36,333 research outputs found

    Judicial Review in Expedited Removal Proceedings: Applying Sims v. Apfel to Assess the Role of Issue Exhaustion

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    For noncitizens in expedited removal proceedings, obtainingjudicial review of removal orders is an uphill battle. Somebarriers to judicial review are statutory: noncitizens must firstexhaust their administrative remedies, and they may seekreview only in a federal circuit court of appeals. Other barriersare judicial—i.e., imposed by courts, not statutes.A circuit split has emerged over one of these judiciallyimposed barriers to judicial review. Some courts have held thatexpedited removal proceedings do not accommodate legalchallenges to removal. In those circuits, noncitizens preserve theopportunity for judicial review even when they do not raise alegal challenge during those proceedings. Other courts haveheld that noncitizens must contest the legal grounds for theirremoval during expedited removal proceedings. This circuitsplit has fragmented the judicial review process for expeditedremoval orders, with detrimental effect.In Sims v. Apfel, the U.S. Supreme Court provided aframework for assessing the propriety of a judicially imposedissue-exhaustion requirement. Central to the Court’s analysiswas the degree to which administrative proceedings areinquisitorial rather than adversarial. But expedited removalproceedings are neither inquisitorial nor adversarial, and theyoffer far fewer procedural protections than full removalproceedings. This Note argues that, under Sims, requiring issueexhaustion is inappropriate in appeals from expedited removalproceedings. In the absence of a statutory mandate, circuitcourts should not construct an additional barrier to judicialreview by imposing an issue-exhaustion requirement

    Important Updates to Submission Types in Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology

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    Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology Volume 2: Issue 1, Article 1, 2021. While Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology (TESK) was originally designed to fill a void in publishing applied information for practitioners in physical activity and sport, the TESK editors have determined a need to update the submission categories. The categories of Process of Science and Implementation Strategies have been retained, and three new types of submissions now will be accepted: Expedited Articles, Review Articles, and Case Studies. Process of Science submissions should seek to answer the question, “What was learned from the experience of performing the investigation?”, while Implementation Strategies should address, “How can what was carried out be explained?” Required elements for both submission types are outlined along with guidelines for conducting peer-reviews. Expedited Articles can be submitted to TESK and undergo an accelerated review by the editors. Required elements and the peer review processes are also outlined for Review Articles and Case Studies

    Protecting the Watchdog: Using the Freedom of Information Act to Preference the Press

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    The fourth estate is undergoing dramatic changes. Many newspaper reporters, already surrounded by a growing number of empty desks, are shifting their focus away from costly investigative reporting and towards amassing Twitter followers and writing the perfect “share line.” Newspapers’ budgets can no longer robustly support accountability journalism and pitching fights against the government. And so, while this busier and noisier media environment may have a desirable democratizing effect—more of us are able to participate in analyzing, debating, and perhaps even making the news—it has not succeeded in filling a role that print journalists have traditionally played well—keeping watch on the government. In order to perpetuate its historical role as watchdog, the fourth estate needs fortification. This fortification should come in the form of legal preferences for the press. Providing such preferences is not new, but it arguably has not been done in a significant way since postal subsidies were granted to newspapers in the colonial era. Today, with few exceptions, the law generally treats journalists just like any other citizens and news organizations like any other business. This article proposes a new way to preference the press—one that would not involve direct subsidies or discriminating between old media and new. Instead, it would give journalists a commodity that is fundamental to their work: information. To preference the press, this article looks to the Freedom of Information Act, the law governing when and how the executive branch discloses information to the public. While in theory the law facilitates the press’s access to vast amounts of information in the hands of the executive branch, implementation of FOIA has, since it was passed in 1966, been fraught with problems. Agencies routinely take months and even years to respond to journalists’ requests, making the process incompatible with a news cycle that is spinning ever faster. This article proposes focusing on FOIA’s expedited processing provisions to prioritize journalists’ requests over those of other requesters, expedite agency fulfillment of them, and ease the press’s ability to challenge late, incomplete, or otherwise unsatisfactory disclosures. It argues that any journalist filing a FOIA request seeking expedited processing should presumptively go to the front of the queue. At that point, there would be firm deadlines (where none exist now) for providing the journalist with the information requested. These small but significant changes to an already established provision of FOIA could help the media better serve as a watchdog at a time when that role needs protecting

    A Constitutional Case for Extending the Due Process Clause to Asylum Seekers: Revisiting the Entry Fiction After \u3ci\u3eBoumediene\u3c/i\u3e

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    In the last two decades, the U.S. Supreme Court has actively grappled with balancing the interests of immigrant detainees and the federal government in the context of prolonged immigration detention by reconciling the statutory framework with constitutional guarantees of due process. The Court has focused on how prolonged detention without an opportunity for an individualized custody determination poses a serious constitutional threat to an alien’s liberty interest. The Court’s jurisprudence has focused, however, on aliens who have effected an entry into the United States. The constitutional entitlements of nonresidents who are detained upon presenting themselves at the border have so far been excluded from this new immigration narrative and continue to be governed by a more than halfcentury-old precedent establishing the “entry fiction” and acceding to the plenary power of the Executive. This Note focuses on a discrete category of aliens, namely nonresident arriving aliens seeking asylum who are detained pursuant to section 235 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). These aliens stand on a different legal footing than other categories of aliens detained under the INA because they are subject to the entry fiction doctrine, which has manifest ramifications for not only their legal status but also the degree of constitutional protections they are entitled to. This Note discusses how developments in the extraterritorial application of the Constitution inform the entry fiction doctrine in the context of extending procedural protections to asylum seekers detained upon entry into the United States. This Note shows how the functional approach to extraterritoriality articulated in Boumediene v. Bush alters the legal landscape and affords an opportunity to extend due process protections to nonresident arriving aliens. Cognizant of the limitations imposed by the plenary power doctrine, this Note does not argue for extending the complete panoply of procedural protections to section 1225(b) detainees; instead it focuses on how a discrete remedy— bond hearings—would help alleviate the procedural deficiencies in the statutorily prescribed procedure. In so doing, this Note departs from the approach that has currently been adopted by lower courts by positing that recent Supreme Court precedent provides a very strong constitutional basis for extending procedural protections to section 1225(b) detainees, and it would be remiss to rely solely on Clark v. Martinez-inspired constitutional avoidance arguments
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