the context of study. The project work, on the other hand, immerses the reader directly within these fields. The database that reveals the multiple realms that embed the concepts of power, economics, desire, love, productivity and war into the architectural concerns for comfort and energy use; while the performance video places two subjects constituted by management, whose passions are put to work and situate them within a discursive environment latent with the full cultural significance of its metaphors in the workplace of the knowledge economy. The first part of the written component of the thesis opens up discussions about performance and action – which are generally applicable for the discourse of environmental performance, as mediated by the occupant and the use of technology, within the contemporary workplace. I move into the second part of the written thesis, which places the context specifically within the conceptual domain of thermal management, elaborates on the implications of taking a performance oriented approach to ‘heat’, and reveals how performance and the domain of heat converge on issues of productivity, subjectivity, and wellbeing. The two actors who perform in the video can only continuously improve their performance, every action can be subverted or appropriated, presenting the urgency for my conclusion in the written thesis, that as we, in architecture, are expected to also act entrepreneurially – the question is not how we do so subversively, or as a mode of critique. We should instead pay attention to Stengers’ and Suchman’s questions, and paying attention to what is brought about, and for whom, and focus our work on care for precarious, exhausted and hyper-active subjectivities that are produced through these actions

    Second Language Teacher Education: The Development of Pre-Service Teacher Cognitions About the Characteristics and Practices of Effective ESL Instructors

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    My dissertation explores the impact of second language teacher education on the development of the pedagogic beliefs held by student teachers enrolled in the University of Guanajuato’s Licenciatura en la Enseñanza de InglĂ©s. Specifically, my research investigates the origins of these students’ pedagogic beliefs, the development of their beliefs over the course of the four-year language teacher program, and the convergence of their beliefs and professional practices. The current research can be described as a synchronic, exploratory-descriptive study based on a cross-sectional investigation of participant beliefs. Repertory grid interviews were used as the primary method of data collection. The repertory grid technique (RGT or “rep grid”) is the best known of several data solicitation instruments associated with the field of personal construct psychology. Data was subjected to both qualitative and quantitative inspection, including principal component and FOCUS analyses. Despite the use of statistical interpretation, the RGT is firmly grounded in qualitative, constructivist assumptions. As with any qualitative research, conclusions are necessarily tentative and must be heavily caveated. However, a number of findings seem sufficiently robust to be worthy of mention. These include the following: LEI students do not appear to significantly change their pedagogic beliefs as a result of second language teacher education; LEI student beliefs about pedagogy look to be primarily concerned with socio-affective aspects of teaching; LEI student attention seems to be as drawn to the personal characteristics and behaviors of their teachers as to the formal educational information these instructors provide; and LEI students tend not reflect on practice

    Ubiquitous Technologies for Emotion Recognition

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    Emotions play a very important role in how we think and behave. As such, the emotions we feel every day can compel us to act and influence the decisions and plans we make about our lives. Being able to measure, analyze, and better comprehend how or why our emotions may change is thus of much relevance to understand human behavior and its consequences. Despite the great efforts made in the past in the study of human emotions, it is only now, with the advent of wearable, mobile, and ubiquitous technologies, that we can aim to sense and recognize emotions, continuously and in real time. This book brings together the latest experiences, findings, and developments regarding ubiquitous sensing, modeling, and the recognition of human emotions
