1,070 research outputs found

    Hybrid-type generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems

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    We introduce a new type of generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems with moving pointed cone. We discuss the existence results for generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems under inclusive assumptions and obtain results on the equivalence between the generalized multivalued vector complementarity problems and the generalized multivalued vector variational inequality problems.Введено новий тип узагальнених багатозначних векторних задач доповнюваностi з рухомим загостреним конусом. Розглянуто питання про iснування розв’язкiв узагальнених багатозначних векторних задач доповнюваностi при умовах включення та отримано результати щодо еквiвалентностi мiж узагальненими багатозначними векторними задачами доповнюваностi та узагальненими багатозначними векторними задачами для варiацiйних нерiвностей

    A Primal-Dual Approach of Weak Vector Equilibrium Problems

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    In this paper we provide some new sufficient conditions that ensure the existence of the solution of a weak vector equilibrium problem in Hausdorff topological vector spaces ordered by a cone. Further, we introduce a dual problem and we provide conditions that assure the solution set of the original problem and its dual coincide. We show that many known problems from the literature can be treated in our primal-dual model. We provide several coercivity conditions in order to obtain solution existence of the primal-dual problems without compactness assumption. We pay a special attention to the case when the base space is a reflexive Banach space. We apply the results obtained to perturbed vector equilibrium problems.Comment: 20 page

    Variational Principle of Bogoliubov and Generalized Mean Fields in Many-Particle Interacting Systems

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    The approach to the theory of many-particle interacting systems from a unified standpoint, based on the variational principle for free energy is reviewed. A systematic discussion is given of the approximate free energies of complex statistical systems. The analysis is centered around the variational principle of N. N. Bogoliubov for free energy in the context of its applications to various problems of statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics. The review presents a terse discussion of selected works carried out over the past few decades on the theory of many-particle interacting systems in terms of the variational inequalities. It is the purpose of this paper to discuss some of the general principles which form the mathematical background to this approach, and to establish a connection of the variational technique with other methods, such as the method of the mean (or self-consistent) field in the many-body problem, in which the effect of all the other particles on any given particle is approximated by a single averaged effect, thus reducing a many-body problem to a single-body problem. The method is illustrated by applying it to various systems of many-particle interacting systems, such as Ising and Heisenberg models, superconducting and superfluid systems, strongly correlated systems, etc. It seems likely that these technical advances in the many-body problem will be useful in suggesting new methods for treating and understanding many-particle interacting systems. This work proposes a new, general and pedagogical presentation, intended both for those who are interested in basic aspects, and for those who are interested in concrete applications.Comment: 60 pages, Refs.25

    An Inequality Approach to Approximate Solutions of Set Optimization Problems in Real Linear Spaces

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    This paper explores new notions of approximate minimality in set optimization using a set approach. We propose characterizations of several approximate minimal elements of families of sets in real linear spaces by means of general functionals, which can be unified in an inequality approach. As particular cases, we investigate the use of the prominent Tammer–Weidner nonlinear scalarizing functionals, without assuming any topology, in our context. We also derive numerical methods to obtain approximate minimal elements of families of finitely many sets by means of our obtained results

    Exegesis of Sect. III.B from “Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Continua” by E. Hellinger

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    This is our third and last exegetic essay on the fundamental review article DIE ALLGEMEINEN ANSÄTZE DER MECHANIK DER KONTINUA in the Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen, Bd. IV-4, Hft. 5 (1913) by Ernst Hellinger which contains the translation and the commentary of the remaining text starting from p. 663. The six subsections, No. 9–15, deal with the applications of the previously developed conceptual tools to formulate: an effective theory of elasticity, the dynamics of ideal fluids, models for internal friction and elastic hysteresis, a theory of capillarity, optics, the fundamental equations of electrodynamics, an introduction of the thermodynamical foundations and the relationship between the theory of continua and the theory of relativity. Hellinger refers to relevant literature while consolidating in an effective way the contemporary knowledge in 1913. Considering notational differences as being irrelevant for the characterization of the presented scientific content, Hellinger's article shows that an effective compendium of a large part of the insights given in Truesdell and Toupin and Truesdell and Noll has already been available in 1913. We include in this paper an assessment of the different roles played by pioneers, who are innovating their scientific discipline, and by erudite scholars whose role consists in re-ordering existent knowledge and advertising to a wider audience the most important technical results already obtained in a given discipline