3,815 research outputs found

    A concept of a mainly digitalized course on control theory including problembased practical units and digital supported exams

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    This paper decribes the concept of a course on control theory as a minor subject in the department of electrical engineering at the OTH Regensburg. The basis for a new concept is the idea of contructive alignment. The whole teaching module is devided in two blocks. The first block contains the teaching of the knowledge about control theory with an integrated approach for lectures, exercises and practical sessions. In the second block the students attent a practical work package to have the possibility to applicate and deepen their knowledge. To foster active participation the students are asked to document and reflect their work with the course context in an electronic portfolio. The exam of this module consists of three parts with respect to the different competencies obtained during the module. This concept develops not only the knowledge on control theory but personal and social competencies which are of growing interest. The aim of the paper is to present the idea of the concept. Following papers will illustrate the development process and the results obtained later on.Rösel, B. (2020). A concept of a mainly digitalized course on control theory including problembased practical units and digital supported exams. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):587-594. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11112OCS58759430-05-202

    Kohti opetuksen digitalisointia: Opetukset yliopistokurssien kehityksistä

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    Digital materials are increasingly used in teaching. The question is how teachers can use digital teaching materials in their teaching in the best possible way. This thesis seeks to address the research question of how can digital teaching materials be used in higher education to support students’ learning? This research provides new knowledge by contributing to literatures of: Digital teaching materials and their use, blended teaching, and flipped classroom. We conducted a multiple-case study of eleven case courses from the areas of Project Business, Digital Transformation, Operations Management, and Designing. Case courses were taught at Aalto University, Finnish Institute of Technology, EIT Digital, and Oulu University. Some of the case courses used digital materials as part of the teaching for the first time while others had long experience of using digital materials in teaching. We collected data from eleven case courses through 10 interviews, 20 lecture observation sessions, participation observation in 13 case course design meetings, a survey of EIT Digital students, Aalto Online Learning video development process, feedbacks from 4 case courses, and student portal materials. From the cross-case analysis, we derive eight propositions concerning the form of digital materials, the necessary support to adapt digital materials in teaching, benefits such as scalability and implications of those benefits to teaching, different ways to motivate students to complete assignments, and the roles of active learning and feedback when using digital materials. Our propositions also provide new knowledge on the roles of external support organizations in the proliferation of digital materials and how to motivate grade and deadline-oriented students to study. We suggest further research in how to support using non-self-produced digital teaching materials, what is the best way to connect assignments to digital materials that students would study the required materials, and how to best use deadline-orientation of the students to pace the teaching in courses.Digitaalisia materiaaleja käytetään yhä enemmän opetuksessa. Tästä juontuu kysymys, kuinka opettajat voivat parhaiten hyödyntää digitaalisia opetusmateriaaleja opetuksessaan? Diplomityö käsittelee tutkimuskysymystä: Kuinka digitaalisia opetusmateriaaleja tulee hyödyntää yliopisto-opetuksessa tukemaan opiskelijoiden oppimista? Diplomityö tuottaa uutta tietoa digitaalisten opetusmateriaalien käytön, sulautuvan oppimisen ja käänteisen opetuksen -tutkimusalueisiin. Diplomityössä lähestyttiin tutkimuskysymystä monitapaustutkimuksen kautta tutkien yhtätoista yliopistokurssia, jotka käsittelivät projektiliiketoimintaa, digitalisaatiota, operaatioiden johtamista ja muotoilua. Kurssit opetettiin Aalto Yliopistossa, FITech-verkostoyliopistossa, EIT Digital -koulutusohjelmassa ja Oulun Yliopistossa. Osa kursseista käytti digitaalisia materiaaleja ensimmäistä kertaa opetuksessa ja osassa kursseista digitaalisia materiaaleja oli käytetty jo vuosien ajan. Data kerättiin 10 haastattelusta, 20 kontaktiopetustilaisuudesta, 13 opetuksen suunnittelutapaamisesta, kyselystä EIT Digitalin opiskelijoille, A!OLE video-projektista, 4 kurssin kurssipalautteista ja opiskelijaportaalien materiaaleista. Tapausten välisestä analyysistä johdettiin 8 väitettä, jotka koskivat digitaalisten materiaalien esitystapaa, tukea materiaalien tuottamiselle, jotta materiaalit otetaan opetuksessa käyttöön, digitaalisten materiaalien hyötyjä, keinoja motivoida opiskelijat opiskelemaan digitaalisia materiaaleja ja aktiivisen oppimisen sekä palautteen roolia, kun digitaalisia opetusmateriaaleja hyödynnetään opetuksessa. Väitteemme tuovat uutta tietoa kurssien ulkopuolisten tukijärjestelmien merkittävyydestä digitaalisten opetusmateriaalien yleistyessä sekä kuinka motivoida tuloskeskeiset ja aikarajaohjautuvat opiskelijat opiskelemaan. Jatkotutkimukset voisivat tutkia kuinka tukea muiden tuottamien digitaalisten materiaalien käyttöönottoa opetuksessa, kuinka parhaiten yhdistää harjoitus oppimateriaaleihin niin, että opiskelija tulee sisäistäneeksi oppimateriaalit harjoitukseen valmistautuessaan ja kuinka hyödyntää opiskelijoiden taipumusta opiskella vasta hieman määräaikaa ennen opetuksen ja kurssien aikatauluttamisessa

    Analyzing the didactic potential of videos appealing to emotions in the Social studies’ English classroom in upper secondary school

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    Læring oppstår i møte med ulike tekstformer frå ulike typar medium, og i det 21. århundret er det særskilt dei multimodale tekstane som blir brukt i engelskundervisninga. Denne masteroppgåva fokuserte på programfaget samfunnsfagleg engelsk. Føremålet med dette studiet i engelsk fagdidaktikk var å sjå nærare på det didaktiske potensiale av videoar som multimodale tekstar som omhandlar kontroversielle tema og appellerer til sjåarane sine kjensler. Den nye overordna delen til læreplanen (som trer i kraft i 2020) legg blant anna vekt på kritisk tenking og etisk medvit. Sjølv om videoar er eit mykje brukt medium i engelskundervisninga i Noreg, har framandspråksdidaktikken fokusert lite på det didaktiske potensiale av videoar som multimodale tekstar. I forhold til læring og kommunikasjon, og om kritisk tenking og etisk medvit er også desse sidene i engelsk fagdidaktikk i liten grad blitt undersøkt i samband med analyse av videoar. Målet med studiet var å utforska korleis videoar som multimodale tekstar skaper meining og appellerer til kjensler, og for å presentere kontroversielle tema i det norske klasserommet. Studiet har vidare hatt som mål å analysera det større potensiale av videoar i undervisninga, samt korleis bruken av ein multimodal tilnærming til materialet kan fremja danning. Studiet har brukt ein kvalitativ metode der den multimodal analysen illustrerer og diskuterer korleis ei multimodal tilnærming kan vera nyttig når ein underviser om kontroversielle tema som appellerer til kjensler. Det empiriske materialet er sett saman av ulike analyseutdrag av to videoar som omhandlar to forskjellige kontroversielle tema i USA og Storbritannia. Den multimodale analysen som vart brukt for å analysera det didaktiske potensiale av videoane fokuserte på sosialsemiotikk og meiningsdanning, kombinert med retorisk analyse som fokuserte på Aristoteles sine retoriske bevismidlar (etos, logos og patos). Funna frå analysen indikerer at videoar som multimodale tekstar vil opna for refleksjon og diskusjon av kontroversielle tema. Den gjer og elevane meir medvitne om korleis og kvifor videoar som appellerer til kjensler påverkar oss som sjåarar. Det blir i denne masteroppgåva argumentert for at ei multimodal tilnærming til videoar i det engelske klasserommet er viktig for å utnytta det didaktiske potensiale av videoar. Vidare blir det også argumentert for at læring er tilgjengeleg i alle ulike former, og det blir til slutt presentert didaktiske tilrådingar og framlegg til vidare forsking.Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveMPENGLMAHF-ENGMAHF-LÆFRZMPHFFAKENG35

    Educational hypermedia resources facilitator

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    Se analiza el impacto que la enseñanza en web ha tenido en la educación superior y las distintas herramientas que permiten la creación de documentos hipertexto como recursos de enseñanzaWithin the university the introduction of computers is creating a new criterion of differentiation between those who as a matter of course become integrated in the technocratic trend deriving from the daily use of these machines and those who become isolated by not using them. This difference increases when computer science and communications merge to introduce virtual educational areas, where the conjunction of teacher and pupil in the space-time dimension is no longer an essential requirement, andwhere the written text is replaced (or rather complemented) by the digital text. In this article a historical defence is made of the presence of this new standard in the creation of digital educational resources such as the hyperdocument, as well as the barriers and technological problems deriving from its use. Furthermore, HyCo, an authoring tool, is introduced which facilitates the composition of hypertexts, which arestored as semantic learning objects, looking for that through of a simple and extremely intuitive interface and interaction model, any teacher with a minimum knowledge of computer science has the possibility of transforming his or her experience and knowledge into useful and quality hypermedia educational resources

    Commercial mHealth Apps and Exploitative Value Trade-offs

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    Mobile health (mHealth) apps are becoming progressively important for primary care, disease prevention, and public health interventions. They promise to empower its users by offering them more independence, better access to health services, and more insight into their health status resulting in better informed medical decision-making and lifestyle changes. Disadvantages of mHealth apps often include a lack of privacy protection, a decrease in personal attachment, and the acceptance of a normative conception of health challenging the user’s self-determination. Privacy, attachment, and self-determination are, alongside health, linked to fundamental dimensions of human well-being. Users of mHealth apps can either accept those disadvantages or abstain from using this technology entirely. Users, therefore, have to trade-off fundamental dimensions of well-being to gain a certain health benefit if they want to use commercial mHealth apps. This presentation will clarify the values most relevant in this context, focusing on privacy, self-determination, and attachment. I claim that these values imply fundamental conditions of well-being that should not be undermined, especially in the context of health care. I will argue that the value trade-offs users must engage in are an instance of mutually advantageous agreements by which the provider of the app takes unfair advantage of the user. This renders such agreements exploitative. I will discuss the notion of exploitation that I think applies in this case and explain under what circumstances exploitative agreements that come with the use of commercial mHealth apps oppose the empowerment narrative

    English Composition 100: Best Practices for Online Instruction

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    The objective of this dissertation is to explore the process of teaching English Composition in the asynchronous online format and to make recommendations for the best possible approach for continued student success. The teaching of English Composition is a complex subject and no two teachers will have the same approach. This matter is further complicated when online instruction is explored. An instructor cannot transplant an in-class course into the online format and expect the same results. This dissertation explores the best possible approach to teaching English Composition in an online environment with the use of multimedia applications. This exploration will address current methods of teaching English Composition online, will evaluate what seems to work well, will explore the concerns highlighted by educators and practitioners involved with English Composition online, and will highlight additional recommended advancements, both in methods of approach and technological innovations, that can bring to light instructional practices for further evaluation. This study will lead to an understanding of what these new emerging technologies are and the specifics of their use by both instructors and students alike online, and it will identify best practices in teaching English Composition online for the immediate future

    Proceedings of the International Workshop on EuroPLOT Persuasive Technology for Learning, Education and Teaching (IWEPLET 2013)

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    "This book contains the proceedings of the International Workshop on EuroPLOT Persuasive Technology for Learning, Education and Teaching (IWEPLET) 2013 which was held on 16.-17.September 2013 in Paphos (Cyprus) in conjunction with the EC-TEL conference. The workshop and hence the proceedings are divided in two parts: on Day 1 the EuroPLOT project and its results are introduced, with papers about the specific case studies and their evaluation. On Day 2, peer-reviewed papers are presented which address specific topics and issues going beyond the EuroPLOT scope. This workshop is one of the deliverables (D 2.6) of the EuroPLOT project, which has been funded from November 2010 – October 2013 by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLL) by grant #511633. The purpose of this project was to develop and evaluate Persuasive Learning Objects and Technologies (PLOTS), based on ideas of BJ Fogg. The purpose of this workshop is to summarize the findings obtained during this project and disseminate them to an interested audience. Furthermore, it shall foster discussions about the future of persuasive technology and design in the context of learning, education and teaching. The international community working in this area of research is relatively small. Nevertheless, we have received a number of high-quality submissions which went through a peer-review process before being selected for presentation and publication. We hope that the information found in this book is useful to the reader and that more interest in this novel approach of persuasive design for teaching/education/learning is stimulated. We are very grateful to the organisers of EC-TEL 2013 for allowing to host IWEPLET 2013 within their organisational facilities which helped us a lot in preparing this event. I am also very grateful to everyone in the EuroPLOT team for collaborating so effectively in these three years towards creating excellent outputs, and for being such a nice group with a very positive spirit also beyond work. And finally I would like to thank the EACEA for providing the financial resources for the EuroPLOT project and for being very helpful when needed. This funding made it possible to organise the IWEPLET workshop without charging a fee from the participants.

    Emergence in Design Science Research

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    risk-e The risk management pathway, an e-learning tool for healthcare professionals.

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    This thesis investigates software methods that could reduce the frequency of adverse incidents in hospitals, using available best practices. The objective is to reduce the number of incidents in hospitals by helping the NHS staff gain a deep understanding of risk management with minimal distraction from their daily duties. The solution is an e-learning tool which combines web based e-learning and database management functionality. It provides the users with risk management educational material and appropriate database tools in order to be able to build up a risk action plans database based on their job experience and those educational materials. The software application has been developed based on a development methodology and a customized software development life cycle model. The research addressed the complexity and multidimensional nature of the risk management e-learning development approach in the health care environment. Throughout the research a deeper understanding of a variety of concepts and aspects in different fields has been gained and the appropriate educational platform and pedagogy for the system has been identified.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo