229 research outputs found

    Examining the Influencing Factors of Cross-Project Knowledge Transfer: An Empirical Study of IT Service Firms

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    Despite the significance of knowledge transfer in IT service industry, our understanding of knowledge transfer between projects remains limited. Different from the existing studies mainly examining knowledge transfer at organizational level or at individual level within the same project team, this study examines the factors that influence cross-project knowledge transfer in IT service firms. Based on the process logic of knowledge transfer, we develop an integrated theoretical model that posits that cross-project knowledge transfer is influenced by knowledge, transfer activities, project teams’ transfer capabilities, project team context and project task context. We use the recipient IT project implementation performance to measure the effectiveness of cross-project knowledge transfer. Results of the preliminary test show that the designed questionnaires have scalability for the latent constructs, and the theoretical model has its rationality to some extent. To fully assess our proposed research model, we will collect large data set and perform a complete data analysis to test our model. Our study contributes to existing research by focusing on cross-project knowledge transfer and empirically investigating the performance effect of project-related factors. Results of the study will have important implications for IT practitioners

    Exploring the Role of Dynamic Capabilities of Information System Development Project Teams

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    The increasingly dynamic external environment serves as one risk factor which undermines information system development (ISD) project performance. This highlights the importance of ISD teams having certain capabilities to respond to the external variations. In this study, we proposed that ISD teams can better react to external changes and achieve goals if they have sufficient dynamic capabilities: a combination of market/environment orientation, absorptive capacity, coordination capability and collective mind. We also proposed that a team has stronger dynamic capabilities when team members possess complementary expertise and know the expertise and tasks of others. In addition, after examining the moderating effect of knowing the expertise and tasks of others on the relationship between complementary expertise and team dynamic capabilities, we found that complementary expertise can substitute for knowing the location of expertise and complements knowing the tasks of others. Based on the results, implications for academia and practitioners are also provided

    An Exploration into the Process of Requirements Elicitation: A Grounded Approach

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    Requirements elicitation (RE) is a critical phase in information systems development (ISD), having significant impacts on software quality and costs. While it has remained a key topic of interest for IS researchers, a review of the existing literature suggests that there are very few studies examining how the social process associated with RE unfolds. Prior literature acknowledges that this process involves collaboration between RE participants (e.g., user-reps and systems analysts) where knowledge regarding the system requirements is shared, absorbed, and co-constructed, such that shared mental models of the requirements can form. However, collaboration and knowledge sharing within the RE process has been characterized as tenuous in the literature, given that the groups of RE participants bring very different kinds of knowledge into this activity, and trust among the two parties cannot be guaranteed at any point. Despite acknowledgement of the tenuous nature of RE, we are not aware of research that has attempted to present an integrated view of how collaboration, knowledge transfer, and trust influence the RE process. Using data from two different organizations and adopting a grounded approach, this study presents an integrative process model of RE. The study’s findings suggest that RE is composed of four different collaborative states. The study elaborates on the four states, and identifies important factors that tend to trigger transitions from one state to another

    A framework for transferring software project management approaches into the Thai telecommunications industry

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    Heute gehört die Telekommunikation noch immer zu den sich am schnellsten entwickelnden und am hĂ€rtesten umkĂ€mpften MĂ€rkten sowie zu einer der weltweit am schnellsten wachsenden Technologiegebiete. Diese Dissertation konzentriert sich auf die thailĂ€ndische Telekommuniktionsindustrie als Studienobjekt. Bei der Betrachtung der gegenwĂ€rtigen Situation der Software Entwicklung in diesem Industriezweig, stĂŒtzen wir uns auf Interviews mit Hauseigenen und externen Software Entwicklungsteams von zwei der grĂ¶ĂŸten Breitband Internet Service Anbietern (Internet Service Providers (ISPs)) in Bangkok, Thailand (ISP1 and ISP2), aus den Monaten MĂ€rz und April 2009. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß viele typische Probleme (z.b. das Fehlen einer guten Nutzereinbindung, das Fehlen von Teamarbeit, fehlende Ausbildung, fehlendes Engagement des Managements, fehlende Kompetenz des Projektmanagements, fehlender Wissensaustausch usw.) wĂ€hrend des Lebenszyklus des Software Entwicklungsprozesses noch ansteigen. Diese Probleme fĂŒhren zu deutlich unbefriedigenden Ergebnissen in der QualitĂ€t. Diese Situation der Software Entwicklung zeigt, daß es einen Bedarf an effizienten und effektiven Entwicklungsprozessen gibt, sowie Bedarf an unterstĂŒtzenden Wissenstransfer. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation war es daher, nach praktikablen Lösungen zu suchen, um die Leistung der Software Entwicklung zu verbessern. Mit Schwerpunkt auf Projektmanagement und Software Entwicklungsprozesse sind geschickte Methoden (z.b. adaptive Software Entwicklung, extreme programming und Scrum) in vielen GeschĂ€ftsfeldern weit verbreitet, da sie einen effektiven Software Entwicklungsprozess bieten um diese typischen Probleme zu ĂŒberwinden. Dennoch bieten sie nur begrenzte UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr das Projektmanagement (z.b. fĂŒr Outsourcing und Sicherstellung hoher QualitĂ€t) welches das RĂŒckgrat effizienter Software Entwicklung darstellt. DarĂŒber hinaus beschĂ€ftigen sie sich damit „wie“ aber nicht „welche“ Software Entwicklungsprozesse implementiert werden sollten. Nur das „wie“ kann nicht garantieren, dass Software-QualitĂ€t geliefert wird. Zur Überwindung dieser Probleme schlĂ€gt diese Dissertation ein System zur Entwicklung und stĂ€ndigen Verbesserung des Softwareprozesses vor. Dieses System besteht aus zwei Kernkomponenten. Einem Modell zur Ausreifung der Software Entwicklung um das „was“ zu klĂ€ren, zur Verbesserung mit einem Software Process Assessment-Mechanismus und einem integrierten PMBOK-Scrum Model zur KlĂ€rung des „wie“, eine umfassenden Reihe von Projekt-Management und Software-Entwicklungsprozessen zu implementieren. Um die Anwendung dieses Systems zu unterstĂŒtzen, wird ein Prototyp-Tool eingefĂŒhrt. Es wurde als web-basierte Anwendung entwickelt unter Ausnutzung von Java und einer MySQL Datenbank. Es ist wichtig, zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, ob das Systems und das Tool in realen Software Projekten praktikabel sind. Daher zeigt diese Dissertation die Implementierung und Ergebnisse im Verlauf von zwei Studien der thailĂ€ndischen Telekommunikations Industrie (der CAT Telecom Public Company Limited und der TOT Public Company Limited) von November 2010 bis Februar 2011. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte durch Vor-Ort-Beobachtungen, Einzelinterviews und Fragebögen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen das generieren positiver Effekte durch (i) Steigerung der Software-Entwicklung in Bezug auf Effizienz (z. B. Erhöhung der ArbeitsproduktivitĂ€t) und EffektivitĂ€t (z. B. getane Arbeit, deren ÜberprĂŒfung und Bewertung, Verringerung der Fehlerquote und Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit und Team-Zufriedenheit) und (ii) Förderung einer Kultur von Teamwork, Zusammenarbeit, regelmĂ€ĂŸiger informeller Kommunikation und Wissensaustausch. Wenn man sich auf den Prozess des Wissensaustausch konzentriert, besteht ein Software Projekt aus wissensintensiven AktivitĂ€ten deren Implementierung Stakeholder Kenntnisse und Erfahrung erfordert, sowie die LernfĂ€higkeit und die FĂ€higkeit Wissen anzuwenden um die Probleme zu lösen, die wĂ€hrend der Software Entwicklung entstehen. Wissenstransfer selbst hat seine Komponenten und kann auf verschiedene Weisen betrachtet werden (z. B. Prozess basiert, auf die Vorgeschichte basierend und auf die Komponenten basierend). Zwar wurden viele Wissenstransfer Modelle und Studien im Bereich der Softwareentwicklung vorgeschlagen und stehen zur VerfĂŒgung um zu lernen; aber sie haben weder einen Schwerpunkt auf die gemeinsamen Komponenten des Wissenstransfer noch liefern sie eine eindeutige und umfassende Beschreibungen oder Darstellung der Beziehungen zwischen diesen Komponenten in einem Wissenstransfer Prozess. Diejenigen, die dazu Anleiten, wie ein Wissenstransfer zu realisieren ist, sind ebenfalls rar. Daher schlĂ€gt diese Dissertation ein System zum Wissenstransfer vor (Probleme, Faktoren, Wissen, Mechanismen, Anwendung von Wissen und Ergebnisse). Sie bietet Orientierungshilfen fĂŒr die Planung von Wissenstransfer AktivitĂ€ten, und den effektiven Wissenstransfer zwischen den Mitgliedern des Software Entwicklungsteams. Aus ZeitgrĂŒnden konnte die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und FunktionalitĂ€t des Wissenstransfer Systems leider nicht in der realen Praxis getestet werden. Allerdings zeigt diese Dissertation die Anwendung des Systems mit unserern vorherigen zwei Fallstudien als Basis. Die Demonstrationsbeschreibung ist in zwei Teile unterteilt. Der erste Teil beschreibt, wie der Autor Wissen auf das Teams der Fallstudie ĂŒbertragt, daher ist der Fokus auf die eigentliche ĂŒbertragenen Ergebnisse gerichtet. Der zweite Teil beschreibt, wie die Team-Mitglieder der Fallstudie Wissen innerhalb des Teams ĂŒbertragen. Daher ist der Fokus darauf gerichtet, wie das System an die reale Software-Entwicklung der Praxis angepasst werden kann. Wenn gleich dieses System noch nicht versprechen kann zur EffektivitĂ€t des Wissenstransfers in der Software Entwicklung beizutragen, so zeigen die Ergebnisse der Demonstration ein hohes Maß an KompatibilitĂ€t mit Scrum-oriented software development. Dies impliziert, dass es eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit gibt, dass das System in realen Software Projekten also praktikabel erweist. Da ein effizienter und effektiver Software-Entwicklungsprozesse und ein Wissenstransfer-Prozess fĂŒr qualitative Software Entwicklung nötigt sind, enthĂ€lt diese Dissertation das software process maintenance framework und knowledge transfer framwork in einem ĂŒbergeordneten System, ein System zur Übertragung von Software Projektmanagement in die thailĂ€ndische Telekommunikationsindustrie. Aufgrund unserer zeitlichen BeschrĂ€nkungen wie oben erwĂ€hnt, zeigt diese Dissertation, wie man das ĂŒbergeordnete System in Software Projekten anwendet, wieder mit unseren vorherigen zwei Fallstudien als Basis. Die Ergebnisse der Demonstration zeigen eine große Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das System in realen Software Projekten anwendbar ist. In diesem Stadium verspricht das ĂŒbergeordnete System eine teilweise Verbesserung der Software-Entwicklungsleistung, als Ergebnis des software process maintenance framework. Wir hoffen in Zukunft mehr Fallstudien durchfĂŒhren zu können, um mehr Sicherheit beim Nutzen und der FunktionalitĂ€t des ĂŒbergeordneten Systems und seiner Komponenten zu gewinnen. Am Ende dieser Dissertation sind theoretische BeitrĂ€ge, Implikationen fĂŒr die zukĂŒnftige Forschung, Implikationen fĂŒr die Praxis, die Begrenzungen dieser Studie und Empfehlungen fĂŒr die kĂŒnftige Arbeit beschrieben. Weitere Praxistests des hier entwickelten Systems werden von der Autorin nach der RĂŒckkehr nach Thailand durchgefĂŒhrt, bevor die Arbeit schließlich an Partnern aus der Industrie ĂŒbergeben wird.This dissertation focuses on the Thai telecommunications industry, which still is one of the fastest-evolving and most competitive markets and also one of the fastest-growing technology areas, as a case study. Looking at the current situation of software development in this industry, we use the findings of interviews with in-house and outsourcing software development teams working for two of the largest broadband Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Bangkok, Thailand (named ISP1 and ISP2) during March and April 2009. The findings reveal that many of the typical problems (e.g., a lack of good user participation, a lack of teamwork, a lack of training support, a lack of management commitment, a lack of project management competence, a lack of knowledge transfer, and so forth) are still arising throughout the software development lifecycle. These problems result in a significant level of unsatisfactory quality results. This software development situation emphasizes that there is a need for more efficient and effective software development processes and a supporting knowledge transfer process. This dissertation consequently aims at providing a methodologically sound approach that leads to a practically feasible solution resulting in improved software development performance. Focusing on project management and software development processes, agile methods (e.g., Adaptive Software Development, eXtreme Programming, and Scrum) are widely used in many business environments, as they provide an effective software development process to tackle many of the typical problems. Nevertheless, they offer limited support for project management (e.g., for outsourcing and high quality assurance) which is the backbone for cost-efficient software development. Furthermore, they generally deal with “how”, but not much with “what” software development processes should be implemented. Concentrating on only “how” cannot guarantee that software quality will be delivered. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a software process maintenance framework which in this context means a framework for software process development and improvement to overcome these shortcomings. The framework consists of two core components: a software development maturity model providing the “what” to improve with a software process assessment mechanism and an integrated PMBOK-Scrum model providing the “how” to implement with a comprehensive set of project management and software development processes. To support the application of the framework, a prototype tool is then introduced. It was created as a Web-based application, using the Java programming language and a MySQL database. It is important to perform a feasibility check on whether the framework and the tool are practical in real-life software projects. Hence, this dissertation demonstrates their implementation and results through two case studies in the Thai telecommunications industry (i.e., CAT Telecom Public Company Limited and TOT Public Company Limited) from November 2010 to February 2011. The data collection was carried out through on-site observations, individual interviews, and questionnaires. The findings indicate the generation of positive effects by (i) increasing software development performance in terms of efficiency (e.g., increasing work completeness and work productivity) and effectiveness (e.g., reducing defects and increasing customer and team satisfaction); and (ii) cultivating teamwork, collaboration, informal and frequent communications, and a knowledge sharing culture. Focusing on a knowledge transfer process, a software project consists of knowledge-intensive activities and its implementation requires stakeholders’ expertise and experience, transferability, and the absorptive capacity to learn and apply knowledge to solve problems occurring during software development. The knowledge transfer itself has its components and can be viewed in different ways (e.g., process base, antecedent base, and component base). Although many knowledge transfer models and studies in software development have been proposed, and are available to learn from; they neither put an emphasis on a knowledge transfer’s common components, nor do they clearly provide comprehensive descriptions or relationships between those components in a knowledge transfer process. The ones offering guidance on how to drive knowledge transfer into action are also scarce. Consequently, this dissertation proposes a knowledge transfer framework. It aims at covering common components (i.e., problems, antecedents, knowledge, mechanisms, knowledge application, and outcomes); providing guidance for planning knowledge transfer activities; and contributing to an effective knowledge transfer amongst software development team members. Unfortunately, owing to time limitations of this study, the usability and practicality of the knowledge transfer framework could not be tested in real-life practice. However, this dissertation demonstrates the application of the framework, using our two prior case studies as a base. The demonstration descriptions are categorized into two parts. The first part describes how the author transferred knowledge to the case study teams; therefore, its focus is on the actual transfer results. The second part describes how the case study team members can transfer knowledge within their teams; hence, its focus is on how the framework can be applied in real-life software development practice. Although the framework cannot yet promise to contribute to knowledge transfer effectiveness in software development, the results of the demonstration show a high degree of compatibility with Scrum-oriented software development. Moreover, the framework was designed and constructed based on the positive results of the case studies in Chapter 5. This implies that there is a great likelihood that the framework is practical in real-life software projects. As efficient and effective software development processes and a knowledge transfer process are required for quality software development, this dissertation incorporates the software process maintenance framework and the knowledge transfer framework into an umbrella framework. This is a framework for transferring novel software project management concepts into the Thai telecommunications industry. Owing to our time limitations as aforementioned, this dissertation demonstrates how to apply the umbrella framework in software projects; using our prior two case studies as a base again. The results of the demonstration show a great probability that the framework is practical in real-life software projects. At this stage, the umbrella framework partly promises an improvement of software development performance, as a result of the software process maintenance framework. In the future, we hope to carry out more case studies in order to raise more confidence in the usability and practicality of the umbrella framework. At the end of this dissertation, theoretical contributions, implications for future research design, implications for practice, limitations of this study, and recommendations for future work are described. Additional practical tests of the developed frameworks will be carried out by the author after returning to Thailand, before finally handing them over to industry partners

    The discursive constitution of software development

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    The successful development of software continues to be of central interest, both as an academic topic and in professional practice. Consequently, several software development approaches and methodologies have been developed and promoted over the past decades. However, despite the attention given to the subject and the methodical support available, software development and how it should be practiced continue to be controversial. This thesis examines how beliefs about software development come to be socially established as legitimate, and how they come to constitute software development practices in an organization. It is argued that the emergence of a dominant way of conceiving of and practicing software development is the outcome of power relations that permeate the discursive practices of organizational actors. The theoretical framework of this study is guided by Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic violence and organizational discourse theory. As a research method, ethnographic research techniques are utilized as part of a case study to gain deep insights into the standardization of software development practices. The research site is the IT division of a large financial services organization and is composed of ten units distributed across eight countries. The tumultuous development of a knowledge management programme intended to institutionalize a standard software development process across the organization’s units provides the case for this research. This thesis answers the call for studies providing detailed accounts of the sociopolitical process by which technically oriented practices are transferred and standardized within organizations. It is submitted that a discourse theoretical approach informed by Bourdieu’s thinking enables us to conceptualize this process in a more meaningful, and theoretically rigorous, manner. In providing this theoretical approach, the thesis seeks to contribute to current research on technology and innovation management, and to offer guidance on some issues concerning the management of the software development process

    Towards a model of information behaviour of a information provider: a mixed methods study.

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    Not much is not known about the totality of information behaviours of information providers from among the plethora of library and information science literature. This research aims to describe, categorise and devise a representation of information workers experiences as they engage in information behaviours in a health information provider organisation in Scotland. The organisation is a typical example of an information services provider where decision makers constantly strive to improve the quality of their information outputs by attempting to understand the information behaviours of their employees and respond to changes in the external information environment. A model of information behaviour becomes a useful tool for understanding what goes on within the information provider organisation. With pragmatism as its philosophical tether, the qualitatively-driven sequential mixed methods study uses critical incident interviewing within Heideggerian phenomenology and then a questionnaire survey to capture value-adding information behaviours, feeling states as outcomes of information behaviour, and perceptions of internal impact of information behaviour. The research subjects are invited to participate in a respondent validation workshop where a model of provider information behaviour is co-created. The findings reveal 3 core information behaviour types (information acquisition behaviour, information production behaviour and information dissemination behaviour) and 2 associated information behaviour types (multitasking and collaborative information behaviours) in a non-linear relationship. Several positive and negative feelings are identified together with information workers perceptions of how their information behaviours impact on the internal information environment of their organisation. The core and associated information behaviours are further categorised and their subtypes are validated on returning to the research participants. Recommendations for practice and further research include introducing Web 2.0 technologies in the provider organisation to enhance information dissemination, reviewing the value of some information activities in the provider organisation, investigating the mechanism of the information behaviour trigger, and further research on the role of feelings and individual characteristics before and after information interactions. The findings provide insights of information interactions of an information provider that make a significant contribution to LIS knowledge

    State of the art 2015: a literature review of social media intelligence capabilities for counter-terrorism

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    Overview This paper is a review of how information and insight can be drawn from open social media sources. It focuses on the specific research techniques that have emerged, the capabilities they provide, the possible insights they offer, and the ethical and legal questions they raise. These techniques are considered relevant and valuable in so far as they can help to maintain public safety by preventing terrorism, preparing for it, protecting the public from it and pursuing its perpetrators. The report also considers how far this can be achieved against the backdrop of radically changing technology and public attitudes towards surveillance. This is an updated version of a 2013 report paper on the same subject, State of the Art. Since 2013, there have been significant changes in social media, how it is used by terrorist groups, and the methods being developed to make sense of it.  The paper is structured as follows: Part 1 is an overview of social media use, focused on how it is used by groups of interest to those involved in counter-terrorism. This includes new sections on trends of social media platforms; and a new section on Islamic State (IS). Part 2 provides an introduction to the key approaches of social media intelligence (henceforth ‘SOCMINT’) for counter-terrorism. Part 3 sets out a series of SOCMINT techniques. For each technique a series of capabilities and insights are considered, the validity and reliability of the method is considered, and how they might be applied to counter-terrorism work explored. Part 4 outlines a number of important legal, ethical and practical considerations when undertaking SOCMINT work
