40 research outputs found

    Novel high performance techniques for high definition computer aided tomography

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorMedical image processing is an interdisciplinary field in which multiple research areas are involved: image acquisition, scanner design, image reconstruction algorithms, visualization, etc. X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) is a medical imaging modality based on the attenuation suffered by the X-rays as they pass through the body. Intrinsic differences in attenuation properties of bone, air, and soft tissue result in high-contrast images of anatomical structures. The main objective of CT is to obtain tomographic images from radiographs acquired using X-Ray scanners. The process of building a 3D image or volume from the 2D radiographs is known as reconstruction. One of the latest trends in CT is the reduction of the radiation dose delivered to patients through the decrease of the amount of acquired data. This reduction results in artefacts in the final images if conventional reconstruction methods are used, making it advisable to employ iterative reconstruction algorithms. There are numerous reconstruction algorithms available, from which we can highlight two specific types: traditional algorithms, which are fast but do not enable the obtaining of high quality images in situations of limited data; and iterative algorithms, slower but more reliable when traditional methods do not reach the quality standard requirements. One of the priorities of reconstruction is the obtaining of the final images in near real time, in order to reduce the time spent in diagnosis. To accomplish this objective, new high performance techniques and methods for accelerating these types of algorithms are needed. This thesis addresses the challenges of both traditional and iterative reconstruction algorithms, regarding acceleration and image quality. One common approach for accelerating these algorithms is the usage of shared-memory and heterogeneous architectures. In this thesis, we propose a novel simulation/reconstruction framework, namely FUX-Sim. This framework follows the hypothesis that the development of new flexible X-ray systems can benefit from computer simulations, which may also enable performance to be checked before expensive real systems are implemented. Its modular design abstracts the complexities of programming for accelerated devices to facilitate the development and evaluation of the different configurations and geometries available. In order to obtain near real execution times, low-level optimizations for the main components of the framework are provided for Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) architectures. Other alternative tackled in this thesis is the acceleration of iterative reconstruction algorithms by using distributed memory architectures. We present a novel architecture that unifies the two most important computing paradigms for scientific computing nowadays: High Performance Computing (HPC). The proposed architecture combines Big Data frameworks with the advantages of accelerated computing. The proposed methods presented in this thesis provide more flexible scanner configurations as they offer an accelerated solution. Regarding performance, our approach is as competitive as the solutions found in the literature. Additionally, we demonstrate that our solution scales with the size of the problem, enabling the reconstruction of high resolution images.El procesamiento de imágenes médicas es un campo interdisciplinario en el que participan múltiples áreas de investigación como la adquisición de imágenes, diseño de escáneres, algoritmos de reconstrucción de imágenes, visualización, etc. La tomografía computarizada (TC) de rayos X es una modalidad de imágen médica basada en el cálculo de la atenuación sufrida por los rayos X a medida que pasan por el cuerpo a escanear. Las diferencias intrínsecas en la atenuación de hueso, aire y tejido blando dan como resultado imágenes de alto contraste de estas estructuras anatómicas. El objetivo principal de la TC es obtener imágenes tomográficas a partir estas radiografías obtenidas mediante escáneres de rayos X. El proceso de construir una imagen o volumen en 3D a partir de las radiografías 2D se conoce como reconstrucción. Una de las últimas tendencias en la tomografía computarizada es la reducción de la dosis de radiación administrada a los pacientes a través de la reducción de la cantidad de datos adquiridos. Esta reducción da como resultado artefactos en las imágenes finales si se utilizan métodos de reconstrucción convencionales, por lo que es aconsejable emplear algoritmos de reconstrucción iterativos. Existen numerosos algoritmos de reconstrucción disponibles a partir de los cuales podemos destacar dos categorías: algoritmos tradicionales, rápidos pero no permiten obtener imágenes de alta calidad en situaciones en las que los datos son limitados; y algoritmos iterativos, más lentos pero más estables en situaciones donde los métodos tradicionales no alcanzan los requisitos en cuanto a la calidad de la imagen. Una de las prioridades de la reconstrucción es la obtención de las imágenes finales en tiempo casi real, con el fin de reducir el tiempo de diagnóstico. Para lograr este objetivo, se necesitan nuevas técnicas y métodos de alto rendimiento para acelerar estos algoritmos. Esta tesis aborda los desafíos de los algoritmos de reconstrucción tradicionales e iterativos, con respecto a la aceleración y la calidad de imagen. Un enfoque común para acelerar estos algoritmos es el uso de arquitecturas de memoria compartida y heterogéneas. En esta tesis, proponemos un nuevo sistema de simulación/reconstrucción, llamado FUX-Sim. Este sistema se construye alrededor de la hipótesis de que el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de rayos X flexibles puede beneficiarse de las simulaciones por computador, en los que también se puede realizar un control del rendimiento de los nuevos sistemas a desarrollar antes de su implementación física. Su diseño modular abstrae las complejidades de la programación para aceleradores con el objetivo de facilitar el desarrollo y la evaluación de las diferentes configuraciones y geometrías disponibles. Para obtener ejecuciones en casi tiempo real, se proporcionan optimizaciones de bajo nivel para los componentes principales del sistema en las arquitecturas GPU. Otra alternativa abordada en esta tesis es la aceleración de los algoritmos de reconstrucción iterativa mediante el uso de arquitecturas de memoria distribuidas. Presentamos una arquitectura novedosa que unifica los dos paradigmas informáticos más importantes en la actualidad: computación de alto rendimiento (HPC) y Big Data. La arquitectura propuesta combina sistemas Big Data con las ventajas de los dispositivos aceleradores. Los métodos propuestos presentados en esta tesis proporcionan configuraciones de escáner más flexibles y ofrecen una solución acelerada. En cuanto al rendimiento, nuestro enfoque es tan competitivo como las soluciones encontradas en la literatura. Además, demostramos que nuestra solución escala con el tamaño del problema, lo que permite la reconstrucción de imágenes de alta resolución.This work has been mainly funded thanks to a FPU fellowship (FPU14/03875) from the Spanish Ministry of Education. It has also been partially supported by other grants: • DPI2016-79075-R. “Nuevos escenarios de tomografía por rayos X”, from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. • TIN2016-79637-P Towards unification of HPC and Big Data Paradigms from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. • Short-term scientific missions (STSM) grant from NESUS COST Action IC1305. • TIN2013-41350-P, Scalable Data Management Techniques for High-End Computing Systems from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. • RTC-2014-3028-1 NECRA Nuevos escenarios clinicos con radiología avanzada from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: José Daniel García Sánchez.- Secretario: Katzlin Olcoz Herrero.- Vocal: Domenico Tali

    Profile-directed specialisation of custom floating-point hardware

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    We present a methodology for generating floating-point arithmetic hardware designs which are, for suitable applications, much reduced in size, while still retaining performance and IEEE-754 compliance. Our system uses three key parts: a profiling tool, a set of customisable floating-point units and a selection of system integration methods. We use a profiling tool for floating-point behaviour to identify arithmetic operations where fundamental elements of IEEE-754 floating-point may be compromised, without generating erroneous results in the common case. In the uncommon case, we use simple detection logic to determine when operands lie outside the range of capabilities of the optimised hardware. Out-of-range operations are handled by a separate, fully capable, floatingpoint implementation, either on-chip or by returning calculations to a host processor. We present methods of system integration to achieve this errorcorrection. Thus the system suffers no compromise in IEEE-754 compliance, even when the synthesised hardware would generate erroneous results. In particular, we identify from input operands the shift amounts required for input operand alignment and post-operation normalisation. For operations where these are small, we synthesise hardware with reduced-size barrel-shifters. We also propose optimisations to take advantage of other profile-exposed behaviours, including removing the hardware required to swap operands in a floating-point adder or subtractor, and reducing the exponent range to fit observed values. We present profiling results for a range of applications, including a selection of computational science programs, Spec FP 95 benchmarks and the FFMPEG media processing tool, indicating which would be amenable to our method. Selected applications which demonstrate potential for optimisation are then taken through to a hardware implementation. We show up to a 45% decrease in hardware size for a floating-point datapath, with a correctable error-rate of less then 3%, even with non-profiled datasets

    Understanding and Improving the Latency of DRAM-Based Memory Systems

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    Over the past two decades, the storage capacity and access bandwidth of main memory have improved tremendously, by 128x and 20x, respectively. These improvements are mainly due to the continuous technology scaling of DRAM (dynamic random-access memory), which has been used as the physical substrate for main memory. In stark contrast with capacity and bandwidth, DRAM latency has remained almost constant, reducing by only 1.3x in the same time frame. Therefore, long DRAM latency continues to be a critical performance bottleneck in modern systems. Increasing core counts, and the emergence of increasingly more data-intensive and latency-critical applications further stress the importance of providing low-latency memory access. In this dissertation, we identify three main problems that contribute significantly to long latency of DRAM accesses. To address these problems, we present a series of new techniques. Our new techniques significantly improve both system performance and energy efficiency. We also examine the critical relationship between supply voltage and latency in modern DRAM chips and develop new mechanisms that exploit this voltage-latency trade-off to improve energy efficiency. The key conclusion of this dissertation is that augmenting DRAM architecture with simple and low-cost features, and developing a better understanding of manufactured DRAM chips together lead to significant memory latency reduction as well as energy efficiency improvement. We hope and believe that the proposed architectural techniques and the detailed experimental data and observations on real commodity DRAM chips presented in this dissertation will enable development of other new mechanisms to improve the performance, energy efficiency, or reliability of future memory systems.Comment: PhD Dissertatio

    Towards instantaneous performance analysis using coarse-grain sampled and instrumented data

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    Nowadays, supercomputers deliver an enormous amount of computation power; however, it is well-known that applications only reach a fraction of it. One limiting factor is the single processor performance because it ultimately dictates the overall achieved performance. Performance analysis tools help locating performance inefficiencies and their nature to ultimately improve the application performance. Performance tools rely on two collection techniques to invoke their performance monitors: instrumentation and sampling. Instrumentation refers to inject performance monitors into concrete application locations whereas sampling invokes the installed monitors to external events. Each technique has its advantages. The measurements obtained through instrumentation are directly associated to the application structure while sampling allows a simple way to determine the volume of measurements captured. However, the granularity of the measurements that provides valuable insight cannot be determined a priori. Should analysts study the performance of an application for the first time, they may consider using a performance tool and instrument every routine or use high-frequency sampling rates to provide the most detailed results. These approaches frequently lead to large overheads that impact the application performance and thus alter the measurements gathered and, therefore, mislead the analyst. This thesis introduces the folding mechanism that takes advantage of the repetitiveness found in many applications. The mechanism smartly combines metrics captured through coarse-grain sampling and instrumentation mechanisms to provide instantaneous metric reports within instrumented regions and without perturbing the application execution. To produce these reports, the folding processes metrics from different type of sources: performance and energy counters, source code and memory references. The process depends on their nature. While performance and energy counters represent continuous metrics, the source code and memory references refer to discrete values that point out locations within the application code or address space. This thesis evaluates and validates two fitting algorithms used in different areas to report continuous metrics: a Gaussian interpolation process known as Kriging and piece-wise linear regressions. The folding also takes benefit of analytical performance models to focus on a small set of performance metrics instead of exploring a myriad of performance counters. The folding also correlates the metrics with the source-code using two alternatives: using the outcome of the piece-wise linear regressions and a mechanism inspired by Multi-Sequence Alignment techniques. Finally, this thesis explores the applicability of the folding mechanism to captured memory references to detail which and how data objects are accessed. This thesis proposes an analysis methodology for parallel applications that focus on describing the most time-consuming computing regions. It is implemented on top of a framework that relies on a previously existing clustering tool and the folding mechanism. To show the usefulness of the methodology and the framework, this thesis includes the discussion of multiple first-time seen in-production applications. The discussions include high level of detail regarding the application performance bottlenecks and their responsible code. Despite many analyzed applications have been compiled using aggressive compiler optimization flags, the insight obtained from the folding mechanism has turned into small code transformations based on widely-known optimization techniques that have improved the performance in some cases. Additionally, this work also depicts power monitoring capabilities of recent processors and discusses the simultaneous performance and energy behavior on a selection of benchmarks and in-production applications.Actualment, els supercomputadors ofereixen una àmplia potència de càlcul però les aplicacions només en fan servir una petita fracció. Un dels factors limitants és el rendiment d'un processador, el qual dicta el rendiment en general. Les eines d'anàlisi de rendiment ajuden a localitzar els colls d'ampolla i la seva natura per a, eventualment, millorar el rendiment de l'aplicació. Les eines d'anàlisi de rendiment empren dues tècniques de recol·lecció de dades: instrumentació i mostreig. La instrumentació es refereix a la capacitat d'injectar monitors en llocs específics del codi mentre que el mostreig invoca els monitors quan ocórren esdeveniments externs. Cadascuna d'aquestes tècniques té les seves avantatges. Les mesures obtingudes per instrumentació s'associen directament a l'estructura de l'aplicació mentre que les obtingudes per mostreig permeten una forma senzilla de determinar-ne el volum capturat. Sigui com sigui, la granularitat de les mesures no es pot determinar a priori. Conseqüentment, si un analista vol estudiar el rendiment d'una aplicació sense saber-ne res, hauria de considerar emprar una eina d'anàlisi i instrumentar cadascuna de les rutines o bé emprar freqüències de mostreig altes per a proveir resultats detallats. En qualsevol cas, aquestes alternatives impacten en el rendiment de l'aplicació i per tant alterar les mètriques capturades, i conseqüentment, confondre a l'analista. Aquesta tesi introdueix el mecanisme anomenat folding, el qual aprofita la repetitibilitat existent en moltes aplicacions. El mecanisme combina intel·ligentment mètriques obtingudes mitjançant mostreig de gra gruixut i instrumentació per a proveir informes de mètriques instantànies dins de regions instrumentades sense pertorbar-ne l'execució. Per a produir aquests informes, el mecanisme processa les mètriques de diferents fonts: comptadors de rendiment i energia, codi font i referències de memoria. El procés depen de la natura de les dades. Mentre que les mètriques de rendiment i energia són valors continus, el codi font i les referències de memòria representen valors discrets que apunten ubicacions dins el codi font o l'espai d'adreces. Aquesta tesi evalua i valida dos algorismes d'ajust: un procés d'interpolació anomenat Kriging i una interpolació basada en regressions lineals segmentades. El mecanisme de folding també s'aprofita de models analítics de rendiment basats en comptadors hardware per a proveir un conjunt reduït de mètriques enlloc d'haver d'explorar una multitud de comptadors. El mecanisme també correlaciona les mètriques amb el codi font emprant dues alternatives: per un costat s'aprofita dels resultats obtinguts per les regressions lineals segmentades i per l'altre defineix un mecanisme basat en tècniques d'alineament de multiples seqüències. Aquesta tesi també explora l'aplicabilitat del mecanisme per a referències de memoria per a informar quines i com s'accessedeixen les dades de l'aplicació. Aquesta tesi proposa una metodología d'anàlisi per a aplicacions paral·leles centrant-se en descriure les regions de càlcul que consumeixen més temps. La metodología s'implementa en un entorn de treball que usa un mecanisme de clustering preexistent i el mecanisme de folding. Per a demostrar-ne la seva utilitat, aquesta tesi inclou la discussió de múltiples aplicacions analitzades per primera vegada. Les discussions inclouen un alt nivel de detall en referencia als colls d'ampolla de les aplicacions i de la seva natura. Tot i que moltes d'aquestes aplicacions s'han compilat amb opcions d'optimització agressives, la informació obtinguda per l'entorn de treball es tradueix en petites modificacions basades en tècniques d'optimització que permeten millorar-ne el rendiment en alguns casos. Addicionalment, aquesta tesi també reporta informació sobre el consum energètic reportat per processadors recents i discuteix el comportament simultani d'energia i rendiment en una selecció d'aplicacions sintètiques i aplicacions en producció

    Modeling Cardiovascular Hemodynamics Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method on Massively Parallel Supercomputers

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    Accurate and reliable modeling of cardiovascular hemodynamics has the potential to improve understanding of the localization and progression of heart diseases, which are currently the most common cause of death in Western countries. However, building a detailed, realistic model of human blood flow is a formidable mathematical and computational challenge. The simulation must combine the motion of the fluid, the intricate geometry of the blood vessels, continual changes in flow and pressure driven by the heartbeat, and the behavior of suspended bodies such as red blood cells. Such simulations can provide insight into factors like endothelial shear stress that act as triggers for the complex biomechanical events that can lead to atherosclerotic pathologies. Currently, it is not possible to measure endothelial shear stress in vivo, making these simulations a crucial component to understanding and potentially predicting the progression of cardiovascular disease. In this thesis, an approach for efficiently modeling the fluid movement coupled to the cell dynamics in real-patient geometries while accounting for the additional force from the expansion and contraction of the heart will be presented and examined. First, a novel method to couple a mesoscopic lattice Boltzmann fluid model to the microscopic molecular dynamics model of cell movement is elucidated. A treatment of red blood cells as extended structures, a method to handle highly irregular geometries through topology driven graph partitioning, and an efficient molecular dynamics load balancing scheme are introduced. These result in a large-scale simulation of the cardiovascular system, with a realistic description of the complex human arterial geometry, from centimeters down to the spatial resolution of red-blood cells. The computational methods developed to enable scaling of the application to 294,912 processors are discussed, thus empowering the simulation of a full heartbeat. Second, further extensions to enable the modeling of fluids in vessels with smaller diameters and a method for introducing the deformational forces exerted on the arterial flows from the movement of the heart by borrowing concepts from cosmodynamics are presented. These additional forces have a great impact on the endothelial shear stress. Third, the fluid model is extended to not only recover Navier-Stokes hydrodynamics, but also a wider range of Knudsen numbers, which is especially important in micro- and nano-scale flows. The tradeoffs of many optimizations methods such as the use of deep halo level ghost cells that, alongside hybrid programming models, reduce the impact of such higher-order models and enable efficient modeling of extreme regimes of computational fluid dynamics are discussed. Fourth, the extension of these models to other research questions like clogging in microfluidic devices and determining the severity of co-arctation of the aorta is presented. Through this work, a validation of these methods by taking real patient data and the measured pressure value before the narrowing of the aorta and predicting the pressure drop across the co-arctation is shown. Comparison with the measured pressure drop in vivo highlights the accuracy and potential impact of such patient specific simulations. Finally, a method to enable the simulation of longer trajectories in time by discretizing both spatially and temporally is presented. In this method, a serial coarse iterator is used to initialize data at discrete time steps for a fine model that runs in parallel. This coarse solver is based on a larger time step and typically a coarser discretization in space. Iterative refinement enables the compute-intensive fine iterator to be modeled with temporal parallelization. The algorithm consists of a series of prediction-corrector iterations completing when the results have converged within a certain tolerance. Combined, these developments allow large fluid models to be simulated for longer time durations than previously possible.Engineering and Applied Science

    Computer Science & Technology Series : XVI Argentine Congress of Computer Science - Selected papers

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    CACIC’10 was the sixteenth Congress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Computer Science of the University of Moron. The Congress included 10 Workshops with 104 accepted papers, 1 main Conference, 4 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 5 courses. (http://www.cacic2010.edu.ar/). CACIC 2010 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 10 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of three chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 195 submissions. An average of 2.6 review reports were collected for each paper, for a grand total of 507 review reports that involved about 300 different reviewers. A total of 104 full papers were accepted and 20 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Language and compiler support for stream programs

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-166).Stream programs represent an important class of high-performance computations. Defined by their regular processing of sequences of data, stream programs appear most commonly in the context of audio, video, and digital signal processing, though also in networking, encryption, and other areas. Stream programs can be naturally represented as a graph of independent actors that communicate explicitly over data channels. In this work we focus on programs where the input and output rates of actors are known at compile time, enabling aggressive transformations by the compiler; this model is known as synchronous dataflow. We develop a new programming language, StreamIt, that empowers both programmers and compiler writers to leverage the unique properties of the streaming domain. StreamIt offers several new abstractions, including hierarchical single-input single-output streams, composable primitives for data reordering, and a mechanism called teleport messaging that enables precise event handling in a distributed environment. We demonstrate the feasibility of developing applications in StreamIt via a detailed characterization of our 34,000-line benchmark suite, which spans from MPEG-2 encoding/decoding to GMTI radar processing. We also present a novel dynamic analysis for migrating legacy C programs into a streaming representation. The central premise of stream programming is that it enables the compiler to perform powerful optimizations. We support this premise by presenting a suite of new transformations. We describe the first translation of stream programs into the compressed domain, enabling programs written for uncompressed data formats to automatically operate directly on compressed data formats (based on LZ77). This technique offers a median speedup of 15x on common video editing operations.(cont.) We also review other optimizations developed in the StreamIt group, including automatic parallelization (offering an 11x mean speedup on the 16-core Raw machine), optimization of linear computations (offering a 5.5x average speedup on a Pentium 4), and cache-aware scheduling (offering a 3.5x mean speedup on a StrongARM 1100). While these transformations are beyond the reach of compilers for traditional languages such as C, they become tractable given the abundant parallelism and regular communication patterns exposed by the stream programming model.by William Thies.Ph.D